I think this very thread is an example of why ETs hesitate to help us openly. I say that with conviction because I firmly believe that the Universe is
not just OUR playground and that there's much other non-Terran life out there.
The fact that we can't even agree amongst ourselves what's true and what's not; that we are distrustful of and even insulting to, shows how little
we care about each other.
I am starting to believe that Terrans are the only race (known to me at present time) who would sell their own kind out for a buck or profit. That
kind of malice is really unseen and unheard of and I can not fathom it being possible elsewhere. I suppose that's why we are all locked out here on
this planet.
Whether smokingman2006 had an ET experience, or an affair with a beautiful woman, is not important to me. How detached from each other we are is.
My thoughts are that IF anything happened, could I trust any one of you with my life, and would you trust your lives with me? Would we stick together
and stand our ground, or will it be every person for themselves (if that's even possible, I believe we are all part of one big thing,
Somehow I feel that I would be safest among those who have nothing, because they have learnt that they do no need anything - but each other. I guess
it's called "solidarity" - elsewhere.
The more possessions people have, more savagely they will behave to protect them from others. And their social "niceties" would topple down like a
house of cards at the same time, the true beastly face appearing and replacing the fake facade of "decent" human beings.
And yet they are also us, and we are them, so we only have ourselves to blame at the end.
It is funny, for I am often wondering, while living in the Western World, how would these people behave IF anything was to happen, and the above is
the picture I imagine. I could be wrong, of course, as these are just observations from my meandering existence and I'd love to be proven wrong on
this one.
Especially on the beastly part, I'd love to see people come together, because somehow I believe that every human being knows "good" deep inside
them and has care for other fellow beings (again, if that's even possible to be "other" when we are inseparable).
Perhaps it is bondage we are born into that's keeping us from that realization (of inseparability) and as some said here, it will take some
catalyzing event to brings us back together, or destroy us altogether...