posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 05:44 PM
OK World Nut Daily for a start.
Secondly the audio clip iS very heavily edited, and in the part where he is going to say Baraks or at (home) the at home is cut out.
The details of this need to be looked at, if it means everyone in the US has to spend 3 months between the ages of 18-25 doing voluntary work in local
charity hospitals, or if they can help in schools, clean up graffiti....
Well if they are gang banging anyhow, or unemployed, depending on certain parameters as mentioned below it is not a bad idea.
I have not read the proposed legislation though, so the specifics are very important indeed,
3 months at any time between 18-25... broken up? 1 month every year or two....
2 hours a week?
Or a choice to go and do 3 months instead in one place?.
Indeed the way World Nut Daily portray this it is very worrying but I will as shown above reserve my condemnation, which would viterol, all inclusive
and very very loud if it is a kind of "Hitler Youth" of any type at all....
But in the mean time it may be a good idea... like said for hospitals, community work, staying at home, giving the coming 15% of unemployment or
higher in the US education and references experience may not be a bad thing.
The important thing is the ability of the individual to tailor the service to their needs or likes and dislikes, to fit in with their and their
families career and education and care needs...
Lets wait and see, I really cant see any type of forced 3 months in a camp ever being accepted in the US anyhow.