I'll say
Ats has taught me something about politics and this election
They both really stink
I'm hooking up an electrode to my computer that shocks me whenever I type the words Obama or McCain
I don't honestly even like their names
Obama/Osama it's just creepy and strange
and Mc Cain
What is that?
Mc.. as in Mc Donalds
and Cain as in the first Murderer
what does that mean... with him we get a Fast Death?
It feels like that is seriously my choice...
Obama a slow Terror of a Death
and Mc Cain.... a Faster way to die
I'm so not excited by either of these fellows, what's all the frenzy about for any of them... I tried to defend McCain in here... because I want a
fast Death
and that's really why I liked him... I figure Nuclear war and get it over with vs... another 10 years of social police and labor...
In theory
I can survive a Nuclear war
and that really is my Rationale for offering Mc Cain my vote... in essence, it really is
You think I'm kidding Right?
The thought really crosses my mind... that under Obama I might not be able to afford my Bomb Shelter upstate but Under McCain I can still rip off the
system for a while...prior to 2012 and have a shot at living through this
and that after all is a fantastic way to be thinking right?
and that's just... messed up, but frighteningly... it's not a bad plan all things considered
Like with Obama
an actual revolution or civil war is more likely
and that would totally interfere with my survival plans...
because i don't want people running amok or heading to the hills, prior to the devastation... it lowers my chances of survival
If the assault and doom comes from International circles... via Mccain Most Americans that didn't plan will just die
and it's really weird because the guy with the terrorist name offers the more terrifying end for us all... a Nuke war with foreign powers is so quick
and painless for those that were too dense to see it coming, much more humane
But being beat on at the grocery store for a can of Spam is just awful, really it is
So there
I admit it
My Vote is for Mccain because I want the end to be quick and fast...either I live or I die and I know and with everyone blown up in a war, I can get
on with surviving in peace or die in peace...
But Obama with his Iran trips and socialism... is going to prolong thios whole thing and leave me poor while it happens
That just is rotten...
At least a nuke fight gets rid of the cops and i can go Mad max....
Honesty hurts huh?
Love those candidates guys...
, they sure are worth fighting over!