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Aren't You People Mad?!?

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posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 12:38 PM
Yes, I'm angry. Yes, I'm frustrated. Yes, I'd love to get my shotgun and put a few strategic holes in some of the people responsible (not really, but it's somewhat stress-relieving to imagine).

What am I going to DO? Nothing, probably.

Call me a coward. That's probably accurate. What little I have, including my life, I'm not willing to sacrifice. I don't think it would do me any good to try, just harm, and at this point in my life I'm not really ready to sacrifice what I have left for the "greater good," especially since it doesn't seem like anyone else is stepping up to do that either.

When it gets to the point that I have nothing left, and my life is in jeopardy either way, it's possible that I'll do something .. or at least try.

But I'm not a heroine. I've had a pretty rough life so far and things were just starting to look up a little. My inclination is to grab what I have (a house, 10 acres, a good husband) and hang on with both hands for all I'm worth. When I lose all of that, then I'll probably be mad enough to take a "damn the torpedos and full speed ahead" attitude.

Yes, I know that's wrong. Yes, I know that if everyone thinks like me then no one will do anything and .. stick a fork in us, we're all done. I guess that whatever quality it is that motivates someone to risk everything they care about in order to take an action that has maybe a 1% chance of making any difference, if that, I don't have it.

I do have some plans for my own survival. They hardly add up to true "preparedness," but they're better than what most people have. So .. I reckon you'll have to count me in (or out) with the rest of the worthless cowards and losers who will only try to save their own skins when the brown stuff hits the fan. Sorry.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by Doomsday 2029

Originally posted by Shocka
reply to post by Malevolent_Aliens

The problem is that our nation is so divided right now, that the government realizes that we will fight each other first before we try to fight them.

In prison, rarely do we see the inmates unite to take down the prison guards... Usually the just fight against themselves.

Uhhh, there's a reason prisoners are in prison, they are stupid. I think it is safe to say ATS members are far from following down that path.

Defeatist attitudes aren't much help.

Some others mentioned the media will brand us as subversives and TPTB will soon crush us. In an earilier post I showed how to get media and MSM on our side. Unfortunately. we need media to be heard but alerternative meduims like youtube are available as well.
I 've had enough. Emails to my congressman aren't working nor has my vote. Obama has already back peddled on his pledge to curtail lobbying interests in DC

[edit on 12-11-2008 by venividivici]

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by justamomma
I still stand firm that the only successful revolutions in change started when ppl started taking personal responsibility rather than waiting for others to join them for their "voice to be heard."

The only way that ANYONE will succeed is to cut themselves off from the very ones who have their hands in EVERYTHING you do....

YOu must learn to 100% completely rely on yourself regardless of consequence and teach others around you to do the same.

Have you ever seen the Disney movie Finding Nemo?

remember at the end of the movie all the fish were trapped in a net, and the only way they could break free is if they worked as a team to push down? Nemo, one little fish, told them that they had to push down. So I guess the point is we have to work in numbers for this particular situation.

Problem is, people can't see the net. The propaganda machine has blinded them. False Flag operations have blinded them. Money, Sex, Drugs and Entertainment keep them satisfied.

By the time the masses "wake up" to TPTB... It will be too late.

I always have to remind myself that TPTB have the nukes. So, in a sense, it's like fighting an enemy with 5,000 lbs of TNT strapped on it's back. Even if we do start to make a difference... They can just do another False Flag, and declare Martial Law.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again... Only God can stop this Tyranny. In the meantime, we have to just try to inform the ones that want to be informed that our country has been Hi-jacked.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by venividivici

Uhhh, there's a reason prisoners are in prison, they are stupid. I think it is safe to say ATS members are far from following down that path.

Defeatist attitudes aren't much help.

Some others mentioned the media will brand us as subversives and TPTB will soon crush us. In an earilier post I showed how to get media and MSM on our side. Unfortunately. we need media to be heard but alerternative meduims like youtube are available as well.
I 've had enough. Emails to my congressman aren't working nor has my vote. Obama has already back peddled on his pledge to curtail lobbying interests in DC

[edit on 12-11-2008 by venividivici]

So what do you suggest we do?

We obviously need a plan... I've yet to hear one...

I suggested we start with one tentacle of the octopus at a time. The first one being the media.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

join or start a militia

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by warrenb
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

join or start a militia

If you want to start or join a militia that would actually do somthing then be prepared to give up everything you have. The minute the TPTB think your militia could be a threat they will drop the hammer on you.

It is very easy to do. All they need to do is trump up some charges on the group through the media. Militia x is holding people against their will, they molest children, they are plotting terrorist activity against the government.
They turn the population against you then move in with the troops and either kill or capture the whole lot. End of militia.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by Erasurehead

100% agreed.

There really isn't much we can do.

Again... I've made my suggestion. We start with the media. The real danger to people right now that we can fight against are the ones that control your television (your television set is like a WMD otherwise known as a Weapon of Mass Deception.)

I'm interested to hear other reasonable suggestions.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by Doomsday 2029

So what do you suggest we do?

We obviously need a plan... I've yet to hear one...

I suggested we start with one tentacle of the octopus at a time. The first one being the media.

page 2

Form a local group of like minded people, brainstorm the best place to protest and call the media about the event. Look how effective Joe - the-Plumber was !! Some ideas, Your state capitol, local district representive offices, Corporate offices of lobbyist groups.

Start LOCAL and go NATIONAL with media coverage.

You have to gain the trust and sympathy of your local media. Target a sympathetic local personality with phone call, emails, letters, whateva

[edit on 12-11-2008 by venividivici]

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 02:15 PM
RRRREEVOLUTION!!!!!, no but seriously there's nothing you can do, they won a long time ago. We've all been bought and sold before we were even born. Only thing you can do, look at the bright side, we don't live in China, or some war-torn African nation, and that we are'nt serfs like in medeival times, hell or even cavemen fleeing from toothy cats. It's a good time to be alive, and big brother is just there to look out for us. Thats what big brothers are for.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 02:16 PM
Look at this.

Only a small group of 1000 people made worldwide news.

Sure it was a global issue, but isn't the economic crisis as well !

Here's the attention getter. You need to make it a "sexy" story . So lets sex it up!

Does anybody have an giant Obama head I can borrow


posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by dashen


Stop the fly by thread crapping


if you have nothing positive to add then move on

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by venividivici

Originally posted by Doomsday 2029

So what do you suggest we do?

We obviously need a plan... I've yet to hear one...

I suggested we start with one tentacle of the octopus at a time. The first one being the media.

page 2

Form a local group of like minded people, brainstorm the best place to protest and call the media about the event. Look how effective Joe - the-Plumber was !! Some ideas, Your state capitol, local district representive offices, Corporate offices of lobbyist groups.

Start LOCAL and go NATIONAL with media coverage.

You have to gain the trust and sympathy of your local media. Target a sympathetic local personality with phone call, emails, letters, whateva

[edit on 12-11-2008 by venividivici]

I say we need more than just a group... We need a large crowd.

This crowd makes an announcement that in 6 months we are going to Fox News Headquarters to Voice our opinions that they are part of the problem.

We get as many people as we can to stay hovering around the building for several months. 24 hours a day.

We'll give Fox News the viewers it wants... We'll give them the attention... We need to let everyone know that if they are employed by Fox News, they are serving the enemy, and if they continue to work for them, they will be looked upon as an enemy of the public.

We need to make it clear that we are not isolating Fox News... We are just starting with them. Next w it will be ABC, NBC, and then CNN.

If the media can't step up and do their jobs, and do some real investigating... Then we need to let them know that they are failing to inform the people the truth they deserve.

[edit on 12-11-2008 by Doomsday 2029]

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 02:25 PM
Fox News? why not CNN?

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by warrenb
Fox News? why not CNN?

Take your pick.

I think we can get more people to protest Fox News.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by warrenb
what do you do when the government is complicit in the crimes?

Check this thread
American Militia Leader Speaks to The US Senate

[edit on 11-11-2008 by warrenb]

gather a well armed, interstate malitia made up of former police, average screened citizens who dont jump the gun so to speak, and go arrest the officials, if the guards tryt to stop you with an official warrant..well its on.

This is what should happen. What would happen is that americans would puss out and just allow themselves to get talked down by these obviously blatant losers running things. They win by viiolence and crime.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

Yes, I have seen the movie and agree with the point you are bringing out of the movie. My view is that it can only be done way and that is summed up in "be the change that you wish to see."

Personal responsibility must be implemented and taught to those around you in your life.. not the life online, but your REAL life... the one where you actually CAN make the difference by leading via example.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 03:41 PM
Yes, I'm mad!!!

I'm so mad that it's starting effect my everyday mood. Sorry to air my personal laundry but I have just to give you an idea of what I'm talking about:

My boyfriend and I had a rip roaring fight a week ago. It was horrible. It was over some stupid piddly stuff (as most relationship arguments are) but one thing he did bring up is still lingering in my mind. He was going off about how angry I am all the time. In the car yelling at other drivers. Yelling at the TV. Yelling at the radio. Ranting when I come home about something more effed up the gov't has done.

I'm grinding my teeth, hitting him, and screaming in my sleep. It's really bad.

I don't think he, nor I, realized he summed up why I'm so angry all the time so perfectly. I'm mad at our gov't!! and it's making me lash out in other ways as a way to just release some of that tension.

I don't yell at my friends or family, thank god. But how long will it be until I do? I think that's why, right now, I only yell at impersonal things like drivers who can't even hear me, the tv, the radio, etc.

As to your question about what I'm going to do about it? Well...I haven't thought of anything.

I've learned many things in the past few years. One of those being that all protesting does is get the police to beat you up and get you on a terrorist watch list. The rest of the country just looks at you like your a lunatic or they secretly give you an atta girl/boy, and wish they had the cajones to join the cause. But they don't because, like me, they don't see it making any real change.

I've learned that you can write all the letters you want to your representatives but they are going to do what they want anyways, regardless. We ALL saw that with the bailout bill. It was extremely horrible how they completely ignored the will of the people.

I've learned that the only way to really make your point to the gov't is if a very very very large portion of citizens rally around each other and pump their fists DEMANDING change.

I'm not talking about just sitting around complaining about it individually.

It would take an effort so incredibly massive and so incredibly difficult that it immediately turns anyone off to even trying to make such a thing happen.

It really, really sucks. I hate that I don't feel like there is anything I can do. I just don't have a single clue as to what it is that I can do.

I can go and smash up some stuff in the streets with others. But that just makes us look like criminals. I can go and yell at the top of my lungs with others about how corrupt the gov't is, but anyone listening will do so for about 5 minutes and be on there merry way. I can go shoot someone in power (which I would NEVER EVER do, but I'm just saying this for the fact that it's how SOME people feel they can solve things) but not a single person will look at what I did as being noble. I would be branded a mad woman and talked about in the news for a week or two while everyone says my name in vain.

I'm so mad I want to punch a wall, or throw something sometimes. Sometimes I do cry. Out of nowhere. But that's honestly all I can do right now.

(let me add that it's not like I'm walking around with steam coming out of my ears 24/7. Except for this stuff I am a very happy person with regards to my how my life is going. I just have my moments unfortunately)

Mod note: Please do not circumvent the censors. Just find words that aren't profane

[edit on 12-11-2008 by The Vagabond]

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by justamomma

Yes, I have seen the movie and agree with the point you are bringing out of the movie. My view is that it can only be done way and that is summed up in "be the change that you wish to see."

Personal responsibility must be implemented and taught to those around you in your life.. not the life online, but your REAL life... the one where you actually CAN make the difference by leading via example.

And I agree with what you are saying,

But what example is the right example for this situation?

Try to prevent the inevitable from happening? Or do everything you can to be prepared for when the SHTF.


Or just go back to sleep and try to get what ever precious moments you can out of the Free Society that we live in (that could possibly last several more years, or end tomorrow)?

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 04:13 PM
Something can be just needs to be organized and someone has to lead it. HAS to get media attention. If it gets no media attention then it goes nowhere.

The whole thing has to be fantastic enough that they will cover it. It would be great to see people from each state protest at their state's capital. Nationwide...all in the same day. Hit Washington too. It would make history. That would get attention.

What really ticks me off is that the media doesn't say much about the anger in the public. Instead it's all about how Conservatives and the Republican party are going to rebuild and what dog Obama may get for the white house.

I'd love to be part of something like this...i just think people are still waiting for something. They are hoping that it will all pass..but i don't think it will.

I have no idea how they can save the car companies. YOU CAN'T FORCE PEOPLE TO BUY CARS. It's a freakin joke! They will be asking for more in a few months I guarantee it.

And what bothers me the most about all of this....

I'm not a genius...i'm not an Einstein, but for some unknown reason I can see that our government is destroying everything this country has been built on but Washington can't? We are being led and controlled by a bunch of (deleted). Are they that DAMN STUPID not too see that what they are doing is NOT WORKING? They are delaying the inevitable and making it worse.

Mod note: Please do not circumvent the censors. Just find words that aren't profane

[edit on 12-11-2008 by The Vagabond]

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by Shocka

I think one of the biggest issues here, is that even if you did try to fight against your own government, they will paint you as an enemy combatant to the masses, a nut job and what's worse, is that the masses will eat it up just like they eat anything that the media spews forth and when they do this, they won't see the act of removing govt. officials as a positive, but will see it as a negative (the massess always seem to think that they need someone to lead them, no matter whether they are good leaders or not) and will actually try to bring you down so that you don't disrupt their brainwashed little lives.

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