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Why do women break up with nice guys?

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posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 04:26 PM
well afcourse. women are more experienced,they can "take care" of themselfs,they can have career,cook and clean after themselfs,and still have time to look pretty and have fun. no giggling 19 year old can do this.

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 01:32 PM
Quite storm,

I keep telling you to grow up. Your thinking is so provincial that you dont even recognize it for what it is. You don't know what you dont know.
And you are not even subtle about your ignorance. I can see why you have a confidence problem. I suspect this is so even among men...real men. You wont cut it.

I have confidence in pretty much everything other than impressing a girl. They have impossible needs, what can I say.

This quote above doesnt get it dude...among men or women either. Real men can see it.

You dont worry but so much about a womans "impossible needs" If she is a woman she can get them met by her own labors and RISKS...otherwise she is high maintenance. Got it now?? Try pulling your head out of your backside and get a couple of breaths of fresh air.

Get out here in the real world with the rest of us Quiet Storm.
I am a nuclear fueler by trade. Also a machinist. I take real risks for my monies, my living. What do I care what an airheaded woman thinks..pretty or not. If that is all she has and sexuality..she is an empty suit. An air head..high maintenance. Any woman who has no care or consideration for what I do or think in line with how I make my living is not worth my time or effort...she can only be high maintenance. I dont worry about her "impossible demands." I really dont care about her "impossible demands." Got it now. YOu dont have to take second best from anyone while taking first place risks in earning your monies/living. Got it now. Only public education standards can dumb a male down so far he does not recognize this simple fact. Public education..a movie/television education.
Dont be an airhead..just like alot of women out here. If you are are yourself..high maintenance. No wonder these women are laughing at you.

Real men know this Quiet Storm. Grow up...change your thinking and beliefs to something in the real world....take off the rose coloured glasses.

I expect alot more from the women I see than to take off their clothes and look pretty. IF that is all they have they have nothing. Got it now???

Still Alive,

there is nothing wrong with being shy,some women like shy guys,is it a crime to not have confidence some times?

btw i also dont really like shy girls,i prefer a girl that talks more,so i dont have to think every 5 mins what to say to her ona date xaxa

You are correct ..there are all kinds of people out here. Also nothing wrong with being shy. I am myself at times very shy. But cross a certain threshold and I am no longer shy. It is not a crime to not have conficence..but it does make one vulnurable in certain ways if one is not aware of it. There are women who prey on males like this. They have made a career out of preying on them.

I prefer women who dont talk alot but when they do ..they have something valuable to say..not someone just rambling on and on and on.
If a woman cannot handle my silence..she has the problem..not me. I know where I am going and what I have to do. I also know who is going to have to take the bulk of RISKS when hard times and difficulties come.
You dont talk your way through these have to think and do. ..not just talk.

Sometimes silence is quite golden..male or female. Many women tell me I dont talk enough. I dont really care..when I am working on something..I need to concentrate not ramble on and on. Alot of women have great difficulty understanding this in men. They try to substitute their thinking and values/beliefs for mine. When I tire of this I straighten them out quickly. They can deal with it or get on down the road...or back from whence they came.


Your on a roll here dude...big time..

Not just girlfriends either, they are good for fun! older ladies were always a thing for me! was never that much interested in giggling girls! infact if my memory serves me right the youngest girl I ever went with was 24, when I was yeah, older ladies get a huge thumbs up from me!

I too like older women. Most of the younger ones don't have a clue. They just ramble on and on and on. There seem to be alot of younger guys who are figuring this out and pissing off some of the younger girls/women who have the mind set that "they are sitting on the only one in town." I think it is hilarous.

I've dated women as much as 15 years older than myself. Enjoyed their company very much. And they can do more than just microwave too. Hell..I can do that. Cook too!!

Older women can teach you many things about the nature of the female of the species...that younger women cannot. And they are much more grateful and appreciative as well.

Bon Appetit...Valiant...well said...well said.


[edit on 23-4-2010 by orangetom1999]

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 05:09 PM
im beggining to see that people dont usualy change.....
so if a girl is nice and smart as 14 year old,so will it be as an older women.
i guess it all depends on the person
look for the niceness,look for the good times^^

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 08:26 PM
I must think very differently from most of what passes for men out here.
I am not interested in a nice woman per se. I am interested in a mature woman any age. This is the very rare commodity out here. Like a fine wine or beautiful strand of pearls. Such a mature woman is quite rare any age.


posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 01:58 AM
I totally sucked at getting women, until I just let go.

I quit bothering. Oh, I still took regular showers, and used deoderant, but I decided I didn't NEED a woman to be completed. Then I made up my own credo:

1. Only hit on strangers, not on anyone who is connected to your life.

This way, you control the image they have of you. They don't judge you based on your star wars figurines or your blacklight poster collection. At least not in the beginning.

2. Whoever is more desirous of a relationship (from sex to marriage) loses. period.

3. Be gallant; show extravagant gestures. Buy roses, plan a formal date, with an evening of high culture (symphony, etc), or an afternoon at the museum. But then go on to rule 4.

4. Don't be too available.
The familiar is boring. Don't hang around them for hours on end. Don't immerse yourself in their lives or friends, and don't allow them to do it to you, UNLESS the relationship is becoming quite serious (as in, headed for marriage or shacking up). Being available is handing the other person too much power--it will drive them away. Everyone is fascinated by mystery.

5. Apply the statistics of Large numbers.

Do not expect to find your life partner in 3 tries. In fact, quit looking for your life partner. Hypnotize yourself into accepting the idea that you are going to date 100 different women over the next 5 years, just for the experience of it. View yourself as an anthropologist who is embedding in the local culture. IF you meet a fun girl or two, keep her number; keep dating them, but continue to study their culture until you are overwhelmed by the truth that the hunt is over.

IF you can LIVE and BREATHE that credo. you will find your life partner way before 100 women. And until that magic moment, you'll have a lot of great dates and interesting experiences.

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 04:57 AM
orangetom,i admire you man, you really say the greatest things. i do have problems when someone has different opinion an tryes to push it on me,but well no one is perfect. and the shy thing,me too,when im in a nice mood im not shy at all,im more like a annoying bird XD
having the new attitude im quite happy:
having boobs or lipstick is like...nothing...if im horny i can just go to a prostitute,why try to play her game so she can humiliaty me just couse im in a need?
now girls who you get along with,who listen and are interested in you,now thats love and a girl you can respect^^ but they have to atleast like you,and then you decide who is good for who.

two things more:
the moment you make a compliment to a woman:
if she smiles like the sun and flirts back-she probably likes you
if she just says thanks or look irritated-then you dont have to risk humiliating your self couse she probably hates you or HAS SEVERE child dramas xaxaxa XD

and the thing about smiles. smile is like a JEDI POWA!
when your smiling you project confidence,a soul that is one with himselfs and nature or cr** like that... makes you look your happy with your life and your not needy. make you look like a person that the girl can find shelter,maitanance,good times,an adventure.

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 05:45 AM

Originally posted by Stillalive
having boobs or lipstick is like...nothing...if im horny i can just go to a prostitute,why try to play her game so she can humiliaty me just couse im in a need?

So trying to manipulate a woman into having sex with you is really her just playing a game trying to humiliate you? Thats a very self serving way to view things.

[edit on 24-4-2010 by riley]

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 11:09 AM

Must be something wrong with me...I never went to a prostitute. All the women out here eager to give it away in the "right " circumstances..that such an opportunity or need never came up. Knowledge gleaned from older women helped greatly in this field.

Once I got my mind and soul adjusted to the concept that there is no "Oil Shortage" out here....everything changed. It helped greatly that I had my own house and transport..but I also found women quite eager to come over and hang out their wares. Even older women.

There are times it actually gets tiring and I just want to be alone...if you can imagine that.

The other thing that you sense or come to that women in competition sense by the other women...that you are a item in demand. An item in demand raises value in the marketplace. Women sense this faster than do most men. Strange how it works ..but it does.
Women as a whole..see ..think and behave in a manner and for motives not always apparent to the ordinary male raised on a diet of sports and television. They have a radar in operation which works and sees on a totally different frequency level than does a male. This is important because it shows and tells of thinking and motives behind why they do or dont do the things they do.

You learn something else of importance here as well...some women do not take rejection any better than do some men. Bewarned.

having boobs or lipstick is like...nothing...if im horny i can just go to a prostitute,why try to play her game so she can humiliaty me just couse im in a need?

So trying to manipulate a woman into having sex with you is really her just playing a game trying to humiliate you? Thats a very self serving way to view things.

LOL LOL LOL..I've got to hand it to Riley..She is as salty as it comes. She will pour salt on a slug very quickly. You need to be a 'Man" to hang with her. She will weed out the light weights very fast and rightly so.

Watch Riley closely. If you miss an important educational opportunity. She will not tell you directly but all the ingredients are there in what she is saying.

However...StillAlive..I need to point out something to you in thinking. Women wear lipstick and display their boobs etc... not just for the purpose of attracting males..but for status among other women as well. Do not automatically assume that women are doing this for you as a male. It would be a mistake. The women know this ..they are not about to teach you this directly. For they too ....know that you are not sitting on the only one in town. And they know this at an earlier age than do most males/men.
In this facet of conduct can say that they are self serving too. It is just not done in a manner which is blatently obvious. Women are as a whole far more subtle than most men ever think possible.

Do not make the mistake that because you are a male that you are automatically the "Hunter Gatherer."
There are lots of women/females out here who love to "Hunt and Gather" males. They just use different tools and motives in how they do it.
Bewarned of natural intrinsic male ignorance.

What most women like and appreciate in a man is "Confidence."
And they have all kinds of strategy and techniques to weed outthe lightweights. Bewarned.

That radar I mentioned..they can use it ..fine tune it to sort out the phonys very quickly. Most men never develope a radar to such a fine tuning capacity. Most males are blindsided by their "Oil Shortage" mentality to even know of this concept. This is why learning to discipline your "Oil Shortage" mentality is so important.
So many women out here use or misuse your "Oil Shortage" lack of thinking to control you and steer you in their direction...because you cannot think outside of it. This is your fault for being ignorant.

When a woman loses respect for you because she knows you cannot discipline your "Oil Shortage" you are finished. She will know that she can control you...make you do what she needs and wants. Women generally do not respect a man like this. They may use them for their purposes..but they will not respect them.

This is what Riley is mocking you about Still Alive. And she is correct...until you learn to handle your "Oil Shortage " thinking...and your behaviors surround this.

For you many women out here think that sex and sexuality is their exclusive domain/province. They are correct in this until you learn to overcome such "Oil Shortage " thinking. They are banking on the concept that you never overcome this. They would be correct for most men.

Hope this helps,

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by orangetom1999
LOL LOL LOL..I've got to hand it to Riley..She is as salty as it comes. She will pour salt on a slug very quickly. You need to be a 'Man" to hang with her. She will weed out the light weights very fast and rightly so.

Fair's fair.. act like a slug get treated like one.
I have a sweet side but the "nice guy" subject is getting on my nerves.

This is what Riley is mocking you about Still Alive. And she is correct...until you learn to handle your "Oil Shortage " thinking...and your behaviors surround this.

Both of them keep posting the same pathetic whinings.. here and there was tolerable but the forum is now dripping with it. We tried reasoning with them with "er.. women aren't all like that and don't really like to be insulted.." yet it is still insisted that women reject them for being nice guys? It's not just the manning up that they have a problem with but basic logic and common sense:

If they were right about women only wanting abusive men they would be able to get them.

(.."oil shortage"

[edit on 24-4-2010 by riley]

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 12:31 PM
why are you even worring about me XD i dont even have problems right now with girls. i just dont like the girls here in my country,and yes its humiliation if you try to be nice with them.
i dont care couse the girls in germany(and the rest of the world) are awesome and nice,like every normal human. i cant wait to go out on dates with them^^
the only problem i have is some troublesome thoughts/mental conditions caused by the nasty life here.

thanks for helping but i was only ranting about the girls here,im perfectly fine^^

and about prostitutes,i think im right...
you may not have a problem,but there are alot of people who just cant find a mate,and theyr good hearted,living around bad people. and as they turn 17-19-21 all the rejections and no sex makes them think they "suck",theyr scared of sex,couse they think they will fail and be laughted at,mens ego gets hurt. thats why those unlucky people can just go to a prostitute,and then the problem is over,theyr now confident young man who know sex isnt the "holy grail" and they stop praying for sex to immature girls,they now can live theyr life and find a nice woman who is more then just sex

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by Stillalive
and the thing about smiles. smile is like a JEDI POWA!

Do you like Jedi's still alive? Do they have more than one life?

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 04:25 PM
i dont know i probably killed them all XDbut smiles really do wonders

posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 10:16 AM


posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by whatukno
reply to post by orange-light

Sadly it's true, perhaps not that a man can keep a girl only if he doesn't like her. But the truth in this statement is if the woman thinks that they are in danger of loosing the guy.

In reality girls which would you prefer...

The guy who dotes on your every need, takes your feelings and emotions into consideration, buys you flowers, tries to make you feel special every day


The guy who doesn't seem to need you, is kinda rough around the edges, could really care less who you are or what your needs are, isn't abusive verbally or physically but also doesn't put up with you whining about every little thing?

The truth is, the second guy is the one that a woman will pick every time, the reason is that the second guy unlike the first has confidence, confidence enough to know that he doesn't need you. That's what makes the second guy attractive over the first guy.

The first guy a typical woman will feel is probably gay or too needy. The first guy obviously doesn't have confidence enough in himself so he tries too hard. Sure if the second guy buys you flowers it would floor you, why? Cause it would be unexpected. If the first guy did it, it would look needy and like he was begging for your attentions.

How about somebody whos inbetween those three options!!!!!!!!

posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by orangetom1999

Must be something wrong with me...I never went to a prostitute. All the women out here eager to give it away in the "right " circumstances..that such an opportunity or need never came up. Knowledge gleaned from older women helped greatly in this field.

Once I got my mind and soul adjusted to the concept that there is no "Oil Shortage" out here....everything changed. It helped greatly that I had my own house and transport..but I also found women quite eager to come over and hang out their wares. Even older women.

There are times it actually gets tiring and I just want to be alone...if you can imagine that.

The other thing that you sense or come to that women in competition sense by the other women...that you are a item in demand. An item in demand raises value in the marketplace. Women sense this faster than do most men. Strange how it works ..but it does.
Women as a whole..see ..think and behave in a manner and for motives not always apparent to the ordinary male raised on a diet of sports and television. They have a radar in operation which works and sees on a totally different frequency level than does a male. This is important because it shows and tells of thinking and motives behind why they do or dont do the things they do.

You learn something else of importance here as well...some women do not take rejection any better than do some men. Bewarned.

having boobs or lipstick is like...nothing...if im horny i can just go to a prostitute,why try to play her game so she can humiliaty me just couse im in a need?

So trying to manipulate a woman into having sex with you is really her just playing a game trying to humiliate you? Thats a very self serving way to view things.

LOL LOL LOL..I've got to hand it to Riley..She is as salty as it comes. She will pour salt on a slug very quickly. You need to be a 'Man" to hang with her. She will weed out the light weights very fast and rightly so.

Watch Riley closely. If you miss an important educational opportunity. She will not tell you directly but all the ingredients are there in what she is saying.

However...StillAlive..I need to point out something to you in thinking. Women wear lipstick and display their boobs etc... not just for the purpose of attracting males..but for status among other women as well. Do not automatically assume that women are doing this for you as a male. It would be a mistake. The women know this ..they are not about to teach you this directly. For they too ....know that you are not sitting on the only one in town. And they know this at an earlier age than do most males/men.
In this facet of conduct can say that they are self serving too. It is just not done in a manner which is blatently obvious. Women are as a whole far more subtle than most men ever think possible.

Do not make the mistake that because you are a male that you are automatically the "Hunter Gatherer."
There are lots of women/females out here who love to "Hunt and Gather" males. They just use different tools and motives in how they do it.
Bewarned of natural intrinsic male ignorance.

What most women like and appreciate in a man is "Confidence."
And they have all kinds of strategy and techniques to weed outthe lightweights. Bewarned.

That radar I mentioned..they can use it ..fine tune it to sort out the phonys very quickly. Most men never develope a radar to such a fine tuning capacity. Most males are blindsided by their "Oil Shortage" mentality to even know of this concept. This is why learning to discipline your "Oil Shortage" mentality is so important.
So many women out here use or misuse your "Oil Shortage" lack of thinking to control you and steer you in their direction...because you cannot think outside of it. This is your fault for being ignorant.

When a woman loses respect for you because she knows you cannot discipline your "Oil Shortage" you are finished. She will know that she can control you...make you do what she needs and wants. Women generally do not respect a man like this. They may use them for their purposes..but they will not respect them.

This is what Riley is mocking you about Still Alive. And she is correct...until you learn to handle your "Oil Shortage " thinking...and your behaviors surround this.

For you many women out here think that sex and sexuality is their exclusive domain/province. They are correct in this until you learn to overcome such "Oil Shortage " thinking. They are banking on the concept that you never overcome this. They would be correct for most men.

Hope this helps,

I dont agree with your overly darwinistic, selfish and materialistic thinking. You paint a very cruel picture, and one of a very unconscious humanity.

[edit on 25-4-2010 by The Quiet Storm]

posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 02:38 PM
You want to make believe that women are mere unconscious machines who do evil on others expense and justify their doing so because "they couldn't help themselves"? and are solely here to just breed the most brutal of men and make suffer the men that naturally don't want to be evil, as if that's a bad thing.

[edit on 25-4-2010 by The Quiet Storm]

[edit on 25-4-2010 by The Quiet Storm]

posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by riley

Really, nothing to add except ...

[edit on 25-4-2010 by LadySkadi]

posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 04:23 PM
Any criminal, or gangster can treat a woman nice but that doesn't make him a good person.

Are women just so used to being with murderers, killers and cruel evil tyrnats that it's now part of their biology and their genetics to be this way?

[edit on 25-4-2010 by The Quiet Storm]

posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by The Quiet Storm
Any criminal, or gangster can treat a woman nice but that doesn't make him a good person.

Are women just so used to being with murderers, killers and cruel evil tyrnats that it's now part of their biology and their genetics to be this way?

[edit on 25-4-2010 by The Quiet Storm]

You haven't got a girlfriend, you say?

posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 04:33 PM
they just want to be with brutes, and no matter what anyone says I wont believe anything else until I'm shown.

The brutes may not treat the women badly (well of course they want to get some) but they may treat others wrongly, especially men. And women might just believe that it's all a part of "competition" and "darwinism" so that justifies any sort of violence.

No evidnce points to anything otherwise. It's the way the 'game' works, act like a brute, be a brute, be in some way a bad ass and you will get women.

If you act like a good hearted person, you won't get women. perhaps because they'll start to think of you as some kind of weakling.

[edit on 25-4-2010 by The Quiet Storm]

[edit on 25-4-2010 by The Quiet Storm]

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