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Palin: Obama Is ‘Palling Around With Terrorists’

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posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by GamerGal
Ayers was just a little more violent with his protest.

Weathermen You can't be serious.

If you believe that Bill Ayers was just a protester and that he was just a 'little more violent' .... then God help ya'. :shk: I can't even address someone who thinks this way.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by GamerGal
reply to post by RRconservative

WTF? When did I call her a lesbian? I'm lost

You didn't!

I don't know where he got that from. I think he is so homophobic his brain changed the words to reflect his fear. I dunno.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 06:28 PM
Let's see, no flag pin, no proper protocol followed during the pledge, hangs out with terrorists, kinda like connecting the dots.

It's about time someone called a spade a spade and tell it like it really is, that Obama is a terrorist sympathyzer.
I wonder how long this story will linger.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by Alxandro
kinda like connecting the dots. .

More like adding dots, so you see a connection

If this is evidence of Obama being a sleeper agent for terrorists, then the same thing could be said for McCain with all his connections to oil tycoons.

[edit on 5-10-2008 by Lucid Lunacy]

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by Lucid Lunacy

Originally posted by Alxandro
kinda like connecting the dots. .

If this is evidence of Obama being a sleeper agent for terrorists, then the same thing could be said for McCain with all his connections to oil tycoons.

Time to look at the lesser of two evils all over again, funny how it always turns out this way.
I guess it will depend on which one you feel will do the most damage to our country, especially now that we are vulnerable.

I don't know about you but I don't ride a bike to work.

[edit on 5-10-2008 by Alxandro]

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by Alxandro

Time to look at the lesser of two evils all over again, funny how it always turns out this way.

It's quite sad. With 300 million people I would have hoped we'd have some better candidates.

I guess it will depend on which one you feel will do the most damage to our country, especially now that we are vulbnerable.

I feel the biggest damage right now is our war expenses. Perhaps that answers that question?

[edit on 5-10-2008 by Lucid Lunacy]

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 06:46 PM
Weatherman was protesting an unjust war. How dare anyone not want US troops to die for nothing!

Of course, while Ayers was protesting McCain was bombing women and children. Who's more violent?

And thanks to whoever it was. I was so confused when he said I called her a lesbian I was more then a bit

Still, just because she has a vager doesn't mean us women will suddenly vote for McCain. Bush's 3rd term will lead to more judges who write books about how we are to have sex with our husbands whenever they want, even if we feel icky or have a headache or are busy. Of course the book also said we wouldn't be busy since we'd be at home...

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by Lucid Lunacy

Fair enough.

Originally posted by GamerGal
Weatherman was protesting an unjust war. How dare anyone not want US troops to die for nothing!

There are better ways to protest.

There's the lesser of two evils again, Bush's third or Carter's second?

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 07:11 PM
obama has questionable ties to terrorists and he's a terrorist sympathizer .. he has questionable ties to a racist pastor .. he has little experience in higher government and his citizenship status is now also in question .. how the heck did this guy get this far ?? ..

apparently America's indignation of republicans has gotten so deep that they're willing to elect this fraud

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by dude77

Questionable ties to a man who protested the Vietnam War, as did millions others.

Questionable ties to a racist preacher? First, less then a minute of talk stripped out of YEARS of preaching, taken out of context. And Palin's Preacher got his start with WITCH HUNTS. Actual real, burn at the stake witch hunts.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by Alxandro
Let's see, no flag pin, no proper protocol followed during the pledge, hangs out with terrorists, kinda like connecting the dots.

It's about time someone called a spade a spade and tell it like it really is, that Obama is a terrorist sympathyzer.
I wonder how long this story will linger.

McCain didn't wear a flag pin during the first debate.

The Pledge deal is BS and it's pathetic that people keep trying to bring it up

Guilt by association works both ways. If Obama is guilty of hanging out with terrorists because he knew Ayers, then what does that make McCain since he hangs out with G. Gordon Liddy? You know, the guy is on record as saying when he was younger, that listening to Hitler's speeches inspired and strengthened him . We don't even have to get into Watergate and Nixon do we?

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by GamerGal
reply to post by RRconservative

WTF? When did I call her a lesbian? I'm lost

You said the Palin shares a vager (sic) with you. If two women share a vager (sic), wouldn't that be an act of lesbianism?

Unless your use of the term vager has a meaning I am not familiar with.

Words (even ones that are made up) mean things.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 07:58 PM
WTF? Dude you are off your rocker. Or as the other guy said such a homophobe you say gay and lesbian in everything.

Anyways, Palin is associated with the Republicans. The ones who put OBL in power, and sold Saddam WMDs. So, Palin supports terrorists and using WMDs on innocent civillians.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 08:04 PM
gamergal .. so who do you think we should vote for then ? .. I'm not pro either candidate .. I don't like either .. I wanted Ron Paul in there .. both of these are horrible choices .. we're all just screwed

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by dude77

RON PAUL! Screw him not being on the ballot. Write him in. You don't see him using attack ads, or attack ads on him, back during the primaries. Why? He doesn't play that way and there's nothing to attack him on. Well, I'm sure Rove could find a way for McCain.

"Ron Paul won't invade Iran, killing thousands more US Troops and getting Halliburton hundred of billions of dollars. Ron Paul won't tax healthcare or the raise it on the Middle Class. Ron Paul won't bow to Big Oil and Energy. Do you really want a man who won't do those things in office? I'm John McCain and I'm glad Rove is on my side this election."

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 08:09 PM
Bush is already the world's No. 1 terrorist, I'd be weary of anyone who hangs around him before worrying about Obama.

Four years of Palin's barking voice... Good luck guys.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by GamerGal

And thanks to whoever it was. I was so confused when he said I called her a lesbian I was more then a bit

Still, just because she has a vager doesn't mean us women will suddenly vote for McCain. Bush's 3rd term will lead to more judges who write books about how we are to have sex with our husbands whenever they want, even if we feel icky or have a headache or are busy. Of course the book also said we wouldn't be busy since we'd be at home...

You were confused? What about me? Let's clear this up so there is no confusion for both of us.

When you say Palin has a vager...what are you referring to? What is a vager?

You see, I thought you were referring to female genitailia. If that is what you were referring to....wouldn't sharing a vager with another female be considered a lesbian act?

Now if vager means something totally different than what I am thinking, I could see why we could have some confusion.

Please let us end the confusion. What is a vager?

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by RRconservative

You're an idiot. Much like Palin and McCain.

For for the lesser of the three evils, write in Ron Paul. He's a RINO, Republican In Name Only, he actually loves America and wants to help the people of America, not the big businesses that own the GOP.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by GamerGal
reply to post by RRconservative

You're an idiot. Much like Palin and McCain.

For for the lesser of the three evils, write in Ron Paul. He's a RINO, Republican In Name Only, he actually loves America and wants to help the people of America, not the big businesses that own the GOP.

I'm an idiot for trying to clarify?

Since you won't answer the question directly. Try answering this question. Does Ron Paul have a vager? Answering this question might get us closer to what a vager actually is. Then we can find out if you actually called Palin a lesbian or not.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by RRconservative

Dude let me translate for you, since you're not trying to:

She was saying she doesn't have to vote for Palin because they are both women. She is expressing her discontent with the idea that women seem to be obligated to vote for Palin purely on the basis that she is a women.

Perhaps I am completely off. I can't imagine I am as far off as you though. I stick to my homophobia theory

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