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Palin: Obama Is ‘Palling Around With Terrorists’

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posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by Lucid Lunacy

You are correct. Let me figure out how to post a picture and I'll put up my whole arguement or wahatever you want to call it.

It shows up to big. Maybe this will work. its the webcomic thingy I got it from.

[edit on 5-10-2008 by GamerGal]

[edit on 5-10-2008 by GamerGal]

[edit on 5-10-2008 by GamerGal]

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by Lucid Lunacy
reply to post by RRconservative

Dude let me translate for you, since you're not trying to:

She was saying she doesn't have to vote for Palin because they are both women. She is expressing her discontent with the idea that women seem to be obligated to vote for Palin purely on the basis that she is a women.

Perhaps I am completely off. I can't imagine I am as far off as you though. I stick to my homophobia theory

Thanks for pointing out the obvious! I got that part.

The part I didn't get is the thing about having and sharing vagers. I don't want to sound like an idiot (which I have already been accused of being) by thinking a vager is a vagina. If it is a vagina why would another woman share her vagina with other women if she wasn't a lesbian. Why would she accuse Palina of sharing her vagina? That is all I want cleared up. Because being called an idiot and a homophobe in the same thread is confusing, and I am asking for some clarification to the confusion so the name calling can stop!

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by jsobecky
The fact of the matter is that you are wrong. The MSM has reported on Obama's connection to Ayers even before the primaries. If you were interested in the genesis of Obama's political career you would know this.

The other thing is that this is a tired tactic by now of attacking Obama by proxy. There has yet to be a direct attack on Obama, and that's why he just brushes it off. The RNC doesn't have anything on him. It's all been guilty by association. From Pastor Wright, to Ayers, to Obama's given name.

First they call Obama a Muslim when he's in fact a Christian. Then they call Obama a racist because his pastor, Wright, calls history how he's seen it and lived it. Now Obama's a terrorist because when he was 8 years old Bill Ayers was a radical left wing activist.

Let's not forget that Obama is also said to be the Anti-Christ.

And all of this is nothing but racism by proxy:

1. Christ was bearded and White and led people through a message of unity. Obama is Black and leads people through a message of unity; therefore, Obama is the Anti-Christ.

2. Obama doesn't seem to be a racist; his mother is White so it doesn't make too much sense. But his pastor is sure hella Black and talks like he hates White people; especially since his church promotes Black pride (after White America decimated it), so that must mean that Obama is a racist.

3. Obama must be a terrorist since Ayers seemed to be one when Obama was 8 years old.

4. And Obama has got to be a Muslim. Just look at his name Barack Hussein Obama! That says it all right there, dude.

Now we have hockey puck mom Palin, the rootin' darn tootin', not quite highfalutin, making thinly veiled racist remarks in quest of the White House. In addition to her "palling around with terrorists" comment:

"This is not a man who sees America like you and I see America," she said. "We see America as a force of good in this world. We see an America of exceptionalism."

Once again White America is exceptional. "White privilege is not dead!" is the new McCain/Palin campaign motto. Just keep it on the down low.

Bottom line is that nothing seems to stick to Obama and the McCain/Palin ticket is desperate to find something that does. Now they are trying to draw attention away from the fact that Todd Palin is going to be interviewed (Why is he avoiding testimony? To avoid perjury or obstruction of justice perhaps?) in connection with Troopergate; 7 Palin aides are going to testify. The McCain/Palin ticket is seems to be just a bunch of desperadoes pretending to be mavericks. So we now witness once again the use of fear tactics and strategies.

It's so obvious that the Republican supporters are being played. That's what's ironic about all of this. The Republican base is being played, not the Democrats. Since McCain gave up on Michigan, his campaign is trying to dig in trenches where they have a stronghold on votes. Palin and personal attacks are being used by McCain against Obama in the place of substance.

On a personal note: There are conservative Republican ATS members who have commented in this thread who were all but ready to give up their souls to Ron Paul in the primaries. People who've, since I've been an ATS member, have been wholeheartedly against the Bush regime. Now that Ron Paul is out on the sidelines, there's nothing but McMaverick and Lipstick Joe Sixpack left on the field.

There is in no way shape or form that McCain can measure up to Ron Paul. McCain is not a viable alternative. Obama is at the very least very much unlike Bush or McCain. Obama is not Emperor Palpatine. McCain or Palin? Especially Palin who praises what Cheney has done with the office of Vice President.

Anyway --too bad folks remain fearful of what they do not wish to understand, and indifferent to that which they do.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by RRconservative
The part I didn't get is the thing about having and sharing vagers. I don't want to sound like an idiot (which I have already been accused of being) by thinking a vager is a vagina. If it is a vagina why would another woman share her vagina with other women if she wasn't a lesbian.

Then you didn't get it.

Sharing a vagina was not meant to be interpreted as literally physically sharing their vaginas between eachother

It was meant to say 'we are both women, because we both have vaginas'


Like if I said "Just because I share a human brain with the candidates doesn't mean I have to vote for them". That is not me saying I have literally opened up their skulls and licked their lobes.

[edit on 5-10-2008 by Lucid Lunacy]

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by Areal51

That's right, they left Michigan knowing they lost it. But it was a key battleground state next to what, two more? What will happen when Ohio or Indiana or Wisconsin seem lost? Will they just keep pulling out until all that is left are the south and Alaska? And try to pull a Gore and get the majority of the popular vote and lose the electoral vote to cause a little upset?

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 09:54 PM
Mod Note: Vulgarity and Automatic Censors

The topic can and will be discussed in a civil manner without resorting to vulgar language.

Adherence to this simple request is expected.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 10:03 PM
reply to post by maria_stardust

Why I used my term for down there. Didn't think it would be appropriate.

Anyways, GOP puts OBL in power, sells WMDs to Saddam. Obama worked in a charity with a guy who protested the Vietnam War. Who has the terrorist friends again?

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by Areal51

Originally posted by Areal51
Let's not forget that Obama is also said to be the Anti-Christ.

And all of this is nothing but racism by proxy:

Please. Don't compare Obama with Christ. You're beginning to sound like one of those that consider him the "messiah".

Originally posted by Areal51
Now we have hockey puck mom Palin, the rootin' darn tootin', not quite highfalutin, making thinly veiled racist remarks in quest of the White House. In addition to her "palling around with terrorists" comment:

"This is not a man who sees America like you and I see America," she said. "We see America as a force of good in this world. We see an America of exceptionalism."

Once again White America is exceptional. "White privilege is not dead!" is the new McCain/Palin campaign motto. Just keep it on the down low.

Don't forget Obama's not-so-thinly veiled racial comments:

In his book "Dreams of My Father." On page 229, these are Barack Obama's words, "there were no cigar chomping crackers like Beau Connor (ph) out there."

Another quote:
"Nobody thinks that Bush and McCain have a real answer to the challenges we face. So what they're going to try to do is make you scared of me," Obama said. "You know, he's not patriotic enough, he's got a funny name, you know, he doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills."

And of course "Did I mention he's black?"

Originally posted by Areal51
Bottom line is that nothing seems to stick to Obama

With proper vetting there will be. Things like the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 03:15 AM

Originally posted by jsobecky
Please. Don't compare Obama with Christ. You're beginning to sound like one of those that consider him the "messiah".

Don't be silly, feign ignorance, or act stupid. I did not compare Obama to Christ. The Anti-Christers did. There's an infamous huge thread here at ATS devoted to it, where the OP lists such nonsense. See the following:

Originally posted by SteveR
Uniter: Obama has white, black, male and female support - support in every demographic in South Carolina and many places across the United States.
transcending divisons

Does that not aid your confusion, jsobecky?

Let's see what else you've mixed up.

Originally posted by jsobeckyDon't forget Obama's not-so-thinly veiled racial comments:

In his book "Dreams of My Father." On page 229, these are Barack Obama's words, "there were no cigar chomping crackers like Beau Connor (ph) out there."

I'm not familiar with this out of context quote, but since you are, jsobecky, why don't you deny ignorance and find the entire paragraph or exchange of comments that provides the original context for that fragment of a sentence that it is. Can you do that for us, so that we can find out what it really means, jsobecky?

Let's see, what else?

Originally posted by jsobecky
Another quote:
"Nobody thinks that Bush and McCain have a real answer to the challenges we face. So what they're going to try to do is make you scared of me," Obama said. "You know, he's not patriotic enough, he's got a funny name, you know, he doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills."

That does not represent racist statements toward Bush and McCain -- that is what Obama hypothesized that the RNC would say about him! And he was right! Just check out the Anti-Christ thread or many of the "Obama is a muslim" threads and articles that exist on the Internet. And how many commentators here at ATS have called Obama, "Barack Osama Bin Laden", etc. And instead of Sarah Palin saying "he doesn't look like all of those other presidents on the dollar bills", she says, "This is not a man who sees America like you and I see America," she said. "We see America as a force of good in this world. We see an America of exceptionalism" which pretty much amounts to the same thing. Obama called the play that would be used against him, no doubt because he was already hearing it, but the detractors and RNC fanatics fell in line to prove him right.

Originally posted by jsobeckyAnd of course "Did I mention he's black?"

Exactly what was the YouTube video supposed to prove? It only show's the foresight that Obama had. That he knew the RNC would resort to the kind of personal attacks that Palin has recently offered. He is black and Palin's comments point to that fact in an effort to smear Obama as a terrorist who is black.

Whoooo the worst kind of terrorist that some White Americans can imagine is a Black American terrorist. Just check the fear contained in some of the posts in this thread.

Originally posted by jsobeckyWith proper vetting there will be. Things like the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.

A major problem with that article is that instead of providing answers to questions, the author simply states them as if the reader is supposed to take his word for it.

Obama's and Ayers' children both attended the same school in the past. Wow! Earth shattering revelation. Does that mean that the parents of all the children who attended the same school are also terrorists? The whole neighborhood where Ayers resides? The entire faculty, staff, and student body of University of Illinois at Chicago?
Please. Spare us.

And I don't understand the relevance of that article either. Obama worked on a education project that Bill Ayers designed, so what? I didn't read anything that would suggest that Obama is involved in a terrorist plot.

The small meeting that was supposedly held with liberal activists... Are activists now considered terrorists in Bush's America? Where's the list of attendees? How does the writer know that it was a fundraiser? And if so, so what? Aren't American's allowed to fund the candidate they want in office for whatever reason? Ron Paul certainly had his baggage of white supremacist donors. And John McCain certainly benefits from the oil cartel and the banking cartel. So what? What is the difference when somebody like George Bush is president, Dick Cheney is Vice President, Henry Paulson is Secretary of Treasury, and Ben Bernake is Chairman of the Federal Reserve; all who are folks that have robbed US citizens and their government blind?

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 05:48 AM

Originally posted by GamerGal
Weatherman was protesting an unjust war.

Read the damn link.

They were not 'just protesting an unjust war'. They were bombing and destroying public and private property and they were MURDERING innocent Americans. They are UNREPENTANT.

Ayers makes Obama Annenberg Chair

BTW - That's a democratic blog site. Obama DOES hang with terrorists.
AYERS is the one who launched Obama's campaign - with Obama - in Ayers own home. Not to mention the fact that Saddams AUCHI was present and Obama even toasted him.

American Thinker details the Obama/Auchi connection. Auchi - weapons smuggling and Saddam MONEY BAG MAN for stealing Oil for Food money.

THIS THREAD discusses the James Cones and Rashid Khalidi connection to Obama. Also - other terrorists and radical racists.

And we should probably include Obamas connection with ACORN since he was their lawyer and they are heavily involved with voter fraud and intimidation.

Govenor Palin is 100% correct.

Originally posted by GamerGal
Questionable ties to a man who protested the Vietnam War, as did millions others.

WRONG. Million of others did NOT bomb the Pentagon. Millions of others did NOT destroy public and private property. Millions of others did NOT murder innocent Americans.

Questionable ties to a racist preacher?

There is no 'questionable' about it. Rev. Wright is a racist pig.
The ‘church’ is anti-white and anti-jew.
Anyone who could sit in the pews of that vile place for 20 years,
nodding his head like a bobble head doll, is also a racist pig.

THIS THREAD exposes that vile 'black theology' cult for what it is.

Originally posted by Areal51
First they call Obama a Muslim when he's in fact a Christian.

Actually, he's whatever the audience at the time wants him to be. He panders. When he's with Christians he claims his Christianity. When he's with left-coasters he looks down his nose at those who 'cling to guns and religion'. When he's with a reporter from New York he says that the evening Muslim Call to Prayer is the most beautiful sound in the world. (something a Christian wouldn't say because to them Islam is not the true faith).

Then they call Obama a racist because his pastor,

NOT just because he sat in the pews for 20 years listening to his racist mentor. But also because of the things Obama actually says. Have you read his book? Have you read how he says 'that's how white folks will do you?' Have you heard him talk about 'typical white people'??

And Obama has got to be a Muslim. Just look at his name Barack Hussein Obama!

His religion while living in Indonesia was listed as Muslim. As a college age young man he spent his Spring Break in Martial-Law Muslim controlled Pakistan. He says that the Muslim evening Call-to-Prayer is the most beautiful sound in the world. There are reasons, other than his name, that people believe him to have been, or still be, a Muslim. Personally, I believe him to be whatever religion suits him at the moment – the religion of political pander.

There is in no way shape or form that McCain can measure up to Ron Paul.

Correction - There is no way shape of form that McCain OR Obama can measure up to Ron Paul. That's why I'm voting for the man who Ron Paul endorsed Chuck Baldwin of the Constitution Party.

edited immediately to add link

[edit on 10/6/2008 by FlyersFan]

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 06:42 AM
reply to post by Areal51

Originally posted by Areal51

Originally posted by jsobecky
Please. Don't compare Obama with Christ. You're beginning to sound like one of those that consider him the "messiah".

Don't be silly, feign ignorance, or act stupid. I did not compare Obama to Christ. The Anti-Christers did. There's an infamous huge thread here at ATS devoted to it, where the OP lists such nonsense. See the following:

I don't care about other threads. *You* mentioned Obama and Jesus in the same breath. You tried to give it credence when there is none.

Originally posted by Areal51
Let's see what else you've mixed up.

Originally posted by jsobeckyDon't forget Obama's not-so-thinly veiled racial comments:

In his book "Dreams of My Father." On page 229, these are Barack Obama's words, "there were no cigar chomping crackers like Beau Connor (ph) out there."

I'm not familiar with this out of context quote, but since you are, jsobecky, why don't you deny ignorance and find the entire paragraph or exchange of comments that provides the original context for that fragment of a sentence that it is. Can you do that for us, so that we can find out what it really means, jsobecky?

No, Area51, I won't. Do your own homework, or buy the book.

Originally posted by Areal51
Let's see, what else?

Originally posted by jsobecky
Another quote:
"Nobody thinks that Bush and McCain have a real answer to the challenges we face. So what they're going to try to do is make you scared of me," Obama said. "You know, he's not patriotic enough, he's got a funny name, you know, he doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills."

That does not represent racist statements toward Bush and McCain -- that is what Obama hypothesized that the RNC would say about him!

So, Obama made something up out of thin air, with no proof, just his opinion, and that makes the RNC racist?

Obama plays the game of being the first to inject racism into the election. Sounds smart on the surface, but it is painfully transparent.

And I'm supposed to take internet postings as proof of your silly allegation?

Show me a racist statement put out by the RNC against Obama, and we can talk.

Originally posted by Areal51

Originally posted by jsobeckyAnd of course "Did I mention he's black?"

Exactly what was the YouTube video supposed to prove? It only show's the foresight that Obama had. That he knew the RNC would resort to the kind of personal attacks that Palin has recently offered. He is black and Palin's comments point to that fact in an effort to smear Obama as a terrorist who is black.

See above. Another example of Obama playing the race card.

And you haven't proven squat that Palin's comments are racist. It's *your interprettaion of them* that smacks of racism, and says a lot about you and your attempt to inject racism where there is none. Same as Obama.

Originally posted by Areal51
Whoooo the worst kind of terrorist that some White Americans can imagine is a Black American terrorist. Just check the fear contained in some of the posts in this thread.

And the best kind of terrorist for you is a white one, which is evidenced by your attempts to paint all Palin supporters as racist.

Originally posted by Areal51

Originally posted by jsobeckyWith proper vetting there will be. Things like the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.

A major problem with that article is that instead of providing answers to questions, the author simply states them as if the reader is supposed to take his word for it.

Obama's and Ayers' children both attended the same school in the past. Wow! Earth shattering revelation. Does that mean that the parents of all the children who attended the same school are also terrorists? The whole neighborhood where Ayers resides? The entire faculty, staff, and student body of University of Illinois at Chicago?
Please. Spare us.

You wouldn't see the evidence if Obama admitted it himself, you are so partisan. Your mind is so closed that it is fossilized.

Originally posted by Areal51
What is the difference when somebody like George Bush is president, Dick Cheney is Vice President, Henry Paulson is Secretary of Treasury, and Ben Bernake is Chairman of the Federal Reserve; all who are folks that have robbed US citizens and their government blind?

The ones who raped the American people in this mess are Franklyn Raines (Obama advisor), James Johnson (Obama advisor), Barney Frank (D-MA), Chris Dodd (D-CT), Jamie Gorelick (D), Barack Obama (D-Il), and Henry Paulson. All benefited financially from the raping of the American people and the collapse of FNMA and FMAC.

Want to discuss the financial collapse? I'd be glad to.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 07:00 AM
reply to post by GamerGal

Originally posted by GamerGal
Calling Ayers a terrorist during the Vietnam War? I guess all those hippies were terrorists. I guess all those marches and protests were terrorist actions.

No, all those hippies weren't terrorists. I was "one of those hippies", so were many of my friends. We never set off bombs, and we denounced anybody that did in the name of "protesting". We loved America then as we do now. We wouldn't kill our countrymen.

Ayers is scum. He was a punk back then, and he is scum today.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 07:56 AM
Ayers was a punk back then because he protested an unjust war? Ok, so were millions of hippies then. Also, a lot of those hippies became white and blue collar workers. Wow, you mean after 30-40 years people change? People go from "Fight the man!" to becoming the man? No, it can't be. Anyways, Obama worked on a charity board with Ayers who when Obama was 8 protested the Vietnam War, McCain killed women and children. Who is the violent one here? McCain is aprt of the GOP, the same GOP who less then 30 years ago put OBL in power and sold WMDs to Saddam. Who supports terrorists again? I like how you all keep dodging that little number. Hell Bush gave OBL and the Taliban 69million dollars in June of 2001, just months before the attacks. So who is that supports terrorists? A guy who worked on a charity with a Vietnam War protester or the guy whose party gave OBL and the Taliban 69million dollars in June 2001?

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by GamerGal
Ayers was a punk back then because he protested an unjust war? Ok, so were millions of hippies then.

:shk: Still not listening, are you?

Ayers wasn't just a 'punk'. He and his group of terrorists MURDERED.

Ayers wasn't 'just a protester'.

He and his group BOMBED and destroyed private and public property.

The 'millions of hippies' you keep bringing up didn't do what Ayers did.

And you 'forget' about the AUCHI, CONES, and ACORN connections.


This isn't a conversation. This is just you spouting without listening.

Govenor Palin is 100% correct. Obama pals around with terrorists.

edited immediately to fix sentence

[edit on 10/6/2008 by FlyersFan]

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 08:10 AM
I can't believe there are people here defending Ayers. Well, I guess I actually can; but it doesn't make it any less disgusting.

Nothing Palin said here was out of line. Obama has radical friends. Period. How can you defend that? He's close with a guy who was part of a group that set bombs in attacks on our own country. Fact.

People keep yelling about smear campaigns and such things, but they forget that these things are the truth. If they are not, let's see Obama get out here and defend himself. For God's sake, the man's got his own TV channel, he's got the means to do it.

But he won't do that, because he knows they are true.

He needs to stop acting like a child and stand up and speak out against these things if they are lies. He won't though, because he is a child.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 08:18 AM
Obama likes to play off the acquaintances as distant, and like to claim he was only 8 years old when Ayers committed his acts of terrorism.

But here is something interesting...back in 1997 they were definately working together.

Ayers will be joined by Sen. Barack Obama, Senior Lecturer in the Law School, who is working to combat legislation that would put more juvenile offenders into the adult system

Michelle Obama, Associate Dean of Student Services and Director of the University Community Service Center, hopes bringing issues like this to campus will open a dialogue between members of the University community and the broader community.

There is nothing "sporadic" about Barack Obama delivering hundreds of thousands of dollars over a period of many years to fund Bill Ayers’ radical education projects, not to mention many millions more to benefit Ayers’ radical education allies. We are talking about a substantial and lengthy working relationship here, one that does not depend on the quality of personal friendship or number of hours spent in the same room together (although the article greatly underestimates that as well).

The New York Times in the tank for Obama? You bet. And sinking deeper every day.

[edit on 6-10-2008 by RRconservative]

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by GamerGal
Ayers was a punk back then because he protested an unjust war?

No, he was a punk because he set off bombs that murdered innocent Americans.

Originally posted by GamerGal
People go from "Fight the man!" to becoming the man? No, it can't be.

You must be very young if you don't believe that is true.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 09:03 AM
Show me who your friends are and I will tell you what kind of person you are.

There is a difference in being in a place where there are gangs like a mall and actually hanging out with gangs. Hanging out with the gang usually means you are doing activities with the gang. Guilt by association, I would say yes. Guilty before being proven guilty, I would say yes. But the reality is that is the way our system work. Why else would we allow schools to suspend students for mentioning guns, drawing pictures of guns, or even joking about guns? Why else would we allow Police to interrogate someone just because they have been talking to an Arab terrorist from overseas? Afterall, they were only talking. Life is full of moments were people are criticized for the people they hang around with. Why should Obama be any different? Senator McCain was investigated and cleared for his role in the Keating mess. It showed poor judgment on his part. Obama's involvement with Ayers also shows poor judgment. But that doesn't mean people don't have the right to point out that poor judgment. Just like McCain had to answer for his connection to Keating, Obama should also answer for his connection to Ayers. It has nothing to do with Obama when he was 8, it has everything to do with Obama as a politician and the guy who just lived in his neighborhood.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 09:13 AM
Its called guilt by association and it is an ugly, desperate ploy...

... but ya know 2 can play that game... isn't that right Mr. keating five?

This is some of what Wikipedia has to say about Ayers:

he and fellow member Bernardine Dohrn married, and the two remained fugitives together, changing identities, jobs and locations. By 1976 or 1977, with federal charges against both fugitives dropped due to prosecutorial misconduct (see COINTELPRO), Ayers was ready to turn himself in to authorities, but Dohrn remained reluctant until after she gave birth to two sons, one born in 1977, the other in 1980. "He was sweet and patient, as he always is, to let me come to my senses on my own", she later said.[2] The couple turned themselves in in 1980.

In short he was never charged with anything:

Academic career

Ayers is currently a Distinguished Professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Education. His interests include teaching for social justice, urban educational reform, narrative and interpretive research, children in trouble with the law, and related issues.

He began his career in primary education while an undergraduate, teaching at the Children’s Community School (CCS), a project founded by a group of students and based on the Summerhill method of education. After leaving the underground, he earned an M.Ed from Bank Street College in Early Childhood Education (1984), an M.Ed from Teachers College, Columbia University in Early Childhood Education (1987) and an Ed.D from Columbia University in Curriculum and Instruction (1987).

He has edited and written many books and articles on education theory, policy and practice, and has appeared on many panels and symposia.
[edit] Civic and political life

Ayers worked with Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley in shaping the city's school reform program, and was one of three co-authors of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge grant proposal that in 1995 won $49.2 million over five years for public school reform. Since 1999 he has served on the board of directors of the Woods Fund of Chicago, an anti-poverty, philanthropic foundation established as the Woods Charitable Fund in 1941.According to Ayers, his radical past occasionally affects him, as when, by his account, he was asked not to attend a progressive educators' conference in the fall of 2006 on the basis that the organizers did not want to risk an association with his past.

[edit] Connection to Barack Obama

Main article: Obama–Ayers controversy

Bill Ayers and Barack Obama have been linked during their time in the city of Chicago, where they lived only three blocks apart, and together they lead a charge for education reform in the state of Illinois. The two met "at a luncheon meeting about school reform in a Chicago skyscraper." Obama was then named to the Chicago Annenberg Project board, a position speculated to have been arranged by Ayers, to oversee the distribution of grants in Chicago. Later in 1995, Ayers hosted "a coffee" for "Mr. Obama's first run for office." Both Obama and Ayers were members of the board of an anti-poverty group, the Woods Fund of Chicago, between 2000 and 2002, during which time the board met twelve times. Ayers also contributed $200 to Obama's re-election fund to the Illinois State Senate in April 2001." Since 2002, there has been little public evidence linking Obama and Ayers. Obama says he has not visited Ayers during the presidential campaign. The senator said in September 2008 that he hadn't "seen him in a year-and-a-half." In February 2008, Obama spokesman Bill Burton released a statement about the relationship between the two: "Senator Obama strongly condemns the violent actions of the Weathermen group, as he does all acts of violence. But he was an eight-year-old child when Ayers and the Weathermen were active, and any attempt to connect Obama with events of almost forty years ago is ridiculous." CNN stated that their own "review of project records found nothing to suggest anything inappropriate in the volunteer projects in which the two men were involved." Hillary Clinton was first to bring up the association in April 2008. At several rallies in October 2008, McCain's vice presidential running mate Sarah Palin accused Obama of "palling around...with terrorists who targeted our own country."

In short the man has turned his life around and become a respected and productive member of society.

The real ugliness of such smears is the implicit notion that once something (in this case a leftist bomb throwing radical... that is all they will ever be really is antithetical to the American notion that we can renew and rebuild our lives.

[edit on 6-10-2008 by grover]

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by grover

I don't see this as guilt by association at all.

I'm not accusing Obama of being a terrorist because he is friends with terrorists. I'm questioning whether or not he has any rational decision making skills because he chooses to be friends with terrorists.

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