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US: It looks like the U.S. is in it's last stages.

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posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 08:30 AM
when you reach a point where a simple, honest person has no chance of being elected to presidency or government seats, you might as well pray for a revolution or worse.

we have already lost our freedom over ourselves. when the ruling class can flip the switch at any time and crash the economy, we are only free because they allow us to be.

so, alas, it is already over, and it is in the end stages. however, they are anticipating a revolt when TSHTF and plan to artificially create the revolt so they can maintain control over it. classic conspiracy theorist stuff, create a problem, so you can create the solution.

our democracy is on its last legs, and its quite obvious for anyone with a tv or radio. moral corruption and loss of quality is rampant in government, media programming, school systems, parenting, pretty much all of the above. we even have the "UFC" to mirror the gladiators of rome.

if you are smart, you will be looking forward to the destruction of this craphole, so that we can rebuild it again into something better. nobody wants to deal with the transition, but after all, it would make us all historic in our own way.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 08:37 AM

Well... Although I agree with the Scotsman's breakdown, I disagree that it will matter whether "illegals" are allowed to vote. I also know PLENTY of wage slaves, paying their taxes and being "good citizens" that voted Democrat.
reply to post by Amaterasu
Maybe the above statement is true because the common man is beginning to see that Republicans have sold their soul to the large corporations which have been running this country for "profit" vs the good of the people.

Hopefully with a democratic president the almost 50 million people without healthcare will be able to get medical care.

The millions of people who are now without jobs (because Bush gave tax incentives to large corporations to take American jobs off American soil) will get some kind of job or relief

Our corrupt banking system (which is tied in with oil / Bush Family) may eventually be regulated and thus held accountable.

The war our country was lied and manipulated into and costing us trillions may end.

Bush has started to discuss "closing our borders" but the cow has already gotten out of the barn and it's a little late to close the barn door now. This is a action that should have been initiated eight years ago and not now.

It's time for a BIG CHANGE one of which is for Americans to stop being so apathetic and start to really educate themselves as to what in the sam hell is going on.

Most American's do not read political books, do not watch the Senate / Congressional Channels and do not research on the internet how their elected officials are voting.

They also do not e-mail, write or call their elected officials on important issues.

They simply "vote the same way they always vote", watch CNN or Fox and skim the daily paper (which is owned by the upper 1% elite rich).

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness cannot live long with Apathy, stupidity and greed.

Our government no longer works for the people and by the people. Our government sold out to the highest bidder and that bidder is the large corporations thoughout America.

The problem is the immigrants allowed to flock over here in hugh numbers provide the large corporations with cheap labor.

Almost all of our government officials in Washington have received monies/gifts from the large corporations in exchange for voting in laws that benefit the large corporations vs the common man.

Americans voted for two terms straight a president that had known ties with some of the largest oil and livestock companies in the world. Who did they think he would protect and take care of?

[edit on 19-11-2008 by ofhumandescent]

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 08:51 AM
Maybe democracy is at an end but it doesnt mean that the US is at an end. We never really had a democracy in the first place. We like our own unique government.

It took a lot of courage for some pilgrims to come here on little boats, start from scratch in a place they have never seen before. Face famine, disease, predators. That is not an easy thing to do. Then there is the subsequent exploration. Louis and clark, going west, the gold strikes.

That kind of tenacity has carried Americans through thick and thin. While many countries have had similar beginnings, none have been a people so bent on starting anew and in the way they want, not what someone else wants.

This isn't the first time America has faced war and a lapsing economy. It certainly doesn't mean the end, or we would of been gone a long time ago.

In our short little stint here on Earth we have been through a multitude of wars, civil war, severe depressions, civil rights movements. Heck, we even survivied the sixties.

But we have managed to always come out on top.

Americans voting in Barack Obama is sending a clear message, enough already, we want something different. We want something new. Enough of politics as usual. How is that apathetic? We have voted in a former Muslim while in a war with the middle east. How many countries have done that?

Enough of the sky is falling already!

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by jam321

I think if you just go back a little in time we did not reside here and we took this land from the mexicans and indians. Yeah but we have thanksgiving when the settlers had a nice dinner with the indians and then killed them. That sounds bad don't believe it deep down humans are good and caring.

I think most americans mistake being great consumers with great people. In my forty years here I have traveled to most of europe and asia and people are the same everywhere you go, Americans have have sold a lie that things on our patch of dirt are better because you can buy more things.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 08:54 AM
reply to post by Pamie

I knew this sounded more like Republican propaganda than prophecy.

Thanks for clearing this up for us all.

That being said, I do believe we as a nation, at least in terms of government control, are somewhere between complacency and apathy. Just go to your local Cracker Barrel or Wal-Mart and you will see many dozens of people blissfully unaware of the global issues facing us all.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by Ameneter

While cities are great cultural centers, we have to remember that they promote events of culture that have been PUBLISHED. A vast array of art and culture exists in small communities and the rural areas of the world that has not been recognized by the masses in a major metropolitan center. There are without a doubt millions of undiscovered or unpublished works of art that have yet to be discovered by the masses of a metropolitan center.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 11:02 AM
The US is not and never was a democracy, the US was created as a federalist constitutional republic though now it is more like a constitutional republic.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

you just need to watch a little
video on Aztlan Amigo !

They believe that the SW United states is theirs, and they plan to
take it back.

La Raza is a big joke. They will never take anything back.

As for the hospitals closing, were illegal aliens the prime reason or just the excuse the hospitals used. You act as though regular Americans don't take advantage of the hospitals. The credit bureau is full of Americans who failed to pay their bill for reason or another. Sometimes I even refuse because I feel the hospital has already ripped off my insurance company.

As for schools, hard to blame the illegals when you have waste all over the place. Is it really necessary to buy new books every few years? Is it really necessary to have state of the art buildings and football stadiums? Is it really necessary to pay a coach 3 or 4 times the money a regular teacher gets just to put a W in the win column?

Our problems are abundant across the board and will continue to be until our legislators start addressing the issues. They have failed to do so as of yet.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by slimpickens93

But in response to my e-mail, Olson said the “research” was attributed to him erroneously. He said it came from a Sheriff Jay Printz in Montana.

Sheriff Printz is quite a fellow. I met him once and spoke with him for a bit. I instantly liked him and at the same time feared him.

He is well known for this-


On December 3, 1996, Stephen P. Halbrook argued in the Supreme Court of the United States on behalf of Sheriff Jay Printz, who challenged the unfunded federal mandate that the States must administer the Brady Act. The Court ruled in favor of Sheriff Printz, ruling that Congress may not require the States to administer a federal regulatory program and that the Act violated the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Militia members also went to the home of the local federal marshal in Darby, MT. Both sides knew how close to the edge they were. A militia statement in response to the incident read, "Only by exposing these despotic, degenerate maggots to the general public will we be able to live in America without having the New World Order shoved down our throats." Responded Ravalli Sheriff Jay Printz, "They're forcing bad to happen. They're really trying to force it."

Mr Greenup faces several state charges, including harbouring his two sons, who are also wanted men. So far officials have only managed to impound his animals - 10 elk - but have refrained from seizing him. "We will get him, but it will be at my pace," the local sheriff, Jay Printz, said.l "I don't think its worth getting anyone killed - including him."

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by ReelView

I don't consider this true honestly.. Our founding fathers were true honest men. Maybe they were pawns, but some of their quotes seems to warn against what has become of us. I don't things turned to facism until 1913 when the federal reserve act was implemented..

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 04:16 PM
democrats are mostly in cities, where population is more dense. because of this density, more government services are needed, because lack of land for each individual requires him to be more dependent on others. a greater degree of trust is needed for the greater density of people per mile. if violence erupts out of the basic lack of trust in a small group of people in a highly dense setting, the effects are magnified among the others. if a farmer shoots another farmer dead on farms that only have a couple of people per square mile, the overall effect on the rest of the spread out population is not that great. sorry...but this is simple anthropology 101, not god vs.devil, bad democrats in cities, and good republicans out on the prairie, virtueous people of the midwest vs. evil yankees of northeast. this is why the OP is wrong in his assumption

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 08:39 PM
topic creator, you are 100% right in that whole thing and it is EXTREMELY scary. illegal immigrants MUST NOT be made legal. 20 million is a disgusting number. It is a fact that mexicans vote heavily democrat. you can say good bye to the 2 party system if this occurs which is why i was so surprised republicans such as mccain wanted amnesty. it would create a democrat liberal dictatorship

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by Swatman

Yeah, I had been following McCain for the last 5 years specifically for his stance on illegal immigration. He is a border state senator and I live next door. They (Arizona) have a great sheriff there in Joe Arpaio but McCain's stance has been unacceptable. I had already decided that he could not lead the Republicans. A year or so later....he's the nominee.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 07:11 PM
The Romans had a republic. And itworked for a while. They achieved a high level of technology at the time. They were unequaled in military might, law and culture.

In the end it all failed as the Greeks failed and the Persian and the Babilonians and the Chinese as did the more recent British Empire. America will too.

It is the way of things. Those who thinks not remember that "Pride comes before the fall" All empires think they will last forever. They do not. Perhaps it is for the best. I do not know, maybe we need a change. I am tired of the coca cola culture and I am sick to death of gang culture that has seemed to spread across the world.

Let those who are worthy lead and let failed leaders fall. For we owe them nothing.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 07:43 PM
How do you know Snopes isn't run by the propagandist globalists?


posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 02:51 AM
The Big crash comes in late spring.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by Rollinster
reply to post by Swatman

Yeah, I had been following McCain for the last 5 years specifically for his stance on illegal immigration. He is a border state senator and I live next door. They (Arizona) have a great sheriff there in Joe Arpaio but McCain's stance has been unacceptable. I had already decided that he could not lead the Republicans. A year or so later....he's the nominee.

im in AZ., and sheriff joe is a great defender of America

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 11:59 AM
Too reply to all the people who say they have debunked this. I for one only posted it because I received this as an e-mail. I believed it to be quite interesting so yes I posted with my thoughts. Thank you for finding that out though. Food for thought, although it may not all be true, you must look for the truth in every aspect. These are plainly seen in our American society today. Regardless of whether the last number has become a fact. We as Americans. (Not us ATS folk.) Have become apathetic to everything around them. Please do not try and ruin my credibility by saying this is a hoax. Although I am glad someone pointed it out. Pick apart what you want from this. Isn't that what ATS is for?


posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 06:36 AM

Originally posted by jam321
Sounds like another illegal alien scare tactic.

Amazing how 20 million illegals can do more damage to our nation than the 300 million that reside here legally. If you want to buy the hype, go for it. Last time I checked, illegals weren't the ones giving away 700 billion dollars to any failing company that wanted it. Our problems have been around for a long time and our government chose to pretend that the problems would fix theselves.How many elections have we been through were we have heard promises to fix things that were also promises in previous elections. Social security, infrastructure, energy, defense spending, pork barrel, government waste, medicaid, medicare, and the list goes on and on. It is like a repeating cycle. Once and for all, face the issue and find the best solution possible. Nobody will ever be in agreement with the solution, but we as a nation will learn to deal with it one way or the other.

It's hard to face the issues and come up with a workable solution because there aren't enough people to play ball, people in this country are so ignorant that they think they will be safe forever. Plus it doesn't help when anyone who has tried to push the envelope and fix majot probs gets stonewalled at every corner by excuses and politics at their finest. It will be up to teh new generation to fix tings seeing as how the current one has screwed it up so bad.

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