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Bush to Make Statement on Financial Crisis in the Morning - Will He Use Executive Powers?

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posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 10:23 AM
ive been following these topics loads lately, im not going to post much, as its all been said.

bailing out bankers = bad

what i dont get, is if they want to give all these banks 700 billion of tax payers money. why dont they just give them the money and return all the credit slates are cleaned (debt wiped out as people will theoreticly have their bad mortgage and credit is paid off for them).

that would keep everyone happy!, the americans get their money back, government solves the banking crisis instantly and the banks are really happy as they can pay the bills.

am i crazy for thinking so simply ?

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 10:50 AM
He's bound to use executive power. He started war with other countries without UN approval, he'll practically king of the world. When he wants something, he'll get it done, whether it's right or wrong. Let's bail out the banks that didn't know how to use mommy's and daddy's spending allowance. Maybe if we let them know we save them no matter how much they screw up, they'll do it again. Who cares about the concept of letting the strongest survive.

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by wdkirk
That WILL COME...just give it time if he does not get his way!!!!!!

You cant blame us for thinking the worse, and the worse is yet to come.

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 11:30 AM
Does anyone have the video of Bush telling us what is going on?? I woke up too late here on the west coast to hear it....

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 11:33 AM
You know what I don't understand? I don't understand why the site owners don't have advertising from pharmaceutical companies on this website. This thread alone demonstrates the need for anti-psychotics.

[edit on 30-9-2008 by sos37]

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 12:37 PM
So what did Bush say in his address to the nation? Also, it doesn't look like the market is going to crash today.

edit to add-

Did Bush say something about pumping more money into the system anyways? Cuz the Dow is up 350 points, and which seems impossible..

[edit on 30-9-2008 by Ketzer22]

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 12:49 PM
I was talking to my supervisor at work and we both discussed what would be the possibility and/or ramifications if Bush were to declare an emergency and suspend the elections until such time as the "Emergency" is passed! I personally would make a mess in my britches, and I imagine the whole US and perhaps the world would be thrown into chaos! Im not one to have such a sour look on things..but dayum! things are just looking uglier and uglier latley!

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 01:15 PM
I can't believe all the Bush paranoia around here.
The NWO does not need Bush to stay in power; they have two other puppets waiting in the wings. The public will vote… the illusion of choice comforts many while the agenda moves forward.

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by Xodiac
I can't believe all the Bush paranoia around here.
The NWO does not need Bush to stay in power; they have two other puppets waiting in the wings. The public will vote… the illusion of choice comforts many while the agenda moves forward.

Exactly...the paranoia and the pessimism on this board is beyond unbelievable. Nope he didn't use any Executive Powers, nor did he overrule Congress, he cried and whimpered about his disappointment. Bush no longer has any clout, he can't even convince his own party. The Democrats won't pass this bill because they know it won't work, and if they actually wanted to pass it they could, but of course with the election ahead of us they do not want to look like the party that bankrupted Main Street. The NWO is moving slowly and I think the all world Obama may try to tip it towards their side, but hey....we are still Americans or Citizens of our own Country.

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 02:32 PM
So yes yes paranoia is high, and oh my god we should be shot for that. I'd like to point out that all of the comments to the effect of this have absolutely no value in discussing the topic. The topic is.... what did Bush say this morning?

So far no one answered this.

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by dunwichwitch
So yes yes paranoia is high, and oh my god we should be shot for that. I'd like to point out that all of the comments to the effect of this have absolutely no value in discussing the topic. The topic is.... what did Bush say this morning?

So far no one answered this.

Basically the same thing he said in his last address to Congress - the U.S. needs the bailout bill or the economy will crash, foreclosures will skyrocket (despite the fact that the bailout bill has already been shown to not really do much for homeowners - Story Here) and all hell will break loose.

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 02:47 PM
I'm completely unable to locate, find or otherwise search for Bush's speech this morning in either on youtube, goole video or even a transcript..

Can anyone find anything on this speech ANYWHERE IN ANY FORM??

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 03:04 PM
Well,that speech by W sure insprational
he looked like crap,I think the mutant got reamed by his daddy and his fascist pals so he spent most of the past night crying and throwing a fit.

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 03:06 PM

That was hard

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by pale59

Thank you for answering my question.

[edit on 30-9-2008 by Grey Magic]

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 04:03 PM
Well whatever the media tells you about what the 'market' will do is just more disinformation.

You see, what the so called 'elite' know is that they truely control the whole stock market. How is this? They are controlling shareholders in the worlds largest financial institutions and stocks.

People, when you are a member of the international bansksters with half the worlds assets wrapped up around your don't have a 'free' have a rigged market.

When 'they' want a another consolidation of assets all they have to do is shock the market up....shock the market down...its called a shakeout and if you speak 'candidly' to the most influential securities attorneys, they'll be the first to inform you that they have NO intention on putting their funds in the market. They know first hand, it matters not what they think about the value of stock, its P/E ratio, PEG ratio, debt ratios, long-term, short-term debt, expected economic growth, industry leadership. You can analyze the hell out of the stock market and find the most 'reasonable' stocks out there though it makes no difference WHEN THE WHOLE SYSTEM IS RIGGED TO BEGIN WITH. This includes the market makers and specialists who supposedly act as intermediaries filling market and limit orders.

Make no mistake, as to date, the international banksters have owned the stock market and its daily gyrations are at the discretion of the oligarchy of the bankster cartel.

Market makers are merely 'other' tools of the trade and respond to their masters for fear of their own jobs. The whole system is a scam and until they reform the entire financial system, LIMIT CONCEALED OWNERSHIP OF THE WORLDS LARGEST STOCKS and commodities of which is a true monopoly and serious violation of ANTI-TRUST LAWS of which were put in place 'theoritically' to ensure a fair market, we'll never have a 'fair' system.

Solutions? Here's some:

Take anti-trust laws seriously by AUDITING true ownership of our countries largest stocks, commodities, real estate and other assets.
Follow the always goes somewhere....though SEC influence is owned and paid for. No one gets that job without the banksters approval. They are the gatekeepers to the most massive fraud conducted in past or recent history.

Abolish the Fed. Reserve. Its unconstitutional in its formation of which was done in private without congressional approval or ratification. It was founded in violation to the Constitutional law (supreme law of land) due to the fact that NO private entity is authorized to supply the nations currency and therefor it can be abolished on these same grounds especially if they are audited and the subsequent massive amount of fraud of which would be revealed would follow.

Audit the IMF, The World Bank, the Bank for International Settlements of which this same bankster cartel own outright!!

We can never have 'faith' in the system until anti-trust law are upheld and honest officials are put in place for oversight. These important officials should be audited themselves once a year to ensure they have not been compromised by those with means to buy the rest of the worlds assets.

There are many more solutions though I can't write a book here on ATS about the topic. A thorough audit comprising of a team of randomly selected auditors from a randomly selected group of auditing firms is in dire need here if the public is to have any faith in investing in this absolutely rigged system.

I, as well as a few others have complained about this topic to 'authority' figures though they are not paid to represent you. They are owned by those who put them in office....reminds me of a few past Presidents eh?

Audit the system..THEN..let the people have full disclosure of the results and then you may get back a true capitalistic system based on democratic principles and checks and balances. What will be discovered from the audits will be all we need to know.

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by rangersdad
Does anyone have the video of Bush telling us what is going on?? I woke up too late here on the west coast to hear it....

Ya I want to see what he had to say.................any links?

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 04:27 PM
Oh Gaaaawwwwd. If your post wasn't funny, it would be scary!!
Not to say that it wont happen in the future. With the warmonger, dectator wannabe, anything is possible!!!!

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 04:28 PM
Abolish the Statutory legal system of which was created and designed to protect the interests of its true authors, the international bankster cartel.

How many times have you witnessed millions, billions and now trillions to be fleeced from shareholders via fraud with the perpetrators getting off with a small fine, admitting no guilt, perhaps some community service or better yet a trip to one of the many countries of which provide non-extradition to its new found bankers with loads of ill-gotten gains illegally wire frauded to a final banking destination after many loops through many protected foreign banks of which limit or outright deny identification or disclosure of its 'investors'.

Better yet, they like to park their funds in places they own outright or with their own sovereignty, not answerable to the laws of the land or host country: City of London of which is a private city within greater London,Berlin, Hamburg and Bremen Germany, Vienna Austria, Hong Kong, Macau, Basel Switzerland, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Brasilia, Brazil, Israel, and on and on. The world's true aristocracy resides in these 'sovereign' zones protected by their own private legal systems. Everyone else are merely subjects of the state to be used at their discretion. You are either a human resource or a liability in their eyes, humanity never seems to enter the thought process. Only the means to an end..NWO with the bankster cartel watching and regulating your every move.

These banksters hide their true wealth in shell corporations or trusts hidden with other shell corporations and to top it all off they like to park these funds in countries with non-extradition laws which offer tax-free non-disclosure protected or otherwise known as 'offshore' accounts.

Before the people can correct the system, its important to know how it works. You sure as hell won't be taught the 'systems' true blueprint in business school. They control that 'educational' content as well as the media. When you have half the worlds assets at your disposal, you control the supply of these inputs and therefor control the prices of all the worlds assets. When you're this rich you find new and interesting ways to bide your time. This is a whole other topic though try to put yourself in the shoes of one these people. They play and order your lives much much more than you know.

It's all about control and over the past 200 years they have basically bought the system. Let me give you a scenario. If I want oil to drop, I have one of my shell corps sell shares of all my top oil companies at the market...thus causing an abnormal crash in the commodity...domino effect. Then I come in and buy the same asset at a much cheaper price from the crash I created in the first place. This is just one example though I believe its necessary for one to understand the scope of what I'm revealing here.

The choices are limitless. If I want to get more creative, I'll hire Mossad to take out an oil pipeline or bomb a competitors oil processing facility but before this happens, might want to load up on PUT OPTIONS on oil futures to maximize the effect while maximizing my profit.

You see, they have most of the worlds assets by now and outright control the G8 countries supply of currencies and gold bullion in Reserve banks. All they need now is to put down our Constitutional Rights, eliminate the Bill of Rights to eliminate any safeguards we as a people have left.

This will impact the world at large. If Americans lose their remaining rights, the world will then be pushed into accepting a future One World Currency. When you control the supply of money, you control the world. They know this well and there is good reason Forbes richest 100 don't include the International bankster cartel families for they are on a WHOLE OTHER LEVEL.

Do what you can with this info. Time is running out on your freedom.

[edit on 30-9-2008 by Perseus Apex]

[edit on 30-9-2008 by Perseus Apex]

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 04:36 PM
it does not matter what route we take to get the law as long as we get the law, good old gwb, he is a complete c:snip:t, sorry could not help that, he is laying the blame firmly at the feet of your congress, it will be their fault when tshtf, in steps bush or some new president and hey presto mess sorted out and the american sheeple wont care for congress anymore because they stopped him fixing it , and people will have a renewed faith/trust in the goverment, sly old bugger

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