few points...
*sleep paralisis*
was said something like
"your brain awakes up before your body"
from what i am aware of... is ... "the real self wakes up before the mind"
and you power the mind... (call it life essence or simply LIFE)
so the mind moves the body and
if the mind is off... mind is robotic computer
shurely the body does not move...
this is manifest by the body as a cool oportunity to the robot... (mind human being) have the oportunity to see that... there is more than what the
human eye sees
dreams are presently manifested to show to the being what he is accpeting and allowing within his wolrd that must be stoped or "let go"
simply the places where the dreams take place the buildings etc can represent something within ones life... past stuff
what is sugested is to write about what bugs you in your life to see those poitns direct... also about the dreams ... to see what is generating that
energy connected to what you see in the dream
stop the brainstorming
be here as breath
you are nor the thoughts not the feelings nor and emotions
thoughts feelings and emotions are of-the-mind consciousness system
you are not your mind...
both positive and negative are mind, mind constructs
life is not limited by polarity...
polarity is the nature of the mind ...
and it is required energy to have that polarity ... that is generated by the mind... with thoughts feelings and emotions
which is not who-I-really-am as life as one
love is the polarity of hate...
isnt it?
so its energy... deamons feed of energy ...correction... "did" feed of energy
*responsability* as SELF-responsability
the creator enslaved the human... but the human is the creator
his creations had a purpose, which in the now ... each one must direct ...
from now on... no separation... not putting responsability on others...
"I am this world" not "of this world"
"If I change, this world changes"
no separation... do not blame the familys ... since they were enslaved one and equal as all within this creation/existence
so take self responsability ... stop the mind... stop the minding .... stop the EGO .. stop the polarity... stop the beliefs. stop the religions ...
most important... stop PERSONALITY ...
with what was refered before,, "per the central suns... "
personality is the polarity of self... is self as who we really are ... non existing ... simply powering the mind.... in continous manifested
PERSONAlity is the mirror of self as pictures beliefs and judgments about self... within the mind and the mind is the program so... you look at
yourself by the eYe's of a machine... a system ... which IS the MIND... you see it as the personality or... any kind of self judgment ... or
judgment of other individual ... its not REAL... not who you really are.
see the matrix movies... is real story lol
the matrix is in fact "the mind"... we power it
i guess ... some of you know that already i supose
so... stop the mind the polarity.. both love and have... to be free
we are
in divide duals
(its mirrored .. all is in reverse... as from the perspective of the mind)
indiviseable ones
its all in the words
the creators (anu and them) are very ironic about that... the mind is perfect indeed... perfectly designed to keep beings from realising oneness
this world IS the words we think and speak ... one and equal
law of oneness.