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The polls are wrong - McCain is winning - and here's why..

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posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by ThatsJustWeird

And McCain's health care plan is mainly for people without health care. If you have it already, you're not going to get $5000 (if I understand it correctly - though I wish). And as someone said earlier it does not apply to every single individual in America.

And you believe Obama's plan is for everybody. Obama has said many times that if you already have health insurance you will see your premiums go down by $2500. Why don't you tell Obama to put that money in writing, otherwise you have no guarantee. Obama plan is also for the uninsured. What neither tells you is that even with their plan they will still not be able to cover all the uninsured, much less help those who already have insurance.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by GamerGal

McCain said Obama shouldn't alert the enemy or its ally about striking Pakistan if Pakistan didn't do something about Obama.

You put too much faith in the UN. Personally, we need to seperate ourself from an inept organization which refuses to back up what it says.

McCain never said he would leave Obama alone. He said he would not reveal his intentions to the enemy or Pakistan.

By the way McCain is talking about 300B on bad mortgages. He doesn't mean give every person with a mortgage a certain amount. You seem to distort the facts a lot. Nothing mean spirited just an observation.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by jam321

Was that a real typo???? Or was it more like the New York ballots???

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 05:58 PM
Darn right McCain is winning!! He has my vote.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by jam321


And * no I don't believe Obama's plan is for everyone or that we can come close to paying that and all his other proposals without raising taxes on more than just the top 5%

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 07:54 AM
reply to post by jam321

As you and I have both said on here McCain told Osama that as long as he stays in Pakistan McCain will not go after him. He will order troops to leave Osama alone. As Osama nukes every major city in AMerica and Europe McCain will throw babies in front of bullets and missiles aimed at Osama then finally throw himself in front of Osama when he runs out of bullets as long as Osama is in Pakistan. And only on bad mortgages? So people who aren't idiots are screwed, nice on McCain. "If you're an idiot I'll save you. If you have an IQ over 100 you're lost." Great plan...

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by GamerGal

McCain has never spoken to OSAMA. And he never said he would leave OSAMA alone in Pakistan. He said he would not reveal his hand on what he would do. This leaves the enemy and Pakistan guessing how McCain will get OSAMA. It is a good strategy. Would you tell your enemy that you are going to attack them and at the same time your Ally that you are going to disrepect them and their rights to get to your enemy? If you did your enemy would have time to make plans, your friend will have some surprises waiting for you, and you lose all elements of surprise.

I disagree with McCain about helping anybody with mortgages. But your comment makes me wonder something. How come people are not opposed to government helping more poor people via welfare but are against McCain plan of helping people with bad mortgages, especially since the large majority of bad mortgages belong to the poor? Ah, the smell of hiprocracy is in the air.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by GamerGal
And only on bad mortgages? So people who aren't idiots are screwed, nice on McCain. "If you're an idiot I'll save you. If you have an IQ over 100 you're lost." Great plan...

What in the world are you talking about?

I'll try to explain this as simple as possible.
If you have a bad mortgage, the government would pay off that mortgage. Go that?
Now if you don't have a bad mortgage, the government won't pay off your bad mortgage because YOU DON'T HAVE ONE!

Got it now?

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by ThatsJustWeird

But you still have a mortgage to pay off! Just not a bad one. And Jam, McCain attacked Obama for saying he'd go after Osama. He said as long as Osama is in Pakistan he isn't to be touched. And how do you know he didn't talk to Osama? Osama was placed in power with the help from the GOP, trained and given weapons and money by them. So how do you know McCain never met him?

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by GamerGal
But you still have a mortgage to pay off! Just not a bad one.

Ummm yeah.
That's what happens when you buy a house

Did you have a point or something?

Your other comments are just stuff you're making up:

And Jam, McCain attacked Obama for saying he'd go after Osama. He said as long as Osama is in Pakistan he isn't to be touched.

You got a link or quote for this?

And how do you know he didn't talk to Osama? Osama was placed in power with the help from the GOP, trained and given weapons and money by them. So how do you know McCain never met him?

This is just ridiculous and proof you're not being serious.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by ThatsJustWeird

My point is that McCain has told Americans that if you're an idiot he'll give you money. If you're smart you're screwed. And quotes?

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by GamerGal

The burden of proof is on you to prove that McCain has taled to Osama. Up to this point I have yet to see proof that they have talked. So I am very well in my right to assume that there has been no communication between the two.

You ever hear of Charlie Wilson (D). Read up about his involvement during the Russian-Afghanistan involvement. By the way good time Charlie is from my home state and region. I will go on to say that despite all of his good times he had he was one of the best Congressmen I have ever seen. He took care of your problems no matter who you were. One of a kind.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by jam321

I didn't say that McCain did, I said he could have as Osama was placed in power and trained by the Government under a republican president and CIA. As he was a republican he may have had contact with him. Like when the GOP was dealing with Saddam and selling him WMDs to use on Iran.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by GamerGal
My point is that McCain has told Americans that if you're an idiot he'll give you money. If you're smart you're screwed.

Again, what are you talking about?
You still haven't explained how so.

also, did you take the time to actually read the articles?
I'm still waiting for you to point out where McCain said he would leave Osama alone.

[edit on 15-10-2008 by ThatsJustWeird]

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 07:14 PM
For what it's worth, I'm an independent, both of these fools are a bad reflection of our people to elect the best person for contention to POTUS. Having said that, one is old and "evil", the other is a Marxist, risky, and "evil". I'd choose the lesser older evil I suppose as it will hurt my pocket book and employees less. Now, back to my point, I travel the Nation extensively and visit many many organizations and groups, an unbiased opinion for everyone. These polls are not at all what I encounter to be the truth, over the last 3 months, the support I've encountered for Mccain is overwhelming with that of Obama. To Obama's credit, "african americans" and the unemployed individuals I have spoke with seem to be unanimous for his election. My home state, Georgia, was being presented by the media last week as a possibility for Obama. Guys, that's a joke, a joke. May the best idiot win.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 11:02 PM
sarcasm begin:
It's all a big huge GIGANTIC conspiracy, and McCain is really winning.


I know, right? It's because Obama is sooooooooooooooooooo scary. He might eat your children! Or work with Ayers on a plan to blow up your local K-Mart! Or or or......Oh my god, worse than all of that - Become president!
/end sarcasm

So some of those against Obama believe that all the polls are "Liberal lies" the media is all "liberal lies" and that the Electorate is just a "liberal stunt"......
But put the shoe on the other foot....................
Your opinions of all the above, I bet would be VERY different.

Sorry to be the turd in the punch-bowl to some.........But:

Obama 357 McCain 181

(Pssssst. You just need 270 to win)

FLORIDA (yes Florida) is even becoming a blue state.

Go figure.......

[edit on 10/15/2008 by justme2]

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 08:33 AM
i told you all already. mccain will win because the ones in power, control of america will not allow obama to be president, they have already chosen the puppet mccain to be the president. ok, wether you vote or not, or for whoever. mccain will be the next president of the good ole boys. you will see. i myself, do not like none of them. id vote for one of you on ats here, than them. i bet one of you could do a heck of alot better job than any congressman or president.

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by ThatsJustWeird

Did you not see when he attacked Obama for saying he'd go after Osama no matter where he went! Did you not hear the talking points they released attacking Obama about saying he'd go into Pakistan after Osama! Pay attention. Or are you like every other American and too broke and poor to pay attention as the GOP gives hundreds of billions to their friends while giving us nothing.

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by GamerGal
Did you not see when he attacked Obama for saying he'd go after Osama no matter where he went! Did you not hear the talking points they released attacking Obama about saying he'd go into Pakistan after Osama! Pay attention.

Again, did you read the article? McCain only went after him for saying we'd attack Pakistan without their permission. Are you paying attention? That's the same * Bush did and look where that got us? How is that "change?"
Attacking an ally without their permission? That's not going to go over well. Look, Pakistan is after Bin Laden too, and they are helping us (well, they were until all the political turmoil) we have coordinated attacks with Pakistan and have killed many terrorists in their country. But we did it with their help and their permission. For the most part. There have been attacks without their permission and McCain was saying you don't tell the world you're going to do that. Pakistan is very fragile right now, but we still need them. Doing thing to distablize their government will only ensure bin Laden continue to get away. McCain never said he wouldn't go after Bin Laden in Pakistan - I'm still waiting for you to show me where he said that since you claimed he did.

The rest of your post is just pointless and ridiculously stupid and not worth going over....

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by ThatsJustWeird

In the same article it quoted Obama, who said he'd go after Osama and the Taliban, NOT PAKISTAN! McCain lied about that and put words in his mouth.

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