reply to post by Telafree
TextText MaroonTextTelafree, what we're "seeing" or "reading" in this program takes many of us
back in History, to times when "MANDATORY" was the poerative word for CONTROL of the populace. A very small, local City or State Program is often,
(not ALWAYS tho), simply nothing more that both crime preventative, as well as Social Service. BUT! A NATIONAL GOVERNMENTAL POLICY is quite different.
Let's take the "PEACE CORP"...Pres. John Kennedy, (a Democrat), PROPOSED, SUGGESTED, and CALLED FOR VOLLUNTEERS for such a program, = "Ask NOT
what you're Country can do for you...!" etc.
THAT is one of this Nation's most outstanding examples of BOTH GENUINE CHARISMA, as well as GENUINE LEADERSHIP. Unfortunate, MANY of our young
folk...(nothing meant personally Telafree), are FAR TOO ignorant, (NOT the SAME as stupid...but the "Mother of stupidity"), of BOTH the past
mistakes of Governments, as well as the past methods of oppressive & dictatorial Governments.
Generally, the reason MANY of us are reacting to B.O.'s "CIVIL SERVICE PROGRAM" is twofold:
#1] It IMPLIES that it's necessary to make such a program MANDATORY, which IMPLIES also, that the general public doesn't GENUINELY CARE about this
Nation or it's health, welfare & security. [Our VOLUNTARY STANDING ARMY debunks such idiocy].
#2] It is Government overstepping it's "Constitutional Limits. ONLY in time of the MOST DIRE of Social treat...(times deemed worthy of the
declaration of MARTIAL LAW), ...has it EVER been deemed appropriate to MANDATE CIVIL SERVICE. In other words, B.O.'s proposed mandate is UTTERLY
without proper precedent.
ALTHOUGH, I WILL go so far as to wager that he hasn't the least bit of doubt that his program WILL be necessary, (as will MARTIAL LAW), in the near
future...And, that my young friend is the WORST part of this entire scenearion...And, WHY some of us are SSOOOOOOOOOOO VERY concerned.