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Jessie Ventura attempts to debate a Firefighter at a Memorial on 911

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posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 10:55 AM
How anyone takes this guy seriously is a wonder to me. Former WWF Jessie "the body" Ventura yet again made a complete a** of himself trying to debate a firefighter regarding the color of smoke on 9/11/08. The firefighter took the high road:
"I choose not to be involved in any kind of controversy over 9/11, sir" said Marshall.

Marshall also said he was at the memorial to remember his fallen brothers and sisters - not to argue conspiracy theories.


Here is the uncut version:

Thank you Walter Ego @Jref.

[edit on 13-9-2008 by ThroatYogurt]

+35 more 
posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 12:11 PM
How can anyone take you serious? The guy wanted to talk about it, and then once he was backed into a hole he pulls the "I don't want to talk about it, I'm here to remember people" line.

I see you post day after day, and it's always the same things. You do nothing but attempt to debunk 9/11 and commit character assassination on anyone who questions things. And in this case, on something totally uneventful. I'm not supposed to take him serious because he debated a firefighter at a memorial? Please.

I do not see any objectivity in your posts. All I see from you is any excuse that is possible to believe. If I wanted to see swamp gas explanations I would turn on the TV. If you can't even recognize faults and debate the topic without attacking someone's character, then you are the one who shouldn't be taken seriously.

Where is your outrage when people use 9/11 as a tool for rallying up the masses?

How can I take him serious? Because he is actually standing up and asking questions that need to be asked. All you've posted is someone is asking questions and when pressed for an answer they couldn't give wanted to drop it.

+9 more 
posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 12:12 PM
*Jesse* is a smart man, who cares about your freedom. Freedom to do as you please, without huge govt breathing down your neck. Hitler said that man who does not use his intelligence, is like an animal. so he slaughtered them like animals.
Americans by nature are irreverent, and free to voice whatever they want willie nilly. The last thing we need is someone saying "oh look at that man making an a** out of himself again, arguing for what he believes" Please rethink what you say, try not being so...sheep like

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by badmedia

Was Jessie's behavior appropriate for a 911 Memorial?

Yes or no?

IT was NOT.

The discussion started about the fires and Jessie jumped on him. The firefighter had class. Jessie did not. (as usual)

You don't like my threads or my posts? (mods seem to applaud them once and a while) Please feel free to use the ignore function.

I offer information here at ATS. I point out errors that are made by truthers and show them what they are allegedly looking for.

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by JeVyonline

You're kidding right? This former roid freak decides to go to a memorial and questions firefighters about the heat of the fires. Yeah, REAL smart man. He is a classless thug.

He could have saved his pathetic belly aching for another day.

Sheep? Funny...a lot of you truthers follow anyone that agrees with your fantasies.

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 12:49 PM
And there goes the last shred of respect I had for Jesse Ventura. When he ran for governor, I was a big fan. However, since he has left office, he has rapidly gone downhill.

ANYONE dumb enough to bring up the color of the smoke argument is an idiot, and the smoke argument shows how little they know about the chemistry of fire.

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by badmedia
The guy wanted to talk about it, and then once he was backed into a hole he pulls the "I don't want to talk about it, I'm here to remember people" line.


You are an example of some truthers that care NOTHING about the victims of 911.

The firefighter "Pulled that line?" Are you kidding? The man was there to remember his 100's of brothers that were killed. And he gets approached by this goon? I will refrain from assassinating YOUR character. Your post speaks for itself.

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 12:52 PM
its possibly a tad tasteless to some people, but jesse wants the truth and he has to be respected for that.

its not often in the world that their is a politician who will actualy try and get the truth out their. I wish the uk had some politicians like that!

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 12:52 PM
I'm going to say that indeed that was VERY BAD form for Mr. Ventura.
The audacity, to argue with a firefighter....about the color of smoke.
How can you compare a campfire, to the billows of smoke coming from the Twin Towers?
I'm just in utter shock right now.
I have followed Jesse's career, from Wrestling, to Acting, to Politics..and until now thought quite highly of him.
He just lost quite a few points in my book.
Kudo's to the Firefighter..

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by boaby_phet

It's fine to want the truth. I don't believe that is the issue.
The issue is singling out one firefighter, on the memorial of 9/11..
That's just tasteless in my opinion, and outright disrespectful.

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by boaby_phet
its possibly a tad tasteless to some people, but jesse wants the truth and he has to be respected for that.

So, what you're saying is Jessie should be respected for disrespecting a firefighter at a memorial for fallen firefighters?

He has a right to question what ever he wants. But... there is a time and a place.

+3 more 
posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by ThroatYogurt

Originally posted by badmedia
The guy wanted to talk about it, and then once he was backed into a hole he pulls the "I don't want to talk about it, I'm here to remember people" line.


You are an example of some truthers that care NOTHING about the victims of 911.

The firefighter "Pulled that line?" Are you kidding? The man was there to remember his 100's of brothers that were killed. And he gets approached by this goon? I will refrain from assassinating YOUR character. Your post speaks for itself.

Go ahead and try to assassinate my character. I don't mind at all. Why am I not surprised that threats are a part of what you do?

I get sick of people hiding behind victims as a way of immunity. I get sick of people who use 9/11 for political gains. And it happens all the time. Where is your outrage in that? I can't think of a more awful way to remember these people than the events that have happened afterward.

If I had died on that day, I would rather people went around pissing on my grave rather than use my death as a reason to attack other people, and to dismantle the principles I held dear.

If I die tomorrow in a terrorist attack, I hope not 1 right is lost from it. I hope not 1 politician will use my death as an excuse and a way of carrying out an agenda, and I certainly hope people like you won't go around pushing out lies about what happened to me.

So excuse me for having principles. If you take that as meaning I don't care about people who died that day, then so be it. But don't think for a moment I am going to let you be yet another person who uses 9/11 as a political tool.

You remind me of the kind of person who waves the flag on memorial day, thinking you are paying tribute to the men and women who died for this country, all the while supporting the dismantling of the things they actually died for. Those people didn't die for the flag, or the country. They died fighting for the principles this country was founded on, and if you want to pay tribute to them, you can do so by fighting for those principles.

And if you actually gave a damn about the people who died on 9/11, you would be fighting to keep what happened to them from being used as a political ploy to push an agenda. And you certainly wouldn't be using it as a way of attacking people who actually look for answers.

[edit on 13-9-2008 by badmedia]

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by badmedia

Go ahead and try to assassinate my character. I don't mind at all. Why am I not surprised that threats are a part of what you do?

What the Christ are you talking about? First of all, what i stated was your post attacks your character. I didn't have to. Threats are part of what I do?? I encourage you to go through my posts and show one single post where I threatened someone.

I get sick of people hiding behind victims as a way of immunity. I get sick of people who use 9/11 for political gains. And it happens all the time. Where is your outrage in that? I can't think of a more awful way to remember these people than the events that have happened afterward.

I have stated my outrage in the Bush administration. Bush did use 911 as a catapult to war with Iraq. It is a DISGRACE.

If I had died on that day, I would rather people went around pissing on my grave rather than use my death as a reason to attack other people, and to dismantle the principles I held dear.

Not sure what you are referring to here. Not sure what principles you are "holding dear."

If I die tomorrow in a terrorist attack, I hope not 1 right is lost from it. I hope not 1 politician will use my death as an excuse and a way of carrying out an agenda, and I certainly hope people like you won't go around pushing out lies about what happened to me.

-Please list the rights you have lost since 911.
-Please list the lies that I have posted. (I have posted mistakes and corrected them)

So excuse me for having principles. If you take that as meaning I don't care about people who died that day, then so be it. But don't think for a moment I am going to let you be yet another person who uses 9/11 as a political tool.

As a political tool? If I use 911 as a political tool, it is to get Democrats into the White House.

You remind me of the kind of person....principles.

You don't know me or what I stand for.

And if you actually gave a damn about the people who died on 9/11, you would be fighting to keep what happened to them from being used as a political ploy to push an agenda. And you certainly wouldn't be using it as a way of attacking people who actually look for answers.

I don't "attack." I point out mistakes, lies, and distortions of the truth. You don't like the truth sir, because it does not fit your agenda. Sorry.

oh, and allow me to point out the ignore feature here at ATS. I am sure those that don't want the facts often click on it to shut me up. Please feel free to join them.


[edit on 13-9-2008 by ThroatYogurt]

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 01:50 PM
I am willing to bet the families of the victims would settle for honest answers to questions ventura and others have asked versus all the feel good memorials and parades from now until kingdom come, not to mention the spirits of those who died there wanting some real answers.

But again, the substitution of ritual for reality is designed to play on emotions to the exclusion of any forebrain, reason based logical thinking.

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by ThroatYogurt

keep up the good work.. I wish I was as eloquent.. when i see your posts.. I know right away.. I will be reading common sense .. facts.. and the real truth about 9-11.. thanks again..

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by AccessDenied

As I think all people should be given respect, and especially men and women in firefighting, that doesn't mean that I would shy away from challenging them about anything regardless of the subject. I think Jesse Ventura is a rigid and direct person. He wasn't coming at him with disrespect, and the conversation ended after the guy said he was just there to "honor people." I thought it was awkward, no doubt, but I don't see any foul here.

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 03:20 PM
I misread what I thought was the threat, my apologies.

To make a long post short - you are posting and attacking the man for his opinions, and then trying to pass the attack off as being for his manners. If it weren't for the subject matter, you wouldn't have had any problems with what he said. Which only goes to show you have an agenda here. I'm pretty sure manners don't change what happened on 9/11.

I know what the ignore button is. It seems you want me to ignore you because you just don't want me to post in response. Rather than just ignoring me, you would rather I just didn't post in response to you at all. Sorry, but no go.

[edit on 13-9-2008 by badmedia]

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by badmedia

I was reminding you of the option of the ignore button since all you think is that I am agenda driven here. Well, you are correct. My agenda here is to try to assist those that are looking, find the truth. I do not have all the answers, but I look pretty darn hard to find them.

Others in here have an agenda to spread lies. Jessie Ventura is either a liar, or misinformed. My naive hope is that it's the later.

If you call pointing out lies that some "truth" leaders make as attacks, then that's fine.

Jessie was out of line at this memorial and that is a fact.

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by ThroatYogurt
I was reminding you of the option of the ignore button since all you think is that I am agenda driven here. Well, you are correct. My agenda here is to try to assist those that are looking, find the truth. I do not have all the answers, but I look pretty darn hard to find them.

Others in here have an agenda to spread lies. Jessie Ventura is either a liar, or misinformed. My naive hope is that it's the later.

If you call pointing out lies that some "truth" leaders make as attacks, then that's fine.

Jessie was out of line at this memorial and that is a fact.

If you looking for truth, all you gotta do is look at how the top of the WTC's start falling at an angle, then magically the part of the building under the side that was lifting up, not down also started falling down. Of course, I am pretty sure you are just looking for any excuse that sounds good to support the official story, that is the only agenda I see from you. And this thread by you proved it to me. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt, not anymore.

And you are proving he is a liar because he said that at a memorial? Because he talks against the official story at a memorial he is out of line? I'm sorry, where did he stop people from doing what they came for?

Admit it or not, it was the subject manner you objected to, and not his manners as you try to say. You are simply trying to discredit him for his opinions.

And about the ignore thing - you still just want people not to post.

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by badmedia
If you looking for truth, all you gotta do is look at how the top of the WTC's start falling at an angle, then magically the part of the building under the side that was lifting up, not down also started falling down.

There are numerous threads about that here at ATS. There were also a few peer reviewed papers on the same subject. I will be more than happy to provide the information. If you are indeed looking for the truth.

Of course, I am pretty sure you are just looking for any excuse that sounds good to support the official story, that is the only agenda I see from you. And this thread by you proved it to me. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt, not anymore.

Excuses? Interesting. I was a truther when I first arrived here at ATS. 99% of the questions I had, have been answered. I back up my statements with reliable sources and facts. I don't listen to the opinionated dolts like Alex Jones, Rosie O'Donnell, Jessie Ventura. Now, if they presented facts, I would lend my ear to what they have to say.

And you are proving he is a liar because he said that at a memorial?

I stated clearly that I HOPE his is only misinformed.

Because he talks against the official story at a memorial he is out of line?

It was a memorial for DEAD PEOPLE. What don't you get? The man was out of line. I don't have a problem with him stating his opinions on what he thinks happened on 911 (as wrong as he is) That was NOT the TIME or the PLACE for him to grandstand.

I'm sorry, where did he stop people from doing what they came for?

I never said he stopped people. I would say he was somewhat of a distraction, but he did not stop anyone. Please refrain from putting words in my mouth.

Admit it or not, it was the subject manner you objected to, and not his manners as you try to say.

If he was there to show his support to the firefighters at the memorial, that shows character. This, however was not his intent. The subject matter and his manners were BOTH inappropriate and I do object to them BOTH.

You are simply trying to discredit him for his opinions.

Yes, starting this thread did discredit him. Don't shoot the messenger sir. He discredited himself.

And about the ignore thing - you still just want people not to post.

You're entitled to your opinion. I encourage people to post. I am here to learn as well. I have learned a great deal and hope to continue to do so. You obviously do not pay attention to my posts sir. I do tend to get a bit abrasive at times, but typically it's when I am instigated.

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