posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 07:03 PM
I AM a Socialist.
Why? I'll tell you.
First, for those of you who whine about not wanting people to "get lazy" and rely on "The Government" for everything, and still, STILL, complain
about taxes (Legal and Constitutional--See the 16th Amendment and don't give me your "never ratified" garbage either, a cursory glance at Wikipedia
proves this is not so), remember that this is the United States of America and our nation is, at its core, based on the Democratic principle of
Government For, Of and By the People. Taxes are your DUTY as a Citizen to pay, because as a Citizen, you benefit from what the Government provides
(or is supposed to provide). Please spare me your comments about "The Fed" this and "interest on the National Debt" that. You are a Citizen, you
live in a Modern Society in the Industrialized World, and stuff needs to be paid for. Get over yourselves and your frontiersman fantasies.
Second, Socialist policies can SAVE this country.
Imagine universal healthcare for ALL Americans. Just imagine it. Try. Oh, I'm sure some of you will freak out about not wanting to pay for someone
else, but the fact is, unless you're fortunate enough to be able to afford your own personal policy without going through your employer, you already
ARE paying for someone else. That's what group plans and networks are all about--insurance companies "socializing" the costs of doing business
throughout their customer base, while your employer "socializes" his healthcare costs by spreading it among all his employees (by getting as many as
possible into Plan X so that he gets a discount package). The difference between that and universal, government-based health care is very simple:
Insurance companies are in it for profit, and they will do whatever it takes to maximize that profit--refuse care, drop your policy, drown you with
confusing paperwork and impossible legalese, and generally make your life a living Hell trying to figure the whole thing out. Your actual health and
welfare are none of their concern as long as they get paid. The Government, by contrast, is not profit-based, and therefore a well-designed
government-based universal health plan actually does have your actual health and welfare as its highest priority.
Not only does this save millions of Americans from a horrible risk, it also can help save our economy.
If we switch over to a universal health care system that's a gigantic load off the backs of American businesses. Employers who spend millions or
more on employee health care plans would be free of that cost. Can you say extra revenue, boys and girls? How about higher profits?
How about more jobs because employers can afford to hire more people? How about your employer not trying to control your life because your
habits cost them extra on insurance? (I'm talking to YOU, Smokers!) How well would the Big 3 automakers be doing right now if they weren't saddled
with the healthcare costs of their past and present workers? How many more people would be able to find good jobs because employers would have no
incentive to deny employment to people with chronic health problems?
Lowered costs for employers.
No risk or fear of being dropped right when you need your coverage the most.
No risk or fear of being denied coverage altogether.
And, considering how much policies cost these days (my wife and I were looking because her coverage at work is being downgraded to an "HSA" by her
employer to save money--care for both of us would approximately cost 45-50% of our combined annual income for coverage roughly equal to her old
insurance) universal healthcare actually puts more money in citizens' pockets in the form of disposable income, which, if you have half a
brain, you realize is the true engine of our economy. People who have no money can't afford things, things aren't bought, things that
aren't bought aren't produced, things that aren't produced don't require people to be employed to make them. Vast millions of people with money
they can spend on goods and services are the backbone of our economy, not the privileged few mega-rich elites who dole out a job here or a smattering
of credit there. True national wealth comes from the bottom up, not from the top down.
Everybody wins except the corporate vampires who feed off the current (and obscene) for-profit healthcare system we have today. What a concept!
Best part is it doesn't even require higher taxes for the vast majority of Americans. All we have to do is get out of the war business, which,
frankly, is right now the single biggest socialist program in America--the whole damn thing exists not for the security of American interests, but to
line the pockets of the mega-rich Elite, who in turn manipulate events through their money and influence to ensure that pointless wars continue.
It's corporate welfare at its most insane.
Universal health care will likely not happen in the next four years. Maybe not even the next eight. But, mark my words, if things keep going as they
are, even the insurance companies will eventually want it--because there will be no one left who can afford their product, at least not at the levels
they need to maintain their profits. The beast will starve, and then they'll be begging for bailouts just like all the rest of Corporate
America--assuming Corporate America and the Elites who run it aren't hanging by their necks from street lights by then.
The Socialist Revolution WILL happen, either by force of law or by force of arms. I for one would prefer the former, because the latter creates a
period of chaos where dictators can take control and make the worst nightmares of paranoid reactionaries a reality.
But it will happen.
And it will be the most important event in American history.
Socialism is a logical, natural progression for civilization to make.
It's about the true promise of America--that we really are all in this together, and we stand or fall as one. People who can't get that through
their heads need to wake up to reality.
And the funny thing is, if it goes off right, I'll bet within a few years even the nay-sayers will realize just how good it can be.
And then the United States of America will finally begin to live up to the promise of its foundation.
[edit on 11/20/2008 by The Nighthawk]