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Palin: Obama Is ‘Palling Around With Terrorists’

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posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by jsobecky

Originally posted by GamerGal
People go from "Fight the man!" to becoming the man? No, it can't be.

You must be very young if you don't believe that is true.

I was making fun of you. You act like people can't change. I said that people can go from Fight the Man to becoming the man in 30-40 years. You just didn't get the joke. As Peanut would, er, the guy who does the voice of Peanut would say "Zooom!"

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 09:22 AM
Nyk, how is working on a charity board with a college professor mean you're friends with a terrorist? And still no ones even tried to deny that not only did John McCain drop bombs on civillians but that the GOP put OBL in Power, sold WMDs to Saddam, and gave OBL 69million dollars to OBL in June 2001. Who supports terrorists again?

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by GamerGal

Because the college professor sitting on the charity board was part of a group who set bombs in our nations capital. Because that man is a terrorist who wishes he had done more to harm this country. That's why. Plain and simple.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by nyk537

Again, protesting the unjust war that murdered AMerican Troops and Vietmanese civillians... Yes violently but still protesting. And that's not ignoring the Kent State shooting of a peaceful protest. What would they have done if it had been violent bombed the campus? Anyways, working on a charity board with a college professor who decades ago protested the Vietnam War does not friends make. Unlike the GOP who put OBL in power, supplied him with weapons and training, and 69million dollars in June 2001.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by nyk537
I'm not accusing Obama of being a terrorist because he is friends with terrorists. I'm questioning whether or not he has any rational decision making skills because he chooses to be friends with terrorists.

It's your right to question that. But I question ratioanlity of such questioning.

Donald Rumsfeld visited Saddam and shook hands with him. Aren't you tempted to question whether the Bush administration is in league with bloodthirsty dictators?

I hope not, because all this crap with respect to Obama and terrorists is already just shallow and moot. Time to cut losses and acknowledge that McCain's campaign is indeed getting desperate.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by GamerGal

Protesting the war is not the same as setting bombs to kill innocent Americans!

How can you not get that?
How can you defend that?

It's obvious that you never will. It's like arguing with a brick wall.

Some people just can't be helped.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 09:44 AM
Hey, I noticed how you ignored Palin's preacher starting out with witch hunts and still doing them today. Using his "powers" to fight off witch craft for Palin to win the Gov. Of Alaska. A guy who ran a woman out of town for fear of being killed as a witch is the man she looks to for advice. Oh that's right you take less then a minute of out of context speech over 30 years of preaching to "prove" Wright hates America.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by nyk537

Of course its guilt by association... what else would it be? By your own words you prove it is guilt by association:

I'm questioning whether or not he has any rational decision making skills because he chooses to be friends with terrorists.

Even the worst criminal can turn their lives around and become a decent and productive member of society... are people to avoid them simply because of their past? Are they not allowed to change to grow and to develop fully as human beings?

The assumption is that since he was a "terrorist", he will always be a "terrorist' and it is wrong for anyone to associate with him for fear of being tainted by his past.


I personally knew some people on the far radical left who did bombings and kidnappings up in New England in the 70's... I knew them while they were doing it but I personally did not know that they were.

I can only remember them as the people I knew.... am I guilty for knowing them?

[edit on 6-10-2008 by grover]

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by nyk537

Also, Ayers protested the Vietnam War. He was so pissed that US troops were being murdered for political reasons he attacked the people murdering US Troops. Wow, how dare he love the Men in Uniform so much as to fight to get them home. He should have just thrown flowers at the politicians murdering US Troops for political gains. Anyways, McCain is getting desperate. Palin failed in the debate. Yes she didn't throw up or run out of the room screaming but she didn't wow people. People had such low expectations for her all she could get was a "Wow, she didn't run out screaming her head off after puking" from non republicans. If the bar had been set a little higher maybe people would have been impressed. That and she didn't use Maverick in every response.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by GamerGal

Apparently Pastor Muthee never threatened to kill her, but, said that she was using witchcraft to bind governmental leaders into doing her bidding and told her to leave.
Voodoo is still big in many places in Africa.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by Clearskies
Apparently Pastor Muthee never threatened to kill her, but, said that she was using witchcraft to bind governmental leaders into doing her bidding and told her to leave.
Voodoo is still big in many places in Africa.

It's fine, Africans can practice voodoo in any shape or form. But how can one be a pastor and do same?

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by jsobecky
I don't care about other threads. *You* mentioned Obama and Jesus in the same breath. You tried to give it credence when there is none.

Sorry, your reading comprehension is off. If you cannot detect sarcasm or irony, that is your problem. I did not write the statements as if I espoused them. I wrote them in a mocking tone to mock those who did in fact make them. And I wrote them well.

In fact, what I wrote was a list that was preceded by a premise that was explicit to explain that I was not the source of the ideas that made up the list.

Responding to your failure to understand that, I pointed you to the original source that I had first read broadcasting such nonsense. Look, if you don't care for the source, that's your problem as well.

Originally posted by jsobecky
No, Area51, I won't. Do your own homework, or buy the book.

Very well, I will. I thought we had a community here. You seem intent on forming an impression with a sentence fragment. You don't want to go the distance to substantively support what you assert? That's not surprising.

Originally posted by jsobecky
So, Obama made something up out of thin air, with no proof, just his opinion, and that makes the RNC racist?

Obama plays the game of being the first to inject racism into the election. Sounds smart on the surface, but it is painfully transparent.

And I'm supposed to take internet postings as proof of your silly allegation?

Show me a racist statement put out by the RNC against Obama, and we can talk.

Why are you being silly? You posted the CNN video which detailed Obama's speech, complete with news commentators analyzing the comments.

You doubt the man had a case to say what he did? When all through the primaries he heard what he then decided to speak about? Please. And you don't have to take anything that I say as proof of anything. I just provided evidence. And if Internet postings matter least to you, why are your posts full of Internet sources? You don't make a bit of sense.

And for the record, Palin's comments are indeed veiled racism. It's not overt -- she's not that stupid. Does Palin now not represent some sort of GOP leadership? She's only running for the office of Vice President of the United States. But wait, that wasn't your question was it?

You demanded:

Originally posted by jsobecky
Show me a racist statement put out by the RNC against Obama, and we can talk.

Are you trying to make me laugh?

Show me where I made the claim that the RNC made racist comments about Obama. Show me where I made the claim that Obama made the claim that the RNC made or would make racist comments about Obama. The RNC -- as you so eloquently underlined for emphasis. Go ahead, I dare you?

What I am sure about in regards to your demand is that you've continually failed to understand what I've said. It actually seems as if you intentionally distorted what I've said. Who said that Obama was injecting racism into the game other than yourself?

At the very least I provided sources of where some of the vile commentary stems from. But if you would like, I can post several recent news items that explicitly detail racist comments made by GOP members. Would you like that?

Originally posted by jsobecky
And you haven't proven squat that Palin's comments are racist. It's *your interprettaion of them* that smacks of racism, and says a lot about you and your attempt to inject racism where there is none. Same as Obama.

What all of this says is that you don't call a spade a spade, as I do.

Sarah Palin says, ""This is not a man who sees America like you and I see America", that statement alone highlights Obama's superficial differences, How do many of the undecided White voters see Obama? Palin's intention is to get the undecided voters to see Obama as an outsider. Someone who is different. To see him as a Black man and as someone with the potential to influence their lives, their world view, and their view of themselves. In short, Palin appeals to xenophobia.

Palin then says, "We see America as a force of good in this world." This statement implies that Obama does not see America as a force of good. Also, Palin draws a favorite play from the Hollywood playbook. Good guys wear white and bad guys wear black. Which becomes clearer when the following is condsidered. "We see an America of exceptionalism." That's where America is the exception to the rule. Where American imperialism, colonialism, and capitalism is an exception to the rule. Where the American way of life, including White privilege (because White is good), is not dead and everything and everyone is kept in their place.

Combine the previous with, "Our opponent ... is someone who sees America, it seems, as being so imperfect, imperfect enough, that he's palling around with terrorists who would target their own country" , then one gets the full picture of Palin's aims. She insinuates that Obama wants to destroy America, she implies that he hates America. That he does not have America's best interests at heart. She wants the undecided voters to remember Pastor Wright as an angry old black man who sees America as an imperfect place, and Bill Ayers as an Amercan 60's radical and terrorist who also sees America as an imperfect place. She paints the picture that Obama is consumed with contempt for America.

Bottom line, Palin wants the undecided to view Obama as a threat, a terrorist, an angry Black man who hates White America and the good White people in it. And she does it through using the tactic of guilty by association. And it is indeed, in my view, racist commentary at it's subtle finest. In so many words Sarah Palin says, Barack Obama is unfit to be President of the United States because he stands for everything that many White Americans hate. At least that's what she wants some to believe.

Originally posted by jsobecky

Originally posted by Areal51
Whoooo the worst kind of terrorist that some White Americans can imagine is a Black American terrorist. Just check the fear contained in some of the posts in this thread.

And the best kind of terrorist for you is a white one, which is evidenced by your attempts to paint all Palin supporters as racist.

I suppose when you want to make sense, you will. Until then, I'm still waiting.

Originally posted by jsobeckyYou wouldn't see the evidence if Obama admitted it himself, you are so partisan. Your mind is so closed that it is fossilized.

You're petrified with fear. Nothing you have posted makes any sense. None of your commentary does. And so you resort to personal attacks. Well, just expect to be on the receiving end.

You have yet to explain yourself on one issue. If you can explain yourself on just one issue without resorting to personal attacks and emotional rhetoric, I might just be impressed. But don't do it to impress me, do it for your own mental growth.

If you wanted to explain why Palin's comment was not racist, I would have liked to hear that. At least I could respect that. But you didn't, instead you want to call me racist. If that's all you know, well, again, I'm not surprised.

And as for the financial situation, I've offered plenty to ATS on the issue in other threads. No need to debate you on it.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by GamerGal
Also, stop asking me if I'm voting for Palin because I'm a woman. Just because we share vagers doesn't mean we share anything else. McCain's ploy to get women to vote for him isn't going to work.

That's too funny. I can see the new democrat bumper sticker:
"Make love, not war; share a vager"

BTW, Palin recently quoted former Clinton Secretary of State Madeleine Albright:
"There's a place in Hell reserved for women who don't support other women,"

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by Alxandro

And Albright has rightly pointed out that is not what she said:

The real quote reads:

"There's a place in Hell reserved for women who don't help other women,"

Not exactly the same thing by a long shot. If you don't believe me...

2 give assistance to, esp. financially; enable to function or act : the government gives $2.5 billion a year to support the activities of the voluntary sector.
• provide with a home and the necessities of life : my main concern was to support my family.
• give comfort and emotional help to : I like to visit her to support her.
• approve of and encourage : the proposal was supported by many delegates.
• suggest the truth of; corroborate : the studies support our findings.
• be actively interested in and concerned for the success of (a particular sports team).

1 make it easier for (someone) to do something by offering one's services or financial or material aid : Roger's companion helped him with the rent | [ trans. ] she helped him find a buyer | [ intrans. ] the teenager helped out in the corner store.
• improve (a situation or problem); be of benefit to : upbeat comments about prospects helped confidence | [ intrans. ] legislation to fit all new cars with catalytic converters will help.
• [ trans. ] assist (someone) to move in a specified direction : I helped her up. etc.

My source BTW is the Oxford American Dictionary

[edit on 6-10-2008 by grover]

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

FlyersFan, I've already debated you about quotations taken out of context of Obama's book. I'm not willing to engage in it again. I haven't read the book, so I'm no authority, but everything that I have read and heard, including the video that you linked to, only points to a place in time in American history when folks thought and spoke the way that Obama described. He describes a historical period, and he uses the appropriate language to illustrate that. He went through a difficult time forming his identity as a young man. He explains all of that just through the excerpted sources available on the Internet.

As for his pastor, Obama is not his pastor. And frankly I've heard many of the Wrights sermons on YouTube, and I have yet to hear him utter one racist word. Sure he's angry about events that he grew up in the middle of. Don't you and others understand that Wright's grandmother was a slave? Do you know how old Wright is? Do the math. The 1800's were not that long ago. Anyway, one could do worse than not get a dose of American history first hand.

And for the record, there are plenty of old and angry southern White preachers on YouTube as well. Check out what they have to say.

The other thing is that folks can change religion at will. But even if Obama was a Muslim, which he isn't (especially since attending a Christian church for two decades), so what?

And you're right. Obama is no Ron Paul. But there is material evidence that links Ron Paul to racist writings under his byline. I've never been satisfied with the answers given by Paul's campaign that tries to explain away the 10 years worth of racist newsletters that were distributed.

Still, I like Ron Paul for many other things. And it's true on those issues Obama comes up short. But then my point was that he doesn't come up nearly as short as McCain and Palin do.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by grover

Then maybe Oprah should "HELP" Palin with an invitation to appear on her show?

Whatcha think?

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by Areal51

Originally posted by Areal51
Show me where I made the claim that the RNC made racist comments about Obama. Show me where I made the claim that Obama made the claim that the RNC made or would make racist comments about Obama. The RNC -- as you so eloquently underlined for emphasis. Go ahead, I dare you?

Originally posted by Areal51
The RNC doesn't have anything on him. It's all been guilty by association. From Pastor Wright, to Ayers, to Obama's given name.

First they call Obama a Muslim when he's in fact a Christian. Then they call Obama a racist because his pastor, Wright, calls history how he's seen it and lived it. Now Obama's a terrorist because when he was 8 years old Bill Ayers was a radical left wing activist.

Let's not forget that Obama is also said to be the Anti-Christ.

And all of this is nothing but racism by proxy:

There ya go!

If you wanted to explain why Palin's comment was not racist, I would have liked to hear that.

Don't ask someone to prove a negative. It's logically impossible. You made the statement, now *you* prove that it's true.

Who said that Obama was injecting racism into the game other than yourself?

Yes, I said it, because it's true. He has.

At the very least I provided sources of where some of the vile commentary stems from. But if you would like, I can post several recent news items that explicitly detail racist comments made by GOP members. Would you like that?

"GOP members" are irrelevant. This is about Palin and Obama. I could post many vile comments by Democrats, but that would be derailing the thread.

In short, Palin appeals to xenophobia.

That seems to explain your hysteria over the exposure of Obama's racism. His predictions were based upon his own racism. And the fact that they have turned out to be untrue speak volumes for his (lack of) judgment.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by jsobecky

Originally posted by jsobecky

Originally posted by Areal51
The RNC doesn't have anything on him. It's all been guilty by association. From Pastor Wright, to Ayers, to Obama's given name.

First they call Obama a Muslim when he's in fact a Christian. Then they call Obama a racist because his pastor, Wright, calls history how he's seen it and lived it. Now Obama's a terrorist because when he was 8 years old Bill Ayers was a radical left wing activist.

Let's not forget that Obama is also said to be the Anti-Christ.

And all of this is nothing but racism by proxy:

There ya go!

*Sigh* This is so boring. First - remember that the quote you used is a response of mine to a comment that you made and link that you provided. Don't you take a moment to comprehend anything?

Again, show me where I said that "a racist statement [was] put out by the RNC? You can't do that. And frankly, those are your words.

I said the RNC doesn't have anything on Obama. I implied that the RNC had used the guilty by association tactic, which is true. See the following:

R.N.C. Creates Facebook Parody Site for Obama

Continuing, who are "they"? "They" refers to the blogger that you provided a link to, and such operations as the 527 organization (who were mentioned in the CNN video that you provided.) "They" refers to those on ATS who have advanced the commentary that I spoke about. (I provided you a link to a thread that is full of examples. But you denied that it had any relevance.) "They" is used generally as in, "That's what they say."

"And all of this is racism by proxy:" is a statement that refers to the list that followed it. Did you not note the use of the semicolon? The list itself was an explanation as to why those remarks previously mentioned are examples of racism by proxy. And the third item in that list refers to the context in which Sarah Palin's comments were made.

Originally posted by jsobecky

If you wanted to explain why Palin's comment was not racist, I would have liked to hear that.

Don't ask someone to prove a negative. It's logically impossible. You made the statement, now *you* prove that it's true.

Once again you show evidence that you did not pay attention in class. *Sigh* I really can't express to you how boring this is. Anyway:

I did not ask you to prove anything! I did not ask you to prove a negative. It is you who are asking for proof. I said that you could have offered an explanation. You didn't, so what? It's not like you have a history of explaining anything.

Further, if you knew what you were talking about, you would have said, "A universal negative cannot be proven." Contrary to your un-vetted beliefs, negatives are proven everyday. And you say it as if you believe it is easier to prove a positive. It is such a moronic position to have.

God does exist; prove the positive. God does not exist; prove the negative.

Talk about off-topic gibberish that you just throw about because you can't offer a simple EXPLANATION as to why you think that Sarah Palin's comments are not racist. Ironically, it defies belief, which is exactly what you do not want. You want me and others to believe the crap that you say out of hand without any afterthought. Sorry. It does not work that way with me!

But just in case you do not understand -- the interpretation of Sarah Palin's comments, which are opinion, do not represent a universal negative in the slightest sense." We are not arguing whether Sarah Palin exists or not. We are not arguing whether Sarah Palin's comments exist or not. We are arguing about what her comments that do exist could possibly mean.

And don't ask me for examples of negatives being proven. As you said once to me, do your own damn homework.

What a waste of time.

Originally posted by jsobecky

Who said that Obama was injecting racism into the game other than yourself?

Yes, I said it, because it's true. He has.

The CNN video you posted aired June 20, 2008. The Obama Anti-Christ thread that I linked to began on January 27, 2008. The Pastor Wright controversy where folks began to say that Wright was racist, therefore Obama is a racist also began early this year. Obama simply recognized that his conservative and Republican detractors were already saying. He then predicted that if he were nominated as the DNC's candidate for president more of the same would ensue. Obama didn't "inject racism into the game". It already existed. And as I've already briefly stated, during the primaries Ron Paul had to deal with racist accusations.

Once again you advance nonsense.

Originally posted by jsobecky

In short, Palin appeals to xenophobia.

That seems to explain your hysteria over the exposure of Obama's racism. His predictions were based upon his own racism. And the fact that they have turned out to be untrue speak volumes for his (lack of) judgment.

Gobbledygook rules the day.


[edit on 6-10-2008 by Areal51]

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by Areal51

I think you need to chill out, or up your meds. Seriously - you're getting way too hyper over this.

You haven't proven anything. Sarah Palin's comments were not in the least racist. Barack Obama's comments certainly were racist.

When you start with the "I was referring to my response about your link that responded to my comment that you blah blah blah..." you get yourself all twisted up and forget the main point. The end result is you end up looking like Rumplestiltskin:

"The devil has told you that! The devil has told you that," cried the little man, and in his anger he plunged his right foot so deep into the earth that his whole leg went in, and then in rage he pulled at his left leg so hard with both hands that he tore himself in two.

I'm going to back off this discussion with you. It's the best thing to do at this point.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 11:28 PM
Gone for a few hours and what do I see? JSO and others of his ilk running circles but providing nothing but racism and bigotry and ignorance. WHen called on it they attack the member who called them on it.

Obama worked on a charity board with a college professor who decades ago protested a war. The GOP gave Osama Bin Laden 69Million dollars 7 years ago.

Also, here's McCain's idea of what a president should do...

[edit on 7-10-2008 by GamerGal]

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