posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 07:46 PM
I personally don't have a problem with anyone not being in agreement with my association. As stated earlier, God has allowed free will. He has
allowed even His own son to be tested by Satan to prove that those who serve Him do so because they love Him, not from force.
Face it, this world is under Satan's control, and we are all full of sin. Religions have a hard time because like ANY gathering of man, be it
government, religion, or boy scouts... corruption and temptation take place because no man is perfect.
For me to believe that as sophisticated as the human body, plant life, animal life, the exact placement of earth to sustain life all are....some big
rocks crashed and cells began forming from one celled organisms to monkeys to humans? I'm sorry, but if I came across a magnificent building with
lights, plumbing, gas and everything needed to provide a home for someone, there's no way I'd believe that some rock created that, or two things
crashed together and made that building just perfect. It would take the loving, patient hands of someone that cared enough to build it.
As far as putting Dubya in office, not all religions can be accused. I personally don't vote. The bible says that human governments are there
because He allows them. Follow the law unless it contradicts His law, and pay taxes to whom taxes are due, but do not put your faith in men. Man has
dominated man to his injury. I don't vote because no man can do what Jehovah can. Time has proven exactly what the bible foretells. No matter who
is voted in, this world will not get better. Offenses get worse, wars get bigger, more lies are spread to disuade man from gaining accurate bible
knowledge. Men seek prosperity, even if they aren't "greedy". Men seek their own pleasures and needs before those of others. We, for the most
part, are quick tempered. We feel the need to retaliate instead of letting things slide. We have too many faults. Most of us cannot run our own
households efficiently, how can we be expected to run a country of millions? Even the man with the best of intentions cannot control outside forces,
the environment, or the actions of other countries, extremists, etc.
All this to say, to each his own. There are bad apples in EVERY group because God has given us free will. You can raise just one child, teaching
them everything positive, never giving them a negative outlook or placing them in a negative situation. The truth is, with two parents raising one
child in this world with free will, because we are sinners, that child will grow up and still make bad decisions. No one is perfect, but in the
end....I would rather be wrong in my beliefs and find out that He doesn't exist than to be wrong the other way around. What am I missing by
believing in my Creator? Every word of guidance in the bible that I have not followed has caused nothing but trouble. With fornication comes STDs,
unwanted pregnancies, broken marriages...etc. With lying, murder, jealousy, etc...comes consequences. Forgive my "ignorance" in not thinking that
living my life in a way that is approved by God should somehow be frowned upon. My way of life hurts no one, with the exception of the occasional
spanking my kids receive...but "spare the rod, spoil the child" there's nothing wrong with that.
But look at what has happened with that! The bible says to spank your children. Proverbs 29:15 "The rod and reproof are what give wisdom; but a boy
let on the loose will be causing his mother shame." Pr. 13:24 "The one holding back his rod is hating his son, but the one loving him is he that
does look for him with discipline." But OOOHHHHH NNNOOOOOO.... smart government decides that we can't spank our children whose
running these households??
I'm off my soapbox now. Whatever you believe in, it's not for me to judge. It is not my place, nor is that a job I would ever want. There will
always be differences, but that's life.