reply to post by seawolf197
Sixth Seal
Genesis 9:15
And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and lo, there was a great earthquake: and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon
became as blood: And the stars of heaven (as strewn over the sky, I'll tell you what this is in a bit as you scroll down) fell unto the earth, even
as a fig, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
Does a Comet hit the earth? And Who?
Comet - Hitting - Babylon - Lake - Huron
Chicago - Sixth (seal)
Will Bruce Willis save the day? Unfortunately not. Hang on as I update this and post some of the codes I found out about it. The USA sees the comet
coming, Bush/Cheney authorize Wright AFB to launch a nuke to try and hit it, they miss it or don't get it enough because it lands in Lake Huron and
rippling on over into Lake Michigan taking out Chicago and causing damage in Ohio possibly as well. Martial law is enforced.
Is the 6th Seal a Literal Earthquake? I couldn't find that in the codes, going through thousands of words it all came down to 3 what this great
"earthquake" is that could affect the whole world..
Economic - Financial - Crash - Babylon
(Babylon is the USA)
no doubt the effects from a Comet hitting...
Economic - Crash - Babylon - May - June - July - September
I don't know the Year, but it gives months it could happen it would be prudent to keep your eyes open anyway for this year. The market IS
going to crash, and when it does (no matter what year) you'll know the Mark of the Beast System is right around the corner...
So who or what are the stars fallen from Heaven? Are you ready for this one?
The 144,000 of Yahweh's Elite End Time Army!!
Stars of Heaven
144 - Thousand - Coming - Arrival - Sixth - Seal - Army - Corps - Warfare
they arrive..they see..they kick some butt...
144- Thousand - God, Word of God - Sealed - Return - Army - Warfare - Planet - Satan - Overpowering - Shocking - Elite - Encampment
And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. And the kings of the
earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the
dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne,
and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand? (Rev. 6:14-17)
If there was a huge earthquake..they wouldn't be hiding in mountains and caves where they could be destroyed, earthquakes come and go in seconds, and
an earthquake isn't what frightens them, it's the fact heaven is opened up like a scroll and they see Yahweh sitting on His throne (I don't know if
that's literal) but this part is: They see His stars "falling" on earth..descending...the 144,000 Sealed Elite of His Last Days Army.
"For the great day of His wrath is come" this event will trigger the second half of the Tribulation Period. The time of HIS wrath and Judgments on
the Earth! The term "Day" is a period of time.
This group is the group of 144,000 mentioned in
Revelation Chapter 14
These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth. These were
redeemed from among men, being the first fruits unto God and to the Lamb." This army is a mixture of men and women. They are virgins in the fact they
were undefiled by the world's religious Jezebel system and spiritual adulteries. Feminine terms are often used in relation to spiritual terms. "They
were not defiled with women" being religious whores and abominations.
This group is taken up to heaven in a rapture then sent back down after the 6th Seal is opened and the USA economy crashes. This means they can be
taken up any time before the 6th Seal. They are the 'first fruits' the first ones raptured and taken up.
In chapter 14 the Angel is proclaiming in heaven WHILE the 144K are there that Babylon is Fallen. This is when this group of 144K is returned to
earth. And at this point we're just about at the beginning of the second half of the tribulation period. Right here then is when another group of
144,000 is sealed on the earth, they stay on the earth during the tribulation period and are also sealed right before the second half begins. These
are the group spoken of in Revelation chapter 7. They are sealed by God after the 6th Seal is complete and will represent 12,000 each from 12 of the
tribes of Israel (there are 14 tribes total, Dan and Ephraim are not mentioned in this sealing).
Therefore, there are two groups of 144,000. One is taken some time before the 6th Seal and returned for the second half of the tribulation period, the
other group never leaves to begin with, but stays the entire time during the entire tribulation period until the Antichrist is allowed to overtake
them and kill them. They are Sealed after the 6th Seal is completed, the same time the other group returns to the earth.
This means, Revelation chapters 14 and 18 happen before the 7th Seal.
There are clearly two different groups mentioned in the Book of Revelation.
Each consisting of 144,000.
Yahweh - Revelation - Shriner - Two - Squads -
Factions - 144 - Thousand - Word of God
Two Different Groups of 144,000
Revelation 7 Revelation 14
Israelites from 12 of the tribes of Israel.
Stay on earth during the tribulation period.
Seal of God in their forehead
On earth during the Tribulation and protected from judgment (7:3)
Servants of God who will serve Him in the temple during Eternity.
The First Fruits Redeemed from the earth (among men). John 10:16.
In heaven at some point during the tribulation period then sent back down after the 6th Seal is opened.
Father's Name written in their forehead
Follow the Lamb wherever He goes
First Fruits unto God
In these last days the Lord is speaking through His Prophets to a world that is in the grip of deadly delusions, a world furthermore waiting to be
held spellbound and captivated by the activities of the Antichrist appearing to work in the fullness of fake divine power and grace.
Satan's last attempt to conquer the world will be through delusions so masterful and compelling that those held in his hypnotic grip will be
unable to break free from his mastery of mind control and deceit.
In the days of Yahshuah's ministry they rejected Him as the Messiah they professed they were waiting for. They didn't recognize Him because they
couldn't accept the truth that the simple carpenter bestowed with Power from on High was the MESSIAH.
In the last days, those who call themselves Christians or His people will also reject truth as the early Jews did and in this instance will accept
the Antichrist (Satan) as God. They will even go after and persecute and put to death those who reject Satan incarnate as God thinking they are doing
the true God a service
Most churches today preach the elect can't be deceived. Well the elect won't be here during that time, only the 144,000 who come back. The
rest are left because they were following after a different Jesus and a different Gospel The ones preaching they can't or won't be deceived, already
have been and they won't realize it until they see the return of the 144,000 as Stars falling from Heaven during the 6th Seal. These left behind
foolish virgins, who missed the first rapture will be the ones the Antichrist goes after during His war on the Saints. These are the ones left to be
refined and tested as really being believers in the One True God.
It is the NESARA agenda and the NWO that will usher in Satan's counterfeit kingdom of God on earth
Fear God, Return to Him, Rev. 14. 6,7 when the 7th Seal is opened the Hour of Judgment is come, the last half of the tribulation period.
The message and work of Elijah in the past was one designed to turn the peoples hearts away from idol worship and idolatry back to their Creator,
the Most High God, Creator of heaven and earth. He stood alone against hundreds of Baal prophets and through the mighty power of the Most High God
proved to them who the true God was.
In the last days, the 144,000 chosen of God will proclaim the same message. As the world sinks into wickedness and deceptions at the hands of the
Baal Prophets once again (many already leading our churches), the Lord will stand and perform through His Chosen with supernatural power of His Holy
Spirit to turn the peoples deceived by them back to their Creator.
They will have no fear. They cannot be intimidated. And until their ministry is complete, they cannot die. With love and inspiration from the Holy
Spirit the first group of 144,000 will turn the world upside down with their supernatural power and message from above as they travel from one end of
the earth to the other. Their brothers and sisters, the 144,000 sealed from the 12 tribes of Israel will also be here evangelizing the earth.
In the last days there will be multitudes and multitudes secure in a false hope, false teachings, and false delusions. Believing themselves to be
eternally secure while they live in a state of spiritual bankruptcy. Their religion and church has become their faith, their idols and their
deceptions. God is a mere means of unbridled blasphemy as they crucify Him over and over in their traditions of men or replace Him as a God of
humbleness to one of prosperity and riches.
Today's battlecry is "give me give me" and blab it and grab it all the way from the pit of hell. The Lord knows our needs and says not to give
a thought about tomorrow, yet the Baal Beast Prophets will tell you to boldly tell God what to do. How dare anyone tell God what to do!
With signs and wonders from gold dust to uncontrollable laughter (laughing at God no doubt), to all the evil imaginations of men and demons
introduced into the church. Yet Sunday after Sunday, the day of the Sun god, millions fill their churches and clap and nod their heads in agreement to
what these beasts are doing and preaching.
It is these, if not for the intervention of God's battalion who will be deceived into worshipping Satan as God. After all, they already are
deceived, worshiping another God Sunday after Sunday. But the Most High will put a stop to it and give them final warning through His sealed army
walking the earth to turn away from the false doctrines of men and turn back to the Lord God their creator.
Who is really the last days remnant? They keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ Rev. 12:17. This last days remnant
has turned away from the delusions and hypocrises and follow Yahshuah. These are Yahweh's last day reformers who contend earnestly for the faith and
who will be restorers of the truth as it is in Him.
Something I didn't expect to see or be led to find, but I'm thrilled and anxious for the job..
Yahweh - Designate - Reserve - Appoint - Sherry - Shriner - General
144 - Thousand - Brotherhood
(maiden name was included as well but leaving it out of these particular graphics)
There are many Generals in the Lord's army..certainly not just me but when I consistenly get attacks from those who call themselves "my brethren"
it's comforting to know that I DO KNOW who I am in Yahweh regardless of what others think or say about me.
Are you excited yet? YOU could be in the 144,000 Elite Forces group of Yahweh's! It's men and women! Yahweh has no discrimination! Never has! And
this 144,000 isn't some mystery's US here right now who will be taken and then returned! If you are faithfully walking in and seeking His
Spirit daily then you'll be a part of it! Or if you miss the first group you could be one of the 144,000 sealed on earth before the second half
Who are His? "My sheep hear My voice and they know Me" because they're walking with Him daily!! If you're not walking with Him daily then get
with it! There's not much time left!
See the code on the 144,000 for more information revealed about them
read my article on the 144,000 at