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Orzeml(The Pleiadean) message to our kind

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posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 04:36 AM
Last night I had the pleasure of spending most the night in the company of Orzeml And Amizarac I asked a lot of questions and received many interesting replies.

One of the questions I ask was how are we humans perceived by his race?

His answers was that in the last 20 years we have become a race obsess with idolizing pretenders and shallow people.

I asked him to clarify his meaning of pretenders and Orzeml explained that our worship of what we call movie stars is unhealthy and very negative to our goal.

He then asks me what I would think of a race that puts money and greed over everything else.

He explains that watching from the outside if much different than living from within.

Look at your planet from our point of view more than two thirds live in misery created by a small group of profit takers who are happy to trade four billion lives so they can live like kings.

Most You human are still willing to go to war with your neighbors over the most minor matters.

You all try to preach love and understanding yet are totally indifferent to the suffering of your own race.

Just recently your governments have found thousands of billions of dollars to try and rescue your meaningless lifestyle yet very little is done and spent helping your fellow human who are dieing of hunger and sickness every day.

At any time throughout your short history one war or another has raged on your planet pitting your own race against yourselves in order for few to gain financial gain.

You now worship, movies stars football stars , and rock stars as god and your children want to grow up to be like then.
Your newspapers and magazine are full of stories about excessive shallow people who waste fortunes while the little children die in there millions from hunger and sickness.

Your race was given a pure clean and virgin planet with everything it needed for your kind to shelter and feed itself.
Yet in a very short time you have nearly destroyed this and yourselves. Is it any wonder we are very fearful of letting you humans join the other races in our universe, let alone make full contact with you?

So from us watching from the outside you as a race paint us a very scary picture.

As much as we have tried to help the human over the centuries we cant seem to change this materialistic attitude that has brainwashed your race. Some on our planet think that the human have gone down the path of insanity to far to be brought back onto the path of humanity but we feel there is still strong hope.

We will give you to knowledge of the old world as we have done on many occasions in the past and you can use this to hasten your people development and reach its goals.

There are still hundreds of million of good people on your planet but very few of these make policies
that benefit the masses.
And there are only a very few bad people on this planet but most of these make all the laws and policies that effect you all.

The rest of your planets population is what we call lost and with no sense of direction and will follow what ever they think is the norm and these are the one you must show the path to.

Your planet was once balance and every tribe had what it needed to live and prosper but greed and ego has ravaged and pillaged from most of those tribes and now you have a very imbalanced world where there are tribes living on nothing because all was taken from them.

It is up to all humanity to restore this balance and insure that all men and women are fed and sheltered equally on this planet only then will the human race be on course for a meeting with other races.

This planet was never created to be the playground of a few and the misery of billions and rulers never had the right to enslave the people only lead them into a better existence.

You rules for any living being is to live and let all others live along side them, nothing more is of greater importances.

Till then human can never expect to have mass contact with other life forms from the stars.

[edit on 17-10-2008 by smokingman2006]

+1 more 
posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 04:48 AM
PLEASE,Please, not another one.
Bring some sort of proof to ATS and people may listen. I think most people here have had enough of others blabbering on about contact with other beings.
Many believe that they exist and no disrespect to them but to say aliens are talking to you seems just a little to whacky to me.

One day someone may bring some proof here but untill then its all a fairytale to me.

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 04:49 AM

So I've read your post. And I have a question:

Why do you need to contact aliens to think these thoughts? The message is basically "be nice, don't be dumb, don't foul your own nest, humanity needs to take care of itself"

And that's fine.

But doesn't that message stand on its own without needing to come from an outside "authority?"

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 04:52 AM
........let me be the first to say......OMG not another one.........and in short.......the OP said he talked to this guy, yet all this is common sense, its nothing that we dont already know......i think its nice to try and spread a message like that, but dont present it wrapped in paper with a bow ie (from a pleiadean being) i believe weve had quite enough of that......

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 05:00 AM
These beings sure know how to choose the wrong time to start telling people things don't you think?

I don't see how you expect anyone to have a good opinion on this right now, and my opinion is bad timing of a serious kind.

Sorry not falling for this, and I'm one of the most open minded people there is.

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 05:13 AM

These beings sure know how to choose the wrong time would be rather amusing for some aliens to show up for real right now. Can't you just imagine it?

Aliens: Oh! Blessed humans, we are here to -
Humans: Oh God...not another one.
Aliens: ...another one?
Humans: Yes, we get this once or twice a week. Go away. Seriously, just go away.
Aliens: Umm...ok. Sorry. (Flies away)

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 05:24 AM
War is pretty messed-up and people are greedy: I didn't really need to be told that by an alien, but the next you see him, pass on my thanks for his concern anyway.

How about some real help? Instead of wisdom that's already shared by many on this planet but are impotent to actually do anything about, how about passing you some schematics as to how to create efficient alternative energy systems? Maybe some system to actually work with the dynamics of nature and the planet rather than against it? You know, something that will actually upset this weird unequal balance we have for good? Oh, whilst he's at it, perhaps if he's that concerned about us killing each other, when he does eventually hand over these schematics, give us all a little help to make sure the engineer that builds these machine doesn't go 'mysteriously missing' like everyone else.

We don't need another Yoda right now, someone throwing fortune cookie platitudes, no matter how nice it is to hear that some of us are reading from the same hymn sheet. If they were really so wise and so observant, they'd understand that for the bulk of this planet, our hands are tied. Apparently, we're not meant to war with our neighbours but a bloody revolution is probably the only way things will actually change. If your alien friend knows of a better way, that's the first thing you should have been asking him. Because, whilst we're waiting for the advice he gives to come to fruition, people are going to starve to death, go without water, be sold into slavery, be killed by despotic regimes, be drafted into wars, be robbed by their own governments and so on. For a concerned and compassionate alien, he really doesn't seem to care too much about those particular folk.

What the # is your alien friend actually waiting for? For us to prove to him that we're 'worthy' of his help? If he didn't think we were worthy of his help in the first place, what's he doing hanging around with you in the first place.

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 05:26 AM
Man oh man please just give it a rest we are all sick of the bs

Why don't THEY come to all of us and speak to all of the Human kind and pass the Message to ALL and not just one ??

We are all equal so come to all

And yes i do think aliens are real

Love and light to all

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 05:30 AM
This is obviously just another creative writing thread by some bored child.
There is no need to get emotional although I understand your frustrations.
Just ignore it.

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 05:39 AM

Originally posted by smokingman2006
Last night I had the pleasure of spending most the night in the company of Orzeml And Amizarac ....

Oh for the love of all things holy ... STOP! Make it STOP!
Will someone, somewhere, just make these things stop?!?

Sorry smokingman, but you are a little late on the faux-channeling thing.
That fad has peaked and is fading fast.

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 05:40 AM

As much as we have tried to help the human over the centuries we cant seem to change this materialistic attitude that has brainwashed your race.

I wanna know HOW they have tried to help over the centuries.
Because IF they feel the need to help us they're doing a pretty pathetic job at it don't you think?

Next time your magic little friend shows up ask him that for us would you?

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 05:49 AM
another thing, why do their names always have Z in it? Surely we have a more exotic letter we can use to make up alien names......maybe something from the russian alphabet?

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 05:50 AM
People, calm down. This is 'the gray area' MADE for this kind of stuff ( as in tellings without any proof) It's the BASIS of this forum, to get the unprovable stories out of the other forums. So if you do not like it don't go here.

Really, do not get so worked up about it and ignore this forum if you do not want to read this stuff.

It is your own choice to click on this topic while you are sick of it. Do you people secretly like black spandex and whips too? Take a step back, realize the forum you are in and so if you do not believe any of it and do not want to waste your time over it then there is a simple solution: DON'T. Do not throw everything on one 'Goodchild heap' because if you do you are no better than people that throw the UFO researchers on the same heap with the so called channelers.


[edit on 17-10-2008 by Harman]

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by Harman
People, calm down. This is 'the gray area' MADE for this kind of stuff ( as in tellings without any proof) It's the BASIS of this forum, to get the unprovable stories out of the other forums. So if you do not like it don't go here.

Even for something in 'The Gray Area' I expect at least something that has a little internal logic or to be able to stand up to scrutiny even if it's 'unprovable'. Otherwise, why not actually call it 'The Bad Creative Writing Area'?

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 06:47 AM

Originally posted by smokingman2006
The rest of your planets population is what we call lost and with no sense of direction and will follow what ever they think is the norm and these are the one you must show the path to.

We like to call them "Liberal democrats" where I come from.

Kidding aside, nice massage, maybe next time you could elaborate on the Pliadian ship, clothing, apperance to keep the attention of the folks here.

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 07:13 AM
reply to post by Merriman Weir

Well, to be honest i do see the logic in his message. WE have to do it ourselves and stop whining that we are getting screwed over, we have to snap out of it and get moving or suffer the consequenses. If any aliens pop by and saves our butts by whatever means they automatically take on the responsibility to care for us. And we are even worst to handle than a class of unruly juvenile adolescents on steroids and with weapons.

We love negativity, we can't get enough of it even if we say we don't (look at this topic, it irritates people but they still go looking for it). We are a pretty sore bunch, easily led, easily decieved and demanding to be protected from the evil outside world (the last point not so much on sites as ATS but the other points still stand). What will it take before we had enough? A couple more financial craches? Widespread dead and destruction in the so called civilized western world? A totally destroyed ecology? What?

No, we need to snap out of it, we need to do it ourselves and we need to quick about it. Aliens or a overactive imagination does not matter in this one, the message has logic in it, even if people do not want to see it that way. I do not speak to aliens and i share his message and yes, this is the gray area, it is made after complaints that there where to many unsubstantiated stories like this but now the complaints just move with the place made for these topics. Do any of you see anything strange with that?

[edit on 17-10-2008 by Harman]

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 07:26 AM
reply to post by Merriman Weir

YOU ASKED........

How about some real help? Instead of wisdom that's already shared by many on this planet but are impotent to actually do anything about, how about passing you some schematics as to how to create efficient alternative energy systems? Maybe some system to actually work with the dynamics of nature and the planet rather than against it? You know, something that will actually upset this weird unequal balance we have for good? Oh, whilst he's at it, perhaps if he's that concerned about us killing each other, when he does eventually hand over these schematics, give us all a little help to make sure the engineer that builds these machine doesn't go 'mysteriously missing' like everyone else.

A formula was sighted last night which could solve a lot of our energy problems it will take me afew month to set things up to see how this works but many other things also changed hands but again work is needed.
The bright side is I have plenty of free time right now to work on it all.

[edit on 17-10-2008 by smokingman2006]

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 07:39 AM
In all honesty if these aliens have watched over us for centuries they would see that we have come a long way in terms of being kind to one another and seeing all humans as equal.

You just have to look at the enslavement of blacks, gladitorial combat (for the amusment of others), the Nazi regime, etc etc.

Yes there is a minority that still does not see our past mistakes but we are a lot less brutal and barbaric than we used to be and have come a long way since these times.

Looking to the future, if we continue to develope the way we have done, I can only see great things. Yes there may be a couple more "wars" along our path to come, but there has always been.

People's understanding for the need to be unified as humankind is becoming greater all the time. Just look at the amount of people that opposed to the most recent war in Afganistan.

My two cents.

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 07:59 AM


posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by Harman
reply to post by Merriman Weir

Well, to be honest i do see the logic in his message. WE have to do it ourselves and stop whining that we are getting screwed over, we have to snap out of it and get moving or suffer the consequenses. If any aliens pop by and saves our butts by whatever means they automatically take on the responsibility to care for us. And we are even worst to handle than a class of unruly juvenile adolescents on steroids and with weapons.

We love negativity, we can't get enough of it even if we say we don't (look at this topic, it irritates people but they still go looking for it). We are a pretty sore bunch, easily led, easily decieved and demanding to be protected from the evil outside world (the last point not so much on sites as ATS but the other points still stand). What will it take before we had enough? A couple more financial craches? Widespread dead and destruction in the so called civilized western world? A totally destroyed ecology? What?

No, we need to snap out of it, we need to do it ourselves and we need to quick about it. Aliens or a overactive imagination does not matter in this one, the message has logic in it, even if people do not want to see it that way. I do not speak to aliens and i share his message and yes, this is the gray area, it is made after complaints that there where to many unsubstantiated stories like this but now the complaints just move with the place made for these topics. Do any of you see anything strange with that?

[edit on 17-10-2008 by Harman]

My question about logic is things like "We will give you to knowledge of the old world as we have done on many occasions in the past and you can use this to hasten your people development and reach its goals." So they will only give us some arcane knowledge to develop our race and reach our goals only when we have developed our race and reached our goals?

When we've actually reached that point when we don't actually need their intervention and we've sorted ourselves out, that's when they'll intervene and interact with us?

How about the fact that they're aware that only a minority make "policies" that affect us all and they're still judging us as an overall race? I'm seeing a lot of generalisation in this supposedly wisdom-laded message: a lot of "you" and "your" as opposed to "they" and "them".

They're berating us for the war and violence we have but surely they must know our hands are tied and it's going to take more war and more conflict to overcome them. Does Orzeml think we can vote the New World Order out or something? Just tell the Internation Banking conspiracy members to say 'yeah, we've had enough now. Let's call it evens'? So they have the answers but won't share them until we've figured it out ourselves? You know what? If that was a human using that kind of logic on you, you'd be checking to make sure your wallet and watch were still there.

I'm not sure I want to interact with a 'superior' race that, despite being alarmed at the path we're taking, doesn't actually want to intervene even if it means millions of more unnecessary deaths and how many more years of misery. And these are meant to be the aliens that actually care about us? What the hell are the others going to be like?

By the way, when I talk about the alien this guy claims he had a conversation with, I'm actually talking from a hypothetical standpoint because I don't actually believe this guy is in touch with aliens. If only because he's not actually giving me any reason to do so other than saying ''so, hooked-up with my man from The Pleiades last night and we got to talkin'...' That really carries as much weight as my claiming I came to earth in a Moses basket.

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