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Do You Believe Our Military Would Not Defend The American People?

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posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 09:00 PM
An armed, agressive insurgency group attacking the U.S. government? Possibly....... but military enlisted attacking civilians??? No way. Not by any military personnel I've ever know or known of. They may have orders -- as in a hypothetical situation posed earlier -- to hold a position, but they are not going to fire upon civilians that are not shooting at them. Ever. It won't happen. Unbunch your clenched parts. These women and men are not automatons; they are us -- people from everyplace, USA. They are skilled, trained and conditioned to respond to specific causations, and they are potential killers if the situation warrants it. I pray for their safety. They may be the primary body that stands between us and governmental oppression.

I'll tell you something. I miss being around a military presence. I spent a considerable amount of time in this place and that which enjoyed the protection of soldiers, sailors, etc. Those places were a target in some respects, due to the high density of enlisted, but I always felt safe. These are folks that understand the Constitution, and what it really means, more that most of us. It matters.

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 09:09 PM
You mean you are not going to round us all up and force us onto a spaceship to go mine gold on venus for the Rothchilds.

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by TXMACHINEGUNDLR

Of course not! You know its for the Palin's and it on Mercury...

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by TXMACHINEGUNDLR

Me? I'm not going to round up anyone for a Venusian one-way. WAY too hot there, and I have inside info that their a/c bites, to say nothing of the cloying sulfurous CO2 atmosphere. Sultry, and a horrid temperture range to boot. DEFinately not on my "to do" list. Besides, when beer is ambiently heated to 400 degrees C, it is abhorrant to drink.

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 12:12 AM
There is one huge glaring omission in all of this.... and that's control of technology and infrastructure.... The government unfortunately without much military help can control both. I'm sure some military personnel would have no problem killing Americans but the majority would.

The real question, I think, should be if it were ever necessary to do so who would actually stand up and fight the "Powers That Be" when your lights are off and people are starving and knowing resistance would be difficult possibly deadly.

What would you do if you got up tomorrow and you had no internet? Damn no cell phone. You cant even watch the "main stream media" outlets or pick up the New York TImes.

maybe you manage to find out whats going on so you decide to flee the country or "head for the hills" or go to your loved ones elsewhere, but you get to the gas station and you can't buy gas. It's a bleak picture that I am painting here but you take away basic things from people and most would be ready to concede the fight.

The question here my friends isn't what a soldier would do, or what the wall street suit would do, or even your next door neighbor, or your priest, the question is what would YOU do.

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 12:36 AM
I have spoke with some fellow college students who have actively served in the military about the war, state of affairs in our country, and why they haven't put down their weapons in the iraqi theater. They have bluntly stated that if they could get out of there without being executed for treason, or killed by the muslims they would happily return in the blink of an eye. I was told that they wholeheartedly agree with the Afghanistan campaign, as do I, but the Iraqi campaign is total B.S. Upon further discussion I was told that most of the people that they served in Iraq with are P.O.'d to the point of being betrayed by the P.O.T.U.S. and their superior officers.

I think the majority would take up arms against the government, however there would be quite a few of the "brainwashed" group that would not think twice about firing on civilians. The fact that so many of them would be willing revolt against the current leadership, and our self interest serving "representatives" is what is going to keep them in the Middle East, and out of their line of fire for a very long time.

It is a very sad state of affairs in this nation at this moment in time, and we could use every patriot we could get to put this country back on course! Maybe we can show our support for our service men and women by voting every single one of these scum sucking politicians out of office, or at least enough that we can bring them all home through legal, constitutional means, without violence, or the downfall of this once great nation.

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 12:53 AM
Well, if police beating up people at peaceful protests is any indication, then NO, I don't think the military will "defend" the American people.

If they get deployed to a protest (aka "riot") they will do what they are ordered to do. If they are ordered to round up 300 people and arrest them - they will do what ever they need to do. If that means beat the crap out of the American People at the protest, then they'll do that. No different than the police do.

What makes you think the troops won't follow orders? Are you accusing them of being undisciplined?

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by harrytuttle
Well, if police beating up people at peaceful protests is any indication, then NO, I don't think the military will "defend" the American people.

If they get deployed to a protest (aka "riot") they will do what they are ordered to do. If they are ordered to round up 300 people and arrest them - they will do what ever they need to do. If that means beat the crap out of the American People at the protest, then they'll do that. No different than the police do.

What makes you think the troops won't follow orders? Are you accusing them of being undisciplined?

Hah very interesting take you have on the matter. As much as I hate to say it, though, I agree with you to an extent. If superior officers give military folk good reasons to arrest citizens, etc. then I don't see these soldiers disobeying. I have to believe that they wouldn't just go door-to-door and arrest, detain, or beat up citizens, though.

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by TheHunted

I believe the US Military will always defend the American people. The problem is in defining what defending the American people means, and in establishing who gets to define what the American people need, so that they are defended...

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 02:27 AM
reply to post by Alexander_Supertramp

Were you or a family member in the military? Were you or they ordered to beat or kill civilians in any country? Just like politicians and corporate C.E.Os. and yes men, there are those that believe that the end result justifies the means,and the military has them to, but these people that are now in the military are for the most part older and wiser than those that served in Vietnam, and for the most part have experienced enough B.S. to see past the brainwashing job. Even in Vietnam officers, and N.C.O.s that were way out of line were fragged. I knew a Captain that was faced with either carrying out an order that could have resulted in an unreasonable loss of life, that chose to disobey the order and resign his commission. I think that perhaps you have seen to many movies, and should maybe join the Marines, and get some first hand information on what kind of people there is that are willing to do a job for a government that is supposedly voted into office by civilians. I imagine that if you were to challenge one of them and make accusations about how you feel about their character you could pretty much count on one of them bitch slapping some sense into you but in reality you would have to really ask for it. It wouldn't surprise me if some people don't do that to reinforce their distorted perceptions of what paranoia ignorance and fear has led them to believe.

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by hypervigilant

I understand where you're coming from and to answer your question I nor my immediate family am/has been in the military..only uncles, grandparents, etc. But I do have many friends in the Marines and although they are typical American citizens they don't know all the details to everything they do. I was merely pointing out that they would never willingly act in any extreme manner towards civilian American citizens...however, I would consider it quite naive to assume that every soldier, despite the fact that he was not told why he should go arrest a small group of citizens in the park, would stand up and say 'No! Not unless you tell me what they did wrong!"

By joining the military these brave men and women have shown that they trust, to an extent, commanding officers and the military. Hence, it is quite logical to assume that they could easily be misguided into thinking certain citizens are a danger when they are not...the higher-ups have shown time and time again that they are more than capable of twisting facts and skewing things for their own agenda, tricking many. WMD's comes to mind.

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 04:40 AM
You know what, I'm appalled, offended, and OUTRAGED by what some of you are saying about the military. I mean really...? If you feel betrayed by and fearful of the government, then maybe you should know that elected and appointed civilians are the ones who run this country, not the military. You have a voice, use it wisely. Besides, the police are more likely to fire upon civilians than military.

I've proudly served in the military for 6 years now. I was working in a factory after high-school because where I'm from, there are no careers, just jobs. (not anymore, though) The military has given me the opportunity to go to college and show my son that you can change the "hand you're dealt" in life. I'm the first in my family that has been to college. I have opportunities now that I would have never had before the military. I have been all over the world now and have met more true friends that would lay down their lives for mine (and I'd do the same for) than when I was back in nowhere-ville, USA. I don't have to worry about feeding my family or getting laid-off, like the rest of my family has been, due to the economic downturn. I work VERY hard for it, though, and I am very thankful that I live in a country where you can make your own destiny if you so choose.

To say that we're completely brainwashed savages that would turn on the American citizens because we're ordered to is the most outrageous crock of $^&* that I have ever heard. To those of you who have your heads so far up your @$$es to think that we would do such thing, you need to stop watching so much television. Following unlawful orders is illegal. Murder is murder. Self defense is self defense.

We have families. We are human JUST LIKE YOU, no on second thought, like most of you. Some of you are just wastes of life, the rest of us, we're people... to say such a thing! (I'm sorry, but that really offended me!) Hell, most of the military are kids who have more on their plates and accomplishing more than most civilians ever will. How many of you have ever had to make decisions that had REAL life or death consequences for you, your best friends, or people that you have never met before, at 19 or 20 years old? You try having that kind of stuff on your plate and tell me how you like the taste. These guys step up to these challenges everyday and do the best that they can. Most of these guys are some of America's best and brightest individuals around. We are not the sheeple that some of you claim we are.

You listen here and you listen well, because I'm just going to say it once. I don't know a single person out there who would fire on fellow citizens unless you were threatening our lives or the lives of our families, just like anyone else would do in the same situation. We think the same things you do and we have the same fears as you. Some of us agree with the war, some of us don't. We have the same concerns about what's going on in the USA just like you do.

You think that we'd fire on these unarmed citizens for no reason? Yes, some idiots probably would, but the vast majority wouldn't. That's not what we signed up for.
We took an oath to defend and support the Constitution of the United States, from enemies both foreign and domestic. Don't think for one second that I consider the citizens of the United States to be an enemy. We are citizens, too. I love my country and it scares me to death to see it going down the road it's presently going. Most of us feel as betrayed as you, to be honest.

I know some of you will be offended and if I offended you, I do apologize. Do not question where our loyalty lies as it resides in the freedoms and inherent rights afforded to everyone by our forefathers in the birth of this great nation. That's what we stand for. That's what America stands for. Besides, I think you might be surprised that the military might end up being the ones to protect you from those who would see otherwise.

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by harrytuttle
What makes you think the troops won't follow orders? Are you accusing them of being undisciplined?

Are you a soldier? Do you know the oath we took? Have you read any of this thread before you replied? Because this has been covered already. We as soldiers are obligated NOT, I will repeat that, obligated NOT to follow any unlawful orders. Doing so would be undisciplined. Dismissed...

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by TheHunted

The reason people feel that way is because they see the military resembling police. If a revolution were to occur and the army had their orders to beat the people down...well, would you go against your commanders orders? People know the soldiers are not heartless but they have orders from a higher chain of command. Now if they were brainwashed to think these people are committing crimes would they not move out?

I think the soldiers would not break the chain of command, even though they have sworn to uphold the rights of the people and the constitution.

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 08:49 AM
I respect your opinion. I've disobeyed a few unlawful orders in my time. Just because you are a trained soldier that does not mean you lose your judgment. thats what it pretty much comes down to. We evaluate the situation and base our decision on judgment. Thats why I believe that the majority of the Armed Forces would protect the citizens.

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by TheHunted
From what I have been reading some Americans don't trust the military to protect them from our government.

U.S soldiers are citizens as well. They are family and friends with the same concerns as us. They sworn to defend the people of America foreign or domestic.

As a vet I don't understand why many believe that they would fight against citizens if given orders. How many people believe this and why?

Domestic threats include the NWO and our Government.

[edit on 29-9-2008 by TheHunted]

[edit on 29-9-2008 by TheHunted]

Exactly. However, my concerns fall under the potential for brainwashing. Seriously, I trust our military servicemen and women. I worked with many in my time. They ARE generally people like you and me. However, they are also taught...well, taught is such a weak word here, more like battered into the mindset of FOLLOWING ORDERS. If ordered to round up civilians because 'they pose a terrorist threat' I believe that many soldiers will do so willingly regardless of the proof.

After all, they will still believe they are protecting the American populace against the 'domestic' threat. You see, the government can twist things around so easily that most soldiers won't consider that the 'domestic' threat also is supposed to include a government out of control.

So, feeling the way I do I agree and disagree with you. I trust and love the soldiers in service but I fear that if they are told what I have stated above, they will not hesitate in acting on those orders.

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by Equinox99

I think that if the orders came out to 'beat the people down' that the soldiers, well, the good majority of them, would simply disregard. They would come to the defense of the civilian population. Period.

Now, if the government and commanders state that these people you are beating down are under investigation for terrorist activities, well, some may swallow that and feel they are doing justice.

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by dariousg

We are definitely on the same page here. There will some that obey and others that wont. That's why I think its is up to us educate any military personal we know on how they may be used against the American people. If they know, it may be easier for them to disobey such an order...

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by TheHunted
reply to post by dariousg

We are definitely on the same page here. There will some that obey and others that wont. That's why I think its is up to us educate any military personal we know on how they may be used against the American people. If they know, it may be easier for them to disobey such an order...

The problem with that is that the Army educates the recruits how they see fit. I know they do not teach them to hurt their own citizens because that would be a lie. However the leaders can manipulate these minds with ease.

I agree some soldiers will help the people but the real question is are there enough soldiers to help us when the time comes?

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by Equinox99

I understand your concern. Just from my experience soldiers would be skeptical about any order against civilians because of this current Iraqi war. We all know that it is a bogus war. We are all smartening up over who the real enemy is.

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