posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 12:58 AM
I am going to try to make along story short here. This is a true story.
Seven years ago my wife complained of abdominal pain, It became so bad that I had to take her to the emergency room for help. After sitting there for
what seemed like forever after they had taken blood and performed an ultra sound of her stomach area , the doctor came to see us. The doctor came at
us with the good news bad news thing, we took the good news first, he said do you know your pregnant, well that was truely a surprise, my wife had
been on the pill and it just wasn't expected. The bad news was that the fetus was tubal and severly grown over in the falopian tube, no possible way
for it to break free, and so scheduled for surgery to have the fetus removed to save her life.
I had struggled with my level of faith my whole life, back and forth , totally being affected by this horrible turn of events I decided to go ask
God Myself to save this baby's life. I was a delivery driver for a company that delivered flowers out of town , all the way from deep inside illinois
to WI. I made it a point to stop in DickeyVille WI, to beg God to save my child's life. There is a place there that was built stone by stone , gem by
gem, by a Catholic Priest that had believed this was very Hollowed Ground. I could of been fired for delaying my route, the people I worked for
weren't Christian, only cared about there flowers and timing, and of course their money. I stopped anyway, it felt like there was not anything else I
could of done. I was compelled to go pray! It has taken me time to remember the name of this place , it is called the Grotto.
Keeping with the long story short idea, I dropped to my knees with tears in my eyes and begged him to save my kid, instantly I felt relieved,
like a change had happened, I wasn't at all worried anymore, I knew the Lord was going to do something. I felt it inside me like knowing it was
daylight I knew it was so. When I stood up from being on my knees, It literally felt like I weighed 20 pounds. He lifted me up.
Night before surgery, baby still in tube, surgery for am on schedule, ultrasound was taken before I was at the Grotto. 9am the next morning pre
surgery, baby couldn't be found on Ultrasound anywhere inside my wife. MY SON IS 6 YEARS OLD NOW, AND IN PERFECT HEALTH.
The odds on this happening , given to us by my wife's doctor were 11 million to one against , and never before anywhere had a fetus just dissappeared
before on an ultrasound, they normally show up as a miscarraige or attached to the uterine wall.
Eleven Million to One odds. The doctor said this report of this incident was being read about by just about every OB in the world that week, It just
doesn't happen.
I love my God, and I can tell you the Grotto seems almost like Heaven on Earth, the hair stood up on my neck the whole time I was anywhere near this
place, and it always does, I try to revisit the Grotto every chance I get and thank the Lord again for my beautiful son.
You can Google the Grotto in Dickey Ville WI for more info on the site, but I can tell you, this is a bonofide Miracle, and I firmly believe in the
power of God and His absolute ability to change anything in our lives, including the Physical.
I am telling you, He is there and he listens.