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Let's counter-attack the greedy bankers and elitists

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posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 12:57 PM
Hey! Thanks for the links. Any other people, whose knows similar links what he believes it would be useful, please take this into the topic.

The best is, if you start and others will see what you're doing, many will follow your example. That's what the media, nor any sort of Government can stop at all.

[edit on 11-11-2008 by Sheridan]

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 02:39 PM
nooo .....
total recycling is not good..costs our job's... perhaps better = to wthdraw youre money from the banks and pay everyting in cash..get youre earnings also in cash..
actually we do'nt need automatic transfers of payments by the banking-system ore using credid cards.. the bankers live by the profits of that...
and its better for privacy...couse the bank know's all the details of youre spending.that is very valuble information for the industry.. and those documents are trade for big money...

[edit on 11-11-2008 by ressiv]

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by sty

Been drifting through this site today

there are allot of inspirational thoughts on the current climate of the world and the system that has been created around us. The general notion that the collapse of money as we know it would not stop life as we know it. Or indeed would we let it .

I believe its a choice though in everyone, how we react to our world, and the people around us if things do hit the fan...if money did dry up .

It would bring communities together and people would come together as we always will.

The scary aspect I find is the big brother weight on our shoulders, (We all have a link in some way to the system that we are in) that makes the vast majority of people not take interest or simply not know or care how or why things are changing. For the people that do know and are trying to piece the picture together its even worse.. its like watching a bad movie in slow motion.

Money is not real .. It does not matter . root of all evil etc. We dont need it to live and excel as a planet not just as individual countries.

Maybe if it pans out in a way that money does loose value as a trading system we will be forced to work together.

We outweigh the number of politicians by far. The government is 'by the people for the people' (I may have mis quoted but you know the line I mean) And in the end the majority decides how they want to live and what that entails. If it doesn't its not a democracy .. A majority of people choose not live a certain way and the government ignores or glosses over the wish of a nation . . . . .surely they wouldn't just go ahead would they? .. How many times have we been told decisions are made for our benefit and we don't receive answers ?

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 05:04 PM

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 05:11 PM
The number one thing we can ALL do to hit these bastards where it hurts is to shun ALL FORMS OF CREDIT. do everything within your power to pay off ALL debt and only use cash for goods (Or barter), that means for food cars houses ect. I know what everyone is thinking how can you buy a house without credt, well tighten your belt and SAVE SAVE SAVE, do not buy a new car to keep up with your neigbors keep you old one running. If everyone shunned credit we would have the banks on thier knees.


posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 05:45 PM
What about Taxes on properties, mortgages on homes, cars, boats?

To many people already are indentured servants to materialism and they don't even know it.

Bartering is good, but the system or elite will squeeze everyone in other areas and even make up new ones.

I really don't understand why everyone gives away their individual power to someone or group in politics? I never understood it. Politicians are easily bought with the same money being squeezed from the masses.

but I think the barter system is a good start and even better if the entire world monetary system ever collapses.

[edit on 11-11-2008 by Realtruth]

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by Sheridan

Bartering won't work for business. Imagine the phone company trying to collect fees using bartering, pay employees using bartering or buy routers and cable using bartering.

I'm asking people to work within the system. Write your Congressman / Senators and ask them to enact a TARP recovery tax on financial firms who misue TARP money.

These firms are violating their fiduciary responsibility to their stockholders and the American people by paying out precious capital to employees (i.e., themselves) in the form of bonuses and dividend payments (CNBC reported as estimated 100Billion in such payments across the financial firms taking TARP money). They should be shoring up their balance sheets and preparing for further writeoffs of CDOs, MBSs and hits to CDSs.

It is easy for we the people to take it back. We can simply enact a confiscatory tax that taxes huge irresponsible payouts. Sure you can pass your $100B bonus package--but we're just going to take it back from you in April.

In fact, I'd like to see it be retroactive to past years for anyone who made more than $10million. I'd like to see all of the extreme sums just taken back and used it to create jobs in new alternative energy industries or in revitalized automotive industries.

Above all, don't just complain and worry--at least take the trouble to write to your representatives in Washington.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 06:46 PM
How would the corupt bankers like it if 50 million people stopped paying their mortgage payments to make our own bailout program...dont pay them another dime !

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by Sheridan

i agree with your suggestion,thank you for sharing it.

the Federal Reserve CORPORATION prints money - then loans it, at interest, to our government.





posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 07:08 PM
in order for this to work we must first stop being consumers ... buying useless junk at wal-mart for example.. and start PRODUCING.. could be farming machining parts, services etc.. Barter system will then work..

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 07:10 PM
Yes, and I have been practicing it all my life.

I trade my work all the time for at least partial payment.

The easiest way to eliminate money would be to trade with silver & gold or other precious metals or gems.

Eliminating the use of personal credit is important. I only used credit to purchase a car once and I regretted it ever since. Never again.

If houses weren't purchased with credit they wouldn't be so expensive. Credit is what drove the prices up. The lack of it is bringing them back down, but there still is enough credit around to keep them unreasonable. I would have liked to see a full crash without the bailout. The bailout only furthers their game and brings short term comfort.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 07:11 PM
I am happy that this is happening.

It would work very well in an Agrarian society and if most of us lived in the countryside. But we dont. Barter is an excellent system if you have skills or a trade or a craft that you can Barter with. But most people work in cities for the service industry , hospitals schools , taxis , IT , The Financial sector , The Internet , etc etc .So what can these people barter ? To swap goods requires that the goods are manufactured and thast unfortunately requires money. I hate money. I really like Barter. Barter can only work on a limited scale until the people leave the cities. Cities are Prisons Cities are the main source of Evil , Corruption , Control and selfishness. Cities are by design the best way to exterminate humans . This is the ultimate goal of the Banksta Illuminati Eugenicists.

The Hungarian Khazar George Soros is the main protagonist in all of the financial turmoil since the 1980's , under the command of the Khazar Rothschild & Khazar Rockefeller.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 07:12 PM
The problem is that a lot of people don't have the ability to produce anything.

We have forgotten the skills we need to survive. Money is all-powerful.

[edit on 11-11-2008 by PieKeeper]

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by Sheridan

people stat home factories ( i swear im not high)

make like furniture, and tools and stuff at home! itd be awesome. it really would. Think of how AWESOME it would be.

just like the shakers.....and almish. put signs outside your house for advertising like _____ ITEMS FOR BARTER buy a website for 100 bucks sell it there locally. haha it would defiantely work!

this is gonna be FUN!

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by Sheridan

I agree 100%. Today all the newly printed money goes to wealthy bankers, where it then passes on to wealthy corporations.

This is a tax on the poor, because they never get the money first. The poor will never have access to a 1% interest rate. Advantage to the rich, while the poor get nothing.

We need to stop using counterfeit money. And by counterfeit I mean printed by the US mint, the EU mint, and the UK mint, and the Japanese mint. Their money is fundamentally worthless. Counterfeit. The moment banks have to use honest money is the moment the poor can be about 5% better off.

It won't solve the all worlds problems, but it will solve one of them. And it won't make the poor rich but it will result in them being less poor.

[edit on 11-11-2008 by truthquest]

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:31 PM

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 10:15 PM
What about shoes? I've never met anyone who could make their own, and I don't consider it sanitary to use strangers' used ones.

And health niche needs like cooling/heating, on which some people depend, could be a problem. Also, what are people in cold winter climates supposed to do for transportation if they don't want to use money to so much as ride a bus to get around?

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 01:53 AM
reply to post by Sheridan

Be careful, they are trying to take the internet from us. They want to regulate this great system we have, a system put together by hackers and freedom fighters from the underground. THis is all we have left and we need to make sure we keep it! They want to edit everything and make us pay MONEY to use certain sites and all that!! Someone should start a thread about our final home for the fight!

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 02:28 AM
I think now is the time for people to trade phone numbers, emails etc to set up a co-op of bartering.

Once the Internet2 is in place, it will be too late.

It would be really good if someone could begin a website that includes all countries where people can really nut out the in and outs of bartering for products and services in their own regions and really get ready and prepared for when TSHTF and we need to go off the grid, money wise.

Don' t wait until it's too late. As it will be more difficult to bring enough people into the scheme to make it worthwhile. It's definately the case with bartering, the more the merrier.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 04:02 AM
Exactly, and the answer lies in LETsystems. They involve a local currency only available to members of a Letsystem. It is fascinating the way they work. Check out below link. Also, with regards not all of us having anything to offer, check out freeconomy link below. This involves freely sharing skills, and when you look at the list when you join up - believe me you'll suddenly realise there are many things you can offer! :-)





Originally posted by DimensionIntrusion
Barter is an excellent system if you have skills or a trade or a craft that you can Barter with. But most people work in cities for the service industry , hospitals schools , taxis , IT , The Financial sector , The Internet , etc etc .So what can these people barter ?

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