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Those behind the Obama Birth Cert conspiracy

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posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by southern_Guardian

Don't fret. After the Indonesian dual-citizen garbage is disproved, they'll jump back to the whole born in Kenya story.

Circular logic is undefeatable to the person using it. The consequence, of course, is looking a bit foolish.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 01:23 AM
Kenya Ambassador Confirms

Kenyan Ambassador plainly admits Obama was born in Kenya and that the location of his birth is "already an attraction" and that a monument may be built there by the government.

Listen beginning at 12:15 into the MP3 File on this page...

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 04:25 AM
Unless you think this a conspiracy going back 44 years, Obamas ok.

Hawaii has two major newspapers, the Honolulu Advertiser and the Star Bulletin. BOTH newspapers include birth announcements, and both newspapers record the August 4th, 1961 birth of Barack Obama.

Birth announcements get in the newspaper in 1961 when the hospital reports the birth to Department of health (Vital Statistics ) then the Department of health (Vital Statistics ) puts it in the paper.

Nothing but net...

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 04:27 AM

Originally posted by DOHC
Kenya Ambassador Confirms

Kenyan Ambassador plainly admits Obama was born in Kenya and that the location of his birth is "already an attraction" and that a monument may be built there by the government.

Listen beginning at 12:15 into the MP3 File on this page...

First of all the ambassador has no authority as to whether to say Obama was born there or not, his an ambassador for petes sakes

Secondly the ambassador does not have access to Obamas long form of his birth certificate and has not seen or even mentions his short form certificate.

Thirdly the Kenyan ambassador admitted on the radio that he refers to Barack Obamas father as "barack Obama" as well and in kenyan tradition it doesnt matter whether a child of a kenyan citizen is born overseas and his kenyan father is overseas as well, in tradition they considered honory kenyans, especially in the case of being famous.

And fourth in line, this guy probably got paid plenty of cash to say this and yet he has not been able to verify it, neither can the radio station.

And heres another clue, one of the radio hosts mention "america RIP" which means his obviously yet another Ron Paul drama queen over the two party system and obama is not this and republican that. Seriously, theres a limit to howmuch conspiracy one can go on about.


posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by angel of lightangelo
reply to post by Aggie Man

Is there a difference between a consenting adult doing any of the above and a child simply being put in those circumstances? Certain things do not apply to citizens deemed by the state to young to willfully make that choice and therefor the choice is null.

Yes, I agree. I do not believe that a parent can renounce their childs citizenship. If the child is a US citizen and comes back to the US and claims US citizenship, then I believe that they are still entitled to it. Therefore, Obama was entitled to and still remained a US citizen while in Indonesia and when he moved back to the US.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 10:13 AM
I have a crazy idea. I think Obama should get his real birth certificate and take it to the Supreme Court himself. What's the problem? Instead of perpetuating the mystery he can put an end to the drama and the 17 some odd lawsuits. Why won't he clear his name? It might even make him look good or somewhat honest. He could even set up a cheesy photo op. The longer this goes on the worse he looks. If he doesn't' step up soon this will linger over him forever.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by southern_Guardian

Gee I didn't know you were a school teacher giving grades

One - You fail on simple spelling/ third grade writing comprehension. "his an ambassador" ?
"First of all the ambassador has no authority as to whether to say Obama was born there or not, his an ambassador for petes sakes"
But guess what? He did say it and if it were not true why would he say it? Political recognition on a lie?

Two - "The ambassador does not have access to Obamas long form of his birth certificate and has not seen or even mentions his short form certificate" Good Spin, But isn't that what most people here are looking for, Obama to produce a valt copy.

Three - "in tradition they considered honory (HONOREE) kenyans, especially in the case of being famous" According to what I listened to in the interview they are going to erect a monument in the place of Obama’s birth in Kenya and they also created a new
holiday in Obama's honor.

Fourth - "This guy probably got paid plenty of cash to say this and yet he has not been able to verify it, neither can the radio station."
Are you saying that the Ambassador of Kenya Peter Ogego a Government Official would accept bribe money to say what a small time radio station wanted him to say? Gee who would of thought a Government Official could be bribed.
Or could it be that if someone says anything you don't want to hear their being paid off?

Fifth - "And heres another clue, one of the radio hosts mention "america RIP" "
You might want to get a clue yourself because nowhere before, during or after the interview does anyone mention America RIP. although the first commenter did leave that in type in the comment area, maybe what you read you just thought you heard?

So on that note you Failed Miserably
You fail on simple spelling, punctuation and capitalization/ third grade writing comprehension.
You fail on simple listening/ short term memory comprehension.
You also fail on understanding what people are asking for.

You see this is a constitutional issue it is not bias in any shape or form, this issue could have been put to rest
very early by producing his valt copy as McCain did, but instead he just thumbed his nose at everyone and
ignored them just like the Bush administration has been doing for years, this led to lawsuits being brought to
the courts with even more questions and at the tax payers expense I might add, who do you think is footing
the bill for the Judge, the use of the court room, the stenographer..etc...etc this all is being done at the tax payers
expense and I know I'm not to happy about that are you?

This may be a bit off topic but I think it is important and factual to the issues at hand and I believe it should be investigated to bring forth beyond all reasonable doubt that Hawaii is indeed legally a State of the United States because in 1993, a joined Congressional resolution, signed by President Bill Clinton, apologized for the U.S. role in the overthrow. The House approved the resolution by voice vote. And the Senate passed it 65 to 34 votes.

The overthrow of a Sovereign Nation in 1893 for Political and Corporate gain, The Americans voted for Hawaii's Statehood, not the Hawaiians. There are still debates going on about this in Hawaii as well as some civil unrestwas this legal? have a read and judge for yourself.
The Annexation of Hawaii
Digital History
Hawaii is not legally a state!

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 12:11 PM
Unfortunately the links didn't take so you can Google The Annexation of Hawaii

there you will find many links two to look into are


posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 12:26 PM
It doesn't matter what proof is provided. There will always be questions.

The ambassador didn't verify that Obama was born their, he merely stated that the "place of birth" had become a tourist site.

Much like a sign on an inn that "Washington Slept Here" doesn't make it a fact.

If the court case goes forward and Obama proves that he was born in Hawaii, how many people will continue with their version of reality that Obama can't be the president?

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by -zeropoint-

What do you mean unbiased. Is is totally biased only diametrically opposite of the bias he rails against. His bias is the antibias of the birth certificate bandwagon crowd. he demeans and belittles them throughout his rant. An unbiased article would lay out his "facts" without all the insults and hyperbole. He's correct in pointing out the bias on their side, but seeths in his own bias as well.

Again, if Obama would just produce his birth certificate then one side would obviously be right and this would all go away.

Tuck Neilson

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by Wildbob77
It doesn't matter what proof is provided. There will always be questions.

The ambassador didn't verify that Obama was born their, he merely stated that the "place of birth" had become a tourist site.

Much like a sign on an inn that "Washington Slept Here" doesn't make it a fact.

If the court case goes forward and Obama proves that he was born in Hawaii, how many people will continue with their version of reality that Obama can't be the president?

So are you saying that if Obama fills out a form that asks Place Of Birth he would put Kenya and if it asks Where were you born he would then put Hawaii, Is that not streaching it a bit since place of birth and where you were born are the same.

As for more questions being asked even if he does produce proof that he was born in Hawaii your correct, there will most likely be alot more to come and my thoughts on that is because of his delay, had this been done right away it's possible that this would have never gone this far, although is you take some time to read about Hawaii's history and overthrow if it was not legal would cause problems for alot of people not just Obama

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by DOHC
reply to post by southern_Guardian

Gee I didn't know you were a school teacher giving grades

I notice alot of kids tend to go on and on about "spelling" in their arguments, its a little ego trip they have straight outside of school. I dont have patience to go on about little things such as that, you can do so when your in class with your little school friends.

But guess what? He did say it and if it were not true why would he say it? Political recognition on a lie?

In a country among the poorest of the poor, when Obamas presidency is really something major for the country as a whole, I wouldnt be surprised folks there would be cashing in on claiming this and that.

What I dont understand is as to why on earth you would rather believe some random kenyan ambassador with no authority over birth certificates and constitutional rulings as opposed to Hawaiin state officials and the factcheckers who have verified Obamas birth on US soil and have actually provided the evidence.

Heres another one for you sparky, why on earth would his parents announce his birth in the Hawaiin news paper? What did his mother fly down to kenya then back to Hawaii afew hours after his birth to announce it in a news paper there

Seriously, man, his your president and mine from now on, get over it.


Good Spin, But isn't that what most people here are looking for, Obama to produce a valt copy.

Obamas birth certificate that he presented was the short form of the longer form. the certificate of live birth is the shorter form of the longer form birth certificate, they are the same. The short form has been verified by all the appropriate state officials including the Republican state governor of Hawaii. If you have issues with the short form you will obviously make a noise about the long form. The thing is that you are but a minority who will claim it to be fake because it has been verified by the appropriate authorities, the fact checkers and its satisfied the majority of the US population. Everybody, including the thousands of employees and campaign workers who have investigated this man must be in on the conspiracy

Way to go to argue this on a conspiracy website.

According to what I listened to in the interview they are going to erect a monument in the place of Obama’s birth in Kenya and they also created a new
holiday in Obama's honor.

Yes and what did I just say? In Kenyan tradition it doesnt matter whether a child of a kenyan was born on foreign lands, they will still be considered "sons and daughters" of their villages. Its a matter of ancestral pride. When Kennedy became president there was buzz about the fact he was a catholic Irish american and there was some significante excitement in Ireland. It doesnt mean he was born there and the very fact Obamas father is also called Barack Obama there further discredits your so desperate attempt to believe.

Kennedy and Ireland. He is the "son of Ireland" as they would say. It doesnt mean he was born there.

Are you saying that the Ambassador of Kenya Peter Ogego a Government Official would accept bribe money to say what a small time radio station wanted him to say?

have you been to africa? I have. Iv got plenty of close african friends and then I know plenty of shady characters, especially government officials. Kenyan ambassadors like Nigerian and Sudanese ambassadors dont get paid as much as US or European ambassadors. In many countries in africa ambassadors are known to take bribes much more easily, or should I say willing to satisfy those who pay to talk to them. In addition many of these characters are trying to take advantage of the fact Obama is part Kenyan. Africa is a beautiful continent but there is no denying the reality there.

Gee who would of thought a Government Official could be bribed.

You obviously didnt know what you were saying here, especially when discussing Kenya. This is Above top secret buddy.

Or could it be that if someone says anything you don't want to hear

The very fact your so readily to believe what happens on a small time radio station with an ambassador with no authority on the matter, not even verified as an ambassador, with no evidence, as opposed to US state officials here and law makers who will investigate on those eligible for the presidency. This is just the hypocrisy I talk about when it comes to you folk.

So yes, way to go to deny ignorance my friend.


[edit on 21-11-2008 by southern_Guardian]

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by southern_Guardian

Did I say I was so readily to believe what happens on a small time radio? No not at all
all I did was post a audio file to entertain other ideas since it had not been posted here yet.
I don't see you posting new ideas just lambasting and proceeding to go postal on anyone that don't support your ideals.

As for Government Officials taking bribes I guess you were unable to detect the sarcasm that you had to break it into 3 parts.

The fact is, as it has been said before over and over again the long form
will determine if Obama was born in Hawaii, What Hospital and the Doctors name something the short form does not state.
You cannot ignore the Constitution because you like Obama, If he's a better man then let him act like one he should provide the documentation as he was court ordered to do and stop costing the tax payers and courts time and money.

I won't pleasure you anymore on repeating this over and over and over again sounding ike a skipping record as you seem to want to do I have read all the posts.

Your very selective no comment on Obama may not be a US Citizen because Hawaii may not even be a legal State?
Oh I'm sorry it is, because they say so.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by DOHC
reply to post by southern_Guardian

Did I say I was so readily to believe what happens on a small time radio?

You readily posted this assuming this to be evidence to back up the argument against the president elects BC. Couldnt be any more clear. I dont know why all of a sudden your trying to back away from a source you just used as evidence.

all I did was post a audio file to entertain other ideas since it had not been posted here yet.

"Kenya Ambassador Confirms

You know what that looks like to me. It looks like a message from somebody who claims it to be true. The word "confirm" is greatly misused here, especially when we get down to the details of this radio station discussion.

I don't see you posting new ideas just lambasting and proceeding to go postal on anyone that don't support your ideals.

You obviously have not seen my posts over the other threads regarding Obamas BC:
scroll down and see that there is no way Obama could have obtained neither Indonesian or Kenyan citizenship and its been proven he was born in Hawaii

The rightwing BC conspiracy has been proven wrong time and time and yet folks refuse to deal with it. Its you my friend who cannot look at the facts because it doesnt support your ideals.

As for Government Officials taking bribes I guess you were unable to detect the sarcasm that you had to break it into 3 parts.

I was suppose to "detect" saracasm from what you posted above?

Iv posted time and time again regarding this rightwing conspiracy over Obamas BC. At the end of the day its just more bitter partisan bickering from the right. Go to the link above and look for my post, I laid it out all nicely as to why Obama is an american born citizen and why he cannot possess either Indonesian or Kenyan citizenship. What have you done? Well you just went to some radio station and provided it as evidence for the rightwing BC rumor, no objectivity to the source whatsoever... only that some ambassador said Obama is the son of Kenya.... I mean really now.

I think its time for you and the others here to move away from this conspiracys, its just partisan bickering at the end of the day and it aint healthy. As I said in the OP, the sources of this information are politically slanted and unofficial, usually its just small time individuals and their blogs claiming this and that about what not because their candidate lost. Its time to deny ignorance so move along.

[edit on 21-11-2008 by southern_Guardian]

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 10:13 PM

well dont want to burst your bubble bubb - but we have a constitution and right now it makes your candidate in eligible to take office... produce your papers please...

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 10:56 PM

Originally posted by BornPatriot

well dont want to burst your bubble bubb - but we have a constitution and right now it makes your candidate in eligible to take office... produce your papers please...

Hate to sink your ship, Shirley but he produced the docs to whom he needed to. He just did not bring them to you or whatever right wing nutjob radio host you listen to.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by DOHC
Kenya Ambassador Confirms

Kenyan Ambassador plainly admits Obama was born in Kenya and that the location of his birth is "already an attraction" and that a monument may be built there by the government.

Listen beginning at 12:15 into the MP3 File on this page...

How many people are still going to graceland to see Elvis because they believe he is still there somehow?

Lake Champlain does ok selling crap in the name of Champ's birth place. Hardly makes it so. Just an interesting way to get tourist's money.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by southern_Guardian

You can move along if you feel the need, Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

I have read your other posts and it's more bickering on your part, although you don't say much on the other thread that posted this very same audio file, " Call to Kenyan Ambassador says Obama was born in Kenya"
your responce to the op there was nill so just what is your problem here?

and once again your selective and once again I will repete myself on the overthrow of Hawaii, your responce would be?

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by angel of lightangelo

Sorry your Elvis comment is off topic
and should be removed
but could you tell me how many court cases are still pending re-Obama's vault BC?

Obama may be a U.S. citizen because his mother was a citizen (jus sanguinis), which is true, but for the presidency, the constitution specifies not just nationality, but a "natural born citizen" so my understanding is that jus sanguinis does not apply to that specific requirement, only jus soli. One has to be born in the United States to be president, and technically, Obama wasn't.

Prior to 1986, someone born abroad was a U.S. citizen only if both parents were U.S. citizens at the time of the child's birth. Since Obama's father was not a U.S. citizen (he was Kenyan), he actually cannot claim citizenship by jus sanguinis, only by jus soli with Hawaii considered a state. Again, I still don't think this will have any actual effect on his eligibility, since the U.S. considers Hawaii a state, but in fact if you follow the legal argument that Hawaii is an occupied country and the U.S. has never legally acquired Hawaii, the logical consequence is that Obama is not a natural-born citizen by either place or parentage, and is not actually eligible for the presidency.

Research the overthrow of Hawaii and you might be able to understand this a little bit better.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by DOHC
reply to post by angel of lightangelo

Sorry your Elvis comment is off topic
and should be removed
but could you tell me how many court cases are still pending re-Obama's vault BC?

17 at last count, why do you ask? A pending lawsuit means nothing but that someone filled out some paperwork and spent a buck or two. Sorry, what is your point?

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