Originally posted by dawnstar
oh, by the way....
we're the majority now, the majority rules right...
if you're not with us, your against us....you don't think the same way we do, well, you must be unamerican, a traitor even...
ect. ect...
I'm only kidding by the way, but well....
it doesn't feel too good, does it??
That figures, the very first reply to the OP is a dig at the other side.. nothing has changed.
Just for the record.. it doesn't work that way.
First of all, most conservatives and republicans did not think or feel this way to begin with, maybe the administration did, but not the party. That
attitude was painted on conservatives in general by YOUR party.
It was the knee jerk reation bandaid for feeling neglected and to make a rally point for the liberal troops. Only nutjobs would have ever suggested
that someone was un Amercian for questioning their government. (both sides have those)
This "traitor" and "anti-American" label were MADE UP.
Liberals took so much out of context and reused as rallying cries that it was almost funny in the last year or so... Made up to combat the frustration
of the Bush Administration not heeding advice or doing things the liberal way, it was always complete BS, complete BS. I used to get so pissed off at
people saying stupid things like that and attributing it to the conservative party.
At no time did real conservatives think that liberals were "Un American" for speaking their minds or disagreeing with the Bush Administration. (Ann
Coulter is NOT the conservative party voice)
That needs to be put to rest RIGHT NOW.
No conservative I know has EVER suggested that someone was a traitor or unamerican because of their viewpoint on the war, or any other issue. MY party
recognizes that America is made of of many stripes. It is the liberal party that has spewed hatred for 8 years, not the conservative party.
Are you going to continue the trend?
The "na na, na na na" talk was expected. We fully expert the liberal side to have their tounges out and wagging for the next 4 years as they they
continue to congratulate themselves and blame Bush for everything thats bad with the country.
Thats ok, your side won.. congrats, now do something instead of standing around pointing fingers. It's yours to squander.
To finish my original thought.. why "it doesn't work that way"...
Conservatives do not tend to get as emotionally attached to things like that. If a liberal were to ever call me unamerican for not buying into a
socialist view, the most I would do is shake my head and laugh at him, I certainly wouldn't take it seriously or personally.
I am fairly certain it is the same for most in my party... so saying "doesn't feel too good, does it?" is a self serving statement at best.