posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 04:40 AM
You know what, I'm appalled, offended, and OUTRAGED by what some of you are saying about the military. I mean really...? If you feel betrayed by and
fearful of the government, then maybe you should know that elected and appointed civilians are the ones who run this country, not the military. You
have a voice, use it wisely. Besides, the police are more likely to fire upon civilians than military.
I've proudly served in the military for 6 years now. I was working in a factory after high-school because where I'm from, there are no careers, just
jobs. (not anymore, though) The military has given me the opportunity to go to college and show my son that you can change the "hand you're dealt"
in life. I'm the first in my family that has been to college. I have opportunities now that I would have never had before the military. I have been
all over the world now and have met more true friends that would lay down their lives for mine (and I'd do the same for) than when I was back in
nowhere-ville, USA. I don't have to worry about feeding my family or getting laid-off, like the rest of my family has been, due to the economic
downturn. I work VERY hard for it, though, and I am very thankful that I live in a country where you can make your own destiny if you so choose.
To say that we're completely brainwashed savages that would turn on the American citizens because we're ordered to is the most outrageous crock of
$^&* that I have ever heard. To those of you who have your heads so far up your @$$es to think that we would do such thing, you need to stop watching
so much television. Following unlawful orders is illegal. Murder is murder. Self defense is self defense.
We have families. We are human JUST LIKE YOU, no on second thought, like most of you. Some of you are just wastes of life, the rest of us, we're
people... to say such a thing! (I'm sorry, but that really offended me!) Hell, most of the military are kids who have more on their plates and
accomplishing more than most civilians ever will. How many of you have ever had to make decisions that had REAL life or death consequences for you,
your best friends, or people that you have never met before, at 19 or 20 years old? You try having that kind of stuff on your plate and tell me how
you like the taste. These guys step up to these challenges everyday and do the best that they can. Most of these guys are some of America's best and
brightest individuals around. We are not the sheeple that some of you claim we are.
You listen here and you listen well, because I'm just going to say it once. I don't know a single person out there who would fire on fellow citizens
unless you were threatening our lives or the lives of our families, just like anyone else would do in the same situation. We think the same things you
do and we have the same fears as you. Some of us agree with the war, some of us don't. We have the same concerns about what's going on in the USA
just like you do.
You think that we'd fire on these unarmed citizens for no reason? Yes, some idiots probably would, but the vast majority wouldn't. That's not what
we signed up for.
We took an oath to defend and support the Constitution of the United States, from enemies both foreign and domestic. Don't think for one second that
I consider the citizens of the United States to be an enemy. We are citizens, too. I love my country and it scares me to death to see it going down
the road it's presently going. Most of us feel as betrayed as you, to be honest.
I know some of you will be offended and if I offended you, I do apologize. Do not question where our loyalty lies as it resides in the freedoms and
inherent rights afforded to everyone by our forefathers in the birth of this great nation. That's what we stand for. That's what America stands for.
Besides, I think you might be surprised that the military might end up being the ones to protect you from those who would see otherwise.