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Originally posted by The Nighthawk
Originally posted by die_another_day
The real drawback of socialism is simply this concept of "equality" which does not exist in reality.
But it can. America's founding is based on this very principle. We just have to want it hard enough to make it happen.
Originally posted by The Nighthawk
I AM a Socialist.
First, for those of you who whine about not wanting people to "get lazy" and rely on "The Government" for everything, and still, STILL, complain about taxes (Legal and Constitutional--See the 16th Amendment and don't give me your "never ratified" garbage either, a cursory glance at Wikipedia proves this is not so), remember that this is the United States of America and our nation is, at its core, based on the Democratic principle of Government For, Of and By the People. Taxes are your DUTY as a Citizen to pay, because as a Citizen, you benefit from what the Government provides (or is supposed to provide).
Second, Socialist policies can SAVE this country.
That's what group plans and networks are all about--insurance companies "socializing" the costs of doing business throughout their customer base, while your employer "socializes" his healthcare costs by spreading it among all his employees (by getting as many as possible into Plan X so that he gets a discount package).
If we switch over to a universal health care system that's a gigantic load off the backs of American businesses. Employers who spend millions or more on employee health care plans would be free of that cost.
Originally posted by The Nighthawk
And, considering how much policies cost these days (my wife and I were looking because her coverage at work is being downgraded to an "HSA" by her employer to save money--care for both of us would approximately cost 45-50% of our combined annual income for coverage roughly equal to her old insurance…
Everybody wins except the corporate vampires who feed off the current (and obscene) for-profit healthcare system we have today. What a concept!
Best part is it doesn't even require higher taxes for the vast majority of Americans... It's corporate welfare at its most insane.
The beast will starve, and then they'll be begging for bailouts just like all the rest of Corporate America…
The Socialist Revolution WILL happen, either by force of law or by force of arms. I for one would prefer the former, because the latter creates a period of chaos where dictators can take control and make the worst nightmares of paranoid reactionaries a reality.
Socialism is a logical, natural progression for civilization to make.
It's about the true promise of America--that we really are all in this together, and we stand or fall as one. People who can't get that through their heads need to wake up to reality.
And the funny thing is, if it goes off right, I'll bet within a few years even the nay-sayers will realize just how good it can be.
And then the United States of America will finally begin to live up to the promise of its foundation.
Originally posted by toochaos4u
In our town there is also a man whom goes by "Crazy Bob".
Originally posted by jimmyx
reply to post by Solarskye
the very government you condemn, and the use of taxpayer money is what helped create this very internet your able to communicate on. the phones you speak to friends and loved ones was helped by taxpayer money. the drugs that are developed are a by-product of government financed research. i could go on, but you get the idea. capitalism could not function if the wealthy had to assume ALL, and i mean ALL the risks. that's why corporations were formed back in the 1600's, because wealthy people were too greedy and arrogant to control themselves, and it resulted in their own massive bankruptcies.
So the people who can't afford to pay into such a system in good times, let alone put food on the table, would then receive nothing in bad times.
You need to take economy 101, because you don't seem to understand that money has to come in before you can spend it.
Unless the system is paid into by everyone and everyone then get's the same rights to receive in bad times, the system won't work. It's like any other kind of insurance, where the system works as long as someone is still paying into the system.
Originally posted by pepsi78
For example I would be against giving money to people that can work but do not work at all because they just don't feel like working,
Originally posted by NettleTea
Response Part 1
Thank you for telling us where you are coming from.
This is a pretty harsh tone to take. I don’t believe that there is anything wrong with paying taxes.
There are certain government responsibilities that taxpayers should be responsible for. National defense, judicial systems, and the like are examples at the Federal level. Roads, first responders, and the like are examples at the State level.
The problem is that most people get frustrated when their tax dollars are spent on Unconstitutional and backwards Federal agencies and services.
This remains to be seen.
I disagree on a few points. One, private companies paying for the healthcare costs of their employees is not the same as the Federal Government using the wealth of every taxpayer to provide for a state healthcare service.
Two, I hardly believe that a state run healthcare system would put your health before finances. Take a look at the current social service programs already going on in this nation and you will see that these government run programs are not out for the benefit of the people (public housing as an example).
The problem here is that you are not taking into account the increased taxes on business and individuals to pay for this universal healthcare system. Just because you take a burden from one area does not mean you don’t have to reapply it somewhere else.
Originally posted by The Nighthawk
No, actually all of these things receive federal funds, and they have to, because the States and municipalities (mostly) don't have enough revenue-generating ability to do so on their own. See, one of the dirty little secrets is, you're gonna pay for it one way or another. Unless you're lucky enough to live in a state with no income tax, whatever you think you'd save in Federal taxes by leaving these things entirely to the States would just be eaten up with higher State income taxes to make up the difference. All of this has to be paid for one way or another.
For example, Education.
Were education properly funded directly by the Federal government, with money equally divided amongst ALL schools in the US regardless of demographic makeup, the quality of education would be comparable across the board.
However, it is NOT. Not by a long shot. Because federal education funding has been steadily cut back again and again, and hampered by the ridiculous NCLB Act, the States and municipalities have had to increase taxes (primarily Property Taxes) to make up the difference and ensure they have something approaching adequate education funding.
Wanna talk unfair taxes? Property tax is as unfair as it gets (its very existence negates the entire concept of "property ownership" through its implication that you only rent your property from the Government). Slight increase in Federal income tax (or elimination of some pointless "defense" contracts)= lowering or elimination of Property Taxes, and you now actually, really, truly own your home. I'll take that deal!
Originally posted by The Nighthawk
These programs you mention are ineffective precisely because they have been deliberately broken. Right-wing pawns of the Elite have run a campaign spanning generations to destroy these programs--with one important result that many people no longer belive the Federal Government can be effective.
I see you fell for it.
Fund these programs properly. Place qualified experts in positions to run them with real plans, rather than stacking them with political crony appointments. Stop outsourcing services to private, for-profit companies (such as many housing projects, prisons, etc. do) and put the programs fully under the oversight of legislative and Executive leadership, as it should be. You might be amazed at the result.
"Free Trade" does nothing but force american workers to compete on a badly tilted playing field with foreign workers (of course that's the real point, to break labor and destroy any concept of workers' rights).
And of course there's always the "defense" budget. Do we really need thousands of nukes, hundreds of $150 Million-Plus fighters, and a Navy large and powerful enough to devastate any nation on the globe?