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Either there is no god and no paranormal... or there are billions of good liars and dreamers

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posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 02:15 AM
2 Thessalonians 2

1 2 3


1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,

2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.

3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?

6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.

7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

13 But we are bound to give thanks always to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:

14 Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.

16 Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace,

17 Comfort your hearts, and establish you in every good word and work.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 07:20 AM
reply to post by tgambill

You are gonna be that guy on the corner with the sign right? "Repent! God's wraith is near!"

It's funny to watch adults tell kids to grow up and stop make believing, yet...

When kids are gunned down in other countries everyday, who never had a chance to live and "choose" salvation, what happened then to free will when they end up in heaven by default? What about really bad kids that die?

I'm afraid that the whole idea of a big man in the sky that's gonna reward you for doing everything his way, sounds like some game that children came up with. And the being is way to human for my taste. No human-like god could have done the things in the universe.

But arguing this will not change your mind because you believe you are owed salvation, and will hold dearly onto this belief. If you woke up tomorrow without this "promise," it's almost certain your life would fall apart around you because the insurance policy you had on your soul just went belly up.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 07:25 AM
reply to post by Scaye

Not everyone is like that. You could prove me to me without a doubt that Jesus never even existed, and it wouldn't change my beliefs at all. I don't believe what I believe for rewards of heaven, or anything else. I just believe what he taught was right. I see truth in what is said.

But I do understand how such rewards can be obtained, and do believe people will reap what they sow, which goes a long way to what is obtained.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 07:33 AM
reply to post by badmedia

Why should you be rewarded? Are you a dog? Have you performed a trick?

Teachings of compassion isn't bad. What is bad is if you don't accept my teachings just the way I say then I'll hurt you.

True understanding makes you wonder how you ever believed in such a thing, though since we are products of our environments, I personally was just doing what my family did.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by Scaye
Why should you be rewarded? Are you a dog? Have you performed a trick?

Teachings of compassion isn't bad. What is bad is if you don't accept my teachings just the way I say then I'll hurt you.

True understanding makes you wonder how you ever believed in such a thing, though since we are products of our environments, I personally was just doing what my family did.

Does being paid after a week of work make you a dog? You reap what you sow. If you plant corn, you are rewarded with corn to eat. If you plant poison ivy, you are rewarded with poison ivy.

True understanding makes me wonder how someone can sit in a limited perception and believe anything outside their own perception is a lie and false. Really, I don't wonder to be honest, I know because I once was so arrogant. Maybe it's just something that you can only understand from an experience of sorts, it certainly took that for me.

I was once an atheist. I then realized it was pretty dumb for me to think my limited perception was the only perception. So I become agnostic. I didn't know. As I didn't know, it was something I figured I should atleast try and seek out the truth about. And so I seeked. And I found. And after I found, it broadened my perspective on things very much, and now I have a different understanding of things.

As I have said multiple times in this thread, everyone should have their own understanding. Even Jesus says if you don't hear his words and do his sayings, then the voice you will hear is that of the fathers, and the holy spirit will teach you. I do not care about your idol, I care about your actions.

Not everyone is like him. But the mainstream likes to portray people like that as being christian, as a way to discredit it.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by Scaye

Who said those "gunned down kids" were anything more than what they were programmed to be in what you correctly referred to as a "game". "Salvation" is something that can neither be "earned or lost". You are either chosen from birth/predestined as one of God's children... or YOU ARE NOT! But don't worry..... you will play your role/part in the "game" just as you were designed to do. "Rewards" are more an eternal assignment based on the choices the COG make in the "game". There won't be any unwarranted eternal positions in Heaven such as happens on Planet Weasel.... How did you like the last US president? In the new creation there will be no nepotism. No one will be questioned concerning how or why they became assigned for eternity what their role will be in "Heaven". Sounds fair to me... being "rewarded" for the courageous decisions made on this sewer(taste of hell) is a brilliantly designed "test". Isn't that kinda' what is done in your "kingdom/system"? Curses and blessings according to how well a person does in school and in life is supposedly the basis for "success" on Planet Weasel. Now why would you condemn such a "fair" game designed by God when you play a "corrupt" version of the same "game" in your daily life?

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by KOGDOG

I hope you are joking.

In response I don't agree with the way society acts. So therefore, in my case at least, I'm not contradicting myself.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by badmedia
Does being paid after a week of work make you a dog? You reap what you sow. If you plant corn, you are rewarded with corn to eat. If you plant poison ivy, you are rewarded with poison ivy.

I don't agree with our current social system. This retort is null in my case. And planting corn is nature and the process can be proven by science. Can't prove God. See to believe world.

True understanding makes me wonder how someone can sit in a limited perception and believe anything outside their own perception is a lie and false. Really, I don't wonder to be honest, I know because I once was so arrogant. Maybe it's just something that you can only understand from an experience of sorts, it certainly took that for me.

Actually, I was christian for most of my life thus far. And narrowing of perception is one of a life dictated by a set of rules and deviation from those rules is punishable. I can believe anything I want as new information arrives. Followers of the many religions have to believe in the words of their Gods. I don't label myself anything.

limited perception

You keep saying this. Actually, you had more freedom before, unless you yourself had a set of ideas you wouldn't change. The only thing limiting you was you. Now however, a book or another person's ideas limit you. Limited indeed.

...everyone should have their own understanding.

I agree completely. But people don't tend to keep it to themselves, and use these "beliefs" to create laws that dictate the rest of humanity. Have your own understanding of whatever, but when it comes to the whole we do what's best based on the physical and not the spiritual. People have to find the spiritual on their own.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by Scaye

I'm going to assume you haven't actually read this thread. I do not belong to the religion about Jesus. Who worships his image, and take authority as truth. I belong to the religion of Jesus, where I believe in what he said and taught was truth.

I am more open minded now than I have ever been. I don't think the bible is the only source of knowledge and understanding, or any of those other things you think Christianity is. I didn't even learn what I know in the bible, I only seen what I learned repeated in the bible.

What you think Christianity is, I think is satanism for lack of a better word. I think that is who those people serve. I go by the words of jesus, not the actions of what people do in his name, not what the church has done and so on.

[edit on 20-11-2008 by badmedia]

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 09:57 AM
And btw, I notice you have the zeitgiest movement link in your signature.

Did you know that the fed are the money changers of today? That Jesus was completely against any such things? That the bible says that is called usury, and is one of the biggest sins you can do.

And you notice the money says "In god we trust", and other symbolisms? And does the bible not say people will do things like this? They also have presidents on them who were strictly against a central bank of such, even Jackson who was the only president to get rid of them, calling them a den of vipers.

And btw, that resource based system is a scam, read up on some of the threads around here. They took some truth in what the fed does, and then feed you lies.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by badmedia

Well as far as the many teachings, I can't think of any off hand that were not compassionate, but I don't read the bible or Jesus history. Jesus was never a real person, but more of an idea. So if everything you believe in is compassion based, non judging perception, I applaud you. Most people never get there.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by badmedia

As where most people do not believe humans are capable of such a change, I do. Know that if we don't change soon there will no longer be an option to change.

It's all about how we are raised. Regardless if the guys behind it are scamming or not, it is actually possible.

We are more than this.

Utopia is impossible, therefore that is not what Fresco is trying to do. If the world was a Utopia, what would be the point of life? Humans just are not capable of bliss forever, it negates the point of emotions. But no wars every again, and living life in contentment for the most part, are possible.

Fresco states his way isn't the only way, it's just what he, one man, has come up with. He wants others to contribute and come up with ideas. The betterment of society is the goal here.

Now there is limitless thinking for you. People can call themselves free, but you aren't free until you can say, "anything is possible."

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by Scaye

Not only is anything possible, but everything is actually happening. All at once. The universe is static in the eyes of god, everything possible is known and nothing changes. It is only our limited perception that provides the illusion of time. You change dimensions multiple times a second, it only feels linear like time because the path you take is linear to your limited perspective.

Take a movie film for example. If your roll out all the film at once, you are all knowing and viewing it at once. Time for the movie does not exist. Time only exists when you limit the perception of the movie frame by frame. Each single frame changes into the next(dimension change) as you move forward in the movie, thus providing the illusion of time(2 hour movie that way, all in an instant when you view the film at once).

But rather than there being 1 film, there are unlimited films next to each other. Each one almost just like the previous, only slightly different. The nearest frames make up 4d, which is 3d on top of each other. And on and on. What people think of when they think of dimensions and such now are big giant leeps across the dimensions, rather than a progressive journey. For example, if you were to skip from the year 0 BC to the year 2000, you would seem like you were in another dimension. Of course, in reality we know that we slowly over the illusion of time worked to this dimension that was different.

All possibilities must exist in order for free will to exist. The question is how do you move across these dimensions. Choice. You can go among any of those dimensions. It will appear linear in your perspective because your perspective is linear. Even if you jumped 2000 years, in your perception it's still a linear timeline. The choices you make determine the path you take. If you want to get to a destination, you need to start walking in that direction. If people hadn't tried to advance technology, then we wouldn't be where we are today, we'd be riding horses etc. If you want something from the fridge, you immediate figure out a path to it.

And that is where Jesus comes in, and that is where Jesus is truth. Because Jesus outlines the path to get to a place where you live in a peaceful society. By following his words - not the example of the church, will you find the path to the destination you seek. And not just in the words of Jesus, many people have said these things across the world.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by Scaye
reply to post by tgambill

I'm afraid that the whole idea of a big man in the sky that's gonna reward you for doing everything his way, sounds like some game that children came up with. And the being is way to human for my taste. No human-like god could have done the things in the universe.

But arguing this will not change your mind because you believe you are owed salvation, and will hold dearly onto this belief. If you woke up tomorrow without this "promise," it's almost certain your life would fall apart around you because the insurance policy you had on your soul just went belly up.

Are you honestly believing your own words? Are you listening to yourself, or are you saying the same ramblings as those of satanists just to try to make a point?

Christians are not just blindly believing in Jesus, they/we KNOW Jesus, and we know Jesus has delivered us from the punishment caused by sin.

Are we holding on to a promise that has no warrant or has no power to fulfill as promised? NO!

Would we fall apart if that promise was taken away? OF COURSE! Because if God promised salvation, and then took it away, then He would not be God at all!

God holds to His promises, and He isn't going to change His mind to watch us suffer. God is the only true constant that holds mankind together. Without God all of us would have annihilated one another completely already! God is the only ONE with the ability to hold to His way without wavering even a little!

And as for Christianity being just a game created by children...I suggest you rethink your ideals! Children do not have the capacity to even come up with the concept of a God! Children, as a whole, are more concerned with themselves, much less wanting or caring about a God in the sky! If you actually believe that children invented God, you are in worse shape than many!

We must come to God as a little child would come to their parents for direction if we are ever going to KNOW God. We must come to God as little children if we want to learn of God. Little Children trust their parents to tell them the truth. If you cannot get beyond being less than a little child then you are only limiting yourself from going beyond the human condition.

What is the human condition? It is completely hopeless and without hope. The only hope we have as humans is the hope offered by God. What hope is that? That hope is that God will deliver us from ourselves. That hope is that God will reveal to us what is honestly the only reality for mankind. What is the only reality for mankind? God. God is the only true reality for mankind. Only God can turn you to Himself. Only God can show you what is possible beyond the temporal reality of this universe and all that is in it. Only God can bring you to an eternal reality that has no end. Only God can give you eternal life. Only God can bring you to exist with Him where His eternal reality exists.

Run from God all you want. Deny God all you want. Resist God all you want. Cry injustice all you want. Keep questioning God without coming to HIM all you want.


God is REAL. God is AMONG US. God CARES. God is JUST. God is FAIR. God is many things, and if you will only come to HIM you will find that He loves you and cares for you!

I have a friend who will not come to God. Whenever God comes up in our conversations my friend quickly changes the subject. Then, when his existence is anything but comfortable he complains that he hates God because God doesn't care about him. My friend claims that God, if there is a God, cared about him that God would not let him suffer poverty and all the bad things he goes through.

I see God bless him every day! My friend must seek Him!!!!

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 02:48 PM
Are you responding to Scaye or tgambill. The paragraph you are including is by Scaye as I did not say this. And yes these people here believe this stuff that Satan spews in their heads.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 02:54 PM
These dimensions you speak of, are dimensions of either Heaven, or Hell. As the Bible says, the road to Heaven is narrow and the road to Hell is wide. Only through accepting Jesus Christ as our personal savior can we escape the bowels of Hell. This is the reason, Jesus [God in human form] came to Earth, this dimension as human to die on the cross and take that punishment of sins that we can now be saved. That is what Jesus says in his words as relayed to us through the Bible.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by tgambill
These dimensions you speak of, are dimensions of either Heaven, or Hell. As the Bible says, the road to Heaven is narrow and the road to Hell is wide. Only through accepting Jesus Christ as our personal savior can we escape the bowels of Hell. This is the reason, Jesus [God in human form] came to Earth, this dimension as human to die on the cross and take that punishment of sins that we can now be saved. That is what Jesus says in his words as relayed to us through the Bible.

You reap what you sow. Only by sowing the path of Jesus will you make it into heaven. By worshiping his idol, and submitting to authority you will be lead into a path of hell where satan is that authority. It's about freedom or slavery. If you want freedom, then you have to understand the requirements of freedom, such as judge not etc. Jesus taught freedom, the church teaches submission to authority.

Jesus died on the cross to show you how to be. What it meant to walk that path and how to do so. He showed that although he could fight back, the way to heaven was not in fighting back, because in fighting back you become the evil. He rejected becoming the ruler of earth because he did not come to rule over mankind, he came to free mankind. It is Satan who tries to be the god authority on earth, rule over mankind and put them to a lifetime of slavery.

When "Jesus" rules over the earth as it says, it will be the truth is the authority, not the authority as truth. Because that is what lifting the veil gives to people - truth. And the truth as Jesus taught it is that the people are the authority.

If you think you can reap death and destruction, and sprinkle a little jesus juice on it, then you are going to be disappointed. He will tell you - I know you not. For you have worked in sin, and you will reap what you have sown. But at any point, you can learn the truth and start sowing good things, and then you will reap those good things, but it will take a bit more effort to get good things out of your rotten soil.

The mainstream christians serve satan.

So how you move through those dimensions is up to you. You want to get into a heavenly and peaceful society, you can start by acting like a member of such a society. You want to act with judgment towards others, death, destruction and that is the path you are following.

To put it in simply terms. If you rob a bank, you can expect to go to jail or recieve punishment for it. If you help another human being out in a time of need, you can expect a good friend and help in the future if needed. Either of these things you can go do tomorrow. Each path leads to different places. It's a question of which path do you wish to take.

And btw, all paths eventually lead to the same place, source, heaven, god whatever you want to call it. The difference is how bad the path has to get before people learn those lessons and start heading in the right direction. It is true that many paths lead to a form of hell, and as such you will likely have to experience that, but it is untrue that you can not change eventually and get on the right path.

I hope someday you can see and understand why Jesus was right and understand what he was saying. Instead of just viewing him as right by the authority the church teaches. I truly do.

Matthew 7:
28And it came to pass, when Jesus had ended these sayings, the people were astonished at his doctrine:

29For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.

What is a scribe?

A scribe (or scrivener) is a person who writes books or documents by hand as a profession. The profession, previously found in all literate cultures in some form, lost most of its importance and status with the advent of printing. The work could involve copying books, including sacred texts, or secretarial and administrative duties such as taking of dictation and the keeping of business, judicial and historical records for kings, nobility, temples and cities. Later the profession developed into public servants, journalists, accountants and lawyers.

He taught them as being the authority, not as what the people who wrote the books told them.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by tgambill
Are you responding to Scaye or tgambill. The paragraph you are including is by Scaye as I did not say this. And yes these people here believe this stuff that Satan spews in their heads.

I am replying to Scaye. He responded to you, and I was responding to his response.

And, by the way, I'm not certain if Scaye is a he or a she, but proper English dictates that if we do not know the gender of someone that we attribute the masculine to that person. That is proper English.
I, by the way, am a male.

Satan is indeed working all throughout ATS threads. I see satan everywhere here on this site. I believe the way this site is set up that it encourages conspiracies of every sort.

The greatest conspiracies ever devised by the devil are those that try to say God and Jesus do not exist. For thousands of years satan has fed this lie that God does not exist. Even as far back as the days before Noah and the great worldwide flood. And those days were not far from the beginning of creation!

Just look at how soon mankind forgot about God, and then tried to tell Noah that he was insane for creating a huge aircraft carrier size ship so far inland! It took Noah over 100 years to build that ship, and he spent all those years being directed by God on how to build the ship.

And, oh yes, concerning Noah and the flood! I would like to point out a detail many antichristians and Christians alike are not aware of...

Before the great worldwide flood during Noah's days the earth had much more land mass than it has today. It is my belief, as well as many others, that the earth's land mass was one huge continent surrounded on all sides by one sea.

When the flood happened, the Lord God made it rain and made the water under the earth's crust to completely cover this one huge land mass! There were many mountains on this land, but they were not near as high as today's mountains.

The flood waters completely covered all dry land for over a year. Then, God pushed dry land up through the waters, and God separated the one great land mass into several continents and islands. High mountains were also formed on the newly separated land mass, and many gorges were formed by the quick pushing up of the land masses.

Much of the land that bordered the one huge land mass were left under water. Many areas that were dry land before the flood were left under the newly formed oceans. Many evidences of civilization were buried under miles of ocean. This is why today scientists are only able to see as far back as the time after the flood. Much of what existed before the flood was either washed deep into the oceans or were buried deep under the ocean waters.

When God destroyed the earth He not only destroyed or covered up much of the land, He also destroyed any evidences of human civilization. The past of mankind was completely eliminated. God did not want mankind to look back at anything mankind had invented or designed.

We have no way of ever knowing what was before the great worldwide flood. Everything we have now could quite possibly have been around before the flood. There will never be a way of knowing for sure.

Why would we want to know anyway? All of mankind, even Noah, was not right with God. Everything mankind had achieved was worthless and futile.
The reason why we are finding simple tools of mankind after the flood is because mankind started out, or restarted out, using simple tools. Everything that they had achieved had been completely removed.

Also, the human remains we have been finding were a part of a human race that has long been eradicated by mankind since after the flood. There have been races on this earth that have been destroyed and totally eradicated by both God and man. The reason God did it is because of the anti-God hatred and violence toward God's creation committed by these various races. The reason mankind did it was because mankind was selfish and did not want to retain God in their hearts!

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 03:55 PM
"Jesus died on the cross to show you how to be."

*****Where in the Bible does it say that? Jesus died on the cross as sin and to take that sin from us, if we believe that he is our savior. He provided that example but man was cursed becasue of his sin. Jesus lived a sinless life, was sacrificed so we might live if we believe he was the son of God. Jesus didn't fight back. He spread the gospel and said to turn the other cheek and to not fight as God says, "vengence is mine", He calls us to peace.

He didn't come to this Earth to be a ruler, where are you getting this new Age lie from? He will become the ruler of the world after his second coming and Satan is thrown in the bottomless pit for 1,000 years and then finally after being released to roam again for a short while and then finally in the lake of fire for eternity. Satan will be a world ruler for 7 years in the form of the Anti-christ.

"When "Jesus" rules over the earth as it says, it will be the truth is the authority, not the authority as truth. Because that is what lifting the veil gives to people - truth. And the truth as Jesus taught it is that the people are the authority."

******All this is double talk and deceptive. You are leading these people to confusion and essentially lies that will keep them from accepting Jesus as their personal savior. You better change your ways and rethink which master you are really serving.

You wrote: "If you think you can reap death and destruction, and sprinkle a little jesus juice on it, then you are going to be disappointed. He will tell you - I know you not. For you have worked in sin, and you will reap what you have sown. But at any point, you can learn the truth and start sowing good things, and then you will reap those good things, but it will take a bit more effort to get good things out of your rotten soil."

******Isaiah 64:6 and Ephesians 2, 8, 9. Good works will not get you into Heaven. You are mixing verses as you see fit to exercise double talk and confusion. My guess is that you are a New Ager or Mormon in disguise.

"So how you move through those dimensions is up to you."

*****WRONG. It is up to God how you move to the dimension of Heaven or Hell. Accept Jesus as Savior or don't and the choice is up to you, but where you end up is up to God depending on your choice.

" You want to get into a heavenly and peaceful society, you can start by acting like a member of such a society. You want to act with judgment towards others, death, destruction and that is the path you are following."

****Now you are saying to are double talking again.

"To put it in simply terms. If you rob a bank, you can expect to go to jail or recieve punishment for it. If you help another human being out in a time of need, you can expect a good friend and help in the future if needed. Either of these things you can go do tomorrow. Each path leads to different places. It's a question of which path do you wish to take."

****New age BS..............

"And btw, all paths eventually lead to the same place, source, heaven, god whatever you want to call it. The difference is how bad the path has to get before people learn those lessons and start heading in the right direction. "

The truth...Oprah is the New Age Satanic thinking.........she is wrong. Loving, kindness and being generous does not get you to Heaven. It is a lie to think that there are different ways.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by badmedia
If you want freedom, then you have to understand the requirements of freedom, such as judge not etc. Jesus taught freedom, the church teaches submission to authority.

If you think you can reap death and destruction, and sprinkle a little jesus juice on it, then you are going to be disappointed. He will tell you - I know you not. For you have worked in sin, and you will reap what you have sown. But at any point, you can learn the truth and start sowing good things, and then you will reap those good things, but it will take a bit more effort to get good things out of your rotten soil.

The mainstream christians serve satan.

And btw, all paths eventually lead to the same place, source, heaven, god whatever you want to call it. The difference is how bad the path has to get before people learn those lessons and start heading in the right direction. It is true that many paths lead to a form of hell, and as such you will likely have to experience that, but it is untrue that you can not change eventually and get on the right path.

I hope someday you can see and understand why Jesus was right and understand what he was saying. Instead of just viewing him as right by the authority the church teaches. I truly do.

There are many things wrong with the churches of today. But, why are you speaking against the churches? By doing so you are doing exactly the things you say we should not do. You should be going to these churches, as I have been doing for years, then watching those churches closely. Then revealing to them what they are not doing right.

Most churches will usually turn you away, or they will threaten to call the police. Many churches do not want to hear the truth.
Enough on churches. We should pray FOR them, if we do or say nothing else.

You said that by what we do we determine where we will go. You are incorrect. It is not by what we do, but rather who we trust.

Are you going to trust yourself, or are you going to trust Jesus. Jesus didn't just talk. Jesus forgave. Jesus healed. Jesus gave. And, Jesus made.

Many of the things Jesus did we cannot do. Only Jesus can do those things because He is God. We, on the other hand, are NOT God. So, how do you expect us to DO the things Jesus did!? The only things we can do are the things humans, who are not God, are able or capable of doing.

We can forgive. We can be gracious and merciful. We can forget. We can be just in all our ways. We can be true. We can be fair. We can be polite and considerate. And, we can be many other things as well!


Anything we do ON OUR OWN without God performing His will THROUGH US is not of God, no matter how well you think we are at doing it. It is God working THROUGH us that fulfills His will IN us.

Not one human will get to heaven on his or her own merit! The only way one will get to heaven is if he or she lets God live in their hearts doing His will using us to do His will. We will not get to heaven by doing what we think is good behavior. We will only get to heaven by letting God do HIS BEST BEHAVIOR through us.

Not every person will go to the same place, either! Jesus taught of a real place called hell. Jesus didn't teach that we will have to go through hell on our way to heaven. And Jesus didn't teach that if we misbehave we will go to or go through hell on our way to heaven.

Your idea that all roads somehow lead to heaven is misplaced. Many will go to hell to wait out their sentence of being cast into the LAKE OF FIRE where they will experience Eternal Death! Hell is only a thinking place of suffering. And, if while in hell you blame God, or resist God, you can be certain that after that time you will be cast into the Lake Of Fire!!!

So, choose to trust in Jesus, and allow, or let, Jesus work through YOU!!!

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