I think what hidden hand doesn't get is that there is a nearly tao-like order in the universe. Violate others and you are immediately, perhaps
irrevocably the less. The worst crime is to violate the trust of innocent people---we all learn that, every being in the universe learns right from
wrong. Those open faced, hard working human masses may not have the education, the inside awareness about criminal elements, or the literate overview
to even know that they're being conditioned to not recognize bad material from good. One can't condemn them for simply watching tv---they expect
that those whose job it is to write and devise better material should be watching their backs. Walk into any church, any synagogue or mosque/temple,
walk into any small town or look at the children anywhere--there is good, open-hearted trust. Approach any woman with a nice smile and she'll
probably warm to you as a good spirit, telling you how she feels or sharing to some extent.
To violate all those people with a scheme of destruction and ecological spoilation brings bad karma down on you that is 13-23 categories beyond hidden
hand's notion of 4th density. Clearly he's literate, but he has chosen unwisely and will pay the price for the (living equivalent of) forever.
By violating others, by taking too much and killing innocents they lapse into a lower order of mind—although they don’t discern it as such.
That’s the ultimate trap, the ultimate failing within such arrogance. As is true with all severe offenders, the very first step into wrongdoing
drops them into a lower order of more singular, black hole-like consciousness, not a “higher” community of mind (which is multiply
inter-dimensioned). Instead, they tend to lapse into the sum total of their neighborhood's all-of-time offenders—a singularly inter-related prison,
in a sense (which they don’t quite see). There’s an order of being that lumps the most physically offensive pretenders together in isolated
corners of the universe. Of course, they all see themselves as power-connected, major manipulators. It’s as though they seek to rule the devil
without being corrupted (although they aren’t religious). It’s simple imperialism, wrought with cruel consequences.
In the end, there’s a universal ecology in which the ultimate measure and test of any individual’s life is his or her regard for any other
person’s life. If you or your society take another life wrongly, then you’re immediately reduced, although you may not know it (being callous or
indifferent). The same is true of an offending empire. It’s a strange irony of the universal equivalency, a mathematically defining aspect of
alternate-cycle hyperdynamics. No one, anywhere, is immune. They may not see the consequences clearly, but then again, they have cut themselves off.
Offenders of the sort remain trapped within a kind of event horizon, both literally and figuratively. They don’t see beyond the gravity well, of
sorts, that they dig for themselves.
When a person skilled in remote sensing encounters, then studies offenders of the sort, he or she must remotely inflate beyond their physical
bounds—fluctuating through and beyond their limitations. It’s as though your mind steps out at (figurative) right angles to their bunched up,
corrupted way of thinking. Then, and only then, do you literally see them hovering ever so slightly above a kind of event horizon. What you see, and
what they don’t see, is that the preponderance of such offenders’ assumptions are trapped within a singular condition. By not being implicated,
you may exist beyond that. You may be more universally acceptable (i.e. to other worlds), hence capable of inclusion within higher orders of mind.
Ironically, such offenders revel in a sense of power and singular pretension yet remain trapped within a realm that includes other ghastly offenders.
Believe it or not, higher minds must assure that there is order even there, among the worst of the worst. They can’t be allowed to degrade too far.
Of course, higher order mind can span the entirety of such offenders’ limitations and vastly exceed them, even if only faintly. *Faintness, subtlety
and humility are characteristics of the highest order(s) of mind, of course. They aren’t weaknesses.
Although some readers haven’t yet developed the remote sensing connectedness needed to recognize the singular limitations of alien offenders, a good
person probably has at least an intuitive feel for it. This is perhaps the most important distinction that I can discuss here. It separates different
orders of being and can endure for the living equivalent of all of time. Given that there are extra cycles or dimensions (alt densities) in the
universe, woe to those who assume that the seemingly singular, physical pretensions of corrupt manipulators arre all they need to worry about.
The higher, finer and more far-reaching/more comprehensive dimensions of mind are reserved for either older, more educated and humble civilizations or
finer, good deed only minds. Most good, non-greedy, non-killer/non-offending humans can skip through and beyond offenders’ realms, although most
don't know it. It probably only seems "real" to them when they sleep, when low order precepts are suspended, however fleetingly. However, no person
in his or her right mind will jump into the singular or lower density hole (hidden hand’s notion of 4th-6th density) with such offenders. It isn’t
safe to do so because over time it can corrupt a mind beyond recognition. It isn’t so easy to re-order a brutal mind, no matter how good it once
was. They are ever the less; they have to live with that.
The problem with such minds, and I don't pretend that none are salvageable, is that they hive within a double darkness (although some boast of their
light-like qualities). Most humans are unacquainted with discussions about repressive communities of mind that mimic more advanced communities and
hover just above the event horizon of a galaxy’s central black hole. Advanced aliens both know and have remotely “seen” such phenomena. So, how
can mind be dimensioned beyond body, and how can offenders circulate way out here, when their mind hive centers on a singularity at the center of a
Here's how: large-scale cycles of negative energy and electrogravity/magnetogravity tightly and discretely tie all deeper quantum fluctuations (all
those canceled-out wave functions--it happens in every quantum and in seemingly "empty" space) to all singularities in any given part of the
universe. On a larger scale, all negative energy can connect to the universes’s sum total of black holes, but let's get real, here---manipulative
killers like the sociopaths that hidden hand consorts with don't rate on a universal scale. They are continuously criticized, sometimes warned, by
more evolved minds (and aliens), many of whom are subtle in their critiques. There seems to be a tacit understanding that better kinds need to
maintain a healthy remove from, and a disguisable invisibility to, the worst offenders. A larger order in the universe favors finer-minded,
non-violent citizens of decent, evolving societies, even if some had to fight to establish such societies, in the first place.
Here is the offenders’ mistake of mistakes: when they place themselves above all others in their vicinity, they wear blinders to their crimes.
Again, such arrogance tends to see time as a one-way river, when, instead, time is a vast, multi-directional continuity (finely but tightly, gently
shared and expansive). In the singularly limited minds of offenders, the higher order "directions" in time seem to cancel out, and the current
universe cycle may seem to them as though it RULES. It doesn't.
Time isn’t a one-way river. Those who think or behave as though they can take too much are run around in a low-order, one-way circle, in a sense.
Criminal arrogance and territoriality lumps them into a vacuous mind hive, a dark and literally starless community mindform where destructive impulses
and inequities lapse into vicious cycles of power and control.
When seen from outside, the worst of advanced alien offenders (with whom hidden hand thinks he is categorized) bark their fixed and coldly predatory,
idealized threats and presumptions back and forth across the resonance space of their galaxy center black hole. To do this, they must fix their
attention on the deeper singular nature of their environment (their black hole, a dark energy center), which, through negative energy, pulls them all
together. The illusion, for them, is that it all seems to be unified and defended (singular), hence it is good, theirs.
However, black holes, which appear to owe to a previous cycle of fluctuations that tunneled into the present universe cycle, aren't waste bins. They
can act as energy, information and exchange threshholds. They can also help to confine murderous greed to its own limitations. Hence, the monsters in
our midst are all about possession of things, power and control. Meanwhile, the best among us are about equality and transparency; sharing. Precise,
instantaneous justice is exacted--although it isn't always seen immediately. Instead, when seen from above by better minds, it is grouped as such.
Monsters both resemble, and prioritize themselves according to other monsters. The most criminal minds and societies must live out their offensive
duration in isolation until they evolve a deeper kind of humility.
Better minds span far beyond and are acceptable to, hence capable of phenomenal integration within, more universal expanses that extend far beyond a
single galaxy or a single notion of time. But a mind that has violated others brutally and destructively does not go there. Instead, such minds revert
to the prison of their biased concepts: power and control, degradation and a lower order realm of constraints, even though, as hidden hand likes to
think, they may think they inhabit a 4th or higher density. Meanwhile, more advanced minds can inhabit a 13th-23rd and finer kind of density---it
isn’t higher, in an elevated sense because the best we can possibly be is equal, sharing and phenomenally capable.
Violate that and…