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Star Gates and 2012

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posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 11:11 PM
I came across this is it true tat there is a stargate in iraq

Ps: btw i know it is a hoax but still every skeptic has a broad mind

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 11:33 PM
why do i have to wait until 2012 to open a stargate

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 11:36 PM
I had not heard of this stargate business until recently, pretty exciting idea to say the least. You put all those crazy conspiracy thoughts about 9/11 and Iraq together, the pieces seem to fit.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 12:18 AM
Shocka got me think about some stuff, which I have read some into years ago. It ties into what the next named ATSer mentioned, some change connections in the Celtic realms of things.

I was just amused by reading all this until Cythraul busts out with the Celtic eolas.
Speaking of which that reminds me, this brings to mind the possibility and theory that Stone Henge is the gate for the worm hole or is focal point of the ley lines. Or perhaps a marker for this worm hole phenomenon, along with the dragon lines which could mark the currents perhaps.

Then there is this Bru na boine, some thing compiled
from my website and a book, Celtic based that fits this subjected topic.

Source found at my site, please follow link
for Celtic legend on that key place of property.
Focmarc- Knowledge from Inquiry

Ley-lines - ('Ley','lea' - 'A clearing')

('Heilige Linien' to the Germans 'Fairy paths' to the Irish, 'Dragon Lines' to the Chinese, 'Spirit Lines' to Peruvians and 'Dream paths' (Turingas) to the Australian Aborigines - and so on around the world).

I cannot find a map of all these lines of one name or another, but the nexus is said to be the Henge of Stone.

I might find more on this tomarrow, need to rack out now and that is all my tired mind could make sence of, sorry if it seems jumbled. The link provided on the Bru na boine should help with the legends some what.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 12:57 AM
reply to post by Shocka

You said :

Massau according to the Hopi researcher Frank Waters, is the same as the Jewish messiah. The two words are phonetically similar therefore interchangeable. Interestingly Massau or the messiah met the Hopi when their world came out of balance, or came out of Tula.

I think we can draw even more parallels between the Messiah and Massau:

The Hopi prophecy states: The True White Brother will bring with him two great, intelligent and powerful helpers .

In Christian eschatology, they speak of Two Witnesses described in chapter 11 of the Book of Revelation in the events leading up to the second coming of Christ.

[edit on 23-10-2008 by destiny-fate]

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 01:11 AM

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 03:59 AM
reply to post by ADVISOR

i read a really interesting book on this subject, years ago. apparently, it was built in stages. the first stage or close to it was wood henge. they used wooden poles to fill the role that would later be done by the blue stones. i can't remember the list of progress, but there were several stages to it over a long time period.

the author theorized that it was an eclipse predictor and an astronomy observatory, which acted like a calendar, determined the seasons and so on. some holes were for the sun and some were for moon, etc. if i find the book in question, i'll link it.

[edit on 23-10-2008 by undo]

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 06:20 AM
reply to post by ADVISOR

YES! Thank you for taking my Celtic connection that bit further. My greatest curiosity is what stone circles and longbarrows were built for - particularly Stonehenge and Newgrange in Ireland. It's pretty fantastical to suggest that a stone circle might be a stargate, but then again so is this whole theory. Guess I know where I'll be on the winter solstice 2012, just in case

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by undo
Did you know, there's not a single remaining piece of art from ancient Sumer, that depicts a humanized "god"? All the humanized gods in mesopotamian art, are AFTER the black sea flood. Since the ones responsible were locked up/sent away, whatever, and Enki is put under special restraining orders, the artforms of the gods we see in Akkad and Babylon are based on memories that have been humanized. In other words, artforms depicting Enki as a human are LIES. They are fakeries. The only remaining full body images of beings from ancient Sumer are of Reptilians. Yes, REPTILIANS.

I know it sounds way out there, but folks, I've been scouring the archives for sumerian artifacts, specifically, and the only other things I can find are plates, bowls, vases, and odd little symbols, like charms or fetishes, of some kind. There are no depictions of human gods, no depictions of human kings, or human shaman or human anything, except the legless, decapitated females. Conversely, the Reptilians are mostly intact. I think there was only one with a missing head.

Yup, we caught 'em red-handed trying to cover up their own existence by influencing scholars to mesh the Sumerian and Akkadian timelines together when they are indeed separate for good reason. The flood not only marked the end of sumerian civilization, it marked the end of visible occupation by this particular line of ETs. The idea that they cannablized the humans is actually reported in the Book of Enoch, a book, btw, that was outlawed from being included in the biblical texts by the Holy Roman Catholic Church during the ecumenical councils.

It says, the planet was so polluted, food wouldn't grow. A massive drought kicked in, the plant life died, the animals were no longer edible, and the fallen ones (the ETs) and their hybrid offspring began to eat the human population because there was no food left. This would go a long way in explaining a great deal about the ancient past. Starting with why reptilians may not be all sunshine and lollipops. So much for enlightenment.

Listen closely to what he said, these reptilians are not our friends and if you believe in this story and if they come again know that they are not our friends. They enslaved man among many things.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 11:27 AM
I also find it interesting that people who have had near-death experiences say that they find themselves in a tunnel with a bright light at the end. Some describe beings and a reluctance to return...

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by Shocka

"In fact, in December 2012 the Mayans tell us that with this alignment, the galactic alignment, a great rift will open from the center of our milky way galaxy and a ladder will emerge. From this ladder will emerge a “serpent rope” and from this rope will emerge the God of Nine Winds"

This is actually the time at which I believe that the Christian Rapture will occur. I also believe that the Rapture will occur during the middle of the 7 years of Tribulation. Therefore, the 7 years of Tribulation will start on or very close to June 21, 2009. This seems very probable considering the likely election of Obama and the almost guaranteed looming disaster presented by Biden.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by ADVISOR

Yes ,excellent input there. just liketo add that Stonehenge is on salisbury plain and very close to Boscombe down. These are militaryresevations.
salisbury plain is used for weapons testing and boscombe down is more for aircraft developement .

When I lived nearby I would ocasionally see unusual craft .

Returning to the subject of EYE'S . I mentioned some time ago in the other stargate thread that EYE is the code word for wormhole. The other main one is Catflap .Put the two together and you have eye of the tiger .

Which gives you a hint as to who's starggates they are .

If the eye is the window to the soul in the most literal sense of the word then we are all connected to the center of the universe !

Gives a whole new meaning to the expression 'aye captain' !

The poets are way ahead of most people. But who is listening to their words ?

There is one other newly constructed and famous eye in London is there not ? Wonder what thats for ?

The eye's have it .

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by reconpilot

"If the eye is the window to the soul in the most literal sense of the word then we are all connected to the center of the universe ! "

That is a wonderful perspective

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by undo
reply to post by cosmicpixie

well first of all, i arrived at my conclusion by following the bouncing ball.

first, the humans were slaves. this much is evident from the writings of sitchin, as well. who was enslaving them? the special hybrid offspring were the kings (this is "when princeship/kingship descended from heaven) of sumer. the slaves were taught a trade skill but were not allowed to learn the language and write, only the priest-scribes could, and they were all offspring of the hybrids. so the slaves created an oral history (you find this all over the planet). and they maintained it till they were finally allowed to write it down. by then, the mainstream history of the past was cemented into place, and anything the human slaves could offer to challenge it, in any way, was considered unlikely. that is, till jesus came. then the crap hit the fan.

Undo , for the purposes of bringing this subject along I think you would do well to leave jesus out of the equation for a while.
In Europe and other civilised countries you have to understand that people are getting very weary of christian fundamentalism and have a more tolerant liberal attitude to most everything .

The fact is that so many atrocities have been commited in Jesus name that the whole subject is wearying . You know, the inquisitions , the sleazy baptist preachers , the genocides . need we go on ?

Arguing that the bible accurately represents gods word because of jesus return just does not add up. And if he does return its the christians that will scream 'antichrist' and bay for his blood .

I think the monty python film 'life of brain 'was far closer to the truth than the new testament ever was .

I suspect the new testament is little more than a spun hybridised construct to suck in the gullible ,which is a shame because it does have some merit as a moral and ethical treatise .
There are quite a few elements of the altairian honour code in what jesus preached .

The other thing I think you need to get over is your species prejudice .
Its not a species issue or racial issue .
There are good and bad in every species and Altair system contains many different species who live work and cooperate in peace .
Some of my best friends are a feline humanoid species .get your head around that ! Actually there's one coming through the cat flap right now .

And stop bagging my Lizard mates . You see the world in black and white if you want to but some of us know a little better.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 10:01 PM
reply to post by reconpilot

that doesn't address the topic at all. you're talking about christianity, i'm talking about human slaves in 3000 BC. you're talking about tolerance and then telling me to shut up. that's pretty tolerant. but you're in luck, cause it also says if folks dont want to hear what you have to say (and apparently, i can't even talk about 3000 BC now) then stop talking.


i take back all my research, the artifacts, the documents, the commentary, most of which you mischaracterized, then accused me of being prejudice against other races, which i'll have you know, i never said. in fact, i said, that some angels are reptilian, that's what the word seraph / (plural seraphim) means and that obviously, as a christian, i would have to agree that not all of them are bad! (you know why you don't know that? cause you didn't read my thread. you just assumed you knew. you stereotyped me! but i take it all back. forget what my research suggests. forget what sitchin said. forget dake and heiser and all the resources, i've used to come to my conclusions. let's just go with your version.

you have the podium. now what?

P.S. For those who are still interested in what i have to say, i have a 2 year old thread on the topic of stargates, entitled, "STARGATES ARE REAL" here (be warned it's over 150 pages long, actually has biblical references as well as sumerian, akkadian, egyptian etc, but reconpilot doesn't know that, so don't tell him. he's enjoying his little hatchet job he's trying to do on my research that he's never actually read):

[edit on 23-10-2008 by undo]

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 12:05 AM
I don't know about the stargate aspect of this thread but things are often theories for a very long time before we know them as facts.

You did put alot of work into this. I am sure you must be aware that the 'king of terror' is mentioned by Nostradamus as well as in the Bible, Job 18:14. It would seem to correlate, to some degree, what you are trying to get across.

The alignment of the galaxy in no longer a theory or confined to the Mayan prophicies as I understand it.

As for the changing of names, ie, tara, tula, terror, etc. anyone who has read even a little about linguistics (and I have only read a little) knows that this is common with the vowels and words (without the vowels) very often mean the same thing in many lanquages.

This is my first post on this site so I apologize for not responding separately to the correct post.

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 03:34 AM
reply to post by undo

Well maybe we should be talking about slavery in the 21st century , christian style ! Instead of you trying to shut down this thread because it challenges all your tired assumptions and skewed conclusions about stargates . We have all read Sitchin and the others ,yeah, yeah, yeah .

And here's another thing you should not forget . The back of your Brain is reptilian so that makes your ancestors reptiles !

What many of us question is your interpretation of the material and for some reason ,like all christians ,you go ballistic when anyone dares to challenge your 'omnipotent' opinion on the subject .

Now there are a few churches I can think of that burnt people at the stake for such things . Or dont you care to believe the Salem whitch hunts
took place !

So as long as there is free speach and the right to debate the points on this forum I will choose to question your opinions wether you like it or not .
And for that I will not apologise .

And when you can find more than one vague inconclusive document proving the existence of jesus besides the new testament ,do let me know because the fact is there are none .

Its commonly held belief in scholarly circles that most of the new testament was written up to a hundered years or more after the alleged events !!
So dont talk about proof and valid research when you have been spurned by academe for your lack of discipline and objectivity .

It may fly with mid west hockey moms and gun toting red necks but in Europe we generaly hold to a higher standard when it comes to valid research .

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 04:06 AM
reply to post by reconpilot

1. i did not kill people.
2. if you want to stereotype, let's pick a diff thread and call it stereotyping.
3. academe? where? you mean marduk? is that you marduk?
4. i'm talking about stargates and slavery of people in 3000 BC, what're you talking about? all you're doing is fussing at me about a topic this thread isn't even about.
5. let's get back to the topic of the thread. if you want to discuss my less than you-ness, make a thread about it.

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 04:15 AM

Originally posted by undo
reply to post by reconpilot

that doesn't address the topic at all. you're talking about christianity, i'm talking about human slaves in 3000 BC. you're talking about tolerance and then telling me to shut up. that's pretty tolerant. but you're in luck, cause it also says if folks dont want to hear what you have to say (and apparently, i can't even talk about 3000 BC now) then stop talking.


i take back all my research, the artifacts, the documents, the commentary, most of which you mischaracterized, then accused me of being prejudice against other races, which i'll have you know, i never said. in fact, i said, that some angels are reptilian, that's what the word seraph / (plural seraphim) means and that obviously, as a christian, i would have to agree that not all of them are bad! (you know why you don't know that? cause you didn't read my thread. you just assumed you knew. you stereotyped me! but i take it all back. forget what my research suggests. forget what sitchin said. forget dake and heiser and all the resources, i've used to come to my conclusions. let's just go with your version.

you have the podium. now what?

P.S. For those who are still interested in what i have to say, i have a 2 year old thread on the topic of stargates, entitled, "STARGATES ARE REAL" here (be warned it's over 150 pages long, actually has biblical references as well as sumerian, akkadian, egyptian etc, but reconpilot doesn't know that, so don't tell him. he's enjoying his little hatchet job he's trying to do on my research that he's never actually read):

[edit on 23-10-2008 by undo]

The reason I like this thread and hope it continues to flourish is because I think Shocka has some very usefull insights .

You accuse me of doing a hatchet job on your research but if the truth be told you are just piggy backing and reinterpreting OTHER PEOPLES research , calling it your own, then smashing your square pegged conclusions in to a very small round hole using the hammer of right wing christian DOGMA .

Now in polite circles ,thats called plagiarism . And thats what the Bible is.
Plagiarised from the older texts and made to fit jehovahs view of the world. You fly with that if you want to but most sophisticated civilised intelligent people are no longer conned by church dogma and propaganda .

Thats why the churches are dying and when the full truth come's out it will become a rout .

hopefully the sensible people on this thread will not be siphoned off by your high handed attitude and self appointed Expert status .

I tried to tell you about the code language but you knew better .Shocka ,without the benefit of my inside knowledge has figured a lot of stuff out on his own ! Damn , he's got my respect in spades .

And thats the beauty of the code language , it comes easily to those who keep an open heart and mind .

If you were a keeper of records ordered to fabricate the histories by a tyrant , how would you save the truth for posterity ? You would encode it ,encypher it in such a way that only innocent honest free thinking people would pick up on it . Thats what shocka and others are doing .

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 05:26 AM
reply to post by reconpilot

as i said before, make a thread about it. don't ruin this thread yelling at me about how you think i'm this and that. make a new thread.

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