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Ron Paul Speaks- "Time is running out"

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posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 09:36 PM
Maybe we should all right in his name for president!

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 09:41 PM
Ron Paul is not saying he can make the problem go away - he knows better.

No plan can make this bad debt disappear, or make the housing prices instantly rise - NONE. No matter what they tell you at best they can put it off a few months and make the problem worse in the long run by doing so.

The best we can do is let the system collapse, and replace it with a much better system. That is what the reality is.

This bailout is like throwing the last $10,000 of your savings into a failing business losing $5,000 a month that is already in debt for a half a million.
It will not work - you have to just close the business and go into bankruptcy whether you want to or not.

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 09:57 PM
I will be writing in Ron Paul, I may not agree with everything he says, but he does have more common sense than some of the politicians
Post like this is why I keep reading ATS forums

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 09:57 PM
I will be writing in Ron Paul, I may not agree with everything he says, but he does have more common sense than some of the politicians
Post like this is why I keep reading ATS forums

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 10:01 PM
Hi Folks,

Wishing to add my 20c, I'm a US citizen writing in from Australia.

Something I've seen missing from this debate is any mention of the economic conduct that has lead to the bizarre position in which the US of A now finds herself.

I'm referring to the lax governance of the financial sector, the balance of payments and the dependence on foreign oil. Oh, and a 'lil bitty war y'all been spending big on.

Though some of you might not like it, the profession of Usury, ie the Financial Services Sector, really does need sound regulation to keep it doing its job, which is to provide credit to reliable people for useful purposes. The regulation of the Banks is not an abrogation of your personal liberties, its needed to keep the system functional. Folks need to figure that one out.

No. 2 is the US trade deficit, and the corresponding accumulation of foreign currency reserves in China. You want to know where the money is? Ha! Check it out guys. The Chinese did the same thing a long time ago when trading with the British, they would only sell tea for silver, which was bankrupting the British empire. The British retaliated by selling the Chinese Opium from British dominions such as India and sparking off the Opium Wars. We have nothing to sell back this time. This will not end well.

No.3: Look at what we pay for oil, and how much comes from overseas. Do the sums folks. Trillions of dollars have gone south, and the dollars aren't flowing 'round the economy no mo'.

No. 4. What are we fighting for? Saddam Hussein was a prat in a nation with a great many prats. We should have left that hornet's nest alone. If they really had nukes, Mossad would have noticed and taken out their reactor, just like last time. This was a very silly move.

I have read some VERY silly energy Policy going back to the early seventies, asserting that military expenditure was an adequate substitute for Energy Security measures. That doctrine is a lot of crap, needless to say, as the protracted difficulty of transforming military spending into oil in Iraq is ably demonstrating.

My personal view is that USD700Bn can better be spent on infrastructure, particularly for renewable energy, alternative fuels and non-road transport infrastructure.

Projects that will make America independent the Arabs and their Oil. Projects that create real jobs for real people, not propping up damn fools in Wall St.

thanks for reading, Brethren.


posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 10:07 PM
I can only say one thing about these recent developments: SCARY!

A few years ago (2002) I began researching about the true rulers of the world and then it all seemed like a romance or lunatics. A fellow ATSer described our current situation very well:
"It's like watching a romance unveiling before our eyes."

Totally agree with him now, the romance is becoming reality to me at least, even though I live in Brazil, the situation in USA is showing us what probably will happen to the whole world, the loss of our human rights.

Ron Paul is being trying to warn the american people for a long time now, so here is my support to him, so his voice may be heard more. Starred and flagged.

PS: forgive me for my poor english writing skills.

edited to correct a few grammar mistakes

[edit on 24-9-2008 by MorfeuZ]

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by SEEWHATUDO
It is amazing to see such honesty from a politician.
I feel like he actually cares about America and it's people.
He is not trying to sell us anything, he is not trying to win anything, he is only telling us the truth no matter how hard it hurts.
What a breath of fresh air! Gives me a little bit of hope at a time of great bleakness.

without getting through one whole page of the thread, this sums it up perfectly. this is what i don't get. why don't more people hear his message? it's just so plain and simple. just telling it like it is.

-- onward with reading the rest of the posts. thank you.

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 11:28 PM
Very informative email from Dr. Paul. Thank you for sharing. It is a shame he isn't yet getting his well deserved media attention.

I sent an email to my senators and friends/family. Times are about to get real tough from every indication. Knowledge is power, spread the word, people!

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 11:49 PM
i always liked what rp said, but found it hard to believe he is not in on the inside, but he is their shill etc... but this is pretty far to go... i would write in "ron paul you #ing suckers" if it wouldnt put meo n the red list, haha...

anyways, if things ever did colapse worldwide, think about it.... the "elite trillionaires" really would not win as soon as people stopped taking their printed money and developed new ways to work and trade amongst themselves. that is hoping though they wouldnt take 700 billion first to buy stuff right before the collapse, lol

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 11:53 PM
I have always supported Ron Paul from my home state but he needs people to actually get out to protest this travesty. I haven't heard anything about an organized protest and it needs to happen very soon or we are freaking doomed(Magumba).

Acoording to Austin-Fitts (former HUD executive) $4 trillion was pumped and dumped out this country in 1997 and this is just more of the same.The elites will rule every aspect of our lives if this bailout goes through. Contact your reps and look for a way to let these crooks know that we aren't going to swallow their spoon-fed poison.

Its not paranoia if they are actually stealing our hard-earned money. NO more bailouts.

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 12:11 AM
P.S Voting for Ron Paul would be a great protest.

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 12:14 AM
Ron Paul HAS to be president.

The jokers on CNN solidified my determination tonight. Whatever I can do to get this man elected I'm going to.

I love Clinton and I love McCain for their unique stories and like the spectacle of the Obama mass hysteria phenomenon but Ron Paul is the only man that is PURPOSE BUILT to save our poor souls and the very last hope of fighting the you know whos and we know whats!

The collapse is HERE and NOW. Too late really. We need a new FOUNDING FATHER to rebuild!!!

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by SEEWHATUDO

Finally, we may see the "have's" catching up with the "have not's"! Cool-Aid good...with hamburger helper! Mmmmm! Hey don't spill that in my tent!

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 12:48 AM
Really is there anything we can do. Maybe we should start calling Capitol Hill or march on Washington. One Trillion dollars is CRAZY!

There must really be mind control from the flouride and chemtrails because we all just sit and let our governmet grow into a monster!

Call Capitol Hill: 800-828-0498

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by seabisquit

Yeah Ron Paul for President!

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 01:04 AM
I really wish Ron Paul was still in the race for the White House.It scares me to death to think that either McCain or Obama is going to lead us.God help us!

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 01:38 AM
Never could understand why everyone wasnt going to vote for this man, nor why some people call him ludicrous, old, senile, etc...This man is trying to save us before we're pushed off the edge. I can only thank Dr. Paul for what he's tried to do...unfortunately there are some people too ignorant to listen so they stay in sleep mode all day, everday. Media's lying, the governments crooks- this man tells you whats going on. Hence the lack of media on him. Yet if Hillary grabs a bagel in NY, its front page news.

These are bad times...we're getting screwed. Its hard to stop what seems to be coming full speed.

Liberty is dead it seems...its been dead for quite some time.

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by DancedWithWolves

the problem isn't just not having a solution other than this new bill being proposed. The problem is noone in Washington being held accountable for not doing anything sooner. There isn't even accountability with regard to corporate elitism. Where are the hearings? Where are the in-depth investigations into who is making money off of all the criminal wrong-doing with regards to the mortgage crisis and the investment bank crisis? And why in god's name is corporate greed resulting in bail-outs that will inevitably impact every tax-payer. WHY are we having to pay for someone else's criminal negligence?

A revolutionary change in how the economy works is not going to make everything better overnight.. But everything that has ever really been done about any financial crisis in this country (since the founding of the federal reserve system) has been a temporary band-aid to prevent further collapse. But why should the government even have the authority to bail-out corporate enterprises in the first-place when that same failure is due to bad management, cooking the books, and criminal negligence?

It is not the responsibility of every tax-payer in this country to bear the burden of someone else's negligent, criminal behavior. Where do the investment banks begin and the government end? And why hasn't anything been done about this sooner by the government to at least help prevent such a thing from occurring in the first place? The Enron scandal involved some of the most elaborate fraud ever seen at the time, yet with these guys involved with the investment bank book-cooking many of them still have their jobs? Immediately after Enron was caught there were hearings. Why haven't we seen hearings when the money involved in this crisis is orders of magnitude over that involving Enron? Why has there been a complete and total lapse of corporate and government accountability? Temporary fixes like government bailouts are not going to prevent this from happening again..


[edit on 25-9-2008 by BlasteR]

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 02:07 AM
Ron Paul for president indeed.

From this Aussies point of view, he is most definitely what the country of America needs. Ever since I 'woke up' to the truth of everything, I could tell straight away that he was the only one spreading the truth. Quite frankly, I am terrified by what is going on over there, and my thoughts are with you all.

Stand tall, and fight for truth and justice!

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 02:34 AM

Originally posted by proximo

No plan can make this bad debt disappear, or make the housing prices instantly rise - NONE. No matter what they tell you at best they can put it off a few months and make the problem worse in the long run by doing so.

The best we can do is let the system collapse, and replace it with a much better system. That is what the reality is.

This bailout is like throwing the last $10,000 of your savings into a failing business losing $5,000 a month that is already in debt for a half a million.
It will not work - you have to just close the business and go into bankruptcy whether you want to or not.

I totally agree with you. The system needs to restart but because of the ones in power, hitting the restart button will not come without a fight and bloodshed.

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