reply to post by JFree
lucifer/satan is *a slick-talker,* ... but THE ONLY SAFE PLACE TO BE is under the Blood-covering of The Lamb of GOD, slain from the foundation of the
world. ... all the rest is empty religion and philosophy and occultism.
Today, the world is STEEPED in occultic confusion and deceptions. BUT HERE is the deeper reality . . .
TRUTH is something you DO.
TRUTH is something you are (in the sight of G*D).
TRUTH is A Person. I wonder if you've ever
truly come to know Him.? . . . Reach out. - His
Hands are already extended . . .
~~~ GRACE ~~~
Multiply the innocence on the face
of your favorite child
times infinity.
Surround it with darkness,
cruel jealousy and sin.
Now look to Golgotha: Behold
the face of the purest heart
ever beheld by angels or men,
bloodied and battered,
spat upon and cursed,
and crying . . .
"Father! forgive them...
Father! forgive them...
I offer my self
in their place,
for their soul.
Forgive them."
Cf. Isaiah 53. Psalms 22 & 88. Matthew 27:33-54.
Luke 23:32-44. John 18:4-11; 19:29-37.
Standing near the hill I shivered at the sight of his limp figure
silhouetted against this strange mid-day night. And the scene still haunts
me. But it was more than the bloody crown of thorns, the bruised and
tortured body; yea, even more than the mockery of a scornful and railing
mob; but it was the sense of his utter alone-ness there that pressed hot against my weeping soul...I looked again and there He was, - this awful
sight, - and it was Jesus: Royal, Holy, Pure, - the Lamb without spot or blemish, - and He was ALONE. Totally, completely, unequivocally alone.....
and I saw it was for me,
- it was for me! . . .
~~~~~ THE TEST ~~~~~
Please forgo the parade and charade of excuses.
He already KNOWS the Whole Truth
(So let's get honest):
What you need is forgiveness.
What you need is a new heart.
What you need is a Savior.
What you need is a fresh start.
The payment for sin, - for insulting and forgetting GOD, - is high.
Very high.
You can pay it yourself
(and will)
If you turn away Him
Who was willing
to pay it Himself.
IT IS GRACE. Mercy, Grace, and Love.
You cannot earn it. (It is given).
with humility and eternal thanksgiving.
He will forgive the honest heart
that turns to Him with empty hands, saying,
"I receive, I am not worthy, but I receive and turn to Thee."
For a truth: Jesus suffered for YOUR sins,
How can your heart NOT break?
from a Supremely Wise GOD.
"The Cross of Christ is truly God's last and endless Word. There the
Prince of this world is judged, there sin is killed, and pride
and self-righteousness is done to death, there lust is frozen, and
self-interest slaughtered, NOT ONE CAN GET THROUGH..."
--- Oswald Chambers
The Altar Near the Throne