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The polls are wrong - McCain is winning - and here's why..

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posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 12:56 PM
This is what I am hearing from some news reports.

30% of white democratic voters will not vote for a black man.

50% of the 18 million Hillary women will not vote for Obama.

The majority of military voters are in McCain's camp.

McCain does better among men than does Obama.

This being the case, how is it that Obama seems to be up in the polls? It would have to mean that most of those who are white but will never vote for the black man will not be truthful to pollsters. Most of the Hillary women are not being honest to pollsters.

I also don't have confidence in the polls because of the media. As the days get closer I believe a more precise poll will be evident as people start to think about higher taxes and national security. McCain's real numbers will begin to show.

What do you think in support or against this issue?

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 12:59 PM
I was going to go vote for McCain but now that I see it won't make a difference so I will get the tires changed instead. I hope you are right or I would feel pretty guilty.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 01:30 PM
Polls ?
Polls are more media fluff to keep the masses from looking at the REAL issues today. We may as well be reading news on Britney or Paris.

What difference does it make if the elections can be sold to the highest bidder ?
Those in power will certainly make certain of it.

I'm also certain that McCain will win as Bush did both times even with questionable but very close margins of victory.
Its already bought and paid for. Courtesy of Carl Rove and Diebold.

We have 4 more years of this excellent economy to look forward to !
Look at that Stock Market and my 401K go !
Hip Hip Hooray ~!

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 02:22 PM
Surely it is of no consequence what any poll says when you have such glorious systems as delegates, and the electoral college...

Long live the Republic?

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 02:53 PM
At this point, if McCain loses, and I now have a strong feeling that he will, it will be his own fault and Palin's for pissing away the gains they had prior to the bailout bill mess happening.

McCain had a real opportunity to stand up for what was right and vote NO on the bailout bill and support common sense. He took the easy way out, just like Obama did, but McCain and Palin have both been making some other blunders here lately that have been eating away at his numbers.


There's always hope for 2012 - as long as there's a free country left after Obama is through having his way of things.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by sos37

There's always hope for 2012 - as long as there's a free country left after Obama is through having his way of things.

After 8 years of Bush do you think it will get worse? How can any president ever be worse than Bush is/was? Where have you been for the past eight years anyway?

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 02:59 PM
Well, if Obama has any hope of screwing-up this country even half as much as Bush et al have he's going to have to hit the ground running. There is hardly anything left that the current Administration hasn't entirely pooched to historic levels. What this country needs is McCain as President. So all the rest of the Republican machine that has been assembled during Bush's 8yr kegger can keep up the good work they've been doing. If Obama gets elected they're all going to lose their positions and the new guys are going to have to start from square 1. We can't afford to squander all that time. It's far more efficient to keep the current political regime in-place so they can finish destroying the country.

Vote McCain. The Man to Get The Job Done!

[edit on 6-10-2008 by jtma508]

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by stikkinikki

Oh I think it can get MUCH worse under Obama and the new socialist America. For all the grief Bush gets, we haven't had it that bad.

Things could be much, much worse.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by nyk537
reply to post by stikkinikki

Oh I think it can get MUCH worse under Obama and the new socialist America. For all the grief Bush gets, we haven't had it that bad.

Things could be much, much worse.

How exactly?

Look, what McCain will do to our healthcare is robbery. What he will do to couples with incomes under 250k, with his tax plan, is robbery. What is his open-ended commitment in Iraq about? They are awash with money and we keep losing people and cash. Enough of that nonsense.

McCain speaks for the ruling elite who apparently haven't had their fill of sucking blood out of working America, and FOX is their tool on the road to domination.

+10 more 
posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by buddhasystem

"Socialist" is the word they turn to when they have no idea what they're talking about. Most couldn't define the word without Wikipedia and a thesaurus at hand. "Socialist" is just their way of saying "Evil!" without revealing themselves to be rather dim.

Seriously, try it. Whenever a righty says something is socialist, replace it with the word "evil" - it usually works a lot smoother because it's what they meant anyway. Also, "Evil" is interchangeable with "anything I don't like."

They don't know what Socialism is, they don't know who is actually a socialist, they just know they're not supposed to like it, so it must be evil. Curiously all of them want to stay on the US and not move to a country with a freer market like, say, Afghanistan, or a Tongan Sweatshop, where htey can be free of socialist unions and minimum wage...

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by Fromabove

1. Where do you get those numbers?

2. You are not factoring in hundreds of thousands of newly registered Democrats.

This election looks very close, I have no idea who is going to win and polls constantly jump up and down or shift who is in the lead, so I wouldn't listen to them anyway but your numbers are off.

[edit on 6-10-2008 by rapinbatsisaltherage]

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 03:38 PM
I love it how people who disagree with Socialism can be grouped together as "idiots" who are "ill informed".

I enjoy how you can assume that because I disagree with something, I have no idea what that something is.

You talk about elitism and stupidity running rampant on the right, amongst the "rightys" as you so eloquently put it.

It looks like you are doing a pretty good job of that yourself though.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by buddhasystem

Originally posted by nyk537
reply to post by stikkinikki

Oh I think it can get MUCH worse under Obama and the new socialist America. For all the grief Bush gets, we haven't had it that bad.

Things could be much, much worse.

How exactly?

Look, what McCain will do to our healthcare is robbery. What he will do to couples with incomes under 250k, with his tax plan, is robbery. What is his open-ended commitment in Iraq about? They are awash with money and we keep losing people and cash. Enough of that nonsense.

McCain speaks for the ruling elite who apparently haven't had their fill of sucking blood out of working America, and FOX is their tool on the road to domination.

And the rest of the media is Obama's tool on his road, right? Or you think the rest of the media is fair and not biased at all and only Fox news is biased?

Also, Obama's tax plan will give money to the middle and lower class, but they will also have to worry about keeping their jobs. As I've said many times before - tax the rich and they will make up the loss by cutting expenses elsewhere, namely employees, whether it's business or residents who employ cleaners, gardners, etc.

So that extra money Obama may give you will very likely be spent making ends meet while you hunt for a new job.

At least McCain's approach is realistic. Give the rich tax breaks so you help create new jobs and encourage expansion.

And you want to talk about a money pit - what about Obama saying he's going to send troops to Iraq even though we now have Brigadier Mark Carleton-Smith saying that the war in Afghanistan cannot be won? (

Obama's policy's are just as flawed as you make McCain's out to be.

[edit on 6-10-2008 by sos37]

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by nyk537
I love it how people who disagree with Socialism can be grouped together as "idiots" who are "ill informed".

...and I absolutely adore it when people toss around clever-sounding and politically charged words even if they are not applicable at all to the discussion at hand.

Thing is, 90%+ or more of people on this board disagree with Socialism, and 99.9% disagree with Nazi ideology. What do these two have in common? Exactly -- neither of these relates to the current presidential campaign in a meaningful way.

I totally agree with the poster above who said that righties use "socialist" as a buzzword meant to mask their lack of substance.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by sos37
At least McCain's approach is realistic. Give the rich tax breaks so you help create new jobs and encourage expansion.

Oh, we all know how well this worked! The manufacturing industry in the US is gutted on Bush's watch, and the white collar jobs have all but been outsourced to India. Paid for with our tax dollars! Sure, let's tax them less so they can expand in Bangalore (while our kids won't have money to go to college and compete). Pure, unadulterated robbery.

I'm sick and tired of hearing about miracles of unlimited free market, moreso in the last few weeks which witnessed the financial calamity, to which McCain contributed by being Deregulator Extraordinaire, and in addition completely divorsed from reality ("fundamentals of our economy are strong"). My @rse.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by sos37

You are correct that jobs may be lost during an Obama administration. However the only people who should worry about that are in India and China because thanks to the business-friendly governments we've had for the last couple of decades all of the jobs remaining for American citizens have already been sold off - to the lowest bidder.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by Fromabove

I'm a bit confused by your post. You say that you don't believe the polls because some arbitrary unsourced and unnamed news reports. Didn't you also say that you didn't trust the media?

Where are you getting those numbers from? I'm not trying to be overly persnickety, I'm just looking for a little clarification.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by nyk537
reply to post by stikkinikki

Oh I think it can get MUCH worse under Obama and the new socialist America. For all the grief Bush gets, we haven't had it that bad.

Things could be much, much worse.

socialist? so Obama made the public take private debts so corporations can take public money? I thought Bush was still in charge. I thought he was the one pushing the biggest example of socialism yet. You are worried about what? Help for the poor? Welfare moms? Yeah, I would much rather give the same money to rich CEOs to piss away in foreign markets. Socialism is here, buddy. It has been here and will be here. It is just up to us which way that socialism flows. Sorry but forcing me to pay for private corporation mistakes - the government taking over private socialism. Please tell me that was Obama's fault.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by buddhasystem

Originally posted by sos37
At least McCain's approach is realistic. Give the rich tax breaks so you help create new jobs and encourage expansion.

Oh, we all know how well this worked! The manufacturing industry in the US is gutted on Bush's watch, and the white collar jobs have all but been outsourced to India. Paid for with our tax dollars! Sure, let's tax them less so they can expand in Bangalore (while our kids won't have money to go to college and compete). Pure, unadulterated robbery.

I'm sick and tired of hearing about miracles of unlimited free market, moreso in the last few weeks which witnessed the financial calamity, to which McCain contributed by being Deregulator Extraordinaire, and in addition completely divorsed from reality ("fundamentals of our economy are strong"). My @rse.

You're blaming the system when you should be blaming the consumer. It's like you saying "I don't like that this TV show is offered. I want it off the air." when all you have to do is turn the channel.

The reason outsourcing is successful is because American consumers make it successful. They want everything faster, smaller, cheaper and they want it NOW.

Consider the real-life example of E-Loan, Inc., a Pleasanton, Calif.-based company that processes loan applications. Because of the growing sensitivity to "outsourcing," E-Loan offered customers a choice. Processing your loan could take 12 days if processed by American workers. If, however, you wanted your results two days earlier – in 10 days – you could agree to have your loan processed in India. Guess what? According to the Los Angeles Times, 9 out of 10 customers choose the 10-day, overseas option. So much for, "I only buy if it's made in America."


Even Hilary Clinton understood that outsourcing was just part of global economics.

Sen. Clinton, offering yet another reason why she may be savvy enough to win her party's 2008 nomination, said, "There are people who feel left behind ... because they do not understand the economic benefits of outsourcing."

Source: Same as above

And she was right, except she didn't get the nomination because people like you let Obama do your thinking.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 04:37 PM
**Please stay On Topic**

The topic is 'The Polls are wrong, McCain is winning'.

We are not here to discuss one's opinion of Members' erudition.

Discuss the topic, -not- the Members. If you disagree, show why and how, give citations if possible.

Thanks for your attention, and happy posting.

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