Originally posted by gizmohd
...hard work actually means something... where family matters. ..Welcome to the economic enslavement of the entire nation... I will be punished by
higher tax rates. ... Gone is the American dream.... a single father raising two children without any help... I worked 60 hour work weeks while
going to school full time in the evenings while my children were toddlers giving up precious time with them in order to earn my college degree... But
now, when Obama removes the Bush tax cuts, my taxes will increase, ... we vote our freedoms away
What paranoid reactionary sour grapes. Maybe a few more specifics might make your proud tale a bit more believable.
When was the last time hard work meant getting ahead? The wealth is in the hands of the speculators and money lenders. Hard work is what is what the
majority do just to keep their heads above water month to month.
The economic enslavement began with Bush's War, and his trillions in debt, and this latest "Bailout". Blame your higher taxes on the $100 billion a
year war.
Oh, you are making over $200,000 a year? Well, pay up those taxes buddy, and don't loop hole out on us! You would pay about $70,000 in tax if you
were in Canada. Now you pay about $40,000 tops. So, how does coughing up another $10,000-$30,000 ruin your dream? Break out the violins! Your taxes
are going up and it will be public school for the kids and no summer home. Just so The USA can have universal health care and move up from 28th in the
world for infant mortality.
Families come in all kinds of forms and styles, Some have 2 mommies, some have 2 daddies, some have one parent, some have no kids; they could all use
some encouragement. It is the economic demands of the age that stresses families.
Worried about "green" policies and carbon taxes? Republican Gov. Schwarzenegger was visiting British Columbia this year praising the rightist
provincial government here for implementing a carbon tax on fossil fuels that will be about $0.30 a gallon by 2012. We don't like it, and we all know
it is inflationary, but we have to move away from fossil fuels.
Socialism is not akin to communism. Your hard earned education taught you that they are the same? Some degree of socialism is what the majority of
people in modern democratic societies all over the world choose to implement to improve the quality of life for everyone in their country. Communism
is non-democratic totalitarian rule, as is fascism. So you do not like what the vast majority of the USA is choosing? You would rather, what? Maybe
you would prefer if the old patterns continue and democracy is suspended or ignored? Maybe just until many of the miss informed left wingers smarten
up? Sounds fascist.
Freedoms were voted away with Bush! Bush is the big supporter of taking away the rights of US citizens. Privacy rights, freedom of speech, and the
erosion of basic human rights has happened under Bush under the excuse of combating terror.
So you are a veteran, you had to work 60 hr weeks, school in the evenings. How does that fit with putting family first? Sounds as though you chose to
pursue your career rather than be there for your kids. How does money, toys, the house, private school, & those things your career buys make up for
not being there for years? Hope you had grandma or auntie to help. So the kids had some family to whom to get close. Maybe you all would have been
better off had you chosen to rent, worry about getting the transmission in the beater fixed, with the modest working class job, and been there for
your kids.
Just sour grapes. Let's all read those positive threads about giving Gov. and President Elect Obama a chance. Bet he puts together a bi-partisan,
centrist team, and helps your country.