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Star Gates and 2012

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posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 01:31 PM

Religion pacifies and molifies free thinking

i disagree. it's a belief system, not unlike your own. (not comparatively, just example -- you believe xyz. i believe wxyz. she believes mno. he believes jklm. etc)
besides, you've auto-assumed additional data that isn't true, and then stereotyped alot of people in the process. ya need to get a handle on that. for example, you keep saying religion, but you've previously described religion as a church institution. there's alot of people who don't go in church buildings or attend a specific religious creed but they still believe something. you fall into that category and so do i. why are you better than me? and don't say you aren't because you are the most condescending and insulting person i've encountered on ATS and i've encountered alot of people here.

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 06:24 PM
Really enjoyed that. Thanks for posting. It resonates with me. I've also read Barbra Marcinek who speaks about this in a similar way.

posted on Oct, 31 2008 @ 03:50 AM

Originally posted by undo

Religion pacifies and molifies free thinking

i disagree. it's a belief system, not unlike your own. (not comparatively, just example -- you believe xyz. i believe wxyz. she believes mno. he believes jklm. etc)
besides, you've auto-assumed additional data that isn't true, and then stereotyped alot of people in the process. ya need to get a handle on that. for example, you keep saying religion, but you've previously described religion as a church institution. there's alot of people who don't go in church buildings or attend a specific religious creed but they still believe something. you fall into that category and so do i. why are you better than me? and don't say you aren't because you are the most condescending and insulting person i've encountered on ATS and i've encountered alot of people here.

When did i say I was better than you ? You put those words in my mouth so you can prove I am a bigot .

I am saying this UNDO , its very simple . Religion corrupts minds with rigid thinking . YOU like so many cynical politicians and spin doctors then procced to twist ,distort and reinvent my words to re invent my position .
BECAUSE it threatens your dubious crediblity and logic .

You are scared because your religious prejudice has so undermined your crediblity .

You do what all religious and political fanatics do when their 'authority' is questioned . Fly off the handle with slur inuendo and lies . To cover your own .

This is why you will never find anything more than a marginal interest in your dubious interpretations of history .

Religion is blind faith with no proof . If thats where you get off ,go for it .
I dont . Thats all .

I remember all to well how you and Zorgon jumped on me out of the blue when I started posting here . Why ?
because someone else was getting more attention than you two HACKS.

Your both behaving like the primadonnas you in fact are .

posted on Oct, 31 2008 @ 03:57 AM
reply to post by reconpilot

People get the wrong idea about religion all the time. It's because in the past religion was used heavily to manipulate the masses into subservience and to line the royal coffers. Remember the Dark Ages? That was an artificially man-made period of despair and class separation orchestrated by both the Church and the 'Crown'.

There's a ton of truth in every major scripture out there, its just been distorted like I said. For example: "God made man in his own image." In the less enlightened past, people would see this and interpret as God looking like you and I; my opinion is that they meant the very molecules and quarks that make up every single material object in the Universe, no different that you or I or the Sun or the most distant galaxy.

posted on Oct, 31 2008 @ 04:10 AM
a belief system is a belief system. doesn't matter who's at the head of it, as far as the phrase is concerned. if you believe the earth is god and that there are no sentient bipedal gods, that's your belief. if you believe the universe is god and there are no sentient bipedal gods, that's your belief. if you think you are god, that's your belief. if you think that the whole thing is just one big cosmic accident and there's no gods at all, that's your belief. you can believe it religiously or not. some people take it too far, which is what i think the complaint from reconpilot appears to be (and also, what he appears to be doing as well -- taking it too far, labelling people he doesn't know, insisting he does know, and pretending like you're attacking him if you defend yourself or point out how rude he is about his belief.

i've said it before and will say it again: we are all slaves. that has never changed and no amount of pretending that you're not a slave, no changing of the words, will make it not be true. as long as you are on this planet, you're working for someone else who is the regional owner of said real estate. it's just the nature of the universe.

posted on Oct, 31 2008 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by undo
a belief system is a belief system. doesn't matter who's at the head of it, as far as the phrase is concerned. if you believe the earth is god and that there are no sentient bipedal gods, that's your belief. if you believe the universe is god and there are no sentient bipedal gods, that's your belief. if you think you are god, that's your belief. if you think that the whole thing is just one big cosmic accident and there's no gods at all, that's your belief. you can believe it religiously or not. some people take it too far, which is what i think the complaint from reconpilot appears to be (and also, what he appears to be doing as well -- taking it too far, labelling people he doesn't know, insisting he does know, and pretending like you're attacking him if you defend yourself or point out how rude he is about his belief.

i've said it before and will say it again: we are all slaves. that has never changed and no amount of pretending that you're not a slave, no changing of the words, will make it not be true. as long as you are on this planet, you're working for someone else who is the regional owner of said real estate. it's just the nature of the universe.

Is there anything more illogical than human logic ? No ,I dont think so .
I dont care to hang on belief .I prefer scientifically verifiable facts to superstition and the grovelling obeyance that charactersises your human mindset .
You can go on trying to paint me as long as you like but what really eats you is that your a 'slave' of your own need to worship jesus to feel fullfilled .
thats your choice Honey , but it aint mine .

Your prejudice and blind flailing accusations are SO TYPICAL of a brain washed human . An ENKIITE .

And the truth is your ranting accusations and desperate attempts to run my input down is a reflection of your fear.

What humans fear they try to destroy ,make it go away . If its not commies and blacks ,its the 'devil' or some other silly demon you will create so you have an excuse to kill ,murder and destroy .

YOU ARE a very dysfunctional species . Admit it . Which makes you such usefull slaves . And you even boast about it .

Unlike you , my family values freedom above 'belief' and blind religion .

You justify enslavement if you must but using twisted logic to do so reminds me all to much of the masters that did this to you .

WHY do you insist on being a Victim ? . You actually get off on it .

posted on Oct, 31 2008 @ 02:02 PM
yeah apparently these stargates are going to blow up and cause a semi mass extinction event,now thats a future ai cover story for a extinction event they cause if i ever heard one!.

ionospheres.......pulled down to sea level.......disguised as stargates blowing up....pfffff.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 05:19 AM
reply to post by reconpilot

i dont insist on being a victim. some insist on victimiznig others, even in the guise of trying to free them. i think that counts for just about every paradigm you can name. and do you think it unreasonable, scientificially, since that's your gig, to prove to me that you are not a human being, but in fact an altarian?

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by undo
reply to post by reconpilot

i dont insist on being a victim. some insist on victimiznig others, even in the guise of trying to free them. i think that counts for just about every paradigm you can name. and do you think it unreasonable, scientificially, since that's your gig, to prove to me that you are not a human being, but in fact an altarian?

All the proof I can give you physicaly ? Well , for a start I'm RH Negative . You will have to take my word for that , but it means very simply , I DONT HAVE THE MONKEY GENE . Thats for starters .

For the rest , why should I bother ,since all the leads I have given you , you have pooh poohed . Because you prefer the empty promises of Jesus to pursuing provable facts .

You believe ,like all Enki's genetically engineered humans ,that you are better than everyone else . despite all the horror you inflict on each other .
If this is your gods finest hour, creating the human race , I dont want any part of it .

I have described in detail before ,TO YOU , the physiological differences between enki's humans and REAL Humans . You know ,the ones that dont murder rape and destroy in gods name . The ones that are not corrupted with the dna of the rhesus monkey . What blood group are you ?

But I am not going to turn up on your doorstep . Why should we ?

You want YOUR god ,so you stick with that honey . And good luck with it because you will need it .

I cant wait to see what you have to say when disclosure is total .You are gonna freak baby .

You are made in the image of the gods , YES ,but while we may LOOK largely the same. we think very diffrently. Thats all the proof you can expect on this forum. Your science is to primitive and censored for you to see the big picture .

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 06:49 AM
so recon pilot what do they want the earth to get rid of us

with so many lies comming from every direction how does one understand

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by the_spark
Very interesting read!!!! I am sure you spent a lot of time on this. I have just one question.

If you say Enki is the serpent in the Eden, then is he the satan?? If he tried helping the human to get the Blue stone then why the religions are contradicting him as a evil one?

Btw just to let you know Tara also means Star in Sanskrit. Try substituting terror with star; it may give you a different answer.


I'm still on page 1 of reading, so forgive me if this has been said.

Satan is basically a teacher. Yes he does evil things, but he is a teacher. By being the evil, he highlights the good and points it out. Nothing makes a white dot stick out more than a black background.

If you read in Genesis, it says to become like god - knowing both good and evil. You can't actually understand good or evil until you have experienced both. Just like you can't understand hot or cold until you've experienced both. It is by experiencing both, that you become enlightened and gain knowledge.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 07:35 AM
To OP: Very good post. I enjoyed it very much, and the idea of a wormhole is much much more believable than the planet X theory(which can be debunked). I especially liked that you pointed out the importance of truth.

9/11 was a wake up call for me. Until then, I just trusted authority and never gave much thought to things. But then I started noticing that things didn't add up. And I could see the evil things being done. As much as I dislike the things that have happened, I have no doubt been awakened by the events. I would have to thank GWB for being the evil and pointing out the good to me.

Also, about the wormhole being closed and no longer being wormhole citizens as you put it. This is because the earth is a school, we are here to learn the different between good and evil. So the wormhole is closed to protect the rest of the universe. Otherwise, the evil we are learning will be allowed to spread across the entire universe.

I don't know if the wormhole opening up in 2012 is true, but it is very plausible and does meet requirements of many religions. I'm somewhat torn, because I can very much see it as something that opens up in the consciousness. Which also goes along with someone coming out and enlightening everyone on earth. IE: Our souls are consciousness and what we actually are, so the wormhole is more of a big expansion in our consciousness. Which is also in line with certain Mayan "experiences", where people very much describe a wormhole type effect in consciousness.

Great topic, the philosophy is very solid.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 09:42 AM
Thank you all for your posts and opinions even if they were conflicting with the OP. This is why I can't get enough of this website!

Another thing that I heard that sort of ties in with this is that the reason the government always asks us to turn in our gold is because it is very good at deflecting radiation from the sun. Astronauts use it in their helmets and so on. I heard David Ike say something to the effect of he thinks they are using it to build some kind of shuttle (I use that term loosely, not necessarily a space shuttle) for when they can open the worm hole. It's purely speculation but still strange..

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 01:57 AM
I have been thinking about the whole 2012 thing, specifically about the "alignment" factor.

I've been having doubts about it. Mostly because it's mostly based on the wobble of the earth, rather than the earth's actual position in the galaxy. From a physical standpoint, it doesn't make sense because the alignment is mostly illusion from perspective.

But what would make more sense is that the stars and the positions were used as a universal way of telling time. Calendars come and change, have adjustments and so on. But if you use the position of the stars, then you have a universal way of telling time over long periods, which can not be altered.

And from that, you could more logically state that what they are saying is that when the stars are in this position, it will be the time when it is opened etc.

Now we know we are currently in Pisces the fish. And we all know we are entering Aquarius. I think the point at which this transition is official would be on the 2012 date, as that is center of the percussion and the calander. The end of a 25,000 year "year". If you even the astrological signs out, then each age is about 2150 years long, but that does keep in line with how we have different length in months, and how the signs themselves are handled based on position and size, and you have center in 2012, doesn't make sense why center would be in the middle of a sign.

So I think it makes more sense if it is a way of telling time than of something physical.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 09:38 PM
wasnt there also a great civilization in India that dissapeared. there were poems from other tribes describing "a force greater than the entire universe, brighter than 1000 suns" they also went on to describe wats basically radiation, in short, somthing like a nuclear explosion. just thought id point that out, dont know how much good it'll do u guys

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by Shocka

Your thread is very well researched and has opened my eyes to so many possibilities. Its not only obvious that our history is so much more than anyone can imagine, but that there a clues, and codes that reveal the truth as well. There have been some very interesting conversations here as well that have really opened my mind. I can't help but feel we have to wake up out of the paradigm, this lie and choose what is right. There are memories so many beginning to awaken to. Where does this all lead? One thing I'm not ever going to do is allow our "rulers" to dictate anything. They have been pursuing their insanity for countless thousands of years. We need to help their game end and justice to pervail.

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by astron1000

from what i understand scientist have already did the research to prove there will be an alignment with the center of the galaxy and the third thing will be the sun do some more research before bashing someone.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 10:33 PM
So if I understand the story correctly
he USED his blood in the creation of the Original strain for our species
and its because of THIS strain that makes us GODS (inshort ANY human contains the ability to go off and claim a THROWN of POWER in the far off Galaxtic CENTER
IF only we could Remember

and the only thing we have to do is Unit as a species on the planet, Claim it as our own and HEAD to the THROWN in the CENTER COSMOS
speeding fullspeed ahead combating all who oppose us

And all these galactic species are trying to stop us from doing this by keeping us fight amongst ourself

I like it

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by Perseus Apex

Hi, I came across Lilith in as strange way, then found Nine Deadly Venoms by Alex Gordon and then Lilith etc made total sense.

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 03:27 AM
reply to post by badmedia

It's been awhile but a lot of people seem to do this miscalculation. A am glad that at least one poster here last November says we are in the Age of Pisces. By all traditional counting that is true. If you look at where the 12 signs are and divide them by 12 equal segments for astrological purposes you will end up within a degree or two of the currently used Hindu-Tibetan system (where the 12 houses are not the only division but that is the only one Europeans will understand.)

Calculate by about 72 years for each degree of precession which is about 25,920 years total cycle (we do not know it for certain, perhaps our Altairian friend here would know). Then see where we are now at the vernal equinox. Roughly 6 degrees into Pisces... That means it will be about 380 years before the vernal equinox point (March 20 evening usually) will regress into Aquarius. That means we'll be in the age of Aquarius roughly in 2390... This may be a little off, since we have been only measuring precession for a hundred and fifty years about, but nothing will happen until 2012... The Mayan calendar works on a different basis than Indo-European astrology circles.

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