Your problem in the US, much like the UK where I live (and the rest of the world for that matter, barring iran syria iraq libya etc... notice a
connection amonst this list? "axis of terror" ..ahem..BS), is that the country is effectively run by the central bank.
Contrary to popular belief, the central banks are privately owned with shareholders, and are run FOR PROFIT. What you are seeing today is these
private entities lobbying for a bail out - this is because it is for THEIR benefit and not the people's. You are being told that it's the only
option - this is incorrect, there is never only one option.
The reason the "powers that be" are telling you there is but one option, is simply down to vested interest - they have corporate interests
themselves and are arguably (by some, proveable in the opinion of otheres) in the pocket of the FED, probably because these corporate interests have
been granted by the FED in the first place.
In addition, there is essentially a threat, in short blackmail, that if the Gov doesn't play ball and grant the bailout, the central banks will crash
the economy... the problem being, that if you grant the bailout they will crash it anyway, and walk with the $$. They do this by expanding and
contracting the money supply - the "credit crunch" is largely the reigning in of money supply, exasperated by "bad debts" caused by housing
This has been planned from start to finish by the FED. The "Bailout", means that the FED owns the company it is bailing out, as the new debt is
secured against the company. Should the economy crash (as they have planned), the FED takes ownership of that company's assets, for the most part
YOUR HOUSES! They have done this over and over - it is called consolidation of wealth, and is where the phrase "the rich get richer and the poor get
poorer) comes from.
Pegging the $ to gold again will do no good, as the supply of money can still be controlled by the central bank ie the Fed Reserve Bank and therefore
manipulated. There is no need for boom and bust - this game has been played for hundreds of years - the booms and busts are ENGINEERED to consolidate
wealth by this "company", The Fed. This is equally true of the Bank of England in the UK.
There is nothing wrong with a fiat currency, provided it is run independently without vested interest. What you need to do is repeal the 1913 Federal
Reserve act to get rid of the Feb Bank, and start a new central bank, run by the treasury, for the benefit of the people, and it needs to be monitored
by the people, through some sort of independent group, where members are actually ELECTED. You also need to get rid of the entire government body and
replace it top to bottom, as things have gone so far that it is impossible now to distinguish between the corrupt, the mislead, and the actual honest.
The treasury can print its own money instead of paying the Fed for the privilege - the national debt could be paid in it, and everybody would be
They can still be called dollars. There is no need for the "Amero", which is what they will swiftly usher in after their planned economic collapse
telling you that America needs it.... this was the goal in the first place, as when they boom and bust that new currency they will consolidate wealth,
and power further. In the UK the same is happening, because they want us in the Euro. Soon, the Euro will be the solution to all our problems... or
so the MSM and Gov will tell us.
This idea was tried by Kennedy if you didn't realise, and he got shot for his troubles, with legislation reversed immediately afterwards... because
that's what suited the powers behind the FED (in reality, the shareholders!)
Do some research - check the last time the treasury printed its own currency.
With reference to my first paragraph, do you perhaps see a reason why these countries have been labelled "axis of evil" and could be considered a
"target" by the west?