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Georgia congressman warns of Obama dictatorship

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posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 02:35 PM
They don't have to create problems? This has nothing to do with it. The historical evidence that is in fact irrefutable, shows that they do create wars and they do this as a strategy for an end result that is planned meticulously. In 1909, the carnegie foundation of peace [as they are part of the illuminati and use this name falsely] determined that the best way to control people was by war. Adam Weishaupt and the Rothschilds in the early 1700s already knew this. However, the 1909 study was what they needed to start planning for WWI which was already planned by Albert Pike from 1850 to 1871. He also planned in concept WWII and WWIII as a matter of record.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

Communism is a form of socialism. In fact, our capitalist system right now already has many socialist tendencies to it.

It's like that SAT question:

If all communists are socialists, and some capitalists are socialist, are all socialists communist?

Of course, the answer is no.

[edit on 23-11-2008 by Irish M1ck]

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 03:55 PM

Quote from Obama -

""We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set," Obama said in July. "We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

I've seen the tape many times. He did say this in these words and was very passionate about it.

I have to wonder what those on this thread would say had Bush said the same words. Hypocrites. You would have torn Bush to pieces over a statement like that. I'm beginning to believe Obama supporters are mesmerized.

This would be an end run around "Posse Comitatus" would it not?

Here is an interesting article directly from our friends at Homeland Security -

The Myth of Posse Comitatus by Major Craig T. Trebilcock, U.S. Army Reserve.

Major Craig Trebilcock is a member of the Judge Advocate General’s Corps in the U.S. Army Reserve. He is assigned as an operational law attorney with the 153d Legal Support Organization in Norristown, PA. His area of specialization includes the laws applicable to U.S. forces engaged in operations in both the United States and abroad.

The Posse Comitatus Act has traditionally been viewed as a major barrier to the use of U.S. military forces in planning for homeland defense.[1] In fact, many in uniform believe that the act precludes the use of U.S. military assets in domestic security operations in any but the most extraordinary situations. As is often the case, reality bears little resemblance to the myth for homeland defense planners. Through a gradual erosion of the act’s prohibitions over the past 20 years, posse comitatus today is more of a procedural formality than an actual impediment to the use of U.S. military forces in homeland defense.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 04:02 PM

WASHINGTON (AP) — A Republican congressman from Georgia said Monday he fears that President-elect Obama will establish a Gestapo-like security force to impose a Marxist or fascist dictatorship.

Gestapo-like security force to impose a Marxist or fascist dictatorship?????

That's funny, pre-election he was weak when it comes to national defense. The GOP is so upset at this fatal victory to their party that they are absolutely struggling to regain traction.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by blowfishdl

Correct. These same people will accuse Obama of being weak militarily. They will say that al Qaeda will destroy us now, and at the same time accuse him of attempting to be a dictator who will control all American's lives.

Impressive argument that is, if nothing else, entirely contradicting.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by blowfishdl

Having gone Libertarian, I had no horse in this race. It now makes it easier to see the hypocrisy of many of the posts on ATS.

There is no difference between the Democrats and Republicans in reality. It is that they go after different voters that makes up the primary differences.

I'll bet ya all a star that Obama is hated by most who are now praising him within a few months to a year.

Source of article. From interview of Emanuel.

...the official website for Obama,, announced he would "require" all middle school through college students to participate in community service programs...

..."Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by developing a plan to require 50 hours of community service in middle school and high school and 100 hours of community service in college every year,"...

...In the interview, Emanuel was questioned whether participants in the proposed force would live in barracks.

"Somewhere between the age of 18 to 25 you will do three months of training. You can do it at some point in your college time," he said. "There can be nothing wrong with all Americans having a joint, similar experience of what we call civil defense training or civil service."...

...The blogger Gateway Pundit called Obama's plan the "creation of his Marxist youth corps," and DBKP commented, "'Choosing' to serve should be approved by parents – not required by the government. No amount of good intentions can sugar-coat words like 'mandatory,' 'compulsory' or 'required.'"

Emanuel uses his book, "The Plan: Big Ideas for America," to specify that he would propose, for all Americans ages 18 to 25, that they "serve their country by going through three months of basic training, civil defense preparation and community service."...

Does any of this sound even remotely like the Democrats we know and love? Not even close.

[edit on 11/23/2008 by Blaine91555]

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by -zeropoint-
Stop spamming your own damn thread, desperate child. There's no threat to be warning and fear-mongering about, stop such non-sense. I really thought Americans were more realistic and mature in their conduct, it just seems that it's the neocons who can't accept what is, we've found our problem. The minute I saw it was coming from a rightest Republican, I knew it was meaningless. Stop producing fear-mongering negative energy, the man isn't inaugurated yet for Pete's living sake.

unfortunately this is how it is going to be from the republicans for the next 4 years. this is what they did to bill clinton, and it is not going to change.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by jimmyx

Originally posted by -zeropoint-
Stop spamming your own damn thread, desperate child. There's no threat to be warning and fear-mongering about, stop such non-sense. I really thought Americans were more realistic and mature in their conduct, it just seems that it's the neocons who can't accept what is, we've found our problem. The minute I saw it was coming from a rightest Republican, I knew it was meaningless. Stop producing fear-mongering negative energy, the man isn't inaugurated yet for Pete's living sake.

unfortunately this is how it is going to be from the republicans for the next 4 years. this is what they did to bill clinton, and it is not going to change.

Yes they are SORE LOSERS in the fullest of context! They crucified clinton over an affair which was nobody's damm bussiness and yet when bush trampled over everyone and everything they didn't even raise a finger.

Now we have a half-black future president and already lawsuits are flying all over the place over a so-called birth certificate discrepancy, some wannabe congressman from georgia(of all places LMAO) calling Obama a "dictator", etc...I wonder whats next.....pathetic is an understatement!

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

...the official website for Obama,, announced he would "require" all middle school through college students to participate in community service programs...

..."Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by developing a plan to require 50 hours of community service in middle school and high school and 100 hours of community service in college every year,"...

Are we forgetting that this takes place within the context of a required/mandatory program to being with? K-12 anyways... I am all for these kids spending some school time helping the community.

I wonder though, if there will be college credits awarded to these college students?

[edit on 23-11-2008 by Lucid Lunacy]

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 06:27 PM
So I guess it wasn't a Bush dictatorship when the republicans had control over the House, Senate, Presidency, Vice Presidency, Supreme Court. Bush had EVERYTHING he wanted handed to him from his "tax cuts" to the Patriot Act. What a bunch of # and sore loser.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 06:41 PM
Why is it nobody is discussing the topic?

Obama is proposing mandatory service, in other words a draft. He is proposing a civilian security force with the same funding and equipment as the military. How do you feel about that exactly. Do those of you who voted for Obama fully support this mandatory service and a civilian security force. The Patriot Act was child's play compared to what Obama says he wants.

I wonder what the punishment will be for those who don't cooperate or object to this "required" service?

Not all of us who are concerned are Republicans. I'm personally sick of being trolled by Partisan sheep who think there are only two viewpoints and that everyone is either a Republican or Democrat. Some of us are just concerned, independently minded people who think both Parties are corrupt. They are of course.

I'm personally worried that one Party, that happens to be the one all the craziest groups of Americans belong too, has complete control. No checks and balances.

I think what some of you are saying is that you want to dictate to everyone else. Where have we seen that before?

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by Lucid Lunacy

That part does not worry me. Its this civilian security force idea that worries me. I have no issue with community service unless some kids are forced to participate in things they are opposed too or that their Parents oppose. In the end it should be up to the Parents. Otherwise this is scary stuff.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

That is the 'Security Force' aspect.

Before I know how to respond or address points... did you get the chance to read my posts earlier in this thread in regards to the full video?

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
What liberties have you lost under GW Bush? You ranters still rant as you did in 1999.Michael Moore got filthy rich while spewing his BDS.Oliver Stone has total freedom to trash the POTUS.Hollywood derides Bush even as it thrives under him.He has kept the western world safe from Islamo-terrorists for 7 years.You may disagree with him on many issues as I do,but he doesn't deserve what you are saying about him.
It is high ranking Democrats that want to rein in the internet... that want to enact "hate speech" laws. It is certainly possible that you WILL lose some freedoms under the upcoming nanny state. I wish Obama well,and hope he will grow into the job--quickly! (before you scream economy please look into who is on the board of Freddie Mac and Fannie May.AND WHO THEY SUPPORTED IN THIS ELECTION,and why people like Barney Frank and Chris Dodd only recently declared all was well in the sub-prime loan kingdom.. )The myth of Obama was birthed in the corrupt Chicago political machine,who own him lock stock and barrel.THEY will tell him what to do.

You're kidding right? What about the Patriot Act? The illegal wiretapping? Torture and kidnapping of people (Guantanamo Bay)? LOL at you.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 10:41 PM
"He has kept the western world safe from Islamo-terrorists for 7 years.You may disagree with him on many issues as I do,but he doesn't deserve what you are saying about him. "

****The Apple does not fall far from the tree. Historical evidence, and testimony, and fact....Prescott Bush along with the other elites, DuPont, Rockefellers' etc....fully funded Hitler in 1928. I have the evidence and its irrefutable. Not only did Bush, Clinton and Bush JR. knew about the 911 operation but in fact, the CIA, Massad, and many more planned the 911. Al Qaeda belongs to the CIA, Hamas to the Massad. Its all about the New World Order. 911 was designed to justify the patriot act, an act that is based on destroying the Constitution, along with the John Warner National defense Authorization Act. Bush is just a puppet as was Clinton and now Obama. Brzezinki is Obama's advisor. He helped form the Trilateral Commission and was security advisor to Carter. He is evil to the core and a member to the Bilderbergers and CFR.........

Bush has not kept us safe from anything. They are planning another incident soon to justify the declaration of a national disaster and subsequently martial law. They are planning for the US Dollar to fail and then they will bring in the AMERO, which will be hard currency backed by Silver. tricky huh..............The agreement was signed two years ago for the US, Canada and Mexico to form one Country called the North American Union. Other continents are forming the same agreements. It interesting that "SNOOPS" says that the North American Union and the Amero is false, so that cancels out the Snoops website as credible.........Bush is a liar, Bush sR is a liar, Clinton is a big liar and Obama is a liar, and McCain is just another CFR puppet and a liar......all of them.....One world government is planned soon. NSSM 200 is supported by evil people...........they think that a master's race is possible and it isn't....they will lose.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
What liberties have you lost under GW Bush? You ranters still rant as you did in 1999.Michael Moore got filthy rich while spewing his BDS.Oliver Stone has total freedom to trash the POTUS.Hollywood derides Bush even as it thrives under him.He has kept the western world safe from Islamo-terrorists for 7 years.You may disagree with him on many issues as I do,but he doesn't deserve what you are saying about him.
It is high ranking Democrats that want to rein in the internet... that want to enact "hate speech" laws. It is certainly possible that you WILL lose some freedoms under the upcoming nanny state. I wish Obama well,and hope he will grow into the job--quickly! (before you scream economy please look into who is on the board of Freddie Mac and Fannie May.AND WHO THEY SUPPORTED IN THIS ELECTION,and why people like Barney Frank and Chris Dodd only recently declared all was well in the sub-prime loan kingdom.. )The myth of Obama was birthed in the corrupt Chicago political machine,who own him lock stock and barrel.THEY will tell him what to do.

I agree with this guy fully... People are too impressionable and will do whatever their favorite celebrity tells them to do... Even if it is be democrat just like them, and hate G. W. Bush... I am sorry but when did Paris Hilton become a political pundit? Yes he has made some bad decisions, but this economic crisis stems way back to when Clinton was in office... He set the foundation for the economic crisis, Bush just finished building the house... Now Obama will decorate it with his ACORN ''civilian'' security force that answers directly to him...
I cannot wait to see the faces of the morons who elected Obama when his change doesn't come and they turn on them like a pack of hungry dogs... It is already happening to, people want him to ''change'' America by July 4th... He is already feeling the pressure, but he can just work off that stress by working out at his Chicago gym instead of finishing his job as a senator... Hey why stress when you already won the media rigged election? It is all just smooth sailing from here right?

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 10:33 AM
He is being used by the Bilderbergers to led us to martial law as set up very skillfully by the two Bush's and Clinton as the Bilderbergers orchestrated what the presidents do. Fact...Obama will not put the plan into place since th Constitution is no longer in effect when the next incident happens and it will happen. Once the President declares a national emergency he will have the automatic authority to declare martial law and no Congressional oversight.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
Why is it nobody is discussing the topic?

Obama is proposing mandatory service, in other words a draft. He is proposing a civilian security force with the same funding and equipment as the military. How do you feel about that exactly. Do those of you who voted for Obama fully support this mandatory service and a civilian security force. The Patriot Act was child's play compared to what Obama says he wants.

I think you have misinterpretated what the man said. He wants mandatory community service NOT a civilian security force. If he tries anything "funny" you can bet it will fail.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by tgambill
Bush has not kept us safe from anything. They are planning another incident soon to justify the declaration of a national disaster and subsequently martial law. They are planning for the US Dollar to fail and then they will bring in the AMERO, which will be hard currency backed by Silver. tricky huh..............The agreement was signed two years ago for the US, Canada and Mexico to form one Country called the North American Union. Other continents are forming the same agreements. It interesting that "SNOOPS" says that the North American Union and the Amero is false, so that cancels out the Snoops website as credible.........Bush is a liar, Bush sR is a liar, Clinton is a big liar and Obama is a liar, and McCain is just another CFR puppet and a liar......all of them.....One world government is planned soon. NSSM 200 is supported by evil people...........they think that a master's race is possible and it isn't....they will lose.

I see what you are getting at but your logic is flawed. The NAU and the Amero seems inevitable for many reasons but primarily to compete against the EU and the euro currency. The dollar is already weak and when inflation hits it will be much worse.

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 12:41 AM
It is not to will be used to integrate into a one world government and a one world religion and one world currency that will also go away giving rise to the verichip........

This is about a one world government that has been planned for generations carried from father to son Starting with the Rothschilds pulling in 13 major elite families. Its not about logic it is about what the facts are and the existence of the conspiracy which is irrefutable by evidence that is overwhelming. The only catch is that we outside the CFR, Bilderbergers and trilateral commission do not know their timeline. The World government is the number one objective by all.............

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