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Calling All Pisces - Can You Help Me?

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posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by bandaidctrl
I'd say it counts.

hat sounds like a nice arrangement for you two. How is it working?

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by seagrass

It's amazing ^.^, I've never met someone so compatible with me. I was actually wondering if it had any special significance when I first discovered it. I figure it's a good thing considering things are going so well!

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by bandaidctrl
reply to post by seagrass

It's amazing ^.^, I've never met someone so compatible with me. I was actually wondering if it had any special significance when I first discovered it. I figure it's a good thing considering things are going so well!

I would think you would mirror each other pretty well. Understand each other maybe. But having a Pisces rising is unusual like I have said before, and a Sag would be closer to your MC of career.. Did you meet through work. Do you work together well? A sagittarius rising would have gemini on relationships and a Pisces would have gemini in communication...most likely. that would be good. to jive there. You would also like Gemini's. I mean he would like geminis.. thats confusing trying to switch back and forth.

[edit on 25-11-2008 by seagrass]

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by seagrass

Long story short, we met through a mutual friend, there was ton of confusion. Does he like me or her (me being myself, her being our mutual friend). Does she like me or him? (on his behalf towards himself and him being his roommate)

I always say that we work really well in a team. He has lots of qualities that I lack, and vice versa. We've also developed a semi-mind reading ability with each other recently haha. I never know he's thinking something until I say "Hey I could go for ceviche tonight" and his response will be "I was JUST thinking that" happens at least once an hour.

As far as the whole Gemini thing goes, well to be honest I don't really understand it that much, I know the basic of astrology, ie zodiac signs, and in chinese astrology the years of birth (I was born the year of the dragon, my fiance is year of the snake)...but that's about the extent of what I know!

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 06:17 PM
Here is an example of an interpretation of moon in the 8th.

The 8th house is less understood than other houses as it involves death, and sex for procreation and some other dark things. This is where Elfs nice moon in Pisces is located...let's find a nicer version, one that sounds nicer anyway...

The Moon in the 8th House is an indication that in past lives the emotional needs of others were denied as a result of an overly self-centered, materialistic, or cerebral reality. The sign of the Moon will indicate which. People with the Moon in 8th House are commonly born to parents who cannot function at an emotional level. With other planetary factors, this placement of the Moon can indicate the loss of a parent early in life in which the child is burdened by the bereaved parent’s emotional needs. Although acutely sensitive to the emotional states of others, people with the Moon in H8, who have had little practice in emotional expression early in their lives, tend to be inhibited and emotionally insecure in adult life. Unlike the Sun in this House, the Moon in H8 does not feel at ease in emotionally charged situations and although he may drive his own ill-defined needs underground and focus on those of partners and associates, he is more likely to attempt to evade emotional confrontation by concentrating on impersonal, outer-directed activities and go through life with his own emotional needs unrecognised and unacknowledged. AUTHOR’S NOTE: Like the other Water houses, the 8th house is not well understood. Some of astrology's bleakest commentaries have the 8th House as their subject and indeed, without a belief system which makes sense of suffering and the transformative function of life on Earth, then the experiences manifested by the 8th House seem very unfortunate indeed. Even so there are compensations available to people with emphasised 8th House and these are usually evident in their middle years. They are rarely short of friends and when Venus and Jupiter are present there is the possibility of inheritances given in acknowledgement of their supportiveness. In terms of spiritual development the compensations for 8th House experiences are very considerable. It is a karmic clearinghouse, which offers many opportunities for redressing imbalances and a certain protection against creating others. When the inner planets are working through the 8th House, they are rarely used in support of selfish interest. The outer planets, however, are a very different matter and only the pattern of the chart as whole will indicate how a person is likely to use the psychic power made available to him, by these planets. Traditionally, the 8th House is the house of Death. Since the discovery of Pluto it seems, in natal astrology at least, that the deaths, which occur as a result of planets in H8, are likely to take place at an emotional rather than a physical level. It should be noted though that although planets in H8 may not weaken the constitution they can create an attraction to situations which are life threatening. This is especially true of Pluto.

The Eighth house is ruled by the sign Scorpio. All issues related to Scorpio rule this house. Most importantly death, sexuality, secrets, other people’s resources, sacrifice and the unseen world of spirits, astral entities, ghosts or our direct experience with such things. Anything that is taboo, intense, uncomfortable and deep lingers in this house. Having planets in this house will cause individuals to obsess over death. Death is symbolic of change. In the tarot deck, the Death card represents transformation, regeneration and change. All these facts are found within the eighth house. Many individuals with planets here will benefit through other people's resources. This house rules legacies, inheritances and land. Anything that is given to us through the death of someone close is eighth house territory. This is the house of sacrifice. What does sacrifice truly mean? Individuals with planets here, especially the Sun or Moon, will experience great benefits given to them from others. Many people will sacrifice so that these individuals are taken care of financially. Other times, the energy can manifest the opposite way. Individuals may find themselves constantly sacrificing their own emotions and what they really want for others. Sometimes they may fall in love with someone who is not free. They may stay with a spouse out of guilt or responsibility, when their heart belongs to someone else. These situations can create a deep-seated loneliness and feelings of resentfulness. There is no way to escape this energy. Individuals with eighth house energy must transform and let things die in order to benefit. Growing spiritually, and achieving a deep insight into others, are the gifts of this house. .
read this link ELF

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 06:23 PM
So astrologically speaking, Elf and Grock would have very different "arenas" for their moons to explore, in two different (opposite) signs. Yet be very similar in many other ways. But to add to the differences Elf is a Leo Rising, not a Virgo rising. Another big difference in personality.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by bandaidctrl
reply to post by seagrass

Long story short, we met through a mutual friend, there was ton of confusion. Does he like me or her (me being myself, her being our mutual friend). Does she like me or him? (on his behalf towards himself and him being his roommate)

I always say that we work really well in a team. He has lots of qualities that I lack, and vice versa. We've also developed a semi-mind reading ability with each other recently haha. I never know he's thinking something until I say "Hey I could go for ceviche tonight" and his response will be "I was JUST thinking that" happens at least once an hour.

As far as the whole Gemini thing goes, well to be honest I don't really understand it that much, I know the basic of astrology, ie zodiac signs, and in chinese astrology the years of birth (I was born the year of the dragon, my fiance is year of the snake)...but that's about the extent of what I know!

Nevermind the Gemini part.. I was turning astrology wheels and charts around in my head and confused myself too.
That sounds fun. To have both pisces qualities but in differing ways. I would think he would want to spontaneously do things just like your Sag Sun. Read Sagittarius Rising and Sagittarius Sun. and see if you can spot the similarities. Meaning enter those search terms on Google. Then Pisces Rising and Pisces Sun. Or Pisces Ascendant as it is a synonym for the same thing as Rising.

[edit on 25-11-2008 by seagrass]

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 06:54 PM
May i butt in and ad I'm a sagittarian, and one of my best friends who became a lover but sadly since an ex ( long time ago ) was a Pisces and she was true to the sign, us archers are wreckless, fun but hard to tame, she could ground me and yet keep up the pace. a great sign with great attributes. they bring out the best in my sign i found.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by stealthyaroura
May i butt in and ad I'm a sagittarian, and one of my best friends who became a lover but sadly since an ex ( long time ago ) was a Pisces and she was true to the sign, us archers are wreckless, fun but hard to tame, she could ground me and yet keep up the pace. a great sign with great attributes. they bring out the best in my sign i found.
youre funny. Yes, Pisces is a great sign as they can fit into almost any "container". They are mutable and malleable and can do almost anything they want. Many Hats. like a slimy goo, like playdoh.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 10:13 PM
Elf's sun is in the 9th house

Sun in House 9 The Sun in the 9th House indicates that in the course of the current lifetime consciousness is to be expanded by the experience of seeking to understand the connection between God and man. In the quest the biggest clues will come from mankind's spiritual, religious and legal traditions. A 9th House Sun is common in the charts of clergymen and lawyers. It confers a mind which is at home with broad principles, with synthesis rather than analysis, and which prefers direct experience to scholarship. The Sun in H9 is frequently found in charts where the Moon is in one of the houses of Personal consciousness indicating that past life experience has been lived out with no goal other than self-perpetuation, or in the one of the houses of Relating consciousness where the focus has been earthly relationships. This placement of the Sun confers an adventurous and spirited nature and makes a person extremely restless if he is confined within ‘four walls’ be they of the home or the environment of birth, which he usually perceives to be narrow in both its understanding and sympathies. There is usually a strong desire to travel overseas in order to receive new impressions and experiences from within different cultural traditions. But the travel undertaken by 9th House people (and 9th House people, both men and women, can have the most extraordinarily itinerant lives) needs to be more than an end in itself: it has to enable them to find, not simply a new physical location but a place for themselves in a larger scheme. Without something to command his allegiance or a context to enable him to see the point of himself, a 9th House person can feel lost, rootless and without purpose. While many 9th House people do travel, others deal with their restlessness on another level. In which case, the precepts and practices of a philosophical or spiritual tradition, usually from a culture very different from their own, will be the agents of change in their lives. Once a 9th House person realises that he can find within himself, answers which he once sought in the outer world, then he tends to become less physi­cally restless and a more settled life becomes possible. Although, he may well chose to reside outside the country of his birth and will nearly always view travel as the most potent of spiritual restoratives

Grocks is in the 7th

Sun in House 7 The Sun in the 7th House indicates that consciousness is being balanced and expanded by interpersonal relating. The sign and position of the Moon will indicate whether the area of Relative consciousness is a new field of experience or whether there has been previous experience of relating but from a position of dominance or subservience. The 7th House experience leads a person eventually to accept nothing less than equality. As the relationships he forms during his lifetime are the very means of his self-discovery it is common for a person with the Sun in H7 to start out with a very weak sense of identity. In his early years he commonly expe­riences difficulty in giving one lifestyle preference over another: intel­lectually he understands that, unless they involve the exploitation of others, they are equally valid. Often the way out of the impasse is to bring a sense of direction into his life by means of an ambitious partner whom he supports and, to an extent, gets an identity from. It will not be long however, before the influence of this area of the horoscope causes him to react against the inequality of the relationship and the expectations his partner has of him. Then he will strike out with a clearer sense of direction and purpose. This process may have to happen a number of times before a 7th House person is able to define what he perceives himself to be. What he learns of himself through his experiences adds to his understanding of others: if he becomes aware of his own distinctiveness he has to acknowledge that of others; and if he acknowledges how different is the reality of each person then this calls into question the desirability of trying to fit with another in a binding, long-term commitment. Surprisingly, perhaps, the Sun in the House of Venus may produce tolerant and reasonable people but it does not produce willing candidates for marriage. It is notable that 7th House people of both sexes tend to marry late - if at all. Women with the Sun in the H7, in particular, possibly as a reaction to experiences with dominant partners early in their lives, tend to feel that they stand to lose too much of themselves in a conventional marriage and become very self-sufficient.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 10:26 PM
Both Grock and Elf have Mercury in Pisces and Venus in Pisces. (1973) these planets move slower than the sun and moon so they are in the same sign but different degrees.

Mercury in Pisces
Mercury in Pisces gives you a highly sensitive, just, sympathetic, good-humoured, poetic, intuitive and imaginative mind, whilst being shy and reserved. You tend to lack self-confidence in intellectual matters preferring to evaluate situations on the intuitive and imaginative level - feeling your way through life rather than reasoning and evaluating events. Notwithstanding, this placement of Mercury is powerful for creative endeavour and occupations that require your special qualities - acting, writing, art, poetry, singing, music, nursing or humanitarian work. On occasion your mind may be overpowered by deep emotional eruptions and to retain balance you will need to seek peace, quiet and seclusion.

venus in Pisces

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 07:12 AM
But those venus and mercury in Pisces are in different houses.. so you have to roll them into a different "arena" or house... Elfs venus is in the 8th and Grocks is in the 6th.

Venus in the 6th House confers a need to do work, which is fulfilling rather than prestigious, and people with this placement may suffer from boredom and a sense of futility until they find work, which commands their respect. Once this connection is made, however, they are capable of great dedication. In personal relationships a person with Venus in H6 expects to work hard on behalf of his partner and frequently have exacting standards of his own which he expects his partner to meet. This placement tends to make a person dutiful rather than passionate. It is notable that the relationships of people with Venus in H6 tend to be more enduring if they either work in the same field as their partners or have a partner with a comparable sense of vocation.

Venus in the 8th - Venus in the eight house Venus With Venus in the Eighth House the areas of life where you are most likely to express your social, romantic and artistic qualities are through harmonious sexual relationships, friendships and business interests. You attract the opposite sex like bees to honey, and you favour a partner who is intelligent, with a somewhat mysterious flair about them. An inheritance is likely, or you may gain financially through your partner. Your social circle may include many who are interested in the mysteries or those who are engaged in some form of occult work.

two very different arenas... work and health vs death, sex, and other peoples resources. But the same pisces quality or energy is there.

these are interpretations by just one of thousands of astrologers. you can go out into the internet and find many different versions...but the ideas and concepts of the house and what happens in that house will pretty much stay the same.
the 6th house
the 9th house
the 8th house

[edit on 26-11-2008 by seagrass]

[edit on 26-11-2008 by seagrass]

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 07:49 AM
Now everyone has all 12 houses and can relate to having an "attitude" about that house and it's concepts, but to have a planet there makes it more significant' Grock has Venus and Mercury in the 6th house.
And Elf has Jupiter in Aquarius and Mars in Capricorn there. Someone without a planet in the 6th will have a sign on that house maybe even two signs, but without a planet, that house becomes less of an issue as far as lessons or hardships or blessings. It just becomes a less focused on house. Meaning those things probably aren't that big of a deal to them.

When a planet is conjunct the beginning line of the new house, it is put into the next house. So with Elf's Jupiter you can read it in the 6th, but it is also read in the 7th. Elfs Jupiter conjuncts the Decendant/opposes the Ascendant. The same is true for Grocks Venus. Grock can read venus in the 7th and it will also "fit". 7th house
Grock can look up Venus in the 7th house, Venus opposition Ascendant, venus in the 6th, venus conjunct Descendant
Elf can look up Jupiter in the 7th house Jupiter opposition Ascendant, Jupiter in the 6th, Jupiter conjunct Descendant

[edit on 26-11-2008 by seagrass]

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 07:59 PM
I know Elf is happy with everything so far, but I haven't heard from Grock. Stealth wants his chart done too.. Wants to know about women...

Another basket.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 08:25 PM
Stealth~ you have Pisces on the 7th house of relationships. Late Pisces early Aries. So you will have a Piscean attitude about relationships and long term partnerships.
But, you have venus in Scorpio my man... oh la la. And, your venus is in the third house of communication. You have no planets in the 7th house to cause any problems, but you have your moon in Aquarius in the 5th house... so lets look at those.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 08:35 PM
STEALTH~Venus in Scorpio
moon in Aquarius

With Venus in the Third House the areas of life where you are most likely to express your social, romantic and artistic qualities are through an intellectual appreciation of art, cultural pursuits and literature - you are able to communicate scholarly appraisal of these subjects orally or in writing. Romantic contacts are usually from within the local environment close to home, although many romantic short trips are undertaken for pleasure. Good companionship is as equally important as romance and you prefer an intellectual, communicative, and witty partner. Once smitten, you are capable of sustained friendship and devotion.

Venus in the third house suggests a good deal of harmony in your early schooling and learning environment. This is an indication of intellectual interests in artistic and cultural pursuits. Your early years were pleasant and easy, and you may have developed talents in art or music, or at least been given an opportunity to do so. Artistic and creative, you are probably an excellent writer. You get along well with those in your family, because you don't like to argue. You operate through persuasion, never through pressure, and the gift of compromise seems to come naturally to you. You are a socially active person.

With the Moon in the fifth house you're quite romantic and charming, and seek very close and intimate bonds with people. Your love life (and your relationships with women in general) are very emotional and, like the Moon, go through phases. Casual love affairs are not to your liking due to the intimacy you demand and the charge they hold for you. You need to develop your will (less so with Uranus or the Sun in the first, fifth, or tenth houses, Sun in hard aspect to Uranus, or a lot of fixed signs). If you're a woman, the Moon in the fifth is a good position for motherhood, but be careful about holding on to your children too long. You are at your most expressive when urged on by a group or in an environment that you feel is supportive. You may enjoy group sports or working with children or animals. Creativity and its expression are very important in your life, and you may make your mark on the world while still a child. Be aware of your tendency towards a constant search for pleasure. You have a love for younger partners.

[edit on 26-11-2008 by seagrass]

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 08:48 PM

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 09:07 PM
Stealth and Grock both are Virgo Risings/Ascendants. Both have Piscean attitudes about long term relationships, business partnerships and marriage. But Grock has the sun there, and Venus conjuncting. This house will hold more lessons and be more significant for Grock. Grocks 7th house is also late Pisces and holds lots of Aries so both will be attracted to People with late Pisces suns/moons/venus and Early Arian ones.

[edit on 26-11-2008 by seagrass]

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 09:19 PM
Stealth~here is another good read on Venus in Scorpio but you also have mars conjuncting venus. Mars in Scorpio.. oh la la again... mars in Scorpio Since they are conjuncting, think of them as dancing partners. They are joined. They create a energy all their own..Roll them together....??? see how they work together in your arena of "communication" in the third house.

With Mars in the Third House you are likely to exert your energy and initiative in building mental resourcefulness and an aggressive active intellect. There will be a liking for competitive mental pastimes that present an intellectual challenge - such as chess, crosswords, etc. You enjoy learning, argument, debate and discussion and you are likely to do well in school. The need for mental stimulation will ensure further education and eventual mature student status.
Mars can be explained most simply as the way we "go about things". Venus can be the most simply explained as "the things we love".

must be a good reason to join ATS? eh?

[edit on 26-11-2008 by seagrass]

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 09:29 PM
Communication (third house) is very important to you, you have Pluto and Neptune there as well. Pluto in Scorpio and Neptune in Sagittarius. (look up those in the third house on the internet) Now your Sun is in the 4th house.
Saturn is in Gemini in the 9th conjunct your MC that is your 12:00 position (the dark line that forms a cross) The MC is an important position on your chart. The opposite end of it is called the IC. It is important just like the line that divides the Ascendant/Decendant. This is usually looked at in reference to career choices. Saturn is the bad boy of the Astrology world. It is our hardest class, our strictest teacher. But we gain the most from him. Saturn conjunct MC

Astrology aspects - Saturn conjunct Midheaven At a very early age you will learn that life requires hard work and ceaseless activity if you want to get ahead. Also you want to be a person of significance when you are older, so you will start working while quite young to get where you want to go. Since you have so much internal discipline, your parents won't have to impose it from the outside, nor should they make unrealistically high demands, becaue you will try very hard to fulfill them. Whenever you fail, you condemn yourself strongly, and if you decide you are a loser, it would be very difficult to change that belief. This placement of Saturn can signify that you will be very successful or very unsuccessful, depending on how you experience success while you are young. You respect those in authority even when you feel they are giving you a hard time. You understand that they have earned the right to their position and that to challenge them you must earn that right as well. Only if you have very negative experiences with authority while you are young - and your parents will have a lot to do with this - will you be negative about it when you are older. No matter what career you choose, you will be a teacher and a guide for others. You may be a teacher in the literal sense in some kind of school. in any case, others will look to you for guidance when you achieve the goals that you set for yourself now. As you work to get ahead in life, however, be very careful not to neglect your friendships and other relationships. Otherwise you may be very lonely later on.

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