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Berg to file Emergency Ruling with Surpreme Court

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posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
When is ATS going to take a stand and BAN these people who knowingly post bullcrap stories hoping to sway peoples minds and cause fear?

Really, how many threads are there on this, and how many times is it shot down?

why are these people allowed to continue posting this stuff?

Why is Obama still alowed to run for Office? Why is Obama unable to do a simple thing like PRODUCE the damn BC to the DNC. Why do YOU settle for the crumbs of proof that is out there like someones hearsay that such a document exists and we are just supposed to take someone elses word for it who like Obama does the same thing.

Why do YOU think the media who has been Obama's Bitch all along, would care to besmirch the Marxist Senator from Ill?

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop

have personally seen and verified that the Hawai‘i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures," Fukino said.

word games?

will you not be happy until YOUVE Seen and physically held it?

C'mon one more time,

why hasnt Mccain said that obamas certificate is fake?

Youd think, being its a government document that he could of atleast proven by now its a forgery ,yeah?

[edit on 2-11-2008 by Agit8dChop]

Well Geee um MAYBE it's because EVERY OTHER suspicious item surrounding the MessiaH has gone unanswered but if you MUST KNOW,,

ASK JOHN MCCAIN ! I am not his publicist!

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 10:17 PM
The reason I dont believe any of this?

Is because a republican government would of helped its republican contender show that the democratic contender had used a forged government document to stake his claim at the whitehouse.

Its not like Mccain is sitting around 'unaware' of this BS claim.

If this had any thread of truth to it, Mccain, Palin, Bush and all the other con artists would of used it every day of the campaign.

Law courts have thrown this out.
Government officials have achnowledged at the Birth Certificate is authentic.

Yet, peasants like you still claim, without a word of proof/evidence/substance that the Birth Certificate is fake, even though so much stands in the way of your lie.

And your response, as to why Mccain hasnt chosen to use this little gem yet? is

'' I dont know, ask Mccain ''

you seem to know everything else regarding this matter... but cant fathom a response as to why it hasnt entered the 'actual' election yet.

Can I gander a guess?

'' Maybe because there's no substance to this crappy claim ''

but im sure we are going to see dozens more threads about this Birth certificate in the coming days.
nothing like a lie to infect some with fear.

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by Agit8dChop

McCain would never stoop to that, and especially not Palin!!! I mean, they have no past record of playing dirty politics against Obama. They haven't made crazy, ridiculous accusations at him...

The fact that even they won't touch this rumor is point in case that it is not only false, but "you have to be a nut job to believe it" false.

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 12:29 AM
I dont believe there is any injury in fact until after Barry gets elected.
If he gets elected and Mcsame does nothing then possibly he knew.
Either way it would be simpler to end the drama and just show the dang
thing. Its clear his own family cant get their stories straight either on
where he was born. The supreme court needs to set a precident on who
can bring this to court.

These cases you speak of being thrown out were simply dismissed
because a citizen does not have the right to challenge any politicians
credentials. Which is a precident set in a case involving someone else.

I disagree with that precident btw. It would be just as easy to let the
judge look at the BC behind closed doors then rule and done.

After that the precidents set and no one else can bring a suit against
said candidate. But to pay a ton of money to lawyers to keep it under
wraps? I dunno sounds fishy.

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 12:32 AM
Berg's on C2C right now....just in case anyone wants to listen.

I agree with the above poster; the cases are being tossed out due to the fact the plaintiffs cannot show actual "injury" right now. If Obama gets elected, then the cases can be brought again and the outcome may be different....then, there is actual "injury" due to the fact that allegedly, Obama got into office based on fraud.

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 02:25 AM

Originally posted by skeptic1
Berg's on C2C right now....just in case anyone wants to listen.

I agree with the above poster; the cases are being tossed out due to the fact the plaintiffs cannot show actual "injury" right now. If Obama gets elected, then the cases can be brought again and the outcome may be different....then, there is actual "injury" due to the fact that allegedly, Obama got into office based on fraud.

Barry ObamA ! Commit an act of fraud!

How UNUSUAL! hehe

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop

you seem to know everything else regarding this matter...


posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by Sublime620
McCain would never stoop to that, and especially not Palin!!! I mean, they have no past record of playing dirty politics against Obama. They haven't made crazy, ridiculous accusations at him...

No, they have not, so what's your point?

Please name one thing they have personally said that would be considered 'dirty politics'?

By the way, have you conceded the tax issue regarding Obama's campaign changing the upper limit on who they consider middle class? I posted proof as you suggested which shows the movement from 300,000 to 250,000 to 200,000 to 150,000 then 120,000 and today it's 97,000. Last year he voted to raise taxes on people making more than 42,000.

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 03:18 PM
you guyz do know that mccain and obama work for same people right?

same team, get alot of money from same people, its ALL JUST MORE OF THE SAME!!!!!

and thats why mccain dose not say anything about this.

its rigged they already know the winner weather you or me or anybody likes it.

its all a game they play to make the people happy, to make us think our vote counts.

wish it wasnt like this but, nothing can be done about it, we let them do what ever they want.

all i got to say is 911 was an inside job!

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 03:44 PM
Goodness - such stupid partisanship!

Obama has posted a Certificate of Live Birth - NOT a Birth Certificate. Anyone who appears before a registrar and requests such a document and can verify their identity will be granted one - regardless of where you were born. Once one has been requested, it will be filed with Vital Statistics and you will be furnished a certified copy.

Curiously, his COLB (cert. of live birth) features a few questionable items. For example, under father's nationality it lists "African American". Um, that term wasn't used on official documents until the late 1980s. Depending on the state it would have read either "Negro" or "African" so that is very strange. Additionally, the decorative frame and colors have been changed over the years to help identify fraud. Peculiar then that the document he produced featured a frame and color pattern not used until nearly a decade later - leading many to believe that this is when this document was originally requested by his mother or grandparents.

Next, regarding "Standing"... It is my opinion that the Judge, Surrick I believe, is completely incorrect in his adjudication of "standing". Had this been a FOI request or someone looking into a simple news story, I would agree. However, citizens have a contract with the Federal government called the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. Within those documents it is firmly stated what qualifications MUST be met in order to run for office - an office that WE, the people, cast ballots for candidates. As a result, anyone voting has "Standing" on the matter as they will be materially harmed by wasting their vote on an illegal candidate. As a result, I support Berg's intention of elevating this to the Supreme Court. Additionally, the HI offcial's recent statement regarding the Birth Certificate may just be enough to invalidate the state's standing concerning privacy in that it was a publilc statement. It could be argued now that such a staement does bear, in fact, potential material harm as the statement by itself has no basis in fact or judgement and cannot be independently verified by 'the people'.

Lastly, my personal opinion is that Obama does not meet the qualifications to run for office as President. In fact, I question his legality as Senator. I have heard audio of his grandmother, speaking through a translator, stating that Oabama was born in Kenya. Kenyan officials have moved to directly stifle any research into the matter. He refuses to release his Vault Original Birth Certificate. There is simply too much here to ignore. If he was born in HI why not produce the damned document? It would shut everyone up and probably give him landslide victory. Instead he is risking utrning many undecided voters against him. To me, that risk is too great simply as a matter of principle. The logical conclusion is that he is hiding something.

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by WhatTheory

I must have answered that question at least 5 times already.

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by Sublime620
reply to post by WhatTheory

I must have answered that question at least 5 times already.

Where? Not in this thread.
Oh, and you did not answer about the tax issue.

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 05:20 PM
Honestly, this is idiotic.

AS HAS BEEN PROVEN, these details would need to be confirmed long, long ago.

Other details on his birth certificate are none of your damn business, frankly. The information would have been completed by one or both parents, not him. It is irrelevant what it states as religion or father, it makes no difference to who he is now and how he intends to lead the country.

And for all the other BS "facts" people keep linking to, the ideas of another person (again unproven) are not proof of anything. You can't link conspiracies of others on random sites and pass them off as fact, just because it supports your crazy idea. It's not proof of anything.

Seriously, I sometimes wonder how some people find the intelligence to breathe.

Obama is ahead, get over it and see what happens.

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 05:45 PM
If BO is not a NBC (natural born citizen) and wins the election, then it's brought out and made public, he will be disqualified.

Who STAYS in power until a special election is put together? McCain would win any special election, Democrats would be proven liars. If the Reps played that card too early, someone else could have taken over and possibly won the race. This way Bush stays in power until a special, then McCain walks away with it as honorable.

The Republican party may have the truth, but why reveal it now?

If BO wins, pull it out, if he looses, no need to.

just speculation

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 06:23 PM
On a day which saw another eligibility-related lawsuit, this one in Connecticut, bite the dust, Philadelphia attorney Philip Berg remains cautiously optimistic after taking his own dismissed case to the highest court in all the land.

"At this point, we're waiting and hoping and praying that Justice Souter rules in our favor and delays tomorrow's election," said Berg, mentioning as well that he filed a supplemental argument with the Court today. "They have the power. The United States Supreme Court has the power. They stopped the count in Florida in 2000, I was there in the panhandle when they stopped the count."

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by WhatTheory

I was talking about the tax thing. I have answered that at least 5 times. Obama has been consistent with $250,000 being the cut off for tax hikes. $200,000 is the cut off for tax cuts. Not that difficult.

Every commercial and every speech has said this. It is his tax plan. That is what he is selling us. Will he do it? No one can be sure. He may not even be able to change the current tax plan depending on what takes place in Congress.


The other question, about dirty politics...

I answered that in the same post. "Obama pals around with terrorists" in reference to Ayers. For one, Ayers WAS a terrorist, so that makes him NOT a terrorist anymore.

For the second problem, if she REALLY wanted to put it out there then it should have been, "Obama pals around with a former TERRORIST", not terrorists.


I don't even care anymore. I saw some of the people I have been arguing with saying Obama's grandmother died so that he could get more votes.

Why should I even continuing arguing with idiotic statements like that? Isn't that statement representative of this entire forum? A bunch of losers commenting on politics when they have no business since they can't understand it to begin with.

That's why I end up arguing with people hour upon hour on miscellaneous garbage that no matter who gets elected will NOT ever be a factor. If Obama is a elected, terrorists will not invade the White House. If Obama gets elected, other countries won't judge him by whether he wears a lapel or not.

The same goes with McCain. All of the stupid stuff discussed about McCain will not present in the White House. We won't be discussing this. I'm not wasting my time anymore.

I do have this last thing to say, IF Obama gets elected, when the United States does not fall apart, I will be here and I don't forget.

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by Areal51
reply to post by MAINTAL

As usual, more mumbo jumbo. If you had read the court filings and the subsequent rulings of the McCain cases and Obama cases, you would have a different picture of what has actually happened.

For instance, you would know that Obama did not seal his documents. You would know that Hawai'i's law automatically protects birth and health records of its residents, and those that were born there. That no "sealing" is required. You would know that in addition to that protection a resident could enumerate exactly who is to have access, thereby prohibiting access to any person not listed.

As far as the law of Hawai'i is concerned, protecting a person's information is not a matter of hiding anything. It is a matter of protection.

So view the issue how you would like. Pretend that you are the employer of politicians. Pretend you have the ability to run background checks. Pretend you have the authority to demand disclosure. Pretend all those things, and whatever else, when it is clear that you are not enabled in any capacity except to post rubbish on the board of ATS.


Look guy why is this so hard for you to appreciate? Are you infatuated with this scumbag? Do you have a crush on him? let me ask you,, Just what is it about HIS Birth Certificate being protected and McCain's willingness to protect US the American people? Why is it McCain's was given full disclosure when Identity theft as pathetic an excuse as it is to withhold that information, why does McCain not have the same problem with his BC? By the way, I am fully aware of the language and obfuscation that is being used to make excuses for Obama and that is just what they are, EXCUSES none of which, justify denying the American people the transparency of Office Obama had promised and like most things he agreed to, he reneged on it.

You may as well pull some homeless guy off the street, dress him up and vote for him, they are about the same when it comes to what you know about them and what you can prove.

Obama, Change we can all believe in from someone we know nothing about and just at a time when you thought things couldn't get any worse.


posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by MAINTAL

You call a guy who made it all the way to being a candidate for the POTUS after being born into poverty a scumbag?

What have you done with your life?

Your posts are always epic.

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by Sublime620
I was talking about the tax thing. I have answered that at least 5 times. Obama has been consistent with $250,000 being the cut off for tax hikes. $200,000 is the cut off for tax cuts. Not that difficult.

I guess you just ignore facts to the contrary since the video I posted has Obama saying 300,000 then 250,000 and finally 200,000. Why do you think it will stop there?

Why did his running mate say 150,000?
Why did he vote last year to raise taxes on people making more than 42,000?

Obama is a fraud. IF he gets elected then I cannot wait to post 'I told you so' after he raises your taxes and destroys America.

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