posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 04:28 PM
Abolish the Statutory legal system of which was created and designed to protect the interests of its true authors, the international bankster cartel.
How many times have you witnessed millions, billions and now trillions to be fleeced from shareholders via fraud with the perpetrators getting off
with a small fine, admitting no guilt, perhaps some community service or better yet a trip to one of the many countries of which provide
non-extradition to its new found bankers with loads of ill-gotten gains illegally wire frauded to a final banking destination after many loops through
many protected foreign banks of which limit or outright deny identification or disclosure of its 'investors'.
Better yet, they like to park their funds in places they own outright or with their own sovereignty, not answerable to the laws of the land or host
country: City of London of which is a private city within greater London,Berlin, Hamburg and Bremen Germany, Vienna Austria, Hong Kong, Macau, Basel
Switzerland, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Brasilia, Brazil, Israel, and on and on. The world's true aristocracy resides in these 'sovereign' zones
protected by their own private legal systems. Everyone else are merely subjects of the state to be used at their discretion. You are either a human
resource or a liability in their eyes, humanity never seems to enter the thought process. Only the means to an end..NWO with the bankster cartel
watching and regulating your every move.
These banksters hide their true wealth in shell corporations or trusts hidden with other shell corporations and to top it all off they like to park
these funds in countries with non-extradition laws which offer tax-free non-disclosure protected or otherwise known as 'offshore' accounts.
Before the people can correct the system, its important to know how it works. You sure as hell won't be taught the 'systems' true blueprint in
business school. They control that 'educational' content as well as the media. When you have half the worlds assets at your disposal, you control
the supply of these inputs and therefor control the prices of all the worlds assets. When you're this rich you find new and interesting ways to bide
your time. This is a whole other topic though try to put yourself in the shoes of one these people. They play and order your lives much much more
than you know.
It's all about control and over the past 200 years they have basically bought the system. Let me give you a scenario. If I want oil to drop, I have
one of my shell corps sell shares of all my top oil companies at the market...thus causing an abnormal crash in the commodity...domino effect. Then I
come in and buy the same asset at a much cheaper price from the crash I created in the first place. This is just one example though I believe its
necessary for one to understand the scope of what I'm revealing here.
The choices are limitless. If I want to get more creative, I'll hire Mossad to take out an oil pipeline or bomb a competitors oil processing
facility but before this happens, might want to load up on PUT OPTIONS on oil futures to maximize the effect while maximizing my profit.
You see, they have most of the worlds assets by now and outright control the G8 countries supply of currencies and gold bullion in Reserve banks. All
they need now is to put down our Constitutional Rights, eliminate the Bill of Rights to eliminate any safeguards we as a people have left.
This will impact the world at large. If Americans lose their remaining rights, the world will then be pushed into accepting a future One World
Currency. When you control the supply of money, you control the world. They know this well and there is good reason Forbes richest 100 don't
include the International bankster cartel families for they are on a WHOLE OTHER LEVEL.
Do what you can with this info. Time is running out on your freedom.
[edit on 30-9-2008 by Perseus Apex]
[edit on 30-9-2008 by Perseus Apex]