posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 08:04 PM
One of the biggest things to note here, is he talked about a nuclear attack (note like a false flag one bigger than 911 done by our own leaders) on
what seemed like LA, and one other city. The timeline is unclear, as he believes that Tuesday will bring a financial lock down, he's not sure if it
starts in Europe. But basically money will be inaccessible, and then martial law, then nuclear attack, possibly bird flu and over 100,000,000 people
dying over the next 1/2 or year of starvation. Just naming what he thought was LA changed the timeline for that city. He may have changed the
future. The vision he has reminds me of someone's life after death vision, here:
Of interest he talks about prayer, our intercessions, as being when we resist and speak up and out about things. In otherwords, no more apathy. With
only days left, if you don't speak up its like being willing blood victims to these luciferian sacrifices and the domino effect will be put into
effect, starting with the bail out. He says to protest the bailout vigorously and contact you representatives in massive amounts. The money
represents hard work and sacrifice therefore is a willing blood sacrifice by occult standards and will start the domino effect so refuse and protest
it vigorously. Perhaps the timeline can be changed.
He says there will be blocked roads and military and mercenary to use against people, and not to head east, but north and south, or even west. The
borders will be closed.
Chinese soldiers as well be involved, apparently all arranged by our leaders.