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Convicted paedophile found strangled and dumped in woods

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posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by ZindoDoone
Actualy, only the public should be the arbiters of justice in this world. They are called juries. Of course when you have judges and parole boards that negate the wishes and vedicts as well as treat these criminals with kid gloves for violent crimes but give harse sentences to truly victimless crimes your going to get vigilante justice in the end. The citizens will take matters into their own hands and finish what a jury started.

I agree insofar as there is a rule of law and it should be adhered to. Frontier justice is no justice. Alleged paedophiles should be put through the system, and that system, in turn, owes the public a working judiciary, etc.

We hand our rights of personal protection to a system of police and armed forces and in return, they're supposed to take care of us. If we deviate, it's mob rule. If they do, it's totalitarianism ...fascism...whatever...a police or military state.

Where I see it breaking down is in the courts, with plea bargaining and totally oblivious sentencing perverting the public will. As a father? I'd lead the vigilante...but justice should be cooly and reasonably (as in 'with reason') administered. Not inflamed and vengeful. My two bits on this tough issue.

...and an edit adressed to thebox to assert that A Trick of the Tail is not creepy.

[edit on 10-10-2008 by JohnnyCanuck]

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 10:15 AM
Some of you make it sound like we are administered by some alien force from the Galaxy and our judges and law makers look like purple squids.

Come on people, if your feelings are as strong so as to advocate ex-juducual killings, maybe you can use some of that energy to reform laws and vote for the judges you trust. I mean, it is ridiculous to sit on your hands till the moment the $h!+ hits the fan and then cry for someone's blood. Just infantile. Next time a bad thing happens, it's your fault and not only the judge's.

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by buddhasystem

Come on people, if your feelings are as strong so as to advocate ex-juducual killings, maybe you can use some of that energy to reform laws and vote for the judges you trust.

When you say *come on people* whom do you mean by *people*?

I mean, it is ridiculous to sit on your hands till the moment the $h!+ hits the fan and then cry for someone's blood. Just infantile. Next time a bad thing happens, it's your fault and not only the judge's.

You don't know me, you don't know what I do in regards to protecting children, AND helping Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse.

And don't even attempt to slide in the bs that it's anyone's fault but the pedophile when he/she attacks.
If there is any example of infantile, that's it.


posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by buddhasystem

Uh, in America, most judges are appointed (many for life), so we the people have pretty much no say in who will be judging us. The few that are elected use the same good-old-boy networking that got them in office in the first place to keep themselves there! Corruption in American politics is systemic, reaching from local government all the way up to the highest levels of the Federal government. The only way to route the corruption is to remove EVERY politician from office and start over. And even then, there's no guarantee! All governments eventually become rife with corruption, and it is at this point the people must take a stand, as Thomas Jefferson warned us!

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 10:40 AM
All I can say is if anyone ever molested any of my children he had better hope he gets a trial,because when I was through with him be nothing left to prosecute,they are one of the lowest forms of life in my opinion

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 10:44 AM
We're all entitled to our opinions and I find myself agreeing with just about every post so far, to a certain degree.

However, we weren't personally involved.

I mean, when I first saw this thread, when it consisted of only the OP, I clicked out. On one hand, I could understand how a parent could be driven to killing a paedophile. At the same time, if we condone such killings, it could be an innocent member of our own family who's wrongly accused by an emotional mob, based on circumstantial evidence. Finally, do we know for sure that paedophilia can be controlled? Or does Nature condemn some to be paedophiles ?

Could I, would I, kill a paedophile. Yes, I believe I could/would.
It's a crime for which no amends can possibly be made. And paedophiles remain 'incurable': this was the conclusion reached at the conclusion of a decades-long study conducted in the UK, including attempted 'rehabilitation', aversion and dozens of other psychological and chemical etc. therapies. Paedophiles, even into extreme old age, continue to seek victims. They are least able to be rehabilitated of all the sexual perverts.

Could I, would I, kill child pornographers and their ilk ? Yes, if possible I would join a group of likeminded individuals and do all in my power to rid the world of these foul scum. They are protected by the scum in office and they are befouling our planet more every day, putting everyone's child at risk and murdering others and filming it so that once-normal individuals are introduced to paedophilia and develop an addiction for it.

Oh yes, I would most certainly support anyone prepared to rid the world of child pornographers and their ilk. And I would support the death penalty for this purpose, particularly in the case of judges, lawyers, polilticians and those engaged in education and child care. The world could only be improved if they were permanently eradicated.

However, it's the paedophile members of the legal fraternity, parole boards, legislators, media, etc. who have made themselves virtually immune from prosecution and have ensured they will never be exterminated. And we, concerned members of the public and parents, know this. We know the situation has grown worse and is getting worse each day. We know that right now, fathers, grandfathers and uncles are sitting before their computers, deriving perverted, inhuman, sexual gratification from watching child pornography on their home computers or even at work. Some .. who knows how many .. are going to act out the sexual desires stoked by child pornography.

Few if any are apprehended. If they're 'connected' (members of male-only 'clubs' for example, or have brothers in the police force or a 'good' lawyer .. they're not even going to go to trial. Those who are convicted get a slap on the wrist penalty. Parole boards appear to be peopled by lunatics and satanists who're delighted to release those whom they know to be an active danger to society and to children in particular.

And it's because the law proves itself hourly to be an ass and because law-abiding members of the public have been given no reason to have faith in the law, that people are driven .. driven .. to take the law into their own hands. The law has failed them. Justice has not been done, is not being seen to be done. All the onus is placed upon the public .. those whom the law has failed. The public is told to 'leave it to the law' .. ' you have no right to take the law into your own hands' .. 'justice is mine saith the Lord' .. ' vigilantism is the refuge of the inherently lawless', etc.

But at the end of the day, when a man or woman's little child has been violated by an animal and perhaps murdered, these lofty advices are seen to be a cruel joke. And they are. The law has not only failed to protect children against paedophile and against serial paedophiles in particular .. it has laughed in the faces of the victims and their parents and chosen to show 'understanding' and 'forgiveness' to the offender. It's Frankism in action, imo.

Members of parole boards should be publicly identified. Why are their identities hidden ? Self evident, isn't it ? They KNOW they are endangering society and THEY do not want the backlash to reach them !

In my opinion, members of parole boards who release scum into the community are aiders and abetters in these crimes and THEY should be convicted and jailed. I wouldn't shed a tear if a paedophile victim's parent killed a few parole board members and threw them in the woods for good measure .. because they, as well as the paedophile .. are guilty of the crimes committed against the child victims !

As for the dead paedophile .. do I shed a tear or feel sympathy?
No. It's my belief that if someone knows they are a paedophile, then they should have the courage and conscience to kill themselves, rather than foist themselves and their sickness on child victims.

Do I believe the world to be a better, safer place now that paedophile is dead?
Yes. I'm glad they're no longer on the planet.
If they had no control over their sickness, well .. it's up to God to fix them now.

Do I condemn the paedophile's killer ?
No. There but for the grace of God goes any one of us, had circumstances been different.

For you see, the paedophile will claim, once he's been apprehended, that he had 'no control' over his actions. In other words, he's attempting to claim a mental abberation, a mental illness if you like.

But you'll notice the paedophile is not so 'mentally ill' that he will leave clues to his identity. Instead, he does all in his power, after his crime, to protect his own liberty. His own liberty is paramount to him. He wants to remain free in order to attack other children.

And when he is incarcerated for his crimes, he obviously very easily convinces supposedly 'expert' assessors that he is 'repentant' .. that he is 'rehabilitated' .. that he is 'no longer a danger to society'.

Hah ! So much for the 'experts' and for the ninnies who form parole boards. They release these creatures back into society, despite overwhelming evidence to show that paedophiles are NEVER 'cured' or 'rehabilitated' and remain always a danger to society.

Do we release wild wolves into children's playgrounds?
Do we dump toxins on children's heads?

Then WHY are paedophiles released back into the community ?

And *IF* a wild wolf was roaming a children's playground .. what would we do .. what would 'the law' do ? We'd put it down, wouldn't we ? We'd put it out of action. We'd shoot it. We'd make sure it could never again be a danger.

I feel very sorry for the parent who was so betrayed by our legal system that he was compelled by that legal system's failure, to do the legal system's job for it. That person undertook to ensure that paedophile would never again be a danger to any child. But that parent (if it was a parent and not a now grown victim of that paedophile) now has to live with that killing. He/she should NEVER have had to do the job which ' The Law' is PAID to do.

I just wish the paedophile had died, in whatever manner, several decades earlier, instead of being permitted to exist for 70-plus years. I hate to think of how many victims he destroyed during his lifetime.

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 10:52 AM
The problem with vigilante justice is that vigilantes sometimes go after the wrong person, and by the time they realize it, it's too late. I'd hate to have a mob after me because I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, or because someone lied about me ...

Our legal system is pretty good about getting the right person, but it's much too concerned about the criminal's rights and not nearly concerned enough about victims' (and potential victims') rights.

I say castrate 'em after the first conviction. They can still lead a reasonably normal life afterwards except for their deviant sexual desires. We neuter dogs, cats, horses, and other animals routinely without even thinking about it twice in order to prevent undesirable behavior; why not people? As far as I'm concerned he gave up his so-called right to reproduce the first time he victimized an innocent child, or if it looks like that's going to be the legal sticking point, they can preserve some of his sperm.

And if he re-offends after castration (which hopefully most won't), then execute him.

And I don't want to hear cruel & unusual, that's the definition for what they do to the children they prey on.

A convicted pedophile should never have been back on the street for anyone to kill. I don't condone the "murder" but the real failure is the system.

[edit on 10-10-2008 by Heike]

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by thebox
reply to post by Merriman Weir

This was my point exactly, and this is why we're going to have serious problems if this kind of behaviour escalates.

Unfortunately, being unheard citizens it’s ultimately our frustration with the governing bodies that will inevitably lead to this kind of vigilantism.

Don't get me wrong, I don't actually disagree with this part.

Justice is a concept difficult to accurately define. Some might say it's in the eye of the beholder and as such, how can any crime be dealt with accordingly?

This is where I'm stating there's always going to be problem letting the mob have a say. Understandably, this topic provokes extreme reactions from some; it's an hysteria. As long as that kind of emotive thinking is attached to something, whether it's paedophilia or not, I don't think the mob should have any say in it all.

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by Merriman Weir

While I see your point from a innocent until proven guilty point of view, I am afraid there is no objectivity when a child has been molested.

We rely to much on the government to take care of us already. Maybe this is the only way to stop or at least slow down the rapid growth of these predators in our society. Now you don't have to worry about him doing this to another innocent child.

If they want the government to regulate this then the death sentence is the best option for this problem if proven without a shadow of a doubt that they are guilty.

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 11:08 AM
Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla.
People like this have always been here.The secret is to figure out what changed that brings these people and acts to the forefront,and why people are so vehemently for their being punished more severely.....
The real problem is not what you think it is.
It is not my job to explain it to you,you wouldn't really agree with what I would say anyway.
Deny ignorance,ignorant ones.

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by silo13
And don't even attempt to slide in the bs that it's anyone's fault but the pedophile when he/she attacks.

Oh boy, you show real aptitude in twisting someone's words. Shame on you. I never defended the perps.

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 11:13 AM
well the parameters in any country should be that the death sentence should not be banned! Then we wont have good citizens working outside the law in order to bring justice.

while I dont agree strangulation was the best method, considering that country does not even allow firearms, it was probably one of the only other methods of quick death sentence.

Criminals like that shuold be put to death, but a simple bullet to the head would be most effiecient and less cruel. Maybe if you brought your guns back things would be easier.

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 11:15 AM


[edit on 10-10-2008 by Merriman Weir]

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by keeb333
reply to post by buddhasystem

Uh, in America, most judges are appointed (many for life), so we the people have pretty much no say in who will be judging us.

I agree with you on many levels. However, people do have a say in policies and laws. Even judges have to follow sentencing guidelines and such. Sorry I don't have deep knowledge of our judicial system but what I'm trying to say here is that we still bear responsibility of making sure it works. And I don't disagree it's hard.

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 11:18 AM
If ANYONE tried anything like that on my kids (and i think i speak for a few mums/dads) i would want the police to get to him before i did.

Killed and left in the woods is to good for these types.
They destroy people with thier perverted lustings.

sad it happened, but i wont lose any sleep over some old pervert.


posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by chiponbothshoulders
People like this have always been here.The secret is to figure out what changed that brings these people and acts to the forefront

From what I understand, the majority of sexual offenders, in particular paedophiles, have suffered the same abuse themselves as children, and that imprints on the young victims' mind that that is how an adult demonstrates their attention toward a child rather the instinctive 'nurture and protect' that almost all adults will feel

The same applies to has been shown through numerous socio/psychological studies that those children who become bullies have suffered the same fate themselves at some point in their lives, and unble to 'internalise' those feelings, project them onto another

Basically, if you go though life experiencing an event enough times, then you eventually believe that experience to hold true, and act accordingly

I'll wager that this poor bastard was abused himself as a child if you dig deep enough into his past

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by Daz3d-n-Confus3d
We rely to much on the government to take care of us already. Maybe this is the only way to stop or at least slow down the rapid growth of these predators in our society. Now you don't have to worry about him doing this to another innocent child.

Where do you stop? Shoot up a suspected drug dealer? What if he's not?
Drunk driving causes lots of deaths in this country, and tragically, lots of children's death. So, if you fail a breathalizer test, should the cop administer a bullet between the eyes, just to make sure it won't happen?

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by Daz3d-n-Confus3d
reply to post by Merriman Weir

While I see your point from a innocent until proven guilty point of view, I am afraid there is no objectivity when a child has been molested.

We rely to much on the government to take care of us already. Maybe this is the only way to stop or at least slow down the rapid growth of these predators in our society. Now you don't have to worry about him doing this to another innocent child.

If they want the government to regulate this then the death sentence is the best option for this problem if proven without a shadow of a doubt that they are guilty.

No, I'm not arguing this purely from an " innocent until proven guilty point of view". My main point is that, on emotional topics such as paedophilia, the mob's motivation isn't justice but trying to satisfy a need for revenge.

As for "no objectivity", I'm sorry but when it comes to a legal justice system there has to be objectivity or what's the point at all?

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 11:30 AM
I didn't do it...

Do you need my alibi?

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 11:31 AM
This is the inevitable consequence of the rubber coated British judicial system.

I recall reading about a murderer in the UK who killed his ex-girlfriend, served his sentence, was released, killed his next girlfriend's family in an arson attack, was convicted of murder, and will still be back out on the streets in his 50s after having committed and been sentenced to 2 separate sets of murder.

If I ever wanted to commit crime, I would definitely choose to do it in the UK, the potential penalties are a joke.

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