posted on May, 27 2012 @ 07:09 PM
The Top Ten Reasons to Doubt The Government Story of The Events Before, During, and After The Events of 9/11/2001
1. Physical phenomenon: The collapse or “destruction” of The Twin Towers in a nearly identical manner and at the same high-rate of speed.
According to The 9/11 Commission Report, The South Tower collapsed in ten seconds.
“Both towers had 110 stories, were about 1,350 feet high, and were square; each wall measured 208 feet in length.” – The 9/11 Commission Report.
If The South Tower is 1,350 feet high and collapsed in ten seconds, as specified above, and all is equivalent, this means 135 feet (45 yards) of
building would have to go away per second. The speed for this to occur would be roughly 92 mph.
2. Physical phenomenon: To use phrases from The 9/11 Commission Report, the “massive dust cloud”, “ferocious windstorm”, or “violent roar”
the destruction of the towers created implies a great amount of kinetic energy. See The Law of Conservation of Energy: “Energy is never destroyed,
only transformed.”
3. Physical phenomenon: The furnace within the ruins and rubble of twisted metal in the craters the destruction of The Twin Towers created that burned
for weeks and months after the inital destruction of the towers.
4. On the day of 9/11, people of all walks of life, firefighters, policemen, helicopter pilots and pedestrians report explosions shortly before either
plane struck the towers, during the carnage, and shortly before collapse.
5. The collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 at near free-fall speed.
6. A scientific paper reporting explosive or incendiary material referred to as “active thermitic material”, a “pyrotechnic nanocomposite” or
“nanothermite” found within the dust from the collapse of The Twin Towers.
7. The behavior of The Bush Administration after the events of 9/11. A commission to investigate the attacks was opposed. President George W. Bush and
his vice-president, Richard B. Cheney would not testify separately nor under oath.
After the “persistence and dedication” of the families of 9/11 “helped create the Commission” to quote from The Preface to The 9/11 Commission
Report (printed edition) which was authored by Thomas H. Kean, Chair and Lee H. Hamilton, Vice Chair, Public Law 107-306 was passed on November 27,
2002 to create the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States. According to the law, the purpose of the Commission was to:
“examine and report upon the facts and causes relating to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, occurring at the World Trade Center in New
York, New York, in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, and at the Pentagon in Virginia”. The conclusion that the events of 9/11 was an attack of
terrorists was written into the law creating the commission before even an investigation could determine whether such a conclusion was correct from
the beginning. According to the Preface as mentioned above, “Our aim has not been to assign individual blame. Our aim has been to provide the
fullest possible account of the events surrounding 9/11 and to identify lessons learned.”
8. The pre-9/11 and post-9/11 world existing and propagated by the ship of state as a political, social, moral, and legal reality. Without this
radical change in society, a policy of preemptive warfare, which has spanned Administrations, toward the nations of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya,
Pakistan, Yemen, Oman, The United Arab Emirates, and Iran, would not be possible.
Thus the events of 9/11 could be seen as an act of violence in the style of guerrilla warfare (and an application of the military doctrine: shock &
awe: “ Rapid Dominance, the principal mechanism for affecting the adversary’s will is through the imposition of a regime of Shock and Awe
sufficient to achieve the aims of policy.”) to create the conditions required for the revolution, meaning it was coup d’état, change by force, a
stroke of state in the classic sense to install a small group of people into power and grant them control over the nation’s institutions. The act of
violence was the launch of the perpetual warfare state; a crumbling republic has become a new empire.
9. Bush I, Iraq War I. A respite. Bush II, Iraq War II.
10. Smedley Butler, and his treatise: “War is A Racket”. His claims of the existence of “The Business Plot”. From this point of view, the
events of 9/11 are explained by The Corporate Logic: Profits Over People upon a scale of international conquest.