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Jessie Ventura attempts to debate a Firefighter at a Memorial on 911

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posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 12:23 AM

Originally posted by justamomma

I believe him and the reason being is that I went from leaning toward "the inside job" as put out by the "truthers" to seeing reality; that being the NIST reports are MUCH more thorough in logic than the "inside job" stories.

The NIST report is bogus. The way I was taught structural failure in the academy it just cannot happen that way. Whatever happened did not happen the way NIST said it did.

There is not enough building above the failure to drive the building all the way down. You can see it in the video, all the mass that drove it to the ground is pulverized but it just keeps going. Also metal does not heat that evenly in a structure fire ever. Never.

Whatever. Believe whatever lets you sleep at night. The topic is about Jessie and his asking questions of New York's finest at a time of remembering the fallen brothers.

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 12:52 AM

Originally posted by ThroatYogurt
...Former WWF Jessie "the body" Ventura ...

In case anyone doesn't know, way before he was a professional wrestler, Jessie Ventura was a bona fide U.S. Navy Seal. You don't get to be a Navy Seal by being incompetent, a coward, nor by being unpatriotic.

How many strange things has to happen before a FORMER NAVY SEAL says "Wait a minute, something isn't right here!"?

But nice way to make it look like he is "just" a "professional wrestler".

[edit on 14-9-2008 by sir_chancealot]

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 01:15 AM
Well, way I see it is Jessie might want "the truth" and I really don't want to get into a theory of the events of 9-11. There were people that put their lives out there to try to help as many as they could. They were not a part of some plan to stir up an end result that they deemed worth taking lives. They just were doing the job they were hired to do. Fire/law enforcement people died trying to save people.

Some that survives that mixed with others that felt the pain of the fallen met to morn the loss. It was not a place to start a fight. If someone come to a funeral of your Mother, Father, or someone important to you and did something like that would be met with much scorn I'm sure. And rightfully so.

Want to debate those you feel caused this wrong-doing then do it. But leave those that caught in that hell on Earth and lost their lives don't deserve such disrespect.

It don't matter where you stand on the 9-11 playing field. There's no reason to do what was done outside of media attention for a fading celebrity.

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 01:18 AM
that was not an attempt to " debate " that was an ambush - pure and simple

mr ventura has clearly studied the subject - and prepared his line of argument carefully - then he went out looking for an upreprared victim

what a pathetically cheap shot

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by badmedia

If you looking for truth, all you gotta do is look at how the top of the WTC's start falling at an angle, then magically the part of the building under the side that was lifting up, not down also started falling down. Of course, I am pretty sure you are just looking for any excuse that sounds good to support the official story, that is the only agenda I see from you. And this thread by you proved it to me. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt, not anymore.

And you are proving he is a liar because he said that at a memorial? Because he talks against the official story at a memorial he is out of line? I'm sorry, where did he stop people from doing what they came for?

Admit it or not, it was the subject manner you objected to, and not his manners as you try to say. You are simply trying to discredit him for his opinions.

And about the ignore thing - you still just want people not to post.

Let me ask you a question in regards to the Pentagon. What do you believe actually occurred there?

As for this event, no matter your views upon the matter, it was absolutely wrong for Ventura to use it as a stage for his negative propaganda purposes. If some wish to question the official story, then so be it, but put such ideology aside and recognize the day for what it was, and is, a Tragic event which resulted in over 3,000 deaths.

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 01:48 AM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape
that was not an attempt to " debate " that was an ambush - pure and simple

mr ventura has clearly studied the subject - and prepared his line of argument carefully - then he went out looking for an upreprared victim

what a pathetically cheap shot

I agree, you don't get your message heard by being overly aggressive to the reporters. I understand his frustration but you can tell he's not interested in discussion, only shouting over others. I wonder who he gets that from.

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 01:51 AM
No, from what I heard Jesse was direct, but was also respectful. Listen to the audio.

This post is just an attack on character. It is a media tactic that I have seen used to discredit those you don't want to be heard.

And besides that, at least Jesse seems like he cares about truth. Who the crap cares if it always comes out with perfect tact?

Would you attack the captain who cursed and swore, but some how kept his crew off the rocks of the shore? No, he got the job done, and his crew is alive.


posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 01:57 AM
It really don't matter how nice or tactful he was. It should have been done elsewhere.

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 01:57 AM
Jesse Ventura and every other truthers are completely entitled to thier views on 9-11 but,

Truthers have such tunnel vision I think it affects their common sense. Its the anniversary at a memorial and is no place for this behavior. It is a disgrace he should be ashamed and anyone who can't see how it is a horrible thing to expose the families to this type of stess on such an emotional day is an idiot.

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 02:00 AM
How is anybody able to form any type of objectionable opinion based on the clip?

It seems to be a clip taken in the middle of a conversation. If both parties decided to engage in the discussion it was appropriate if Mr. Ventura is taking the opportunity of the memorial to attempt to debate individuals that only wish to memorialize their friends and family then it does appear to be a little tactless. However by the clip it is not able to be determined one way or the other.

To Mr. Ventura's credit when the individual indicated he no longer wished to engage in debate Mr. Ventura respectfully withdrew from any further debate which to me indicates it was a mutual conversation.

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 02:07 AM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape
mr ventura has clearly studied the subject - and prepared his line of argument carefully

So before debating, he should be ignorant of the subject and unprepared to argue his points? Is that what you're suggesting?

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 02:11 AM
Exactly, Jesse seemed respectful.

The most respectful thing you could do for those who lost their lives on that day is to expose the truth.

I heard something about truthers having tunnel vision. What about those who hang so rigidly on the "truth" that the government and media shoved down our throats. This is even despite evidence contradicts the official story. Is that not tunnel vision?


posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 02:18 AM
reply to post by bsbray11

Well..the one he was debating had to..But that's fine, The fireman should have known better and had his notes with him.

[edit on 9/14/2008 by DrumJunkie]

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 02:46 AM

Originally posted by badmedia

Originally posted by yellowcard
If Jesse wanted to be in a serious conversation why didn't he ask to speak with the firefighter after the memorial, or the day of remembrance instead of firing off his mouth...I do believe that's why no one takes him seriously, and the fact that you couldn't see that makes me unable to take you seriously. How would you like to be at your mothers grave on her birthday only to have someone who thinks they are a hot shot come up to you and ask you about the autopsy results being false.
Part of being humane is having some humility and Jesse showed NONE here.

How do you know what he did after? It's just another post where someone is upset that someone mentioned the official story being false at a memorial. When in all honesty there is not a more appropriate time to do so.

As for my mother part. That wouldn't bother me at all. And why should it? If they had information to share, I'd welcome it.

If I had been killed in 9/11, I would be thankful for the people who are brave enough to stand up and ask real questions and bring up real issues. I'd consider those who thought waving flags and attacking people for what happened to me as being wrong.

It doesn't matter what he did afterward, it's what he did during. He could have delayed if he had any sense of humility. You are so blinded by your "my side" bias that you can't even see how this is disrespectful. I hope at the next tragic event you go to someone heckles you about something that is completely out of place, then maybe you'll grow up and know how to act mature.

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 03:01 AM
reply to post by bsbray11

no - thats not what i said at all - that is crap that you made up by selectivly quoting 2/3rds of a sentence

why did you quote me out of context ?? the full sentence was perfectly clear

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 03:03 AM
Unlike what some people here are saying, Jesse was quite respectful.

Maybe he saw an opportunity through talking to somebody to try and tell the truth. It's not disrespectful at all.

If Jesse was running around with a mega-phone, and disrupting everything, that would be different.

What in the heck does this little clip prove anyway? It is media driven garbage. Take everything and try to find some fault in it, then expand on, so as to discredit Jesse.


posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 03:18 AM

Originally posted by ThroatYogurt
reply to post by badmedia

Was Jessie's behavior appropriate for a 911 Memorial?

Yes or no?

IT was NOT.

The discussion started about the fires and Jessie jumped on him. The firefighter had class. Jessie did not. (as usual)

You don't like my threads or my posts? (mods seem to applaud them once and a while) Please feel free to use the ignore function.

I offer information here at ATS. I point out errors that are made by truthers and show them what they are allegedly looking for.

Actually so far, you have done very little of that. I have read almost every one of your posts throughout all of the 9/11 threads and you have actually offered no real info, just a little of what you found on some debunking site and when it gets torn apart finally you move on. The huge debris field that looks just like flight 93 thread for example. You claim it looks exactly the same so it proves a plane crashed in PA. Until people point out huge chunks of plane as well as the entire tail in this new crash scene. Then you say, "oh i didnt say it was exactly the same, just similar." When asked what your point even was then, you claim it is to show to crash sites that look exactly the same and one is a known plane to prove PA was too? What???? Where is the tail and 5ft by 4ft piece of door in the PA pics? Oh no, not exactly the same... and around and around. You do little drive by hits without ever really offering anything of value or information. After people tear your little threads apart, you just move on and have the EXACT same fight with someone else, somewhere else, from beginning to pointless end all over again. Where is your real proof? You claimed to be a truther once but not anymore. Really? What changed your mind? What was the tipping point? I would really like to know. Before you get to proud of applause from a mod now and then, They applaud ULTIMA1 as well. I hope that makes you proud.

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 03:31 AM
I don't blame either of the men for their actions.
Jesse can be a little punchy, but I think his heart is in the right place even if his methods can be a little inarticulate at times.

Maybe he's right about the smoke, maybe he's wrong about the smoke...I don't know.

This video doesn't show me anything I didn't already know. So a couple of guys had some words and agreed to disagree...BFD.

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 03:31 AM

Originally posted by LoneGunMan

The NIST report is bogus. The way I was taught structural failure in the academy it just cannot happen that way. Whatever happened did not happen the way NIST said it did.

There is not enough building above the failure to drive the building all the way down. You can see it in the video, all the mass that drove it to the ground is pulverized but it just keeps going. Also metal does not heat that evenly in a structure fire ever. Never.

Whatever. Believe whatever lets you sleep at night. The topic is about Jessie and his asking questions of New York's finest at a time of remembering the fallen brothers.

Have you ever seen what an Earthquake does to a building's structure? It vibrates the structure, and depending upon the material used during construction, it resonates at differing frequencies. If the resonance of the materials coincides with that of the source (in this case an impact), then the entire structure will FAIL. If the aforementioned structure already has much of its support weakened by the intensity at which Jet Fuel burns (Up to 2000 Degrees Fahrenheit in Open Air, and can easily reach 3000 Degrees Fahrenheit in a Convection Environment (ie, a contained skyscraper)), it will most certainly collapse upon itself.

BTW, for those who believe in the "Demolition" theory of the Twin Towers. Tell me, who planned the placement of the charges right at the point of impact? I missed the big red X where the planes were supposed to hit, because the structural failure obviously occurs right at the point of impact (in regards to the upper structure collapsing into the lower levels).

Here, check out the video at around 11 Seconds. Tell me you do not see molten material pouring out of the building.

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 04:06 AM

Originally posted by ThroatYogurt
So, what you're saying is Jessie should be respected for disrespecting a firefighter

So what yor saying is you should be respected for disrepecting the families by spreading the media lies everyday?

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