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Obama Election Results: 333 Electoral Votes @ 11PM EST

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posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 11:32 PM
congratulations america.

the result suggest not just some of america no longer consider skin color in their choice but the vast majority of america.

i'm certain the vast majority of McCain supportors did'nt consider skin color either, my point is if you were the type to consider it you would vote for someone else other than obama.

it shows the american people have moved forward ahead of the rest of world in that regard, hopefully this will set an example to the rest.

what it means politics wise we can only wait and see. politicans have a rep for lieing and messing up, i just hope for america's sake at least its not more of the same old, proving something we knew all along, it dos'nt matter what color skin people have we are all the same and so are politicans.

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 11:32 PM
I have to agree with some above posts. Regardless of if he's a politician or not, lair or not, he is human, and I think we all wish at some point or another that we could fulfill our biggest dream, and for that man, that is his dream. Maybe the powers at be let him in, or real democracy worked, and he deserved to come to power by the will of the people, but regardless, I congratulate him on his win. This is the first time in a long time that I have seen the (majority) of the American (and global) population happy. Maybe we're deceived, maybe not, but can't we just all enjoy the moment? Even as a Canadian, I feel a sense of unity, a sense of history being made (for the better) and I can see it in many Americans eyes at Barack's speech in Chicago that they are happy. Can we not just put aside our own skepticism and appreciate the joy that has come to others? We need to put our own emotions aside for once and just be happy that for one moment in a long time, whether brief or not, we see hope, we see a light, and we see the possibility for change.

Congratulations Barrack Obama on your victory. May you prove us all here on ATS wrong, and use it wisely.

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by qd22vcc
I cried several times tonight, tears of joy! What a great day for our country! Obama always talks of "us" not "I." We have made the right choice for our new leader. It sends a great message to all of our friends and foes around the world. The sheer numbers of the difference in talleys in the electoral votes is astounding!

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 11:33 PM
Dunno why but a stupid smile comes on my face.Maybe it'll be proved right,maybe wrong,time will show since politicians are weird....creatures.

Noone can deny though that even if it'll last for just one day,almost the whole world has positive thoughts going around.
Maybe that brings that smile on my face,who knows...?

To SilentShadow:
Damn you and your bat-signature...!I thought that bugs were flying around my coffee!!!
(well,maybe it's because i couldn't sleep also @_@

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 11:34 PM
Yes you can America. Yes you can.

A brilliant speech. A brilliant communicator. I see good things with Obama. I am so happy for Americans tonight. I really am. I see change and change can be a good thing. I feel positive about this change. Nothing like I felt during the election Bush got in. This feels very positive. Stand by your new leader. Through thick and thin. Stand by your President elect. Stand together as a country. A very proud country.

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 11:35 PM
Well, congradulations.

Thanks to everyones blind support we have elected the first Muslim,
non-natural born President of the united states.

He is inexperienced, racist,and has NO clue on economic matters.

All of you had the unwavering loyalty to stand behind him and get him elected, I don't want to hear everyone crying & whining about how he ends America forsever and drags the rest of the world down with her.

I will be feeling very smug in a year from now when everuone finally wakes up to late.

Everyone was so ready to prove we could elect a "black man" to the whitehouse you overlooked his qualifications which = 0

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 11:36 PM
I think we are so over joyed and excited and express our opinions on here...

bknapple probably shouldnt have been banned for expressing opinions ..more so excitement for one politcian

we can respect each other and want hapiness

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by bagels13
Socialism Is it coming?

Socialism( at least for the average guy, socialism for the rich being alive and well everywhere) arrived in force a century ago in the rest of the civilized world so one can hope in this new century it will make similar progress in one of the last major bastions of corporate capitalist excess....


posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by Oceanborn

LMAO!!! I saw those bat things too and started freaking out..thought it was bugs on my screen and had to go back to look at it

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 11:38 PM

I don't like anything here,

But i'll be optimistic, some good in my social life and health could come

end to moronic war on drugs and stem cell research...

Not the end of the world

I hope

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 11:39 PM
Can't talk for everyone ,but I agree 100%...Ron Paul would have been change.

Amen brother.

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by TheRandom1

Please don't go down this road in this thread and respect the wishes of our mods. You really didn't bring anything of substance to this thread other than psuedo-attacks. By all means believe what you want, but keep your thoughts to yourself if all you can do at this time is make snide remarks to people who are celebrating this moment.

Andrew Jackson was not in the pockets of the world elite. Abraham Lincoln was not in the pockets of the world elite. John and Robert Kennedy were not in the pockets of the world elite. This man is not even President yet. Let's not jump to conclusions until we see what he can do with his position.

In the modern political environment there are people you have to know to run a successful campaign. Stances you have to appear to take. If anyone here sees strings connected Obama's limbs rising up above the podium where dark, shadowy figures control his every move then you in your heart have already been defeated and you are worshipping the very men we have learned so much about here on this website.

Let's take a moment to take off the tin foil hats. The skies have not erupted in flames, the oceans are not overcoming land, there are no Apache helicopters shining spotlights in my window, Barack Obama did not sprout horns declare himself the Anti-Christ. I thought alot of you were PROMISING me this was going to happen? Hmm... I feel a bit sad now, realizing the world we live in is not the Hollywood action movie so many see through the screens of their tv's and computers. In the real world there is such a thing as karmic justice. And if you still believe we are participating in a movie, doesn't it usually ends with good guys coming out on top?

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 11:40 PM
Did any of you catch this: " A new spirit of service, a new spirit of sacrifice." I only heard the speech once while I was driving in my car, so I don't know the exact quote. But I don't like the sounds of it.

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 11:42 PM
We cannot take a few words and sum up the speech...thats called editing and possibly getting a narrow perspective of what actual is the intentions of the individual?

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by rickyrrr

Originally posted by jaydelay

But just because we don't know what the Bilderberg plan is, doesn't mean it's nefarious... is it?

I am in awe at this...I can't believe you just said that. Bilderberg = nefarious Period. There are no two ways about that one.

And I'm officially disgusted with the delusional brainwashing you people have suffered. Sheep to the slaughter, like sheep to the slaughter. It's like the Pied Piper leading the rats to the river. I'm sad for this country and it's sheeple.

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 11:42 PM
The long American nightmare is over. Thank God.

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 11:43 PM
Obama is an absolutely brilliant orator. His speech in and of itself was just...
Hey, on the bright side for McCain fans, at least the next 4 years we will have a President that can give a clearly understood (using proper English words too I might add) State of the Union address. No more 'Bushisms'

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 11:44 PM
Wow Obama's speech was inspiring and knowing that the whole world is rooting him on as the first black president is even more inspiring. It was funny how Obama wasn't grinning for a bit there till his family came out since he was fighting tears. It is sad knowing that this was it for McCain (since he'll probably be dead by the next election or disabled) but it was great to hear him go down in pride and was a true sport even though the crowd was booing his acceptance of defeat. I can't believe that it was a crowd of over 1million people 1MILLION! that's like a gagillion minus 999 gillion
. I also found it funny how it was all whites at McCain's small (compared to Barack's) stage and then it was really diverse at Obama's. THAT SAYS SOMETHING THERE.

Yes, I support Obama over McCain, but only because he's willing to try something different. I know the outcome looks grim but I'd rather see our country go down trying than staying same old same old

I hope Obama, even with his lack of experience, inspires this country for the greater good and gets us to take part in our communities/issues and not rely on the government to decide our actions for us. 'nuff said

[edit on 4-11-2008 by MoothyKnight]

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 11:45 PM
All I say is;

America has spoken, the rest can shut up.

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by Oceanborn
To SilentShadow:
Damn you and your bat-signature...!I thought that bugs were flying around my coffee!!!
(well,maybe it's because i couldn't sleep also @_@

I get this remark so often lol... my signature needs to get voted most annoying on ATS lol.

I am Australian and have become pro Obama, however, if even possible, this acceptance speech from Obama has made be like him even more. I believe he is genuine.

America... from this Australian at least, THANKYOU SO MUCH!

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