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Obama Election Results: 333 Electoral Votes @ 11PM EST

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posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 12:07 AM
I honestly feel that Obama deserved this win. But, IMO, the margin of victory also had alot to do with the Bush administration becoming liberal cronies who more or less lost the election for McCain while at the same time discrediting the Republican party in the eyes of all the pissed off Americans out there who see the Republican party (not just bush) as a reason for our current problems. Look at what led up to this.. 8 years of hell under the bush administration, war, the economy, the corporate greed that was never investigated, and a complete failure of any personal accountability in Washington for our current problems.

Then, right before the election, we had Senator Ted Stevens (Republican) convicted in his federal corruption trial. A Senate Republican with over 40 years in service! That definatley did not help people's high hopes for the Republican party.

I think this is one of the main reasons we saw the McCain campaign talking so much about ending corporate greed, political corruption, and cronyism. Then you have the corporate greed that contributed our economic troubles that was never properly handled by the Bush administration (Republicans). In actuallity, the corruption is on both sides though. For example, Massachusetts Senator Diane Wilkerson (A democrat) who, suspected of past corruption, was caught by the feds recently actually accepting a cash bribe and stuffing the money into her bra...... See the details HERE but I think my point is clear..

I basically expected Obama to win.. I think alot of people did, regardless of whether or not they would ever admit it. Bush dug a gaping hole for the Republicans and McCain/Palin couldn't fight their way out of it. But I also think alot of it was caused by Obama being smart and the McCain campaign being horribly run. Alot of people I know were extremely worried today about what would happen if Obama actually won. What people need to do now is calm down, keep themselves together, and see what happens over the next few weeks/months. Obama promised sweeping change for the better. Let's see if he can hold himself to the promises he has made. If nothing else, we should give the man a chance. At this point, alot of people just basically feel like "anything is better than Bush".. And that isn't too far off from how I feel.

The economy was the deciding factor this election and it's no wonder either..


[edit on 5-11-2008 by BlasteR]

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 12:07 AM
I am astounded at the impact this is having around the world and in a positive way. Millions of folks, flooding the streets from every border of the United States..... every color, every religion. I have never seen anything of this magnitude of unification since 9/11. A politician, yes.... unproven, yes.... but I think this is a time for optimism and hope for America and all Americans. It is also a time for our allies to have hope again in us.

Obama may not be the answer...... he may fail miserably....... but I for one will give him time to earn the faith and the vote of confidence that has been placed on his shoulders. It is easy to be armchair politicians, smugly sipping our drinks and pleading our rants of doom to come......

Sorry, but call me an old softie..... but having witnessed something tonight that I would have never thought America was capable of even 10 years ago..... gives me personally a flicker of hope that maybe we aren't as dumb as every other country in the world thinks we are. Tonight we have proved that we can go beyond color, we can go beyond religion.... and whether the majority of voters turn out to be right or wrong..... all of us have experienced something historical.

JMFO, of course.


posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 12:08 AM
reply to post by Bunch

Yeah, well, one morning 3,000 people went to work, then got murdered, yeah, it happened quite a while after the pres was in office, but still, according to the incredibly strange warnings Obama's very own vice has given us, we need to prepare for the worst, hope for the best, it's the only logical and intelligent thing to do, remember, deny ignorance, we've been getting lots of warnings about what will happen after Obama gets in (which we all knew he would like it or not).

Obama's not sworn in yet, but once he is the SWHTF, it may not be immediate, but it will happen.

I also think that blacks will riot in the streets (please don't start that racist crap with me, I have blacks in my family, I'm part black as well), just because good ol' Jesse Jackson and Sharpton will make some bs speeches, get people riled up and they will take o the streets, Oh how I despise those two shills.

I like the idea of a black man being in office, but not this joke.

My hero Bill Cosby would be best I think.


posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 12:09 AM
I know that Obama and Biden are puppets, but if anyone else hasn't noticed the amount of people waking up to the real world has been increasing alot. The negative ones will be destroyed.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 12:13 AM

Originally posted by Dave Rabbit
I am astounded at the impact this is having around the world and in a positive way. Millions of folks, flooding the streets from every border of the United States..... every color, every religion. I have never seen anything of this magnitude of unification since 9/11. A politician, yes.... unproven, yes.... but I think this is a time for optimism and hope for America and all Americans. It is also a time for our allies to have hope again in us.

Obama may not be the answer...... he may fail miserably....... but I for one will give him time to earn the faith and the vote of confidence that has been placed on his shoulders. It is easy to be armchair politicians, smugly sipping our drinks and pleading our rants of doom to come......

Sorry, but call me an old softie..... but having witnessed something tonight that I would have never thought America was capable of even 10 years ago..... gives me personally a flicker of hope that maybe we aren't as dumb as every other country in the world thinks we are. Tonight we have proved that we can go beyond color, we can go beyond religion.... and whether the majority of voters turn out to be right or wrong..... all of us have experienced something historical.

JMFO, of course.


Exactly my feelings

Dont you think he is the first politician you can -or want to- trust? I am convinced that no matter how many threats and corruption he is going to face, he will stick for what he stands for.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 12:14 AM
So... ummm.... when does the Patriot Act get repealed?


posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by SilentShadow
What a fantastic and charismatic speech...

A brilliant communicator makes for a brilliant leader.

Adolf Hitler?

Force of Personality, Oratory and Charisma does not make a great leader, but they do make great dictators and cult leaders.

I'm not saying Obama is Hitler. I'm just saying one should not base brilliance on oratory and charisma.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 12:19 AM
The Libertarian response to this is truly amazing.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 12:19 AM
I hope this is the beginning of something better. 2008, someone other than us white folks finally takes office. How long did it take? We have needed a good leader of color in the white house. Really, this isn't a country made up of only white people. We need someone in office who can help tear down the racist walls. I hope Obama is that leader.

Obama will still have to prove himself as a good leader of this nation, as with anyone who steps into office. It is his actions and the results of his actions that will show all of us if he will be a good leader.

The truth is, I didn't vote. I don't think I had enough real information about any of the guys running to make a good decision. When you are dealing with politics, you sometimes don't know what is the truth. You throw media coverage in there, and it is a circus. Add to this, that the other candidates were so overshadowed by Obama and McKain, that you didn't even know they existed.

No matter the color, I just want someone in office, who has "eyes," and can see truth, and will do something about it. Did you ever hear Bush saying anything about the lies surrounding 911? Nope, I guess he went right along with everything.

This is your chance my friend, be the leader we have needed.


[edit on 5-11-2008 by cybertroy]

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 12:21 AM
I feel the need to point out only one thing.
While Obama made a very brilliant speech, it lacked one important thing.
He said much about this great nation, about our history, about coming together for the common good, about sacrifice, and about his struggle. It has already been pointed out that he sounds similar to a certain political figure from a dark time in history, so I won't repeat it.

I will, however, point out that among all of the words in his speech tonight, he never once used the word "freedom."

Just put aside his charismatic manner of speech and think about that.

[edit on 5-11-2008 by Malfeitor]

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by Gools
So... ummm.... when does the Patriot Act get repealed?


Lol, yeah, if he repeals that, I'll eat my words, I know he won't though.

He may come up with a new bill, here are the three different names it may have:

1. The Prosperity Bill (which will put us even more into the poor house).

2. The Security Bill (which will make us unable to defend ourselves)

3. The Patriot Act 3: Judgment Day (lol, ok maybe without the "Judgment Day thing, but know how both Patriot Acts 1 and 2 went, we could guess how 3 would turn out)

And of course, he will most likely make sure that HR1955 passes in Senate somehow, he'll use his sorcery on them lol.

Oh man, I really wonder what his first bill will be, or what he first does in office, exciting and scary times.


posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 12:22 AM
Obama imo, is going to be a President that gets things done. He has been preparing for taking office for a long while. He was meeting with the homeland security tonight on urgent matters. He is organizing his administration tomorrow. He is a man that doesn't want the office because of the office, he wants it because he really wants to change things.

It's impossible to make everyone happy with the choices he has to make. But I'm confident that he'll be making choices that he and his administration feel are in the countries best interest. And I think they are savvy, intelligent, clever, and he was very wise to take a VP that has extensive experience in foreign policy.

As far as people (whoever mentioned it in this thread) who question his saying we need to make sacrifices and get our hands dirty: I can only assume you are the folks that want everything handed to you on a silver platter. You feel as an American, you deserve everything, without giving anything. That imo, is a poisonous attitude that America DOES need to rid itself of. You do realize that most countries consider us arrogant, lazy, selfish and spoiled, right? As opposed to prior decades when Americans worked their butts off to try and make us great. I'm sorry you feel that you deserve everything, without giving anything. I guess you feel if you must do something outside of your own little sphere, it's a grand conspiracy and a horrible inconvenience.

I don't think you realize how good you have it. When I served jury duty and then grand jury duty (for 18 months), I was amazed at the whining Americans who complained. I was apalled by the people I talked to who felt it was their DUTY to make up some lame excuse to not serve. People don't realize what a great privledge it is to be able to choose to be judged by a jury of your peers. There are so many countries that would give their left eye for that right. And this is the lazy, "I deserve everything and should have to give nothing" attitude I hope that Obama helps start to abolish. If you want to live as a hermit in the mountains, fine, go do that. But if you want to participate in a nation that has amazing rights and privledges, I suggest you stop thinking it's a conspiracy when the President Elect asks for sacrifice, but instead, say "Ok.. I want to rebuild, what can I do."

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 12:22 AM
reply to post by TheRandom1

Great news, lets hope BO holds true to his words. Only time will tell, and boy has he got a stinky pile to clean up first.

Honestly though, posts like these above
really make me question certain individuals.

What SHTF???? Oh, and you can still be racist by being black and referring to someone of your skin tone in a derrogatory way you know. It just makes you look even more pathetic than you appear to be.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 12:24 AM

Originally posted by Gools
So... ummm.... when does the Patriot Act get repealed?


Wait, that would actually be change! There will be no repeal of the Patriot Act, or the John Warner Defense Authorization Act, or the warrant-less surveillance of american citizens. The change he'll bring will be in the form of carbon taxes, and gun grabbing. Maybe even a North American Union. Oh yeah, the Obama Youth too. That's probably what he was referring to in his speech.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 12:25 AM
Truly a historic day, my pride in this country is at a all time high.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 12:26 AM
Hey, I was listening to Coast to Coast last night, I was on my way home and missed the intros etc...
But they said that the guy that will guide Obama's transition into the presidency, is a big advocate of full disclosure. To keep the hope and build trust in the gov't again, he was expecting full disclosure, by spring 2009. Unless something big, like 911, happens between now and then.

He was the same guy that pushed for it, during Clinton's administration...until the alleged BJ. haha.

Anyways, I'll look up all of the information when I get home from work and try to provide links and stuff...unless someone already knows what I'm talking about.

Also, I'd like to add a funny comment I heard, while talking about the election.
I'm from Canada. During some talk about the elections, I heard someone say..." So, do they really want a dude, that was a P.O.W. running a country, when they are at war and he is still suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder? What is the other option? " and when he heard the "black" comment he cringed a little, and said "Well, hopefully the United States has grown up some".

Who knows.
In any case, I'm all for full disclosure.
Congrats on your new president. Hope he doesn't suck.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 12:27 AM
reply to post by one_small_step

So how was I racist by calling Obama black? And how should you know? Are you black?
I was just making the point that I'm not racist before some goober calls me racist without know what I look like or who I am simply because I called Obama black.

You sir are the racist if you are calling me racist for trying to defend myself from the future attack from you and possibly others, it just goes to show that people think "If you don't like Obama then you MUST be racist", typical Obama supporter.

Thanks to however has been giving me those stars, I'm going to bed now.


[edit on 5-11-2008 by TheRandom1]

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 12:31 AM
Many of us will remember Obama's words after he won the South Carolina primary, almost a year ago:

... we will begin the next great chapter in America's story with three words that will ring from coast to coast; from sea to shining sea - Yes. We. Can.

In his speech tonight, he was true to his word... as usual.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 12:31 AM
reply to post by Dave Rabbit

This does seem to have a magnitude on the scale of 9-11.

Yet as I think about that, I wonder to myself will it also be forgotten and ignored so quickly like the attacks of September 11, 2001. Our society seems to have a severe case of Attention Deficit Disorder. Barack Obama's greatest challenge, I think, will more than likely be trying to keep Americans engaged and interested.

Like the War on Terror that followed 9-11 that was hoped to bring quick resolve to terrorism, how long before people get bored or even out right hostile with Obama as most Americans lack the patience or discipline to understand that change doesnt come in a frozen package you heat in a microwave.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 12:32 AM
Eye Witness to History

I watched the results come in on New Zealand TV a couple of channels had coverage . I'm not a huge fan of Obama I don't like the signs that I have seen so far never the less I will give the guy the fair crack that he deserves . I thought that McCain gave a graceful concession speech which stands him in good stead in my eyes .

Cheers xpert11 .

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