posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 08:39 AM
The American public is being held hostage by Wall Street and the Executive Branch. We are being held hostage by fear and intimidation on a grand
scale. "Pass this, or we'll do absolutely nothing else!". Is this the weapon they have decided to resort to? More threats?
Ridiculous. Look, the DOW plunging was more exciting than most sitcom drama with the way the analysts were going absolutely hysterical. Do you realize
the markets are set to open with a huge rebound? THE PLUNGE YESTERDAY WAS BASED ON ABSOLUTELY NOTHING EXCEPT FEAR AND EMOTIONS. Look at the results of
the European markets this morning. NOTHING! Absolutely nothing changed.
Paulson said yesterday the banks can still function (although, not to the greatest extent or corporate greed), and the Market still works. Yes, there
was a plunge. Yes, we all lost money. But no, we did not die without that ridiculous FAILOUT bill being passed. Your 401k, pension plans, etc., yes,
they took a hit. But those are long term investments. Those will ride the storms and eventually rebound.
To hell with every analyst putting an emotionally charged gun to my head and saying "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! OH GOD! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!" and then
proceeding to cause market instability with their own lack of emotional restraint. To hell with every representative and senator telling me I have to
fear for my life and for the lives of my children unless I allow more broad sweeping powers to be given to a government that has proved again and
again to be corrupt and dangerous. And to hell with every Wall Street executive that has their golden parachute to land safely in some tax haven
somewhere outside this country.
There are other ways through this mess, and the fact that absolutely no one has any resolve to advocate a different route shows that absolutely no one
has any idea what they are doing. I refuse, as an American, to support, applaud, panic, or jump out a window over the President's speech this
morning, Paulson's rousing talk yesterday, or the Market data itself.
All yesterday was, was a panic sell. Nothing more. It meant absolutely nothing. It's all fear mongering. And it's designed to show you the power of
what a group of bankers can do to America unless we submit to their ideology. Would the stock market have plunged if the FAILOUT passed?
Do the math.