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Do You Believe Our Military Would Not Defend The American People?

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posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 12:12 AM

Originally posted by ethann
I believe you would not defend us because they are not doing it now.They are tools.The Cia never told Bush iraq was an imminent threat nor did he have information that said he had weapons of mass destruction.It was only an opinion that he had them.t

"We" are not the Cia. "We" are not George Bush. Just because Bush happens to be are commander in chief does not mean "we" (and by we I mean each individual person in the military) all agree with him or the CIA. Yes there are bad people in the military, but there are also bad police officers, priests, school teachers, and neighbors.

I mean uses to say that you would defend your fellow person? Maybe just maybe you are no better than those corrupt people in every ones lives? Maybe your the snake in the grass or the person who only worries about 'I' and not 'us'?

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by TheHunted
reply to post by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H

Yes I'm part of the club. Thats how I know soldiers wouldn't attack Americans if ordered to. We already know we were used for a personal agenda. We wouldn't make that mistake against our own people. We ARE NOT the government. We are paid by hard American workers and will do everything in our power to protect. We are not a bunch of Prescott Bushes working with enemy.

Sadly I think a majority of Soldiers still think the War on Terror is a legitimate and frutful campaign. Now I'm not saying that they should disobey orders but we as Soldiers need to do our best to make sure the people no we don't believe were fighting for the right reasons. We are supposed to be a defensive feature of the United States of America, not an offensive feature.

Thats my response to if we don't fight them over there they'll get us over here. If we're going to use that excuse we'll be fighting until the end of time all over the world. There is a reason it is called the Department of DEFENSE, we exist in order to defend the USA not go on the offensive for it.

I just wish the majority of American Armed Forces could realize this.

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 06:15 AM
The three things that must be controlled in a country in order to control the country and they all begin with the letter "M".
The majority of ATS threads already have media and money being controlled.
That leaves the military. I do not think the controllers have that military factor under their thumb. Without the second amendment then yes, but we depend on a civilian army, not a mercenary army.

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 08:04 AM
It's sad to say, but most people follow orders. I'm in the navy and I think that military personell might be even more adpt to follow orders.

Milgram experiment

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 08:33 AM
I think it would be 50/50. Some military people would just go to the other side. I also feel that there would be a big backlash if it was revealed that our own troops was used against its own people. This would escalate things and involve more troops to be spread out. This is where the advantage would turn to the people side. There is not enough military personnel to cover the entire United States. Especially if half of them abandoned the military. Even if law enforcement were called in to assist the military, I would say half of them would join the people side. The only way I could see the military primarily sticking together is if their leaders can get them to believe that the people they are fighting against have some kind of deadly highly contagious disease. Then I could see the military opening up on everything in sight.

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by ADVISOR
reply to post by TheHunted

My promise to you, is that I for one and every battle buddy of mine would defend the people against a government gone hostile towards it's own. Because one, I take my oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic"

[edit on 30-9-2008 by ADVISOR]

Thanks for the support. People fail to realize that military personal are just as informed about potential domestic threats then the average citizen. As you stated it is our privileged duty to protect them from those dangers.

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by ADVISOR
reply to post by TheHunted

My promise to you, is that I for one and every battle buddy of mine would defend the people against a government gone hostile towards it's own. Because one, I take my oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic"

[edit on 30-9-2008 by ADVISOR]

Thanks for the support. People fail to realize that military personal are just as informed about potential domestic threats then the average citizen. As you stated it is our privileged duty to protect them from those dangers.

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by ADVISOR
reply to post by TheHunted

"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.... But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." The Declaration of Independence

The above I will not let fail, this Nation will not fall on my watch.
Patience is a virtue, and accourding my family motto; "Virtus Semper Viret/Viridis-Virtue is always flourishing".

United We Stand, The Rest, Is Not An Option!
Let it be known, those who knew tried.

I wanted to keep the whole thing

you just made the point I wanted to make - people actually believe this

it's easy to be cynical - and everyone seems to think this is simple - black and white - our troops will side with us, or they'll just kill us

the truth is somewhere in between - it always is

and it would be ugly - because this isn't TV

but the hypothetical situation we're talking about is bigger than a riot - bigger than an isolated disaster - much bigger - and a great many people in and out of the military see things the same way as Advisor

I'm not in the military, but my father was - he would've been one of the first to say "this smells" and that would be that

a question people should really be asking is - in a situation like the one we're actually talking about - where do we stand?

how much faith do you put in your fellow citizens when all hell breaks loose?

who do you help - who do you ignore?

I see this not so much as a question about what would our military do - but what would people do? there have been examples given of how people come together to help each other - but if we're honest with each other we will be forced to admit that it's not going to be quite that simple

prejudging a soldiers response amounts to the same thing as trying to determine what our response will be - and I think it will break down about the same

there would be some seriously twisted stuff happening

but - most of us would come together - that includes the military

hopefully hypothetical is as far as this ever gets

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 11:27 AM
You guys are a bunch of liberal retards with your bleeding hearts. I hear the same tone all the time. I am a Squad leader in the Army infantry, proud, did multiple tours in Iraq. I have a mother, father, four siblings, a wife and two kids. This brainwashing crap gets a little old. Maybe if you had the intestinal fortitude to go through training in the military you would understand.

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by hypervigilant

Thanks so much for your encouragement. I have taken quite a beating, but I'm not nowhere near stopping. There were very fine arguments against me, but none would hold up. They mentioned one isolated incident that occurred at Kent State. Then tried using a video of an old woman being disarmed by the police and then pass it of as the National Guard. Its as if they WANT the military to be an enemy.

When I raised my right hand and was sworn in it was to defend and protect the United States of America! The government is not America, but a poor representation of it. The American people make this country, so no unlawful order issued could make me turn against them. The same is to be said about most service members. I think the media and this administration has corrupted the image of our heroes to make citizens fearful of them. If and when the time comes those who believe we are nothing but government tools will be delighted and surprised of the outcome.

[edit on 1-10-2008 by TheHunted]

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 11:44 AM
Guess we could look at this a different way. During the time we have been fighting these wars, an overwhelming majority of Americans have been showing and expressing their support of our troops. These troops will never forget that. And if hell was to break loose tomorrow and our troops were called in to go against the same people who have shown nothing but love, many of these troops would refuse to carry out that order.Even if they were threatened to be court martial, I am willing to bet that many troops would tell their commanders to go eff themselves. I know I would.

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by jam321
Guess we could look at this a different way. During the time we have been fighting these wars, an overwhelming majority of Americans have been showing and expressing their support of our troops. These troops will never forget that. And if hell was to break loose tomorrow and our troops were called in to go against the same people who have shown nothing but love, many of these troops would refuse to carry out that order.Even if they were threatened to be court martial, I am willing to bet that many troops would tell their commanders to go eff themselves. I know I would.

That's the way I look at it. Troops have so much respect for those who support them. They know its their job to protect them.

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 03:25 PM
The Hunted ,what do you think about all these paramilitary guys Blackwater and those guys?Everyone has their own private military force Guilliani has one and I don't know who else, some are American some are not none as far as I know are sworn to protect anyone or anything . As far as I know their only mission is to kill what and who they are paid to kill. I think they are a huge problem in the coming events ,they are paid with taxes but they don't work for taxpayers. What do you think their role will be in all this ? Oh and thankyou for being a good guy and standing for ordinary citizens

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 03:49 PM
Just wanted to throw this out there. And again, this isn't meant to bash the soldiers, but to "illuminate the terrain" we now find ourselves deployed in.

The U.S. government keeps more of its own people in prison than any other nation on the planet, including Communist China with their nearly one and a half billion people. That's not per capita figures, but raw numbers. As a percentage of population, China doesn't even compare.

So keep that in mind soldiers, when you are ordered into any sort of domestic police action.

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 04:48 PM
Ill tell you now, as a member from the us marines for over 7 years, i have served with marine special operations forces, infantry,security forces, and personnel security details. A good 75% of people would not follow threw with killing innocent civilians for food or any reasons, i would run to protect the ones i cared for and i know many others would. I could see them goin with stability operations and riot control, but as soon as that comes into play it would be justified as unlawful and the military would fall apart

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by TheHunted
reply to post by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H

Yes I'm part of the club. Thats how I know soldiers wouldn't attack Americans if ordered to. We already know we were used for a personal agenda. We wouldn't make that mistake against our own people. We ARE NOT the government. We are paid by hard American workers and will do everything in our power to protect. We are not a bunch of Prescott Bushes working with enemy.

I salute your courageous stand Hunted and I really do hope you are right .
Education is a key part when it comes to making the right decisions.
For the longest time Americans have laboured in the dark because they do not see the bigger picture .
Certainly it appears that the 'accidental' loading of nuke warheads on a transport at Minot? was exposed by good men within USAF . Thank god .
The exposure of abu graib was another .

In OZ the previous PM was exposed on a number of occasions by defense and intelligence personel .

So much seems to balance on a knife edge .

But sadly many civvies see what they want to see . Perhaps now ,when the economy is rapidly falling apart ,US citizens will get real and not allow the media to hoodwink them with any more lies.

Your country needs brave men like you now more than ever . You may not be in uniform the next time you serve your country but your experience will serve you well when the time comes.

Somebody must have your back for you to get away with posting like this .

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by reconpilot

Thank you for bringing up Minot and the prison. Nobody has mentioned anything positive like this. Its shows how close minded and programmed some folks are. Its great that active duty and vets like yourself are being vocal. We all need to be heard.

If people put as much energy into educating on the potential threat that poses not only America but the world we could possibly avoid such a situation. Can you imagine if we all operated on the same page? Instead we gather in our own little factions waiting for the day to come. I'm just trying to spread the word. Only unity will prevail. All our indifferences need to be put on the backburner and we shall move forward together.

Recon my friend, your outlook inspires me. I'm not only glad to have you as a friend here on ATS but also a dear friend in outside of here...

[edit on 1-10-2008 by TheHunted]

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 07:39 PM
Uh oh, something completely slipped my mind. The Patriot Act! If no one hears from me within 24 hours you know what happened to me. Peace

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 07:40 PM
I'm a veteran as well- spent 12 years in the military. I was taught that I shouldn't follow an unlawful order. Like an order to kill non-combatants. Are we talking about military attacking non-combatants?

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by raven bombshell
I'm a veteran as well- spent 12 years in the military. I was taught that I shouldn't follow an unlawful order. Like an order to kill non-combatants. Are we talking about military attacking non-combatants?

There a lot of Marshall Law paranoia of late. Basically folks have been worrying that the military would either attack or round up citizens and place them in camps.

I was curious how many people thought the military would actually obey such a command. The number of individuals who thought the military would turn on them was quite shocking.

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