Originally posted by jvm222
Breaking News: Ron Paul is a deceiver just like Alex Jones.
Just a forewarning: Do not panic and do not be afraid. If you are the aggressor you will help martial law. Only defend, do not attack.
Deny ignorance. Deny Alex Jones and his followers.
Deny ignorance indeed
.....I agree Alex Jones is a fear mongering and is out to make a buck off of peoples fear, but I am sorry you clearly do
not know what you are talking about when it comes to Dr. Paul. For future reference, you might want to provide information to back up your claims or
you will not be taken seriously here. So your post means absolutely nothing since it is just a wild and obscured statement.
Here I will help you understand how wrong you are.Please look at the following:
Ron Pauls Positions
I just wanted to add to for people who are not aware Ron Paul supports:
People who make money by tips should be allowed to keep them untaxed.
Getting rid of the IRS & possibly switching to a sales tax that brings illegal aliens & corporate | individual tax cheats (who exploit tax loopholes)
into the tax system.
Getting rid of corporate lobbying system that buys & pays politicians.
Revaluing our devalued dollar, by going back to having the dollar be backed by something of value (Gold like before 1974) Why? Because right now....we
just print more money when we need it....making the dollar worth less & less. That means when you buy something with your paycheck.. it doesnt go very
far....because companies don't value your dollar very much in comparison to other countries money.
Making a foreign policy that makes a very strong military to defend America, without telling other countries how they have to live (Which only makes
them hate us).
Making the government much smaller which allows the taxes to go down even further.
Getting the government out of our private lives, by telling us what to do & issuing 'sneek peek' warrants that allow the govt to go into your home
without your permission | take a look & leave.
Democrats are the same as most Republicans....do not be misled.
Investigate Ron Pauls voting record. He stands now where he stood when he first took office as a congressman. All the others give typical election
year opinion changing mamby pamby ness.
Telling you what you want to hear.
I can't believe American citizens have become so ignorant not to notice what is happening during these debates.
There is no doubt that if "Ron Paul" is NOT a threat to monied interests in this country (in receiving their tax sponsored corporate welfare.....why
would they decide to exclude him?
Obviously he is a threat to their free money & ability to then spend it with lobbyists to pass even more legistlation that benefits them directly.
If Ron Paul has such a low amount of support, why did the mainstream media have no problem pushing someone with no support
(Guiliani was supposedly a wrap for the Republican nomination, with no support the media pushed him like crazy !)
Democrats are exactly the same as most republicans these days. Bought & paid for.
Clinton has been caught so many times with her hand in the cookie jar ( Insider commodity trading, Walmart Union Busting)
Obama's beautiful mansion bought & paid for by his biggest contributor mafia-tied real estate developer
Chicago "slum landlord" federally indicted Antoin "Tony" Rezko. The lot is just 1 away from Rezko's own.
[edit on 9/25/2008 by CaptGizmo]