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Originally posted by zorgon
One thing I have notice with predictions lately is mention of 'time lines'
So is nothing happens on Oct 7th or Oct 14th, they have a built in out by saying THAT time line was averted and now it won't happen.
Can we influence time lines? Sure... you walk down a street to an intersection... you pause right or left?
If you go left, a car out of control kills you... if you go right the car hits the brick wall.
We change time lines on every decision we make. Some decisions have no lasting effect... others can change History
But all in all it seems to me these "New Age Gloom and Doom" profits are using it as a tool. Its not really hard to watch the daily news and see a financial collapse can happen... and Tuesday would make sense after market closes Monday night.
Well its only three days away... my cash is in my safe and I have a years supply of food, 35,000 gallons of water in my pool and a generator to keep the freezers cold
I ahve to agree wiyj you dude, this guy deagle is as vague as can be and no one seems to knwo who he is or where he's come from Dr Who ?
Deagle mentions the Canadian border being closed and alludes to any attempt at crossing to canada resulting in capture death etc.
What the hell is the point of this ? A Us city (or cities) is nuked the obvious response is to flee, so why try and prevent people from fleeing, I could understand the canadians closing the border to a mass exodus of refugees, but come on this sounds absurd the logic doesn't add up.
This also makes me wonder about these FEMA camp thing , what is the point of inprisoning people ? Hitler had a reason to have death camps to ,eradicate the Jew. Who exactly would the badguys be trying to eradicate why have a camp when you can nuke em ?
These claims seem very bizarre and dont seem to fit a logical plan of purpose, the time line thing is pretty much a cop out, but what does it for me straight away is as soon as this nut mentions jesus and the bible, he just aswell wonde the streets with a billboard "BEWARE THE WRATH OF GOD"
Originally posted by Lebowski achiever
I know it may not mean a thing but when he mentioned Yellow Triangle my hairs stood up on the back of my neck.
Originally posted by cbass
thus far, I am scared as hell.
I will jump up and down with joy if we can get thru this year without martial law of nulear explosions,or economic collapses.
Originally posted by seawolf197
This is a must listen to immediately! Go to the link scroll down to October 4 and play the telephone interview.
Originally posted by Relentless
Also because I was warned two weeks ago by a reliable source that something BIG is coming this week and I know he didn't get it from someone having visions.
And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and lo, there was a great earthquake: and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood: And the stars of heaven (as strewn over the sky, I'll tell you what this is in a bit as you scroll down) fell unto the earth, even as a fig, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.