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Do You Believe Our Military Would Not Defend The American People?

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posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by TheHunted

Governments have always relied on the naivety of young men when it comes to fighting wars. War is old men plotting and young men dying .

Your last post I think was the most important one in this thread so far because it describes exactly what the corporations fear most .Young boys coming back real men with the truth in their hearts . They cannot be bought with lies and empty promises anymore .

When the plots of evil men reach fruition they become much harder to hide from the public and the american peoples rejection of the bailout sends a clear signal to service men. We will not sell our freedom in return for this bail out for those who are stealing it from under our noses .

In short . America is waking up and the corporation is getting very nervous.

Thats why I give the hunted credit . He is a real soldier , not another gung ho west point braid rack with political ambitions .

tell us more of your experiences on the front line Hunted ,tell us what woke you up . These people need to understand .

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by TheHunted
reply to post by Terry_Dactyl

When we first entered Afghanistan there were no questions asked. After the Towers were brought down by supposed terrorist attacks patriotism swept across America. We all wanted to see the culprits brought to justice. Soldiers went over there willingly to provide a sense of safety to the people of America. This was before there was any evidence of a 9/11 inside job. Since then there has been mixed emotions about the true reason we are over there.

Same goes for the Iraq War. I can honestly say that majority of all soldiers agree that this war is suspect. The reason for this war has change many times. From Saddam Hussein being linked to terrorism, Iraq being in possession of WMD's, and the to be bring democracy to the Iraqi people. I cant give a raw number but from experience a majority of my contacts while I was on active duty accepted none of the above as our true reason being over there. When companies such as Haliburton (Cheney) receive billion dollar no bid contracts and Iraq being an oil rich country (Bush) it opens the minds of people regardless if they are military or civilian. Don't get me wrong, many servicemen and women still believe we are over there doing the right thing. But those who I have served with know that there is more then meets the eye.

Since the Bush Administration has been in office trust has been a huge issue in the Armed Forces. I'm sure you have heard this say quite a bit "When you join the military you have faith that your Commander In Chief will not place our soldiers in harms way if not necessary." Which he has done for nearly six years in Iraq. So faith and morale is down in our military, just check out the latest military suicide rates. They have been predicted to surpass the civilian rate. Soldiers are not too happy now days.

I cant speak for all soldiers but I believe Large Corporation is the Government, refer back to my Iraq comment.

I'm not into making predictions but I will share my thoughts. I do believe that in the future a civil uprising may occur. Officials that we elect in to office to represent the us as citizens are not doing their jobs. Once elected into office they pursue their own personal agenda which of is course fattening their own pockets and the pockets of CEO's. There will be a time where the fate of our survival as human beings will depend on taking back America. The only way to do so will be physically taking it back. Thats why I believe soldiers would side with the public. They are affected by the same recession/depression as us. We may wear different footwear but we require the same necessities.

Thank you for the great reply TheHunted. As I suspected, soldiers are people just like the rest of us =)

It's great to hear that soldiers, some at least, actually have the same concerns and questions as we all do. I think more citizens need to hear this sort of stuff. Paranoia is sending people nuts. I can understand the concern, but if people would actually talk to soldiers rather than about them ....

I've noticed that among the people I have met who have been in active duty, most of them have a much bigger grudge against the government than the average person. Not always in an unhealthy way, but most tend to be very suspicious of the government. Some outright contemptuous. I guess being used as a meat shield for a bunch of bureaucrats has a tendency to change your world view fairly quickly.
An experience most people would not fully comprehend.

Anyway, it's good to know and hear directly from soldiers themselves that they aren't all blind subservient fools as many paint them to be. Even if they were that way when they left for tour they usually aren't when they get back.

Take it ez dude and thanks again

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 01:09 PM
I am blown away! It is such a waste if this last post of yours isn't spread to other web sites, or published. I know and have known that you are right about the loyalty of the military personnel to the people of this country, and also who the real enemy is. There is probably more people in the civilian population, percentage wise, that would side with the enemy, than in the military, as they haven't seen what we have and if so were to busy shopping to give it any thought. We Know the real story, the secrets, and the lies. They can see it in our eyes and it scares the hell out of them. When we try to let them in on what is really going on, their preconceived perceptions of what we are, will not allow them to accept our side of the story. I hope there are some of these people that will read your last post, and rest assured that, we, that have functioned as corporate sacrifices are the ones that are most aware of who the real enemies are, and will honor our oath to the Constitution to protect it from all threats, both foreign and domestic.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 01:18 PM
It's funny when people think military folks are a totally different kind of people, like they don't hang out at bars, go to movies, eat at #ty places like Olive Garden, have fantasy football teams, and BBQs and stuff.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 03:30 PM
The people who say American soldiers will not protect Americans are just paranoid war mongers.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 03:58 PM
Brainwashing? Whoever wrote that has obviously never spent a moment in the American military.

Yes, if armed citizens revolted against the US, the Military would defend the government. This has happened in the past (read about the Whiskey Rebellion or about the Civil War).

And that's exactly what they should do. The citizenry do not have the right to raise arms against the government, without paying the consequences for such actions.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by OldMedic

I, like every Marine that had a free will and sense of individuality was brainwashed. That is the most important part of the process that is used to turn teenage boys into a person that never questions an authority figure, and follows orders. Yes it worked, we killed people that were designated to be a threat to the American way of life. Guess what they weren't a threat, to our way of life at all. We became disillusioned, but the people that watch all of the John Wayne movies and didn't see the tons of weapons, munitions, food, clothing, aircraft and dead bodies, were buying into to the same brainwashing until over 58000 Americans and who knows how many Vietnamese were sacrificed for corporate profits. Now the citizens of this country are under attack by the same corporations that have prospered financially, from the blood shed by the people on both sides of the wars that were forced on them by using scare tactics and lies that were accepted as truth by the citizens. Every one has been brainwashed. Do you remember the American Revolution, taxation without representation, the Constitution? Are you one that would choose to side with an oppressive government that would use its law enforcement, military, and even mercenaries with no oath of allegiance to the constitution? The issue here isn't about the citizenry attacking or firing rounds at anyone, it is about the loyalty of the military to the people of this country and upholding the oath to defend the Constitution from foreign and domestic threats. If you were in the military you took the same oath.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by OldMedic
Brainwashing? Whoever wrote that has obviously never spent a moment in the American military.

Yes, if armed citizens revolted against the US, the Military would defend the government. This has happened in the past (read about the Whiskey Rebellion or about the Civil War).

And that's exactly what they should do. The citizenry do not have the right to raise arms against the government, without paying the consequences for such actions.

Is that all you have? Poor examples, but you receive a High Five from me regardless.

Actually we do have the right to raise arms against the government if they do not live up to their obligations. We as the American people are obligated to remove and replacement the government when we deem necessary. Why do you think some of those wars were fought?

Like I said before, soldiers are just as much affected then civilians by the economic crisis. Much of it due to policies put into place by our government. So when the times come, they will help replace this government.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by hypervigilant
reply to post by OldMedic

I, like every Marine that had a free will and sense of individuality was brainwashed. That is the most important part of the process that is used to turn teenage boys into a person that never questions an authority figure, and follows orders. Yes it worked, we killed people that were designated to be a threat to the American way of life. Guess what they weren't a threat, to our way of life at all. We became disillusioned, but the people that watch all of the John Wayne movies and didn't see the tons of weapons, munitions, food, clothing, aircraft and dead bodies, were buying into to the same brainwashing until over 58000 Americans and who knows how many Vietnamese were sacrificed for corporate profits. Now the citizens of this country are under attack by the same corporations that have prospered financially, from the blood shed by the people on both sides of the wars that were forced on them by using scare tactics and lies that were accepted as truth by the citizens. Every one has been brainwashed. Do you remember the American Revolution, taxation without representation, the Constitution? Are you one that would choose to side with an oppressive government that would use its law enforcement, military, and even mercenaries with no oath of allegiance to the constitution? The issue here isn't about the citizenry attacking or firing rounds at anyone, it is about the loyalty of the military to the people of this country and upholding the oath to defend the Constitution from foreign and domestic threats. If you were in the military you took the same oath.

Did they also brainwash you out of using paragraphs? Sounds like you were just kinda gullible. I don't think I'd trust you to figure out who was a threat to the American way of life and who wasn't.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 05:14 PM
Do You Believe Our Military Would Not Defend The American People?

The rest of the world wants it to defend them........and on contact with Amercians.............its heart sinks.

Sorry for the spanner in the works, but its true, the world used to look to Amercia for honest freedom.

Now it seems saddened by Amercicas comeing of age, hatefull even.

Amercians have isolated them selves from the rest of the world?
I read today that 90% of Amercians do not have a passport? or have travel'd abroad

[edit on 5-10-2008 by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H]

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 05:52 PM
Yeah, I learned a little about grammar in grade school. My computer didn't attend grade school. I will try and get it fixed. As for being gullible, yes I was, most 17 year old kids are. As for you not trusting me based on my being gullible when I was a kid and my paragraph structure is very superficial as was your neglect to identify yourself. How many people would you trust to guide your helicopter into a small unlit landing zone in mountainous jungle at night and direct close air support dropping 250 pound bombs and napalm close enough to singe your eyebrows, at 18 years of age?

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 05:54 PM
I know many people who've done Pathfinder school, actually, and not all of them have been particularly bright. The point is just because you think you were brainwashed doesn't make it so.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by hypervigilant

No offence but dont blame Veitham for you not being arsed to string a sentence togeather as well as you know you can.

Can you do an ollie shove it? while your landing on a penny?

You sound like you war weary?

PS i dont give a $%^£ what my writeing looks like, im not the one trying to read it lol


[edit on 5-10-2008 by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H]

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by SuperViking

Where all brainwashed .........its trrue.

Grow up in a Catholic house hold ull grow up catholic

grow in in a chirstien house ull be a christian

jewish ull be jewish

muslim ull be muslim

dad was in the army ull most likely be in the army

etc etc

we are all brainwashed to a degree. we are not self made we are moulded into what we think is us?

bit deep but screw it

[edit on 6-10-2008 by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H]

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by SuperViking

In the Marines we didn't have a school but learned by O.J.T. in real life situations. The guys that were picked for the job were actually people that could think independently, had superior word usage skills, and intelligible speech. There were one of us per infantry company and we were called Tactical Air Control Party, or TacParty. We were all trained as field radio operators as our primary M.O.S. It was truly the most responsibility that I have had in my life.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

I've watched this on tv before and the people in this experiment are normal everyday people. Not trained soldiers (or airman, well woman in my case) someone who is trained and has half a brain would not beat someone down for hte heck of it. Granted again...there are crazy people in the military, but there are also crazy and hateful/selfish people in the civilian world. I am a diet tech and I also work in a kitchen. I make food, I want be beating down anyone anytime soon. I just love how people who have never served try and tell me how military people act and that we're all brainwashed. Anyone currently in the military would know that there is a bit of an awakening going on. The younger generations of airman know that there is a lot of BS happening and there are plenty of us who have no problem saying no to an order that is wrong or unlawful (I know this was all ready covered) but to reiterate, we are allowed to deny unlawful orders. I wish people would stop being overly paranoid. Most people in the military do not have a super secret top friggin clearance and don't know much more about all the 'secret' doings than anyone else. So chillax sit back and just woosaw

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by reconpilot

This is how it all went down.

I served on Active Duty from 1999-2002. I was out of the military for 2 years then in 2004 I received orders that I was be activated from the IRR (Inactive Ready Reserve). Which is evidence to me that our Armed Forces are stretched to thin.

I was attached to a Air Ambulance National Guard Unit out of N.H.. Which was a experience being I was from the active side. When you witness first hand the harm caused to our soldiers you question the reason we are over there. After research I was disturbed with what I came upon. How many pockets were fattening at the expense of human lives. Not just any life, but those who were sworn in to protect the United States of America. So that's why I have made it a personal mission to relay this info to anyone who will listen.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by hypervigilant

Hey friend,
Once again thanks for the kind words. Some people fail to see the extreme gross profit from war. The reason is because they don't see the money.

I love the classic "Support Our Troops" for I do very much. But what they really mean is "Support Our Troops So We Can Be Sneaky And Make More Money."

I have been labeled un-patriotic and anti-american. Hell, I've been charged with treason on another thread. But It has no affect on me. The truth is I don't like what this nation has become through corruption and greed. For a few years now I've been considering moving out of country. I'm not a coward so I will stay and continue to fight. I will take full advantage of my "Freedom of Speech" and say we need to unite and not allow our government to abuse their power.

Another thing to add. Hollywood and the media by command have destroyed the image of our Armed Forces so that the public will fear us. In movies you see the military treating the public as enemies. The media portrays us as murders because of Isolated events. Is it just coincidence? No I think not, the media is controled by the elite. So war kills two bird with one stone. It fattens the wallets and spreads fears as well. Come everyone, open up your eyes and see what's truly going on.

But of course we can't even do that, The Patriot act was created so people like us would be placed on a list if we ever discovered the truth and vocal about it. You've gotta love the position we are in now.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by mateandbucky06

High Five! Propaganda is destroying the image of the American Armed Forces. Thank you for your contribution.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 06:05 PM
Sorry, I haven't read the entire thread.

I believe the military would do as it was ordered to do by the CinC. That's their job.

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