posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 10:01 PM
Hi Folks,
Wishing to add my 20c, I'm a US citizen writing in from Australia.
Something I've seen missing from this debate is any mention of the economic conduct that has lead to the bizarre position in which the US of A now
finds herself.
I'm referring to the lax governance of the financial sector, the balance of payments and the dependence on foreign oil. Oh, and a 'lil bitty war
y'all been spending big on.
Though some of you might not like it, the profession of Usury, ie the Financial Services Sector, really does need sound regulation to keep it doing
its job, which is to provide credit to reliable people for useful purposes. The regulation of the Banks is not an abrogation of your personal
liberties, its needed to keep the system functional. Folks need to figure that one out.
No. 2 is the US trade deficit, and the corresponding accumulation of foreign currency reserves in China. You want to know where the money is? Ha!
Check it out guys. The Chinese did the same thing a long time ago when trading with the British, they would only sell tea for silver, which was
bankrupting the British empire. The British retaliated by selling the Chinese Opium from British dominions such as India and sparking off the Opium
Wars. We have nothing to sell back this time. This will not end well.
No.3: Look at what we pay for oil, and how much comes from overseas. Do the sums folks. Trillions of dollars have gone south, and the dollars aren't
flowing 'round the economy no mo'.
No. 4. What are we fighting for? Saddam Hussein was a prat in a nation with a great many prats. We should have left that hornet's nest alone. If
they really had nukes, Mossad would have noticed and taken out their reactor, just like last time. This was a very silly move.
I have read some VERY silly energy Policy going back to the early seventies, asserting that military expenditure was an adequate substitute for Energy
Security measures. That doctrine is a lot of crap, needless to say, as the protracted difficulty of transforming military spending into oil in Iraq is
ably demonstrating.
My personal view is that USD700Bn can better be spent on infrastructure, particularly for renewable energy, alternative fuels and non-road transport
Projects that will make America independent the Arabs and their Oil. Projects that create real jobs for real people, not propping up damn fools in
Wall St.
thanks for reading, Brethren.