posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 04:54 PM
sty: You’re framing human mind in terms of 0,1 binary bits of information. Here’s a quick example of how you regularly exceed that. When you look
at an urban landscape you see millions of bits of info and make nearly instant decisions. You don’t reduce that to 20 bytes of info, which is a
computer idea that’s merely assumed re a human mind, not proven. Here’s how aliens access more information. Simply fade it all down so that you
can recognize more subtle information thresholds. Also, negative-cycle physics (i.e. scalar, negative energy, and other condensed states) condense
more information. You access that in nearly instantaneous bursts of info—not the flash-like bursts of your visual imagery, but more like the imagery
in the dark of your mind. Indeed, your thoughts connect many thoughts and memories, not just the 5-12 bytes that you pre-suppose. A faster alien
version of mind doesn't pop out all of the details in precise, mechanical fashion, but gets a larger, albeit faded overview (with much faster, finer
shifts of energy). For instance, our words can convey info equivalent to a single line on a leaf, but telepathy can convey the image, details and
overview of the entire tree. Fast shifts of that can do even more.
Badmedia: I agree we need to get rid of the parasite, the Federal Reserve, that gives money to its Rothschild-Rockefeller owners essentially for free.
But when you label aliens as "communists," aren’t you pasting a human preconception on a much larger, pre-existing order? Equality isn’t
communism. You already have central planning in defense, in the Fed, in the White House, and more. If you don’t like that (especially now), think
more globally—a more diverse, yet adequate resource system.
When talking about aliens, remember: they have near-total transparency. Their technology, their physics and all their science shows that, as Russel
Targ, PhD says, the biggest secret is that there are no secrets. But that doesn’t mean we have to be monitored drones working for a master race
(which is a very real possibility if the wrong aliens gain sway here). Initially, if you communicate telepathically with either humans or aliens, you
feel naked--your thoughts can be known. But you get over that fast and you actually improve in character by being more honest and looking for what
everyone agrees on. It becomes the standard.
As mystik says, our current system is a leftover from monarchical times that promotes antisocial personalities. As long as you can keep your mouth
shut, you're cut in on the criminal booty. It's a primitive idea of Darwinian order--animal frenzy is success, nature. But alien physics are about
the "nature of nature," a second depth or extra dimension(s) of relationships. They deliberately redesign their genetics, so it isn't the old
Darwinian notion--it's a categorically smarter version.
When we provide a minimum adequate safety net for everyone and begin to de-stage the weapons, greed, and hoarding scramble (old Darwinian version),
fear abates. When you see the rest of humankind as equals, you don't fear them. **This thread began with a discussion of actual, physical aliens and
their real-world(s) societies.
No matter what we do now, if it's killing the environment none of it will last long. Aliens go through a kind of cycle: at first they find that
individual greed and insularity destroys the natural ecology and deprives them of freedoms (i.e. Bush's corporate Big Brother scheme, or worse) so
they opt for social identity---less individualistic. But then they find that when they erase certain individual freedoms and legal guarantees, maybe
opting instead to be absorbed into a larger alien alignment's pre-existing multi-planetary trading/resource network, they're treated like drones.
Mind-reading/mind-controlled technology tells them to merge with the one-nesss of the alignment. They can end up working to sabotage the ecologies of
planets like ours so that the target population is desperate, then easier to absorb (along with their resources).
So greed isn't merely a human attribute. It comes in many disguises: alien empire, alien technology-for-sovereignty trade-offs (see the tall whites,
for example), master race alien schemes that eliminate your freedom in exchange for last-minute technological "salvation," etc.
So the next step, for aliens, is to re-kindle independent critique and certain individual rights. In some cases, however, aliens have been genetically
altered to make them more obedient. You get way over your head on day two if you allow an alien alignment to take up among you, as the Federal
Reserve/Rockefeller/Rothschild mob has already done, here. **See Sgt. Clifford Stone's reports, Bob Lazar's report, Lt. Col. Steve Wilson's report,
and Charles Hall's books, for evidence of how aliens reportedly have a foothold on this planet, believe it or not.
I know how weird that sounds to some. Some of us have hundreds or thousands of hours experience and reading about such subjects. But others here may
think, What the....?
So you have to step back and see it all in a larger context. But be honest about it all in order to simply get the discussion going.
Ever been in a place where all the participants were equal--either a resort or a workplace, a school, a library or even a museum? With simple rules in
place, that much was easy. A globe can be the same way.
But today Henry Paulson just threatened that if we don't cough up money to bail out his old Goldman-Sachs/Fed Reserve cronies, our credit cards could
be canceled.
It's a scam. Do you trust the least popular president in modern history to reframe the whole economy during HIS LAST SIX WEEKS IN OFFICE? Suddenly,
he's doubling the national debt for this year and for many more... but don't call it a "tax" in this election period!
[edit on 20-9-2008 by gl2]