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Why would you NOT vote for Obama?

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posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 08:45 AM
I would not vote for obamma or mccain for that matter. Because choosing the lesser of two evils is not something I want to have to explain to my kids. Secondly I have recieved alot of exerpts from his books and well they stand in line with all the bs everyone is in an uproar about.

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 08:56 AM
I will not vote for obama because he is a socialist.

I will not vote for obama because his birthplace is in question.

I will not vote for obama because the rich don't deserve to be taxed any more than the middle class. (i am part of the middle class in case you're wondering)

I will not vote for obama because he plans on altering our flag and anthem.

I will not vote for obama because he stated that he has hatred for this country.

I will not vote for obama because he is racist.

I will not vote for mccain because, well let's face it, he's an idiot.

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 09:00 AM
I will not vote for Obama because of his support for an AWB.

I'm a one issue voter.

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 09:02 AM
I have to agree with the OP. The first time I ever saw him speak, I got goosebumps and the hair on the back of my neck stood up. And they weren't the good kind. And that was before I knew anything about him.

I would not vote for Obama because he does not inspire any trust in me whatsoever.

[edit on 10/29/2008 by secretstash]

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 09:28 AM
Why would I not vote for Obama...

Obama has a lack of experience. He's been in the Senate since just 2005 and out of his own mouth he admitted his only real experience was campaigning for President. He is not a trend setter or had any breakthrough's in any specific area. He seems like an empty suit to me who is very good at giving speeches full of cliche's. (And to people saying he reminds them of JFK spare me, JFK was in the Navy for 4 years and in the House Of Representatives from 1946-52 and the Senate from 1952-1960 and he was a Roman Catholic.)

Obama has Biden for a VP. Biden was a terrible VP choice for a Senator who is claiming to bring change to Washington. He selected someone who's been in Washington longer than McCain! And the main reason for that choice was Obama's lack of experience (see above). I'm sure responders will say something about Palin which is fine but redirecting to Palin is avoiding an argument on Biden.

Obama was the most liberal Senator in 2007. The country is not extreme liberal and much more middle of the road.

2nd Amendment. Leave it alone, there is nothing wrong with it. All the issues in the U.S. and Obama seems very interested in gun control which sends off warning bells.

Minimum wage. I saw this morning they wanted to raise it again. Why??? Over half the minimum wage earners are youngsters under the age of 23 who work part time voluntarily. Only 5% of minimum wage workers are the breadwinners of their families. Minimum wage is a stepping stone or entry level on workers careers.

Abortion. Is this Obama's top issue or what? Abortion is pretty simple. Don't use taxpayer money for it, and try to reduce the amount of abortions in the country by focusing on the root causes. 3000 abortions a day in the U.S. lets work on getting that number down. I would LOVE to see abortion clinics shut down due to lack of "customers".

Supreme Court Justice appointments. They really are the most powerful people in the U.S. and I don't want the most liberal senator selecting them, especially when he already shown a strange focus on gun control and abortion.

The sheer number of questionable people Obama has ties to in such a short career and U.S. lifetime. Even if half aren't true or false that is still a long list. Tony Rezko, Rev Wright, Bill Ayers, Sam Graham-Felson, Loius Farrakhnan, the list goes on. If it was just one you could chalk it up as coincidence. His former church OF 20 YEARS was just straight whacko. U.S. invented AIDS against the black man? God D*mn America? Yeah ok. I been to church a few times and it was nothing like that. And that pastor was Obama's spiritual mentor and advisor? Scary. Tony Rezko convicted felon who got Obama his land/house deal?

Taxes. I saw today the thresh hold number was down from $250k to $200k, and it's reported Biden slipped out the $150k number. If it drops any more it's going to hit me and I know I'm not in the top 1% or 5% of wealthiest Americans. It's proven fact the top 1% of wealthiest people in American pay MORE now under Bush than ever before so the notion that the rich are screwing the middle class is ignorant. The top 25% pay 80% of the tax burden!! And Obama wants to spread the wealth around even more?? Look I'm not a politican but here's an idea, cut 20% of govt spending and let the bottom 75% of all wage earners not pay a dime in taxes. Bam.

A Democratic White House, House, and Senate (and media). Scary. I didn't like it when Republicans had complete control either. There needs to be representation in the govt for all the people.

America's safety/Military. I saw a blurb on TV some Dem wants to cut the military by 25%. How about they look at their own pork barrel projects before cutting defense? We can spend 100s of billions of dollars investing in corrupt and mismanaged companies but we cut our own defense? You just can't explain that kind of lunacy.

I'm out of space on this post but not reasons.

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 09:40 AM
That is an easy one.

He will abuse the military; he has never served a day and has no idea what military life is like. Look at the last President we elected with zero military experience and see what he did to the military.

He has no real leadership experience.

He has never had to make a decision on his own his entire life.

He will take what he needs from me for the benefit of those who refuse to earn what they need.

I could go on and on, but I think you get the point.

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 10:19 AM
The following, again are the reasons I won't vote for Obama:

Now here’s 22 reasons to vote against Mr. Obama and for McCain/Palin.

1. Sen. Obama gives flowery speeches on change and hope. But he’s part of one of the most corrupt political machines of all time. And instead of fighting and trying to reform the corrupt Chicago Cook County political machine, he used it to rise to power. When reformers tried to fight it, Mr. Obama refused to help them and actually was instrumental in defeating the reform movement. He preaches a new kind of politics but supports and uses one of the worst political machines in the U.S.

2. He led the battle in the Illinois legislature to assure that born-alive infants would not be treated as persons and would not be entitled to medical care. Instead, if Sen. Obama had his way, such babies born alive after a botched abortion would be left to die, thus legalizing what appears to be infanticide and murder.

3. When he first responded to Russia’s invasion of Georgia, he said that aggression was wrong, but the U.S. would be in a better position if we set a good example. Thus he made it clear he was drawing a moral equivalence between Russia’s aggression and the U.S.’s liberation of Iraq, which had violated 17 United Nations resolutions. This reaction alone, suggests not merely bad judgment but apparently no judgment at all. Then after giving it more thought, his second response was turning the matter over to the United Nations. That of course was a stupid idea as Russia has a veto in the Security Council.

4. He sat in the pews of the Trinity Church in Chicago, listening to a notorious racist, bigot and anti-American, Rev. Jeremiah “God Damn America” Wright, without a peep of protest. He did not leave the church until Rev. Wright said Obama is just another politician who says what he has to say. And that move was dictated by political considerations, not any moral outrage.

5. He started his political career in a fund-raiser in the home of William Ayers, an unrepentant terrorist and anti-American. He still hasn’t denounced him but says Mr. Ayers is now a member of the Chicago Democratic mainstream. He still maintains a friendly relationship with him, has served on a board with him, and has participated in speaking panels with him.

6. He refused to wear a flag on his lapel, claiming he viewed it as a symbol of false patriotism employed after 9/11. He started wearing the flag only when he was embarrassed into doing so under political pressure. At that time he suddenly started ending his speeches with the words “God Bless America.”

7. He got an earmark appropriation from Congress for his wife’s employer, the University of Chicago Medical Center. When questioned on the appearance of conflict of interest, he said there was nothing improper about that but he should have gone to his fellow Illinois Sen. Dick Durban, to put the appropriation through. In other words, if there is an appearance of conflict of interest, you should hide it somehow instead of avoiding what creates such appearance. This is a pattern: saying one thing and doing the opposite. When he started to run for the presidency, he stopped putting in earmarks. As is his usual pattern, he started doing the right thing for election purposes only. So judge him by his record, not moves that are merely campaign calculation.

8. He favors increasing the capital gains tax, even though he admitted it will not raise tax revenue, but cut it instead. He justifies such an irrational move, out of what he calls a sense of fairness. That would mean less tax revenue, higher deficits and less incentive for saving, investment, capital formation, economic growth, and creation.

9. He called for negotiations without preconditions with the Ahmadinejad of Iran, Chavez of Venzuela, and Castro of Cuba. Even Senator Obama recognized the folly of this idea, so he backed off of it after an explosion of criticism. He thinks sweet talk solves all problems, and when a problem calls for something beyond sweet talk, he ’s stumped. He speaks loudly and often, but carries a toothpick-size stick which he is afraid to use. Another example of Mr. Obama’s naiveté was his comment that Iran is a small country not to be feared.

10. He opposed the surge, said it would fail, and even after it was almost universally acclaimed to be a success, he refuses to admit the surge succeed ed.

11. He called for withdrawal from Iraq, in effect, calling for retreat and defeat, which would have turned over the Middle East and much of the world’s oil supplies to terrorists and their supporters in Iran.

12. He associated with and made a land deal with convicted felon, Tony Rezko, even knowing he was under serious investigation. He admitted this was what he called a boneheaded mistake. Mr. Obama seems incapable of judging his associates, as his close and friendly encounters with the hate-America and terrorist crowd suggests. Even an otherwise friendly biographer, said he is at home with the hate-America types.

13. He claims he will bring all sides together but he has never shown any signs or symptoms of bipartisanship. His record is that of a far-left liberal, the most liberal of any member of the U.S. Senate. He goes down the party line, and never reaches across the aisle.

14. He claims he will bring change to Washington, but picks a long-term Washington insider, Sen. Joe Biden, who has been in the Senate for decades, and is rated the third most liberal in the U.S. Senate. He claims he’ll be the agent of change, but in his acceptance speech he catalogs the tired left-wing Democratic agenda, that has been regurgitated every four years for decades. He talks change but dishes up only the old liberal dishes, which have been rejected by voters many times from McGovern to Carter, and which have failed when implementation was attempted. If Mr. Obama wins the White House, he is likely to have a veto proof Congress, which mean all of his left-loony proposals would probably become law. Electoral history suggests Americans don’t go for such unrestrained power. Beware of an Obama/Pelosi/Reid triumvirate that would bring us radical liberalism in its worst form.

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 10:20 AM
15. He says he wants to bring us energy independence but refuses to drill and extract our huge reserves, greater than those of Saudi Arabia. He wants us to check our tire pressure instead of drilling. Give me a break! He also advises everyone to tune-up their cars, even though most cars no longer need tune-ups.

16. He never sticks with a job. For example, when he became senator he started writing his book. Then within two years of becoming a senator, he started running for president. It is not surprising that he has no legislative accomplishments. This has been the pattern of his entire career. He never sticks with anything long enough to chalk up significant achievements. That’s why when asked about his accomplishments, his supporters seem to be stumped. Dean Barnett, in an article in the Weekly Standard (Sept. 1, 2008), entitled “Would You Hire Barack Obama? The resume of a chronic underachiever,” writes, “You’d have to conclude that Obama’s failure to commit himself to any career sufficiently to excel at it suggests some unexplained restlessness.” I’d say it suggests he’s a dilitante, who flits from one project to another, but never stays long enough to deliver a satisfactory end product.

17. As talk show host Michael Medved has pointed out, the people vouching for him at the Democratic National Convention were mainly relatives, such as his wife and brother-in-law. There were not major figures vouching for him, because they could not vouch for a classic empty-suit. Even Hillary Clinton, in her convention endorsement speech, said Democrats must support him, but in no way vouched for his character or judgment. Contrast that with the people at the Republican National Convention who vouched for Sen. McCain - Sen. Joe Lieberman and former Sen. Fred Thompson.

18. To bolster his foreign policy credentials, he picked Sen. Joe Biden as vice president. Sen. Biden voted for the war in Iraq, which vote Sen. Obama views as the symbol of bad judgment. So even Sen. Obama admits Sen. Biden ha bad judgment. Sen. Biden also comes up with wacky ideas of his own such as splitting Iraq, a sovereign nation, into three parts for the Kurds, Shias, and Sunnis. He also voted against the first Gulf War, even after Iraq had invaded Kuwait and threatened Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Middle East. I’d think most would consider that the height of bad judgment. He opposed the surge. He opposed Reagan’s build-up to fight international communism, so his bad record is long and unbroken. Biden has judgment bad enough to match that of Sen. Obama’s.

19. He flip-flops on matters that suggest he has no principles except the old Chicago machine principle of do anything you have to do to get elected. He promised to take public financing, something that the great reformer and change artist claimed to be committed to. Then when he saw it was to his political advantage to stay with totally private contributions, as that would bring in more money, he went back on his promise and rejected public funding. He said that his wide array of contributors to his campaign made his approach into public financing, one of his more nonsensical pieces of logic. He think if he uses sufficient oratorical powers he can make two and two equal ten, or private financing equal public financing.

20. He constantly uses such expressions as, “I would be glad to debate my opponent on that issue anytime, anywhere.” But that is just for oratorical effect. In practice, he refused Sen. McCain’s offer of a town meeting every week to debate the issues. He is clearly afraid of unscripted sessions. If he is not smart enough to go off the teleprompter and script, he is not smart enough to be president.

When he participated in the Saddleback debate with Pastor Rick Warren, he demonstrated again he doesn’t make sense when confronted with tough questions without the answers on a script. When asked when does life begin, he said that was above his pay-grade. If that question is above his pay grade so is the presidency of the United States.

21. He would like voters to view him as a man of great political courage, but he has a documented record of political cowardice. For example, when in the Illinois legislature, he voted “present” over 100 times and was well known for taking that route, of neither a yes or no vote. Present is a classic sitting on the fence and waiting to find out which way the wind will blow. As William Kristol of the Weekly Standard (Sept. 1, 2008) has pointed out, ” Has he shunned the easy path or broken with the conventional liberal pieties of those around him? Has he taken on his own party on a major issue? Nope.”

22. Mr. Obama bases his campaign on his superior judgment, and that in turn is based on his speech against the war in Iraq. Of course, he never made a vote against the war, as at the time he was in the Illinois legislature, not the U.S. Senate. He gave the speech at an anti-war rally in the liberal Hyde Park section in Chicago. But votes are more important than speeches. And since he’s been in the Senate, he’s been wrong on every issue related to Iraq. These mistaken positions were summed up in an article by Emery in the Weekly Standard (Sept.1, 2008) entitled “Misfortunes of War: Success in Iraq Confounds the Democrats.” It isn’t easy to be wrong on every vote and pronouncement on Iraq, but don’t underestimate Sen. Obama’s ineptness in the foreign policy area. Mr. Emery writes: “He claimed that the Anbar Awakening took place as a result of Democrats’ congressional victories, but it began in September 2006, two months before before the voting took place. He opposed not only the troop surge, but also the strategic changes that took place along with it, that did so much to enable the victory. He said the American military had noting to do with the Anbar Awakening or with the retreat of the Sadr militia, something denied by the Iraqi military and by the Iraqi Sunnis themselves. He was also wrong in his predictions that none of this would occur.”

[edit on 29-10-2008 by mf_luder]

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 10:35 AM
I don’t post much on political threads. But I read a lot. But for some reason, I felt the need to respond to this.

On top of most of the reasons people have already posted (which I agree with), I just really don’t like him.

Based on everything I hear come from his mouth. Based on all the facts surrounding him and his life, including people he surrounds himself, etc…

I find absolutely nothing appealing about him. Nothing.

I do not think he is capable of being a leader to the United States of America. He has zero experience to handle the job of a President. I seriously can’t find one thing that tells me: “Obama would make a great President. He is everything this country needs.” He is NOT someone I want to run the country I live in.

I also think he is too weak in his character, based on those he surrounds himself with. I am careful in whom I call friend. Obama does not seem to be.

When I see him, I literally feel sorry for him. To me, he comes off like he is a ventriloquist’s puppet. He seems 100% fake to me, like maybe when he goes to bed, someone flips a switch to turn him off and charge his batteries. Then in the morning, they flip the switch, put in a tape, press play….and so on. I also believed he has been used as a gimmic.

I do not like anything he stands for in the past, in the present or in the future. He doesn’t offer anything that I would want for myself, my family or my country.

Im like JSOBecky. My gut screams that he is not a trustworthy person with a standup character.

With all of that said. McCain would never have been my "choice" to be nomiated as Repub President nominee.

[edit on 10/29/2008 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 10:40 AM
There is something about this man that just unnerves me. He scares me for some reason

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by AnAbsoluteCreation
reply to post by TheRooster
First of all I accidentally starred your post. And your list were just copy-paste opinion from a craigslist Posting. Just passing on unconfirmed conjecture. Way to go!

Before the post was removed it opened with "I found these", never claimed it was my work. I was interested to see if the "same old hacks" would ignore the content and discredit the source, congratulations ACC, you were the first to bite!

Your post shows your bias and ignorance, when you thought it was an original piece you were ready to star the post, now you source craigslist and it's no longer worthy of respect? If that wasn't enough ignorance, you lay waste to the authors last name? What deserves an "F" is your blatant ignorance, now on display for all to enjoy.

For your info, I'm sure it can be found in a lot of places (including craigslist), but FYI, I found it Here

[edit on 10/29/2008 by TheRooster]

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 10:43 AM
I can't vote for Obama because I believe in limited government, state's rights and greater personal freedom. The best government is the government that governs the least.

Obama said he thinks the constitution is flawed because it only tells us what the government shouldn't do, and not what the government should do. To which I reply, EXACTLY. There's a reason for that, and that reason is lost on Obama.

His political ideology is directly opposed to mine. And therefore I cannot vote for him.

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 10:53 AM
Obama could have played it a bit more opaque and gotten many more former Republican votes. But he had to say he was for abortion which would preclude about 99.5% of Republicans who wnated change from voting for him.

I think we need a drastic overhaul in our heath care system. We need to go somewhat socialist. I would stop the obscene profits from being made off of things like medicine and place a cap on how much profit even doctors could make because it has become more about how much money can we make off the government ie medicare-medicaid, how much can we make off this medicine this person really needs to live, or how much can we make off of this operation etc.

So if it wasn't for his abortion stance I would vote for him.

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by TH3ON3

I must take extreme objection to your proposal for limiting doctor's incomes. What they have to go through to get to their position, and what they must do to stay there, is a job that 99 out of 100 could not do. They deserve every penny; the best are not in in for the money anyway.

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by jsobecky

Why would you try to tell me who to vote for in the first place? Who we vote for is none of your business

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by jsobecky

Very true and I don't think that most people realize that if JFK were alive today the Dems would not have him. He would be way to far to the right for them.

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 11:46 AM
Allow me to ask the people out there who don't think Obama has enough experience a question.

What would you rather have during a shoot-out with the enemy that can take a few bullets and keep advancing? A six-shooter revolver that has been trustworthy over the years or a new modern designed semi-automatic .50 caliber that has never been in a gunfight, but in tests it works perfectly?

Ladies and gentlemen, we are in the proverbial war, and McCain is an old rusty, albeit experienced, six-shooter. However, common sense tells us to put our hope in the .50 caliber.


posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by AnAbsoluteCreation
Allow me to ask the people out there who don't think Obama has enough experience a question.

What would you rather have during a shoot-out with the enemy that can take a few bullets and keep advancing? A six-shooter revolver that has been trustworthy over the years or a new modern designed semi-automatic .50 caliber that has never been in a gunfight, but in tests it works perfectly?

Ladies and gentlemen, we are in the proverbial war, and McCain is an old rusty, albeit experienced, six-shooter. However, common sense tells us to put our hope in the .50 caliber.


So what you are saying is that Obama should "theoretically" work, but there is no real evidence to prove that he will?


posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by AnAbsoluteCreation
Allow me to ask the people out there who don't think Obama has enough experience a question.

What would you rather have during a shoot-out with the enemy that can take a few bullets and keep advancing? A six-shooter revolver that has been trustworthy over the years or a new modern designed semi-automatic .50 caliber that has never been in a gunfight, but in tests it works perfectly?

Ladies and gentlemen, we are in the proverbial war, and McCain is an old rusty, albeit experienced, six-shooter. However, common sense tells us to put our hope in the .50 caliber.


The problem with the queston you propose is this...

...Your .50 caliber rifle has no bullets!

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by TheRooster

5. He started his political career in a fund-raiser in the home of William Ayers, an unrepentant terrorist and anti-American. He still hasn’t denounced him but says Mr. Ayers is now a member of the Chicago Democratic mainstream. He still maintains a friendly relationship with him, has served on a board with him, and has participated in speaking panels with him.

Yet Sarah Palin seems to think that other types of bombing, maiming and killing in the United States are A-ok.

Seems to me the definition of terrorist here is subjective, dependent on who's doing the talking and who's being talked about.

[edit on 29-10-2008 by chickenshoes]

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