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God is no Hoax, God is Alive

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posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 08:35 PM
wasnt god, it was human will and the power of faith and belief that he would be well that made him so. not god.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by Randy Echo

This is my Miracle...

Congratulations, I also just had a baby just weeks ago.

But, no offense, I am sure the Unabomber looked really cute when he was a baby too. Cuteness is a temporary and passing feature of all humans, not to be confused with a miracle.

Well, it only passes for some. there are others for whom beauty is longer lasting. Why can't we all be pretty? but I digress.....

Wait till he is two and talking back. Then at three he'll be your best friend again, then at 4 he'll skate on the kitchen floor wearing your DVD's as skates and pop the domes in your woofers. Just at that time he will start school and you'll be really proud he can count and read.

AThen at 10 he'll be smart and get along just fine, then at 11 he'll loose respect for you as he learns you're just human and don't have all the answers... and eventually he'll be posting here in ATS.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 08:50 PM
God is the energy inside every single photon, inside every electron, and inside every particle that makes the universe. God is the energy that is all around us at every moment.

The human body is made up of a collection of particles that work together to create life. Your mind, your consciousness, and all of your thoughts are possible, because of this collection of particles. Just like humans, God is made of a collection of particles too, except God is the total sum of all particles and all energy that exists. Humans have organs like a heart, and kidneys, and livers, the work together to create life. God has the stars, the planets, and even you, that work together to create God's life.

The dirt, the air, the water, light, YOU, all the stars, planets, all of that is actually working together to create God, and God's mind. You are a small part of God.

That is why they say "God is everywhere", because God IS everywhere, literally. God is everything you see, hear, smell, touch, taste, and think about. We are alive inside of God.

That is also why they say "God is all powerful", because God IS all power. God is every electron in electricity, every photon in light, every nuclear reaction, every single form of energy. If you combine all the energy in the universe together, you have the most powerful source of energy in existence, you have God.

God is also all knowing, because God IS knowledge, literally.

Yeah, knowledge is power.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 08:55 PM
a few salient points:

a perusal of medical databases shows no publications by or references to dr. delos hansen. given how rare an event this supposedly was, at least one medical journal surely would have been interested. at minimum, dr. hansen would have surely co-authored a paper or at least been cited in a study. i'm not doubting the basic truth of what you're saying, that it is truthesque, that is to say that your wife had a difficult delivery and dr. hansen (not g_d) did a remarkably good job under very bad situations. i just think you seem to be overhyping what seems to be (in the medical community) a non-event.

a "miracle" would be if a baby were actually cold, dead and lifeless and some dude with long hair and sandals came along a couple of days later and said "baby, rise from the dead" and suddenly the baby started to cry and squirm. what you're describing is an extremely unlikely event. even if it's as unlikely as you say (11 million to 1 smells fishy) it still isn't a miracle--it is an extremely lucky, unlikely event. a miracle defies the laws of nature. since medical science regarded this baby as having a chance of surviving, no matter how slim, the laws of nature are perhaps chagrinned but not defied.

ironically the people who say "anecdotal evidence proves nothing" to this story are on the right side for the wrong reason. a miracle can only be anecdotal. there is nothing else that a miracle can be beause a miracle defies the very nature and structure of the universe, flies in the face of physical and natural laws. the problem is that this just ain't a miracle precisely because it doesn't do that. a miracle proves that there is an invisible monster in the sky (g_d to you, i guess) who can violate the laws of nature at will because he made 'em and he can break 'em. this only proves that sometimes when circumstances are right and a surgeon is skilled and everybody gets lucky very unlikely things can happen and sometimes those things are good.

there's no miracle. no god. the whole universe is nothing but atoms and void, and i find that comforting.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 09:15 PM
What awesome inspiring testimonies ...

I found this post to be inspirational but very sad ...when I think about people who will not believe in God no matter what happens ..that makes me sad for them ..they have no idea what they are missing when they dont have a personal relationship with their creator is even better than having a spouse who you love dearly and feel like your now a part of them ..same thing with knowing GOD ...and believing in him ...and talking to him and listening to him when he speaks and just feeling his presence constantly even when sleeping ...there is so much hope inside me that sometimes I feel like I could just pop out of this body and rise up right then and there ...there is so much love I cannot even share enough and it is still running over in my soul ..there is so much hope in me that even now in these times when I can barely afford bread to eat ..and everything is going to crap around us all ...I am still at PEACE ...and I know everything is gonna be ok at least for me and mine ....I know Gods will be done and it is way better than what I could come up with I TRUST HIM >>

But the good news is long as the Athiests and nonbelievers are still trying to debunk God there is hope least they are still thinking about him ...they are not yet reprobate ...not all of them anyway ....
When they stop thinking about him completely when they are not even trying to debunk him anymore then I will really worry about them ..
Rom 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in [their] knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
(Do you see what lies in store for you ?) it is not good does not end well ..

Just a scripture I wanted to share with those who THINK they are god and there is no God period .
Ecc 8:8 [There is] no man that hath power over the spirit to retain the spirit; neither [hath he] power in the day of death: and [there is] no discharge in [that] war; neither shall wickedness deliver those that are given to it.

[edit on 1-11-2008 by Simplynoone]

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by Kailassa

Originally posted by Randy Echo . . . The doctor came at us with the good news bad news thing, we took the good news first, he said do you know your pregnant, well that was truely a surprise, my wife had been on the pill and it just wasn't expected. The bad news was that the fetus was tubal and severly grown over in the falopian tube, no possible way for it to break free, and so scheduled for surgery to have the fetus removed to save her life. . . .

There are some worrisome things about this story.
I believe in God(s) and I believe in miracles, but I don't believe in obstetricians who first say there is good news, that you are pregnant, before telling you that this embryo must be aborted. An ectopic pregnancy is a tragedy for a couple who want a baby. Even if a couple is pro-choice, being forced to abort even a tiny embryo that would end up killing the mother can still be a sad thing to do.

An obstetrician quickly learns to be aware of peoples' feelings, and will not raise hopes like this only to dash them in such a cruel way.

. . . and never before anywhere had a fetus just dissappeared before on an ultrasound . . .

I'm sorry, but this is just laughable. Viewing things with ultrasound can be tricky, and sometimes small things can be there but are not seen.

As for the statistic given, "Eleven Million to One odds," it's so fake I at first read "Eleventy Million." There is no statistic for an ectopic pregnancy being miraculously taken out of the mother and then miraculously inserted into her womb.

There is a perfectly logical explanation for what your wife experienced.

It is possible to have more than one pregnancy at one time. In fact it's a known danger that an ectopic pregnancy may not be noticed if the woman also has a uterine pregnancy. Obviously the ultrasound operator was primarily looking for an embryo in the fallopian tube, not in the womb. And in the early stages, the embryo is only a tiny yolk-sac, very easy to miss.

It is not unusual for an ectopic pregnancy to be reabsorbed or to spontaneously abort. "Expectant management" of ectopic pregnancy is an accepted form of treatment when the embryo is small or the pregnancy hormones are already dropping.

No sane doctor, seeing the situation you have described, would be particularly astonished. There's nothing at all weird about it, just twins, one of whom did not make it to the womb and was disposed of by the body.

I noted you referred to the embryo as a fetus. If an ectopic pregnancy progresses to fetal stage, the mother dies. I was reading of a Catholic South American country in which all abortion is not only banned, but treated by the state as murder. Girls there with ectopic pregnancies are left to slowly die in agony as the growing embryos gradually burst their fallopian tubes, killing them.

By the way, the ground was hallowed, not hollowed.

The doctor with the good news and bad news was an ER doctor, about mid 50s and I would say prob. a bad hangover that was overworked from the minute he got there, not the OB who dealt with this after the testing and release from the Hospital.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 10:25 PM
For people who wonder about stats and so forth, here is some information on these tubal pregnancies.

An ectopic pregnancy cannot survive and has never yet been successfully moved to the womb.
If early diagnosis is made, and there are few symptoms, it may be possible to avoid surgery by treating the condition with the drug methotrexate, which makes the ectopic pregnancy shrink away by stopping the cells dividing.
However, treatment usually involves urgent surgery to remove the embryo. Laparoscopic surgery is carried out under general anaesthetic and involves making a small incision in the abdomen to access the Fallopian tube. A damaged tube will be repaired if possible but a badly damaged tube will be removed to prevent a recurring ectopic pregnancy.
Sometimes follow up blood tests or scans may be necessary to check the ectopic pregnancy has been successfully removed.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by Simplynoone

I could give you examples of people who 'trusted' God's will, and got the worst from that. Like I said in an earlier post, people are wired differently, thus the vast range of stuff that tickle our brains the right way.

The same way you cannot understand how some people can live without a relationship with God is the same way others (me included) can't understand how you could say that it's even better than a relationship with a spouse.

I used to be an altar boy in my teenage years, and I think at that time I truly believed in God. Then some time later I realized that I couldn't feel his presence within me or near me, no matter how I tried (I blame it on going to high school!) It occurred to me that I believed because I had been taught to. Looking back, I can honestly say that I have never felt God's presence within me, and the thing is, I don't miss it or anything. And my life is...less complicated than when I 'believed'.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 10:30 PM
[edit on 2-11-2008 by Randy Echo]

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by Randy Echo

I also agree with your statement. However, you have to undestand that the dark forces and telling the believers that they are wrong and it never works. I, for one, knows that it works. It worked because I had a very big need that something could be done to help in a problem I was having and after many tests and surgeries it works out well. I am talking about my brother who had lung cancer effecting one lung only and they weren't sure that the second one wasn't effected as well. But it wasn't and they just took the one out and now after 8 years he is still going fine. Actually better than fine. So for this I know that my prayers have been answered and for this I thank God who hear my pain and crying as asking for mercy. This is my story and I will always believe in it.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by Anomander
reply to post by Simplynoone

I could give you examples of people who 'trusted' God's will, and got the worst from that. Like I said in an earlier post, people are wired differently, thus the vast range of stuff that tickle our brains the right way.

The same way you cannot understand how some people can live without a relationship with God is the same way others (me included) can't understand how you could say that it's even better than a relationship with a spouse.

I used to be an altar boy in my teenage years, and I think at that time I truly believed in God. Then some time later I realized that I couldn't feel his presence within me or near me, no matter how I tried (I blame it on going to high school!) It occurred to me that I believed because I had been taught to. Looking back, I can honestly say that I have never felt God's presence within me, and the thing is, I don't miss it or anything. And my life is...less complicated than when I 'believed'.

We had an incidence at our church, Sunday school class every Sunday morning at 9 am. Well moving on up with me, my agnostic friend and myself ,started a new year of school and Sunday school class, we had the pleasure of going to a new teacher, his name was Mark. Anyways he wasn't suppose to do this, but he taught my small group of kids, right in the church , right in class, about eastern religion. We all were taught about meditation and transendental meditation, spirts and manifestations. After a period of time one of the kids told on Mark, the classes were really getting wierd, talking about black masses and basically Wican teachings. He was forcefully removed from the church and restricted off of the property, all of us children were interogated and seperated into several different groups of known good teachers. It was a mess. But the part about being taught to love God, I can see it happening to people, like the unconditional love we feel for our kids, its goes without saying. Not in my case, and some of the other kids that experienced Mark. We were offered other choices right there in our four square gospel church, pagans had a voice in our class. I took away from it the desire to meditate, read alot of shirley mclain books like out on a limb, and taking a long look inwards. I can say my decision to love God is from My heart and not indoctrination.

I got pretty involved before in the occult , almost committed suicide , became very depressed. I over threw the chains, got baptized the second time at my church, the wierd part of all of it was after baptizism I didn't feel whole anymore. With the washing away I realized I was possessed and that entitity had bonded with my personality so deep I thought my thoughts were my thoughts, they were not. I felt so empty after being baptized, not in my soul, my soul was doing better than ever, but in my personality. It had to grow again to feel the gaps that were priorly filled with demonic possession. It took along time to do so. around two years.

I did survive the devils attempts at taking me, and now sit here witnessing to the world about how God Is Alive!!!

[edit on 1-11-2008 by Randy Echo]

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 11:30 PM
Sorry to be so harsh dude, but I can say with 99.9 % certainty that the christian God (or any God that humans believe in) does not exist. It's cool that your son is doing alright, but what about all the other parents who prayed to God to save their child, but God let'em die? What about the people of long ago who prayed to God, and when they prayers were supposedly answered they attributed it to whichever God it is that they believed ?

Also, to bite George Carlin
You believe that God has a divine plan dont you? If so, then why the hell bother praying to him? If it's in his plan for you to get what you want, then you will get it. If it ain't then whats the use of being God if every run down schmuck with a 2 dollar prayer book can come a long a f... up your plan???

If you wanna believe that this mythical sky fairy played a part in saving your sons life, then fine, thats your choice. But really, theres gonna have to come a time when humanity just grows up, and stops believing in this God, religion BS... Humanity has been through it all before, and if humanity keeps going on this track of devolution, we'll be believing in others Gods in a couple thousand years. It's a cycle that needs to stop.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by Randy Echo

You see what I mean? It worked out that way for you, for whatever reason, and it worked out differently in my case. The trouble is, a good number of people who are certain that theirs is the truth, that theirs are the correct beliefs tend to view anyone who doesn't share their beliefs as misguided, lacking the truth and so on. That's what irks me.

Spirituality is deeply personal, complicated, and a big issue at that. We'are talking about something that can help me live in happiness... or that can mess up my life. I know people whose religious beliefs give them strength to face this world, and others who consider said beliefs as obstacles.

No offense to anyone, but no-one can possess the Truth in matters like these. God's existence is not an obvious fact, otherwise there wouldn't be such huge differences in religious beliefs and skeptics probably wouldn't exist. What is the reason behind that? Are all atheists (and agnostics to some extent) misguided? Anyone who doesn't subscribe to the God you believe in?

Just to be clear, I think there is something/someone out there... but s/he/it is probably very different from the God you believe in, if only one looks at this world.

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 01:25 AM

Originally posted by snowen20
Prepare to be debunked by the horde of nonbelievers.
This is already going to piss some people off.
They consider it their mission in life to take your faith away.

Good Luck.

Or perhaps his faith need not be shoved down others throats?

I also hazard a guess, that had he done nothing, or perhaps had gone to the pub and drank himself silly, everything would have turned out exactly the same.

But there ya go...

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 01:37 AM
reply to post by bloodcircle

He isnt shoving anything down your throat.
He is merely making a statement of what he believes.

No different than anyone else. Your choice to come to this thread and interface is your decision, if you dont like whatyou read look away or go somewhere else.

Yawn what a tiring excuse..
By the way excuse my writting iv had a little to much to drink tonight ......not aperfect christian you see..

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 01:57 AM

Originally posted by Randy Echo
when you have a experience like this one,
nothing will ever amaze you
nothing will ever take it from you
knowing is a great feeling

I just hope that others that don't have that option
can find it for themselves before the end

If your experience is the work of god showing kindness upon you, as opposed to pure cause and effect, then riddle me this:

If a human is aware of a crime, wrongdoing, "sin", etc.. and they are not directly instigating or bringing on the foul act, yet they show apathy and non-action, by not stopping the act or situation from occurring, knowing full well that it's happening, or exists, then in most cases we hold this human in our minds, and in court, as being associated with the action, and guilty of not doing the "right" thing, and stopping it, or at least reporting it.
Guilty by association etc..

Now if god is all knowing and sees all occurrences (simultaneously I might add)..
And he is not intervening and stopping poverty, perversion, rape, genocide, murder, child abuse, thievery, deformed and retarded babies that will be beaten and mentally tortured by their peers, disease, starvation,...Limbaugh... I could go on....
Rather he watches it, witnesses it, and lets it go on repeatedly through millennial of human existence.
Hundreds of quadrillions in the least.. of instances where he's witnessed it happen, yet took no action.
Its almost as if he is approving of these actions.
And in the end, is the most guilty one of all, knowing full well of all the abominations going on constantly, and never (in your case the hypothetical rarity)... taking action, intervening, or "righting" these wrongs.

Why do you think god showed favoritism to you and yours, in your situation, yet at the same time, literally forcing hell to happen to others constantly, being a guilty witness to their hell and not ceasing their suffering.

If he is willingly letting these people suffer in agony, then I don't know about you, but I find that completely demented, and lacking any compassion at all.

Now, if you replace "god"...
with "mankind"
and we take the position of "one whole collective"... then we COULD.. if we inevitably focus our efforts, eventually we could eliminate suffering by taking action step by step...

doing something god refused to do.

we'd be stepping in as if to say "ENOUGH ALREADY! ....ok "god" if you're not going to do it.. then @#$% you.. WE'LL do it!.."

We'd be doing the ultimate good....
while undoing god's perverse agenda of pain confusion suffering and terror.

And from another perspective..
What if good things happened all the time, and there was never any bad things happening... EVER.
Would you even know what a bad thing was?
Would you even know what a good thing was?

Is it only when, in a world of agony and insanity, something occurs that plays into your own good fortune, you think it soooo rare, and against perceived odds, that a separate higher mind decided to "do" it?

I think that's completely without sound reason.


[edit on 2-11-2008 by prevenge]

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 01:23 AM
True i admit Anomander as a point i've seen ALOT of people pray and never get an answer. Then again these very same people were the ones that never even entered a church until they get into # and needed someone/something to get them out of it... If you'd be rich and u'd have the power to help someone thats beging you however u know he's only after your money not you would you help them? If you'd be God and u'd have someone praying to be saved but you know they are just doing that... "praying to be saved" would you help them???

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 05:20 AM
Last night before bed I prayed and asked the lord to help me
explain his existance, I had a dream last night

in the dream I saw a man fighting with a demon
the man screamed at the demon saying " you aren't real"
The demon yelled back " Your pain is"
The man broke free of the demon and the demon vanished

He thought to himself what he had said that made the demon fade
he got his thoughts back to himself
then stepped over the edge of the building falling to his death

The fight the man was having with the evil was in his own mind
this fight was over to live or die, the man was wrestling inside of himself
with the evil

by denying the evil the world manifested right to his face
let his inner demons over power his thoughts
and he died.

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by prevenge

Originally posted by Randy Echo
when you have a experience like this one,
nothing will ever amaze you
nothing will ever take it from you
knowing is a great feeling

I just hope that others that don't have that option
can find it for themselves before the end

If your experience is the work of god showing kindness upon you, as opposed to pure cause and effect, then riddle me this:

If a human is aware of a crime, wrongdoing, "sin", etc.. and they are not directly instigating or bringing on the foul act, yet they show apathy and non-action, by not stopping the act or situation from occurring, knowing full well that it's happening, or exists, then in most cases we hold this human in our minds, and in court, as being associated with the action, and guilty of not doing the "right" thing, and stopping it, or at least reporting it.
Guilty by association etc..

Now if god is all knowing and sees all occurrences (simultaneously I might add)..
And he is not intervening and stopping poverty, perversion, rape, genocide, murder, child abuse, thievery, deformed and retarded babies that will be beaten and mentally tortured by their peers, disease, starvation,...Limbaugh... I could go on....
Rather he watches it, witnesses it, and lets it go on repeatedly through millennial of human existence.
Hundreds of quadrillions in the least.. of instances where he's witnessed it happen, yet took no action.
Its almost as if he is approving of these actions.
And in the end, is the most guilty one of all, knowing full well of all the abominations going on constantly, and never (in your case the hypothetical rarity)... taking action, intervening, or "righting" these wrongs.

Why do you think god showed favoritism to you and yours, in your situation, yet at the same time, literally forcing hell to happen to others constantly, being a guilty witness to their hell and not ceasing their suffering.

If he is willingly letting these people suffer in agony, then I don't know about you, but I find that completely demented, and lacking any compassion at all.

Now, if you replace "god"...
with "mankind"
and we take the position of "one whole collective"... then we COULD.. if we inevitably focus our efforts, eventually we could eliminate suffering by taking action step by step...

doing something god refused to do.

we'd be stepping in as if to say "ENOUGH ALREADY! ....ok "god" if you're not going to do it.. then @#$% you.. WE'LL do it!.."

We'd be doing the ultimate good....
while undoing god's perverse agenda of pain confusion suffering and terror.

And from another perspective..
What if good things happened all the time, and there was never any bad things happening... EVER.
Would you even know what a bad thing was?
Would you even know what a good thing was?

Is it only when, in a world of agony and insanity, something occurs that plays into your own good fortune, you think it soooo rare, and against perceived odds, that a separate higher mind decided to "do" it?

I think that's completely without sound reason.

first of all life isn't perfect, God may be, but our lives aren't
by putting logic to life you will never be able to answer questions
about your soul
if we devided our world by extremes, we all would be laying around at
the age of 130 with personal butlers having famous actors and comedians entertain us while we all were being sexually serviced by our dream partners.
on the other side of this would be life like in the Nazi Concentration camps of world war two.
Life isn't about extremes is it?
Does either of your life described closely by both of the above descriptons?
I think not.
now that I think logic shouldn't be used to explain life or spiritual beliefs
I will tell you why I think God does what he does and doesn't

He created us and our world
He decided how much intervening he would do before this
papercuts hurt, so does being crushed under a building from an earthquake
putting aside religion if you didn't know of God
wouldn't your creator be your mother and dad
How many times did you fall off your bike when you were learning
should your mom and dad of kept you from learning
and taken away the bike
or let you bump it out on your own so you could eventually do it by yourself without training wheels
Doesn't it hurt when you see your child get hurt? Hell yes it does, most of us wish we could take the injury for ourselves or that sickness that is killing them for ourselves.
God feels for us that way too when people are treated badly or killed
He could save everyone from a physical death and pain,
but it takes even more strength to stand back and not get in the way
He has given humanity the ability to care for others
There are heroes everywhere that put their lives on the line everyday!
Take 911 for instance, all the people running out of a building on fire, the police and firemen where running in,
We have people like that because we were given a gift
Called love, Faith, Even Courage!!!

How much money from the real world have you committed to conquer disease, or famine , how many fights have you broken up, how many times have you put poisons in your own body, drugs , smoking , drinking?
Did God put that in your body, when your liver fails will it be God not standing by with a safety net, or you with your history of self destruction?

Humanity has a chance, we have a wonderful chance, but heres the part most people have to understand and don't
We have to save ourselves, We have to make our world worth living in, We can't blindly turn away from things we know we should deal with. Until this world becomes a family again, we all will just keep walking away and turning our heads.


[edit on 2-11-2008 by prevenge]

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 07:59 AM

True i admit Anomander as a point i've seen ALOT of people pray and never get an answer. Then again these very same people were the ones that never even entered a church until they get into # and needed someone/something to get them out of it... If you'd be rich and u'd have the power to help someone thats beging you however u know he's only after your money not you would you help them? If you'd be God and u'd have someone praying to be saved but you know they are just doing that... "praying to be saved" would you help them???

Why should I have to visit the church every sunday, if my faith is strong enough then God knows that. I don't need to visit church for God to know whether or not my faith is in him is strong, and real. What about the stories of devout followers of God who prayed, and still died???

You are so deluded, I'm sorry but its getting harder, and harder to play nice with creationists. I'm becoming the a--hole that I thought atheists were when I was agnostic...
Now I know why they were such meanies...

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